Friday 25 March 2011

From Twitter 03-25-2011

@etherealtype either that or what you might hear from an offshore callcentre , outsourced maybe? #F1
@lottie76 they wont stop all season imo! #f1
@TashaDragonfly was surprised to see that time, I'm sceptical but would be good for racing to see him/car more competitive
@TashaDragonfly with the tyre change it's possible we'll see that
@askseesmic Is there a way to configure how frequently lists update in SD2. I seem to be seeing around 10 minutes?
questions, questions, questions -- why quali is going to be interesting to see real (short run) pace
@5LiveF1 are you aware of issues with the web streaming. fp1/2 stream is very jerky 10fps ish (not pc/connection limit)? watching tv tho
Shame we can't see on the timing screen what tyres ppl are on #f1
@Miss_F1 I think the change will be good to add to the racing. they're intentionally higher wearing... #bbcf1
@DaveMyers1 so far. still at top of timing in P2... :-) but practice is just that... #f1
@tomiahonen @russellbuckley not just mobile. I do it on conf calls. one reason a wireless headset is safer!
liking the fact mclaren don't seem to be doing too badly in the timing currently :-) #f1
@MissLundgaard and then sleep all dy sat no doubt
@Miss_F1 Still seems wierd to me watching it. will take some getting used to. Not totally convinced it helps, but will see in race... #bbcf1
@MissLundgaard FP - liking the decent McLaren performance and just great to have #f1 back. don't usually watch fp live
@loboko Am hoping so, though I 'd like to see quali and race and see how they hold up. here's hoping #f1
@OzoneVibe I wondered where you were! #F1ShouldBeInMyDaytime
@OzoneVibe you need that decent espresso machine.... #F1ShouldBeInMyDaytime
no surprise still nothing up on the screens from HRT. #f1
@hunni_h @little_jodieF1 Fanmtastic in commentary though no option for HD feed it seems? #f1
Luizzi HRT does go out! #f1
@OzoneVibe my alarm was 2 mins before start #everysecondcounts
@hunni_h I've tried before with radio/internet streaming, but getting commentary synced with video is too painful
@little_jodieF1 @hunni_h I only changed mine at end of last year. #f1 going HD was the last straw...
@little_jodieF1 @hunni_h woah. cool. He comes across so brilliantly on the tv.. so knowledgeable
And HAM/BUT retained their place at top of timesheets for P2. Yay. not all bad then #f1
@etherealtype too right, I expected them to improve rapidly, but so far exceeded that expectation. but not quali/race yet... #F1
think FP3 may be incompatible with my timings tomorrow. probaby none or half of quali, race watching 8PM Sun :-( l8rs ... #f1
just as I want to go back to sleep everyone else is getting up. poo.
"night" :-(
interesting sleep pattern last night. 3.5+2+1.5 . Still 7 .... #f1
@ItsaCatch22 I don't usually do fp, certainly not live, often miss most. But first race of season. And also as I'm MISSING the RACE (live) .
@Queen_of_Snarks fine actually. And it's sunny outside and I have the day off work :-)
@oldmanuk "free practice" - Formula 1. Usually fp1/2 is friday., fp3 & qualifying Sat, race sunday. Australia this week hence odd times #f1
@Miss_F1 thanks for the #f1 #FF
@geraintwjones vacation :-) off this fri/mon and next fri/mon (4 days leave before end/vac yr)
@unkn0wnvariable special race, first of season so extra dedication required ;-)
@little_jodieF1 still had 7 hours... :-)
@OzoneVibe at least it's only fp not the race :-(
@OzoneVibe My cunning plan to focus on "lists" failed when I realised how infequent seesmic updated them-and during f1 realtime feed so busy
@OzoneVibe well not as busy by any stretch as usual . What now? Move ppl follow->list ? then streaming timeline for toptweeps
Anyone recommend good twitter "list management" tools - search across 1200+ move btw lists AND follows, check 2way follows etc
@OzoneVibe these are your f1 lists? why 3?
Um for list management looks interesting
I must be missing the apple gene. For some odd reason i not not have an uncontrollable urge to get an #ipad2 today ? Sane or insane?
@jonchoo i dont even visit those sites any more...
@Sulman thats intentional. Its what the teams wanted. Adds excitement. Prob last yr is they were too good. Pirelli have done good!
@Sulman yes i did. Some learning needed. maybe adjustments but change needed. Have quali race to see how things really turn out
and in other news, Home Server (#WHS) still running. Cool. Extra 2Tb (currently have 2.5, with docs/music/photos dup) disk ordered
Day off so did a little debugging of some work tools (right..). One observation #WHS working well enough to read at 600 Mbps :-) GBe
lovely gym session, quick lunch then out for a walk in the sun #vacationisgood
Despite getting fragmented 3.5+2+1.5 or whetever today not feeling the slightest bit tired #win
@OzoneVibe funnily enough I was listening to that very suggestion today - Michio Kaku on the next 100 yrs #economist
@unkn0wnvariable @OzoneVibe You can buy a samsung wifi adapter ££ but bridge easier and IMO hardwired ethernet far more reliable
@unkn0wnvariable since I have RF, 2*hdmi,optical,power,analogue audio the ethernet is just one more... @OzoneVibe
@unkn0wnvariable Look at all the brands. sony was on my shortlist but I wouldn't decide just based on wifi or not. @OzoneVibe
@unkn0wnvariable Picture quality, ease of use, codecs, styling, power use, internet platform all up there too ...@OzoneVibe
@unkn0wnvariable I'd been putting it off. Once bernie muttered something about HD the path was set. Upgraded last Oct or so @OzoneVibe
#ff #southampton and #f1 ! @ozonevibe @sulman @rachedwardsf1 @paulbackhouse
#ff #tech @steevbishop @bendihossan @andybold @littlecough @doonytime @inacurate @epredator @emmagx
#ff #southampton @imismii @mjserres @oldmanuk @geraintwjones @nickyhants @sxa555 @_pocketdynamo @icicle_halo_ @walkerooo @jon_read
#ff #southampton @macie_sherwood @noelrooney @kateroom @empiresteve @david_hay @riveerrrssss
#ff #f1 @evogage @unk0wnvariable @motorracinghosp @autogpcouk @honeybee85 @jetlbomb @neilbaileyf1 @aijwright @kerrycherries
#ff #f1 @sawesomed @queen_of_snarks @etherealtype @miss_f1 @itsacatch22 @little_jodief1 @hunni_h @loboko @misslundgaard @shellk1984
#ff #f1 @lipstedo @alexandra_ @ladylynncarter @davemyers1 @shelley__lee @tashadragonfly @lottie76 _missannie_ @vee8
#ff #f1 @draml @swordsman_uk @laura_marieee @miaf1design @bewilderedf1 @vixisabl @slyrenard @yellow_shades @rachelclarkef1 @chl0w
@OzoneVibe Had a quick play looked good. Though worked page at a time. Issue was deciding what I *wanted* to do
@iMismii I don't think I'd use much. Possibly tweeting in front of TV, and maybe when travelling (which I don't do much)
@steevbishop "need" (at a basic survival level) doesn't come into it. "find a justifiable use" though is something else
@RachEdwardsF1 it's the "must have it on first day" thing that seems silly. only need to wait a few days..
@@mjserres The current result of trying to use any mobile data on train is a near dead battery by waterloo and lots of frustration....
@AlJWright I have - used to use #tweetdeck all the time, though CPU load is high and does no multi-account aggregation. #seesmic does
@OzoneVibe well there'll be no tweeting for the race for me tomorrow...
@MissLundgaard Me neither *normally* but with this being the first "outing" of the year I felt compelled!
@draml yes the pre-season talk was dramatic, though we still have q/race to see more and could depend on track lots #f1
@laura_marieee just catching up with tweets - so did you make it through P1 and P2 before sleep. I did "snippets" and it seems it worked!
@etherealtype ref missing GPs. ok you'll miss china, but *monaco* and *spa* . ooooooooppppppssssss
@sxa555 Too true. only apps I use on samsung are bbc iplayer, youtube, muzu. On sony iplayer/youtube/demand5 @unkn0wnvariable @OzoneVibe
@unkn0wnvariable @OzoneVibe @sxa555 Indeed. reported as spam
@unkn0wnvariable yes to d5 -- but in my case I have a samsung tv and a £100 sony bluray so can use either platform :-) both limited
@mjserres I'd personally prefer an RJ45 (ethernet) over a mains power plug ...
@unkn0wnvariable @OzoneVibe @sxa555 Yes - some of it are codec issues/restrictions , others are the studios blocking content on os/country
@Jayskiclimb I nearly went into town and john lewis this afternoon. Just as well.
Pleasant dog walk becomes sneaky pub visit..... But tea calls. Fajitas....
So i have t go out 0645-0710 sat. Will miss q3 and watch delayed... #f1
RT @iMismii: Updating iPhone to iOS 4.3.1 - file size is 666 MB :|
Fajitas good - but means can't go to bed just yet. MUST be early night though with early start for quali even if I do miss Q3!
@EmmaGx thanks for that!
@laura_marieee making quali tomorrow? Am getting up though will be watching Q3 on 30min delay :-( Exciting to have it back
@hrwildberlin it would be a bit unfair though if as a global sport everything suited uk. It adds fun and demonstrates commitment?
@Gaila88 did the same with the original ipad. Was in new york before avail in uk. walked into nyc store, played, stood resolute, left!
@_pocketdynamo hey at least you have a nice night out tomorrow. Sorry can't be there :-( Have fun.
@SarahAnnGreen I really enjoyed that film - watched a few weeks back. Would quite like to go to the musical when it opens!
@SarahAnnGreen ref delay - you have 2 sky feeds. Um. only 1. last time delay=bad. dilemma. will just have to try pc, or possibly DAB stream
@rachelclarkef1 committed -fp3! Did fp1/2 but long day tomorrow - family event, staying over so fp3 looses.
@melissa_RBRx nor "niche"
@sxa555 now that is funny
@_pocketdynamo Ill make one of your curry nights sometime promise...
think I'm going to wtch last weeks "the event" before sleep..
Sleep. Back at 0500

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