Thursday 31 March 2011

From Twitter 03-31-2011

@Unicorn36 My son is planning to hit uni in 2012, daughter few yrs later...
@rachelclarkef1 I guess it's a free one so whatever!
RT @MorganF1: Happy birthday Mr Bunsen! Loving the Google doodle :oD
Eeek just spent ages (2 hours) composing a reply to an email. to be fair it was sketching out a high level design/implementation
RT @Anniemole: Shoreditch Tube staff strike again - well not strike in the normal sense of the word RT @paulsq Sweet sign http://plixi. ...
@xplane0202 £10 really. Might be worth it as a backup if your phone does have to get sent away!
@xplane0202 no web browser though!
@f1lover75 to be fair it was the work the 1 email caused. very poignent and useful questions to flush out a design proposal...
@OzoneVibe not sure I have. Have bought 2. 1 failed really quickly - dodgy. can't remember where from. other is starting to fail
@OzoneVibe I'd almost be inclined to go to a nokia/vodafone/three etc store and make sure of an orig even though more ££
@OzoneVibe or go and buy a set of fairly cheap ones knowing they may or may not be any good...
@tomwoolway colour/font (light on dark, smoother)/wider scroll bars mostly. also more net support/plugins tho am comparing sd2 silverlight
@tomwoolway scroll bars in CD s/times also jump as more entries retrieved. sender at beg. of posts more concise
@tomwoolway but really others are more minor just different. It's dark on light font & more predictable/larger scrollbars mostly.
@tomwoolway finaly the vertical tabs in sd2 are quite nice for occasional searches/list monitoring
@tomwoolway plugins:fb/4sq/linkedin/twitter all the time. Toyed with youtube/gowalla/formspring/lastfm/filter/video&image&maps/4sq preview
@tomwoolway Yes tho it's prob twitter 70% fb 20% li 5% 4sq 5% rest noise
@AdieBrown the Be (also part of O2) MD made some references but nothing solid ...
@AdieBrown I ended up leaving @o2 due to no fttc and went with @btcare infinity instead. Been very happy... (3.5/1 Mbps -> 34/8 Mbps)
@xplane0202 @xspyda A full reflash of 2.3.3 apparently helped (rather than factory reset) so looking good for now.
@AdieBrown I was in the same dilemma, but the line was just too long for speed... Check offers on for cashback too. Any Q ask.
@jtonline was just thinking the same albeit virtual rabbits. Actually make that the week and monday too #havetotakevacation
@etherealtype clear low down in #southampton though looks a bit cloudy. hopefully burn off for tomorrow :-)
@Lipstedo :-( Frustrating. just one more dat though....
@sarahloumillie work? holiday?
@etherealtype usually the best way. Booking up #f1 wasn't exactly a progressive move in that area .. esp with all the extras I'll need
@sxa555 @jtonline Only 5th? 7 here think I've had A925/A1000/6630/N80/N95 8Gb/N96/N900. Note A925/1000 were touchscreens too (back 2004/5)
@honeybee85 Cake looks good!
@MorganF1 Wow! Those are brilliant!
@OzoneVibe HATE animated gifs so good....
@sxa555 @sxa555 well A925/A1000 were bought outright async to contract. N80 replaced faulty 6630 mid-contract N95 8Gb was contract @jtonline
@jtonline @sxa555 N96 was free from Nokia (competition), N900 was again bought sim-free. I've had few long/phone subsidy contracts just 12m
@khertan nice feature.
@etherealtype impatient today? Tho I hate that too if in a rush (ie at station ot other shop)
@saltyF1 good, and still feeling chuffed I treated myself to some #silverstone 2011 BritishGP tickets...
RT @juwlz: RT @WeddingsByRyan Unlimited online backup for £1 for a year. - one day only offer
@juwlz I signed up earlier today - have user/pass & paid my £1. I use another service already (60/year) which works great, but will play
@OzoneVibe I've had a barclaycard for a couple of years - never used it either!
@OzoneVibe Am no fool - day off!
RT @seesmic: Seesmic Web: Now with Support for Chatter, Facebook Pages and More
@OzoneVibe and resolve multiple clashes by looking at other showings/+1 channels etc
@khertan it's only the excellent #s60 #gravity I've seen it in before.
RT @channel4news: RT @FactCheck: Simon Hughes says universities 'may not be allowed to charge £9k tuition fees' - we've looked at this: ...
Moe interesting summary of the data from fukushima RT @gakuranman: Radiation updates #fb
RT @PhilDuncanF1: Abu Dhabi are reported to offer Bahrain November 13 slot, and move their race to December. Bahrain have until May 1 to ...
@askseesmic noting that a lot of links (proper are not highlighted in #sd2 - have to cut/paste -> awkward
@andysc talking of wifi access - in tenerife most (free) wifi I tried was slow/poor. Best free/fast was at top of mount teide .. at 3500m up
@andysc I hasten to add I looked briefly - better things to do like enjoy the view!
Annoyed. First time in many many years. Mouth ulcer brewing. Go away. (will beer fix it?)
*STILL* no 4od/itv player on Sony BDP-S370 bravia internet. Just the same ol waste of space apps mostly (except iplayer/lovefilm)
Watching interesting horizon prog about the japanese eq. From last wk
30 pc of earthquakes worldwide occur in japan (4 plates)
Also showing an automated alert that appeared on tv coverage of japan parliment
My knowledge of earthquakes is poor(ish) in part a reminder from past tho. P waves and s waves
Suoerb footage on this prog (iain stewart) on japan eq.. Didnt realise initial burst lasted whole 5 minutes. Terrifying.
@parboo indeed am learning too. I did touch on this many years ago but only out of gen interest. Good prog
@honeybee85 hopefully it made up for working a little. Enjoy the rest of your birthday evening.
Tsunami warning was 3 mins after earthquake and gave just 20 mins warning before wave hit #whathorizontaughtme
The tsunami consisted of about 10 waves each 1km apart #whathorizontaughtme
Footage olf coastguard ship going over the wave (uneventful of course)
The footage is sickening yet stunning. Looks like cgi for 2012 but really happaned. Boats cars etc look like toys...
Didnt realise the often showed wave at ?macu? Was breaching a 10m wall
Apparently the wave was 10m same as wall... But in the earthquake the land had dropped 1m leading to the massive breach
10km inland the wall of water went in places.
Final wave arrived about 3.5hrs after earthquake. What a terrifying few hours
This #horizon program is brilliance. Not general journalistic view but with more scientific facts and analysis
Opinion. A catastrophic failure of imagination - ref fukushima and location+tsunami preparation
A fifth of the worlds 440 ish nuclear reactors are in highly seesmic active ares
Interesting analysis of how the eq affected stress levels suggesting now greater in me areas inc tokyo
I meant ... In more southern areas such as tokyo
Another stunningly brilliant prog and so quickly put together from the #bbc #horizon
For anyone in UK - this is a link to that fantastic programme
I recommend Horizon
@SlyRenard as is of course #f1 ...
@Sandanista Oh yeah been there in last few weeks

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