Tuesday 15 March 2011

From Twitter 03-15-2011

@draml Oh me too - I was going to head off over an hour ago when I heard of the 3rd blast.
@draml of course the big issue/killer so far remains the tsunami devastation (and earthquake)
@hrwildberlin socks are similar to cables. you put them down tidy/sorted and a few weeks later they're all tangled up/not found/mismatched!
Oh dear, more bad news from the tokyo reactors but overall numbers for ts/eq are sickening
Sad that the nuclear containment at #fukashimi could probably be said to have failed (planet+ppl+process). Analysis/lessons crucial
Am just hoping a sensible debate around energy ensues (efficiency/smart, diversity, investment/research)
Feeling very fortunate I can change channel/switch off the news & get on with work. Many in Japan can't avoid the subject so easily :-(
@AndyBold indeed, sadly. Answer should be "well show me another way then..."
HDNL delivery due for today. Tracking site lists number/address & del. date today -- but no details. Ummm... normal?
@AndyBold Longer term fusion remains the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, well seems like it. Interesting stuff going on at NIF tho
@F1_Girl figured that, which is why I'm somewhat inclined to hang around. Can't face idea of arranging a redeliv with these guys
@unkn0wnvariable great. Not a big deal today though not hanging around tomorrow
@ygolohcysp Mine's about half that I think but still 30 miles round trip. Looks like I'm going to hang around
So the HDNL website has just popped up a stats update from 0115 this morning. Wasn't there 10 mins ago. Why so long!
My fav in recent yrs was "interlink express". clear email day before and on day of deliv they provided a 2hr slot. (not optional, but info)
grr realised laptop battery is down to 30 percent. Looks like power cable was unplugged from dock last night
Looks like #seesmic cannot send a tweet with % in it, but web is fine
Yikes. Now seems spent fuel pool could be boiling and cooling reactors 4,5,6 not working correctly #fukushima http://bit.ly/gOekgB #japan
@o01tac They were, but delay heat means they'd still be at around 5% dropping over a few years, and as such still need active cooling
Grr. dorr bell, delivery. yay think furniture then can leave. Nope. dogfood :-( At least HDML delivery is "on the van" apparently
Grr. fighting with silly inconsistent formatting issues in an openoffice presentation
and now my office software (presentations) has locked up. Sheesh.
@Autogpcouk the aftershocks are continual http://1.usa.gov/ezZGVq - this was just until yest. morn http://bit.ly/g1dqhf
@Autogpcouk Another useful picture http://1.usa.gov/gEtGnE
@StephenTrotto With Nokia's involvement that could turn around quite rapidly..
having fun with software licenses (not really). Exciting ...
RT @giagia: Please follow @daniel_garcia_r @gakuranman @Mutantfroginc (and read their pages) for updates on Japan.
Useful summary of #fukushima radiation levels http://bit.ly/fGohRG from @Mutantfroginc
Unbelievable. Had 4 ppl at door this morning relating to packages... but not the large one that I'm waiting for (furniture) .. Gr. hoped AM.
time for some lunch... looks sunny outside :-)
@jtonline I find it easier as it's just a one-stop-shop for audio+slides. what were the benefits you see?
@Chl0w arrgh. I used to keep a sg removal bottle around, nnoying to get that dry glue on skin - hopefully not stuck together. Use gloves?
so no chance of gym first thing or now lunch -- still awaiting package delivery :-( Have to be after work. not my fav time but needed...
RT @gakuranman: BREAKING: TEPCO unable to pour water into spent fuel pool at reactor 4 (Kyodo)
@jtonline Listening on PC headset is also useful -- though in my case I use Voip for work calls anyway so no difference
@Joyouscomms guess it depends on role, but don't tend to post much on linked in (though I should be better at keeping CV/experience updated)
@Joyouscomms indeed, something like that. references etc etc.
sat outside working, just since lunch, but more cloud than yesterday in #southampton (outside much of day)
Error from an email directory lookup "No results or too many results" #usability #fail WHICH IS IT. Makes a difference!
<grrr> software licenses & license servers </grrr>
on a conf. cal & web.conf in the garden again. Definately beats being sat in the office when it's sunny. All wireless & fast #goodtech
Oh... and home ground coffee beans -> espresso ->americano :-) with dogs lazing in sun .. #win
wish I knew why thunderbird (3.1/2/3) frequenty starts taking 10 percent+ cpu. Indexing disabled, not syncing/updatin. Ummm
@OzoneVibe It felt warmer (in the sun) yesterday...
Yay. Parcel delivered and was able to get to gym for much needed workout.
Economic impact on japan v. Big. And energy supply strategy globally. Hope reactor cooling continues and risk kept local
Wonder what 'stress tests' eu are planning. After all it was a 'test' that kicked off another recent issue.. Big debate coming up esp as
Japan technology well respected. Leaders. Tho geo location obv a factor. One thing certain we had an energy issue already.
Communicating unbiased facts will be tricky. Taken over full lifecycle current nuclear prob safest form of energy production..?
@EmmaGx Faulty? 2hat r u using in interim?
@MorganF1 sounds like a bad day.... :-(
@EmmaGx 6 yrs ago was prob using motorola a1000 ? Symbian uiq. Touch screen. Not bad! 3g
@aaroncorby kind of tho those that treat it as a target in poor road conditions are even worse. But yes get the vibe...
Chan.4 news headlines very sensationalist. 20x normal may be true but need qualification. Perhaps avoid a granite worktop or aberdeen then
@EmmaGx ah yes the one achilles heel. I am so careful with mine...
@AndyBold and its these points that need to come out in the debate... That was the point i was trying to get at. Need reasoned debate....
@EmpireSteve and some designs of course allow for that better
@ladylynncarter who knows. I don't know location of their factories - only been a few days, and it's the supply chain too parts etc
@ladylynncarter it/support/business systems the (relatively) easy bit but manufacturing/logistics ...?
@EmmaGx will bear that in mind thanks :-( -- been ok so far. I had a plantronics headset that did the same...
@EmmaGx but would be lost without my mobile!
@EmmaGx my current fallback is a 6630 - so pretty basic...
RT @tamsinchan: Reuters: #Japan nuclear safety agency says #Fukushima No. 4 reactor roof is cracked. #jpquake
@_MissAnnie_ positive - lots of opportunity to learn from what's happened? Also does somewhat force an energy debate
@hunni_h Different people are more or less accepting of total strangers... the ones I object to are friend requests where I dont even know
@hunni_h the name at all... it could be someone I communicate with a lot on twitter - in which case, fine -- but they should add an
@hunni_h explanation! otherwise how do I know who they are.. AND THEN decide yes or no...
@VickyLygoeF1 somewhat of a british trait maybe... I've been accused of doing that too much too sometimes ...
@hunni_h I was going to say you forgot the cheese... texture and contrast?
too much time spent reading about nuclear reactors (was a career option being considered at one point when a physics u/grad) and little #f1
@JSussin oh good to hear. I really should put a submission in this time around ;-)
@etherealtype have fun back in civilization ;-)
@EmpireSteve I did start it, but had to stop at the point others needed to fill things in... but yes I was surprised. Online easier
@EmpireSteve AT least when I tried it the census website was a) fast b) simple --excellent.
@hunni_h ever tried sugar snap peas raw -- yum!
@macie_sherwood not a great show. Probably a sw glitch. Hope they can get it working soon. pr fail..
@EmmaGx the older ones were like that. 6630 goes on for well over a week (switched on 24x7, idle)
@hunni_h 4sq more than others. Now on twitter my favs are in a hotlist (so I can go back in time/catch up). follows mostly realtime,
@hunni_h facebook a total mashup of twitter friends, work colleagues, family, friends (ummm), 4sq/gowalla mostly close or locals
@macie_sherwood Ah really. yes never the best, but it's minor...
@hunni_h Try one - I always like veg lightly cooked, but tried raw for first time at friends over new year. so sweet :-)
@ladylynncarter Several UK co's already cutting down overtime/capacity whilst they assess their supply status
@ladylynncarter definately. He's a total star. I actually had an excellent physics teacher at school from 2nd yr junior - big reason for
@ladylynncarter being interested in the subject

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