Friday 4 March 2011

From Twitter 03-04-2011

@Inacurate yeah right ;-) still up #sillymeplayingwithipv6
So #WHS is still up #dontenableipv6onwhs ? @Inacurate
@sxa555 bother. not so much fun when everything works seamlessly. That's why I'd never get an iphone ;-)
@honeybee85 yeah an over-reaction to the current high noise levels around certain topics! It's actually a nice device for the right person
@honeybee85 but I need something easier to trash/break/faff about with/do odd stuff ;-)
#WHS still up - right I think I can declare success. Failure was caused by me enabling ipv6 (shouldn't.. but.. nnecessary anyway)
far too late to bed... but happy I've fixed my home server....
night all. sleep.
Yay, #WHS server is still up. SO enabling #ipv6 was definately the cause of the hangs
@etherealtype Eek I hate that. End up trying to hold at arms reach. Usually successfully
@jon_read I'm just longing after a true fibre to the home and a 1Gbps connection ;-)
@jon_read I think it's 110 (to beat virgin), but I think they alredy stated it should be good for 1 Gbps in future
@oldmanuk usually 21->18 here. But depends on location etc. I keep meaning to get a timer/thermostat
right. Odds of being able to get my work email working properly today. Quite high I suppose but an unnecessary distraction
@riveerrrrssss looks lovely (sunny) but so cold (frost)
RT @Wave_105: Southampton is marking the 75th anniversary of the maiden flight of the Spitfire this weekend.
Now where was I before a diversion to drop kid at further away bus-stop after oversleeping..annoyingly. Finally a coffee.
Yay, back up and running with email.
hate having to declare agreement to something that you disagree with (don't ask). Just wrong. Agree I understand(and disagree) - fine.
Great way to peeve me off this morning. Thanks.
so silly site. If you do have obsessive password rules I will keep forgetting my password....
@interestedb Oh yes, and recordings were fine -- it was just a decoder crash. reboot sorted.
@OzoneVibe todays forcast is steady dull sunshine and 22 deg. Yes, will be in the office all day...
@OzoneVibe just had a slice of the rye bread I made last night. Doesn't rise much (expected) and too stodgy. didn't do a good job...
@OzoneVibe just done basic white, basic brown so far -- both superb. Thought I'd try rye - working through basic flour before experimenting
So who pulls handbrake up without pressing button? Noise always grates on me. So many ppl
Trying to figure out if that porsche was doing 60 or 70 through the 30mph village. Could be lethal. No consideration. Speed cameras pls
Sun-like. Temp-dontlike
@OzoneVibe Argy bargy@from the trenches, or a game of football?
@unkn0wnvariable dont think so
wondering what the point of firewall/UAC/browser etc etc when ppl conditioned to just click accept as they're too numerous ... hmmm
@OzoneVibe going fast over speed bumps another one. (not just safety angle but shocks/tyres/suspension impact)
@OzoneVibe you could soon be in a barren desolate utility wasteland
@unkn0wnvariable seemed fast and mad as school closeby
@nnubeh depends if its your car! @OzoneVibe
@jonchoo exactly.. Easy to build the sw but weakest link is users.. (tools do some good of course)
@unkn0wnvariable absolutely . I certainly aren't conservative on motorway/good conditions but built up areas/poor conditions need more care!
@unkn0wnvariable some ppl see the limit as a target to always exceed regardless of these factors let someone else make decision not use head
@nnubeh please send out a twitter warning before you go out driving in future so that we can take cover ;-)
Loads of tweets to reply to. Forgive me. Work \usy. Replies and #ff later today promise!
very interesting but complicated design discussions. keeping me awake!. (good news - intended outcome has to be simplicity...)
Surely its not only 1440. Yawn.
@vixisabel planning to push through until 1630. Coffee retrieved for last hour+... a struggle this week!
@sxa555 same
RT @hantsconnect: Are you a bus user? Help the review of bus funding support with your views about services: ...
Oh err. I've just had an expense approved (computer kit) but a) didn't explicitly make one b) can't access it. Wonder if it's that SSD ...?
@hrwildberlin spending money.. like buying a hard disk etc
@cote Hear Hear. My big beef with windows especially after "growing up" (before win) on AIX (install) and then linux (rpm/deb) even Z(smp)
@melissa_RBRx return/cancel contract OR return/alternative phone? Either way £4 is probably worth it....
so much for last three hours. customer issues. Think have managed to bring to conclusion for weekend. Relief. :-) Should get out whilst good
@melissa_RBRx hope you like it. worth trying one out. screen/camera lower res, but android is nice IMO . Prob a fair swap.
planning my escape. logged off work IM now. Finishing my lemonade then out of here :-)
Someone has been very busily using mobile data. (46GB in 2 weeks) Nice (and quite hard?) @ThreeUK #fb
eek I look at one of my mobile sites RSS feeds and first page of articles over 3 days is ALL ipad ipad ipad. Oh go away. unsubscribe?
Woohay leaving qork and still just about light. #ff s and replies later..
@riveerrrrssss Must meet up there! Cant drop by tonite tho...
Thanks for #ff and back @slyrenard @imismii @shelley__lee @paulbackhouse @AIJWright @sebmatthews
#ff #tech timbo_baggins @jonchoo @dr_black @inacurate
#ff #f1 @unkn0wnvariable @melissa_RBRx @interestedb @etherealtype @honeybee85 @sarahanngreen @sarahloumillie
#ff #f1 @queen_of_snarks @debs_70 @mclaren_fan @neilbaileyf1 @rachelclarkef1 @morganf1 @ @little_jodief1 @alexandra_1608 @mike_griffin_f1
#ff #f1 @lukasambuca @anotherproblem @Chl0w @shellk1984 @soggous @vixisabel
#ff and yet more @juwlz @hrwildberlin @emmagx @littlecough @macie_sherwood
#ff #southampton SuperR0B @nnubeh @Ozonevibe @angryjedi @riveerrrrssss @jon_read @sxa555 @jtonline @nickyhants @mjserres @racheeroo01
#ff #southampton @_pocketdynamo @icicle_halo_ @parboo @oldmanuk @walkerooo @neicey @rachedwardsf1 @kateroon @geraintwjones @noelrooney
#ff #southampton @sulman @xplane0202 @empiresteve
#ff #spellingerrors @SuperR0B @timbo_baggins
@unkn0wnvariable yes there's been a fair bit about O2 mobile filtering -- no probs with approach thou implementation may be suffering
@melissa_RBRx well hopefully you'll enjoy the phone anyway. Hopefully you'll like android. I found symbian getting v.stale
@Shelley__Lee There was so much fuss about it. Maybe it will come back. I have followers just no (valuable?) content. nothing new there then
@iMismii I wasn't sure about failure I just thought it was to save wear/tear. Grr.
@SuperR0B @ozonevibe A bit of both. satnav good for first time esp in little streets/estates trying to find somewhere
@nnubeh Getting lost and driving full belt over bumps. HELP Andie's about! @OzoneVibe @SuperR0B
@SuperR0B Great feature. could call it AAS as in * Avoidance System ;-) @OzoneVibe @nnubeh
And yes before anyone asks replies very delayed today. BEEN BUSY ok. work was hectic..
@OzoneVibe Mostly just stick close(r) to speed limit ... and watch out for signs. I do sometimes use @SuperR0B @nnubeh
@geraintwjones like all these things the truth is somewhere inbetween, and it isn't just speed - you can drive quite dangerously well under
@geraintwjones so using an excuse to exceed isn't right, but then neither is driving without adjusting for conditions
@geraintwjones but that's harder/more costly to enforce
Quick warn HERTZ, AVIS or rates go up RT @nnubeh: @planetf1 other people don't let me drive their cars for some reason....... ;-) @OzoneVibe
@unkn0wnvariable typical so ended up being controlled by marketing...
@OzoneVibe still got your utilities then?
@OzoneVibe they were probably just chopping VMs cables knowing it would take them a month to find the problem
@OzoneVibe had to press the house for comments. Quiet. Not exactly asking for more... :-( (rye)
@ThreeUK surviving. Wish I could get my unlimited data but there you go. some day.
@melissa_RBRx thanks :-)
@melissa_RBRx angry birds? guess we won't see you on twitter any more. just save some time to watch those #f1 races...
@oldmanuk no, not really, just the overload on topic (and annoyance that @seesmic #sd2 doesn't have filters)
Feeling so tired/out of sync after getting back late from hols sun. Out of sync. Up at 6am tomorrow. Sleep beckons stupidly early 4 me..
And in tech news #WHS still up. So enabling #ipv6 was the cause (net drv/os bug perhaps). Leaving v6 off for now.
5live podcast synced to ipod ready for gym tomorrow. Yay! Shame i missed live webcam/twitter chat
YES! RT @guardiantech EU raids ebook publishers in price fixing investigation #fb
Yawn. Publishers. Set a fair ebook price then less issues occur. U are encouraging piracy and disemfranchising your customers
So slipped in shower. Partly broke (1 of 3) clips. Def overtired. Work kept me going but unbelievably i am now off to sleep. Up for 6am
@mike_griffin_f1 ludicrous isnt it
fyi.. Facebook (regular peeps)
@chris_dudley yes. Drm currently means more restrictions. If kept in place then price should be lower still
@f1lover75 thx. Fine just too tired post-holiday and not enough sleep.
@unkn0wnvariable @mike_griffin_f1 i bought the millenium trilogy (excellent) (girl/dragon tatoo) and about 8 other sub £4 books
@interestedb tah

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