Saturday 12 March 2011

From Twitter 03-12-2011

just woken up and watching the news. Now an explosion at the nuclear plant. Oh bugger.
@thecheekycritic Just woke up 30 mins to see it. Hope the main vessel is intact. Scary. hoped it was more under control
@thecheekycritic looks like pressure? They were concerned last night. Steam? Or more chemical Hydrogen/Oxygen?
@anotherproblem speculation until we know the facts... Guess it comes down to if main vessel intact in terms of the biggest risk
@jtonline oh err nice. How usable is it. finger friendly I assume? networking ok? I must follow up
@_pocketdynamo "normal" also varies hugely by location - go up to the granite in aberdeen for example and natural levels v. high
RT @unkn0wnvariable: BBC reporter still complaining about people in Japan not speaking English... genius.
@thecheekycritic yep quite probably. I'd go with pressure, but still don't know what part..
@Rednax42 @OzoneVibe it can only be a mix. Does continue to push a case for higher investment. this tech a nice step
Woah! daughter asks to be picked up (by car) from <500m away. Why? "I look disgusting". Sheesh. Err. NO CHANCE.
@Trillionaire 14
@Trillionaire no!
@sxa555 Bugs me too. Exactly...
RT @sxa555: Seriously, if artist posts video link in their official twitter feed and it's not global, won't that alienate the people who ...
@MorganF1 Yuck. At least it wouldn't cause a technical problem ;-)
@honeybee85 @sxa555 I had the same problem with those videos not playing on a tv (samsung internet@tv, sony bravia internet) too. #fail
@jtonline Ooooeeerrr. #mustdoit
@thecheekycritic all just guesses. Just hope the pressure vessell is intact.
Lovely walk out with sugs. So sunny.
Remembering that #twimgo doesmt ge-encode ?? #n900 best twitter app tho for this dev
Out in woods. Wonder whats below here.
another "The XXX Daily is Out" unfollowed. Sorry but it has to be done.
If the tweet is just one of an interesting stream, fine will stick with, but when only thing you tweet... err. no!
just got back from a walk. have to head out in not that many minutes. time to down a quick espresso. busy day back-back (ending up at pub!)
@Hands0n and much older though I think I still have a "3" 2nd gen NEC. (rubbish). N80 I quite liked. parents now have. small screen tho.
Sigh. looks like #WHS has hung within 2 hours, even with printer (only extra sw) discon. So windows update or HW must be. Sigh...
@Hands0n same here. internet edition. build in voip etc
Yay time for gym
@OzoneVibe indeed. And that it looks like that had a big impact ie in terms of power/pumping.
@OzoneVibe interesting stuff. not something I ever covered in depth, though was interested in reading about.
And #WHS has hung again whilst I was out. Sheesh. It's gotta be HW or a windows update as same after reinstall
surreal. A friend recommended some "william gibson" novels (spook country). eLibrary only has "Idoru". About tokyo rebuilt after e/quaKE..
@OzoneVibe This is #WHS so based on Windows Server 2003. SHould be stable.. (indeed it was until recently)
in process of checking every single windows fix installed on the WHS through win update. removing everything from 2011 ....
ok let's see how this goes with #WHS It surely is a recent win update causing issue. Next stop reinstall with no win update. Then HW fail
wondering how long the #whs server will stay up.
@SlyRenard I tend to break and fix all kinds of things. A fair few issues are app sw (multiplatform), but linux, win, maemo, etc issues 2
@SlyRenard Well I gave up and re-install -- still crashes could be HW. But this has family music/photos. all backed up locally AND online
@SlyRenard was stable most of last year, so this is new... annoying and confusing. I don't like being beat
Yes really concerns me too RT @sxa555: If twitter tried to kill off third-party apps I'd stop using it.
@SlyRenard too true - That was partly why I went WHS. Works better with the kids win laptops esp the automatic de-duplicating backup
@SlyRenard the only "non-IT" fix is to just buy some new kit, but that costs £££ and feeling a tad poor at the mo -(
@unkn0wnvariable it would be nice if itunes worked
@rachelclarkef1 WOOOHAY! Brilliant. I've got to wait a lot longer....
@Queen_of_Snarks watch you dont wear your teeth down. (Gritted teeth?)
@Queen_of_Snarks naughty! I take it hubs/mil dont use twitter....
RT @McLaren_Fan: Wow! RT @RogerHighfield: Fukushima: what caused the bang and what's happening now
@McLaren_Fan @RogerHighfield Thanks for posting that link. Good info.
@SlyRenard i use squirrelsave (memset). Uk co. 5/month unlim.
RT @_pocketdynamo: @planetf1 Apparently it is though. Well they've asked for no new ones to be made apparently ...please don't leave twi ...
@_pocketdynamo oops wrong button. Ok so no plans currently but api restrictions a potentially worrying sign.
@xplane0202 @jamsie555 Same here. Yumms
@sxa555 @noelrooney am so disorganized to have not got asda/sains cards .... Must do
@_pocketdynamo depends on the company. Am going out for a while to catchup with friends...
@sxa555 True. I need to do that again. Am with eon and just ordered my free currentcost unit (this week)
@thecheekycritic sounds old ! @theslackbladder
@sxa555 found out yesterday. More sites should
@thecheekycritic @theslackbladder as in incontinent (runs and hides)
@LauraLeslie23 stupid..
@LauraLeslie23 of course its complicated. In some cases they are closer to old english than current british english is...

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