Monday 14 March 2011

From Twitter 03-14-2011

Thought I'd try a speedtest over *wireless* tonight. Not bad... #btinfinity HH3
@sxa555 yep, 802.11n only 20Mhz chan active (too congested), HH3 (have seperate wap for 802.11g clients)
@sxa555 you have a great deal though in price. !
@honeybee85 :-) close now. Hoping (and expecting) good racing
@sxa555 For australia will be watching ~8pm. For monaco will be out of picture FULL w/end until Tues. need to take day off work 2 catchup!
@sxa555 I'm waiting to see how the BT service holds up. Been happy so far, and now no longer even a 300Gb limit (but I pay more!)
First the earthquake, then tsunami, then nuclear issues -- and now the Japan stock market is opening soon. Sheesh. tough
@_pocketdynamo Grrrrr.
morning . Looks v.frosty so coul be a sunny clear day. At least I may see that from where I'm sat working :-( !
Deciding to unfollow @engadget -- my head can't take the site design.So slow and unusable for me. YMMV Shame as some good stuff behind there
so reactor #3 containment building blew up at fokushima, good news looks as if core fine/low level emissions.
@_pocketdynamo ahh. lucky poppy.
gone back from opera to thunderbird for mail/news -- for now. Opera was quick but some limitations and confusing UI
@vixisabel that good :-(
@Laura_Whitehead definately. Lovely nr southampton. Though later in day can lead to frustration. No really, it's good :-)
RT @5tevenw: Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
@ewilko mildly optimistic, steady is my prediction for the week
Grrr. That time you realise you did a reply/all (there was a large mailing list on cc: but also an organizer that needed copying)
almost forgot the dogs are here today. They are so quiet (asleep). Walk down by coast yesterday afternoon must have worn them out!
confirmation that the #f1 decision to skip bahrain was absolutely correct (had to be decided a while ahead anyway)
Oh great a bsod. Umm what this time
Lovely day nr #southampton. Wfh so taking an opportunity to move to garden (with parasol). See if this works. Nice to hear birds tweeting
Shame the first activity will be - what the jeepers caused that bsod.
@etherealtype but where do they do then. I put them in a pile. it gets bigger. it falls over. pick up but in bag. Am years behind ...!
Oh bother. I had a BSOD (I saw it flash up). But no kernel dump, nothing in event viewer. (set to auto-reboot). Grr no debug opportunity
LOL RT @Autogpcouk: @planetf1 I think you should keep clear of computers. Everyday I see you are having trouble!
internet T&Cs FUPs, caps -- a good step towards improved transparency #fb
@EmpireSteve josh topolsky, paul miller, nilay pattel all leaving -- they were the core engadget team ! so it's broken #engadget
on a conference call listening/reading, but sat in son cuddling one of the dogs :-) #win
Grr. Pronounciation of "niche" as "nitch" annoying me. It's "neesh" right? Assume UK vs US....
@Autogpcouk Still bright sun tho needed fleece. Laptop screen (since replacement) is viewable too (in shade). Fresh air worth it.
@Autogpcouk did realise the extension cable I used to use is now on the new TV.. grr. had to string a few together when battery got low.
Just realised already 13:40 and not checked news/twitter for hours.
Surprised Japan rolling power cuts haven't been needed yet. They hads lots of nuclear dependence. Guess they have spare gas/oil etc capacity
Reactor problems continue.. and are clearly ruined. Hoping radiation leak remains v.low (as now)/core sealed
@jonchoo good on them. And some manufacturing shutting down + of course disrupted supplies. (not good in other ways)
a real shame the "pop-out" news24 player windows can't be easily shrunk to an adhoc size.
@geraintwjones Working in the garden here. (on the pc, not the plants!). lovely.
@MorganF1 not looked at definition. assume it's a region with local government
@MorganF1 the obvious
@etherealtype Hopefully at least all for a good cause/solution :-(
@MorganF1 Face licking is probably out...
@sxa555 It wouldn't surprise me if that gen of system (remember modem 80) would have gone through a machine/carwash and come out fine too..
Japan reactor designer concerned core breached as design not sufficient 4scale of E/Q & ts. Was known by cos. 1422 #fb
@vickylygoef1 thank you for that :-( Tho working in sun is minor compensation
still sat out in garden. Still nice and sunny. Yay. Would love to head off for a walk, but work to do... but better than inside!
Japan nuclear reactor issues - getting more serious in last 10 mins
"We're getting reports that water levels in reactor 2 at Fukushima have fallen sharply, leaving the nuclear fuel rods fully exposed" (bbc)
@shellk1984 though only partial info wasn't it a "partial" exposure earlier, but in last hour it was "full" exposure ?
@Shelley__Lee Doubt it. Will probably rely on friends recommending any specific articles. Though I did listen to the engadget show+mobiles
@shellk1984 Oh really - I was out of date then having been working and not checking!
@shellk1984 yes you're right that news was on the ticker around 11:25 today so could be again, or just news filtering
@shellk1984 yep all 3 were getting seawater.
@shellk1984 Of course the disaster caused by the tsunami remains the thing with biggest impact. Tragic
:-( first cloud in hours - a brief break in the sun in sunny #southampton
@OzoneVibe Sat in the sunshine it's felt a darn site warmer than 12 - well it would have been. But if cloud remains heading inside!
@OzoneVibe perfect though - no face2face meetings. fast wireless/internet, wireless headset for calls. sun, laptop screen that works :-)
RT @sxa555: @planetf1 ... oh hang on you didn't mean in the context I'm dealing with did you? ;-)
@sxa555 No I meant the white fluffy kind
that's it. sun has dipped behind the clouds. getting cold here...
@JoeRyland no since chart out next sun so will then be no.1 for fri/sat/sun (till 5pm uk?) so applies for full weekend
Noticed a yellow break glass in restaurant (cooking area). Is that still fire? Guess? Injury? What does yellow mean?
@nathanchantrell Thanks.
Lovely meal out or OH birthday. Yum. but very full...
@slackbladd3r wonder if google are still running the voice->tweet service...
@slackbladd3r true and numbers injured/killed in each very different. Tsunami in particular was stunningly terrifying from the videos...
Watched #humanplanet "mountains" - what a brilliant series even if some parts like the sky buriel seem gruesome (but are very logical..)
@Inacurate depends what they enforce, but it feels bad to me
@LukaSambuca wishful thinking perhaps.. consequence of busy weekend maybe. Seems v. Monday ish to me...
@vixisabel we stayed at the "radio city apartments" in NYC - not cheap, apt only,but were 4 of us. Simple but Very close to times square.
one thing you notice watching the news - how dignified the japanese appear to be
@Hedgewytch I guess it's all down to the culture of respect.
@Hedgewytch first I've heard someone mention quora in a while. using it?

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