Tuesday 29 March 2011

From Twitter 03-29-2011

may as well continue the #f1 evening with the 60th anniversary documentary from bbc4 last night .. then should get some sleep!
I see @OzoneVibe got there first but happy birthday @amandagolding have a good day. sorry I couldn't be at the meal. will be at tweetup tho
@_pocketdynamo @OzoneVibe Oh!
@mcddjj I have a nokia h/set not iphone and a spare batt, this is a plan B (for any micro USB dev) so external
@RachEdwardsF1 yep i saw it. @OzoneVibe is organizing a tweetup too though not sure when.
@mcddjj Thanks. 7000 mAh in spec. Yes 1 ip4 charge (1500 ish).mm really want genuine 5000+ (my phone is 1300) - so 3 at least
@mcddjj actually 7Wh at 3.6V is < 2000 mAh which fits with review observations (1 charge+ a bit)
@Pinkgineer though at least this week saw the return of #f1 ?
And the #f1 is now put on hold as normal service (ie work) resumes.. albeit for a 3 day week :-)
@Sham1969 Good policy. I generally do the same. withheld=no answer. (unless expecting call)
@NeilBaileyF1 yep, I had 3 last year but 1 has totally failed another on way out. I may change phone later this year hence thought. But
@NeilBaileyF1 haven't found one with reviews that suggests much more than 1 charge yet. If I could get 2-3 charges wuld be worth it.
@AndyCDoyle Use lists? either keep follows to "core" and then extra topic/event lists, or use a new list for focussed tracking of tweets
@AndyCDoyle I use latter (as big lists) though lack of streaming API for lists is a pain. hopefully will come soon
Thunderbird playing up again ... both released and mirimar. Tends to start consuming 10-20% cpu. indexing disabled. ideas?
Arrived at dentists early. Always get dodgy sicky tummy feeling even tho only a checkup. Irrational yep!
arrrgh work spam? nope, presentations for the myriad of retirees - so many ...
Grr there goes thunderbird eating CPU again. Indexing is disabled so *why*. It's not acceptable. Going to have to give up
I like thunderbird, like the layour/UI/capabilities but eating CPU for no clear reason just isn't on (it's wasting me battery right now)
@sxa555 However it is an indication of it's "success". Just like people might refer to hoover instead of acuum... ?
Wondering what writes to wmi\rtbackup directory on windlows 7 .etl file... takes so much I/O from time to time ..
Sick pc. firewall seems to be playing up again. Think it could be a kernel resource leak ? ...
So the technical gremlins are out in force this pm. Mandated firewall def. Playing up (bugs not rules)
Sigh, more data gathered, problems summarised, suggestions made, email sent... some sw causes more issues than it solves....
Frustrated at the silly obstacles in just trying to get something done. Brick wall time?
thought I had a (phone) meeting clash - turns out meeting B says "join meeting A". Cool :-)
Any ideas on this "54.7.0 density sensor out of range" from a HP 2500n colour laserjet". wont print/service error tried cleaning sensor #fb
business commitments for the year completed. That's me done. dinner, dogs & a few tweets no doubt now.
@Autogpcouk good idea, thx. just posted
@frontieruk thanks had seen that, but probably different in that I get more info as this printer is networked so errorlog has more detail
whilst tech correct this way of writing abbreviations is doing my head in http://amzn.com/k/JOLXUEGYJA86 #Kindle
@frontieruk it's just a punt - got the printer free off a mate... am hoping it's simple/cleaning as it hasn't actually been used much at all
How is everyone this evening. after spouting off about #f1 at the weekend have been rather quite today!
@honeybee85 tee hee. not a bad thing though. well not for fellow #f1 friends anyway!
@melissa_RBRx the venue's not announced yet though is it?
@VickyLygoeF1 nice to see your results in public :-) guess that's quite important in marketing.!
@frontieruk thanks. I've checked out regular hp manuals. Anyway if you find anything.
@etherealtype no there are some bands I've never heard off (well the first from you recently). always something to learn
@unkn0wnvariable AFAIK three has never charged for tethering? not just a canadian phenomena?
@melissa_RBRx Ah I guess it's a little far from #southampton then !
@macie_sherwood it's the classic "do not press" ! Never believe what you're told!
@_pocketdynamo Oh sounds rather nice! Yum...
@EwanMarshall @Miss_F1 What GS/area are you doing? I did 2010 GA, but booked Becketts last night <jumps with joy> #f1
@PeachyF1 @EwanMarshall I think a few issues are a) different audience b) different timescale c) comments get "split" -
@PeachyF1 @EwanMarshall but I do it selectively using "selective tweets" - and just add <hash>fb to the end of a tweet
@Miss_F1 I did GA last year. Just race day. Great fun. but got tempted to not have to get up too early!
@fmandelbrot ha ha, though it would make exceeding them easier ;-)
@etherealtype hence finland.. on the bands about the closest I got was being a heart fan in the 80s!
@macahan2000 Cool. Looking forward to it!
@Miss_F1 @EwanMarshall I was on the bank at club last year. precarious or what - and my friends were in q at 9pm (I turned up at 6...!)
@macahan2000 nice - here were mine http://bit.ly/b4nzOM -- though was fence in front of me, and not a great lens (not user) .
@macahan2000 got into pits later in day though :-)
@macahan2000 Yep that lens was at min aperature, and I couldn't move location. fence/cars/lens wrong combo...
@macahan2000 so pits. yep. ended up walking round much of the track, up to start/finish, then into pitlane - and chatted to security manager
@macahan2000 it was so late some of the teams had cleared out, but some cars remaining. only about 12 spectators so didn't seem worried!
@little_jodieF1 working for me, but it's 13 mins later...
@noelrooney is it back for you now. Maybe I missed the "outage"
Caught up with last weeks American idol. Some v.good contestants. group performance v.good too. and some nice surprises!
So bbc.co.uk working for everyone now? I must have missed it
What happened at the bbc then. data centre outage, more likely a rogue sw update?
Maybe the bbc installed a certain security vendors firewall if my recent experiences are anything to go by....
@little_jodieF1 bbc news just tweeted it was working again now, so I just missed the excitement!
@xplane0202 I stream quite regularly and usually is fine...
@unkn0wnvariable tee hee. same here. felt great yesterday (part was euphoria of booking tickets!). not so good today....

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com

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