Friday 18 March 2011

From Twitter 03-18-2011

@EmmaGx probably more truth than fox news though...
@SlyRenard thanks for the #f1 #FF
@VickyLygoeF1 Probably an issue in effectiveness if it's six consecutive missed as the lurgi could recover ?
RT @mdp: Great video from Tokyo showing the effects of the earthquake on the ground. Watch past the first minute -
#xfactor live tour tomorrow (london, O2, evening). Especially looking forward to @rebeccafmusic
@LukaSambuca Last time I dropped something in water (cheap item not phone) I was paranoid enough to leave it around 5 days... ymmv
@EmmaGx bbc world news? ;-)
getting very slow up/downloads (1 Mbps). Infinity issue, VPN or laptop...
Mmm. wrist playing up today. getting a bit painful typing. Best hit the ibuprofen...
@btcare any issues with BT broadband/infinity in STCFORD. bt speedtester usually>30Mbps now 14 Mbps. profile still 35, recycled hub/modem
Grrr. had some odd performance from VPN - really slow. may be multiple causes, but infinity "not right" today
Looks like @btcare speeds have returned to normal after a dodgy hour... back up to 34 Mbps down/ 8 Mbps up (throughput) :-)
@etherealtype A courier I used last week had lots of detail on "tracking" page, but depot was a number, and it even said "route" but
@etherealtype also a number. so useful for end user! Best was interlink who sent email in morning advising of approx time +/- 1 hour
@etherealtype they arrived pretty close to specified time (like 10 mins). thats the best I've seen as no need to stay in all day.
The sign of a twitter addict. Writing some emails and getting a twitch and adding #keyword s in the email. Useful?? !
@nnubeh and can also be very sexy when it does it well ;-)
@ratlet @lucasyasCMG @jonchoo and then also of course the @user convention for hot person link - at least fb does that now
wondering whats happened in news... time to grab some lunch
So: #libya ceasefire. Good (but believable? Ummm). Bad: Japan. #fukushima optimization not so high today :-(
I see @o2 have started adding 3G on 900Mhz - Hopefully @vodafoneuk will follow soon
RT @gakuranman: As I just posted, NHK is giving MEXT's figures. As high as 0.15mSv/h 30km zone No immediate effect, but high enough you ...
RT @gakuranman: To put it in perspective, if you stayed 30km from Fukushima for 28 days at 0.15mSv, you would absorb 100mSv. Definitely ...
@EmpireSteve Eh? 100 mSv/year is the lowest acknowledged carcinogenic level? Those figures = 1300 mSv/yr
@EmpireSteve Not a big concern "passing through" but not somewhere to linger?
@EmpireSteve if I got the units right..
what's the point in raising a support request when the response barely touches on the question (keyword lookup I expect).
Quite often am sure responder actually doesn't understand the topic...
.. in which case don't give me a made up response, just say "sorry i don't understand" or "I'll have to pass that on to a colleague"
@EmpireSteve The point was In terms of living and working - as it's outside the mandatory exclusion zone. #fukushima
@EmpireSteve Indeed though even a month gets you to that high accepted as likely carcinogenic limit, one could argue >than days is not good.
@EmpireSteve To me that suggests tha tin fact the UK/US recommended zone recommended if levels remain
@EmpireSteve 80km Obviously contamination varies according to weather ie wind/transportation too so not easy to be sure.
We've seen it at , but in summary as bbc reminds"262 aftershocks of magnitude 5 or greater in the week" #japan
and I think that concludes work for today. Time for household duties and prep to head up to #xfactorlive at the O2 tomorrow eve :-)
@hunni_h thanks for the #f1 #ff
what's with some of the tweets I'm seeing from semingly genuine accounts with amazon links at end? Ad supported? from what?
am seeing LOTS of links at end of web posts ???
@jonchoo reporting web. See tweets from mallorybarahana MetaGahmWVTL - spam accounts? but no clear reason for link and reasonable posts
@jonchoo forget that 2nd account - spam. I meant KathrynStobbsVJ - new spam experiment?
@F1Ellen thanks for the #
@F1Ellen thanks for the #f1 #ff
@NeilBaileyF1 thanks for the thought. Yep to dse, only 2nd time I ever remember. will have to keep eye & rest
@KerryCherries thanks for the #ff
@AlJWright thanks for the #f1 #ff
@jgbreezer @jonchoo a more sophisticated type of spam (targetted at the more sophisticated tweeter?) ?
@jonchoo @jgbreezer Sorry about that last tweet
An example (IMO) of poor use of social media (no engagement?) from #Samsung ? Thoughts (facebook)
grrr. since finished work been on the housework. still at it....
intriguing source of relief aid for japan #fb
@xplane0202 Grrr :-( onto the next job...
@OzoneVibe Nice but sadly am off for the weekend (again) for a family christening ...
finally dinner...
@victoriarusso Happens frequently, not necessarily personal though (well occasionally!)
@OzoneVibe Just realised. I'm on vacation Friday with nothing planned... yet... err... tempted
@OzoneVibe Just checked website - no tickets left. at all. :-(
And yes I know -- haven't done #ff yet.. been such a long evening
@OzoneVibe no me neither
@essjayarr trying to picture this. dog sleeping under chair - no movement. or knocking underneath seat? Or you sitting on dog?
@MorganF1 gosh - don't think I've seen her since the 80s?
@OzoneVibe should be around for that. must check diary. I quite liked the sat pm last time ? thoughts
@OzoneVibe next tweetup on for tues 29?
@OzoneVibe which venue were you going for? slug/lettuce?
@xplane0202 nope phone only...
@OzoneVibe yes it's my fav location overall
Grr. #seesmic is bogging down again. Hoping #chromedeck progresses and fixing scrolling issue (after months)
@Lipstedo How can anyone not love a bit of abba ;-)
@Lipstedo It's the name of the game mama mia, but thank you for the music chiquita. Be a super trouper and get back to fernando
@andr0092 STOP! Did someone say "sensible" and "daily mail" in the same sentance. Must be spam... ;-)
@RicLamb SD2 is bogging down for me on win7 -- usually starts ok but seems to be a memory leak. currently at 1GB. then even textfield jerky
Another #f1 trailer on #news24 ... !

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