Friday 11 March 2011

From Twitter 03-11-2011

Wow really? Huge# RT @debs_70: Over 88,000 reported missing in Japan, prayers and sympathy are with those affected by the quake and tsunami
@melissa_RBRx Same here - I pop out for a few hours, come back and thought it was 100s now that big. So Sad for ppl affected.
@melissa_RBRx that's the american spelling ...
@EmpireSteve Indeed. I would say congratulations to the woman though. <wonder's if it was her plan all along>
@EmpireSteve can't understand why people can't wait a few days!
@Kateroon sounds expensive. Imagine @noelrooney is running scared
@etherealtype I'd rather watch the sea around here than nr the pacific at the moment.
@EmpireSteve more money than sense. Oh yes we're talking about an apple Q....
@EmpireSteve so was this q in uk or elsewhere. I tune out of apple news usually
@EmpireSteve Seen this?
@gemcampbell which store was it out of interest - CF? romsey?
RT @gemcampbell: Waitrose is awesome. They had run out of something we needed so put it aside for us to collect today. Great customer se ...
@EmpireSteve really like my kindle...
RT @mpoppel: Reports that 88k are missing (which cite Kyodo) are NOT accurate. Official number of missing, according to Kyodo, is 530
Seems to be confusion (not a surprise) over # missing people - see last RT
eek get home to find (with others around) dog just eaten some clothing. OH just taken him to vet :-(
@gemcampbell It's probably the closest - just my son works there (part time, A levels) so good to know :-)
@OzoneVibe there'd been quite a few wed-thu too hadn't there
typical that pet insurance excess went up by 50% this year :-(
@OzoneVibe ah I seem so motion further down the fault.. maybe leading to another bigger "correction"
@xplane0202 @OzoneVibe pup.. they're off there now. Vet reckons best course is to get some meds to get him to throw up-prob ok but less risk
@xplane0202 @OzoneVibe Out of hours =loads-a-£££ but there you go.
@Walkerooo must be brilliant to at least be more in control.
@melissa_RBRx should be ok. they have high stds. I think there's 3 generators to do the emergency cooling and even if all of them fail and
@melissa_RBRx all the associated turbines/pumps etc, there's another self-contained backup system in a more secure top seesmic proof
@melissa_RBRx building that has no need for external power or anything. It may not even have got to that (fortunately), may just be partial
So dog's had a "make me sick" injection which seems to have worked. Safe option. (he may not think so..)
@MorganF1 The "callout" (well he was taken there) was well into 3 digits - looks like around 180. woah. ANYWAY he's fine which is good.
Apparently now a little sleepy. teach him not to do it again? I doubt it.
@etherealtype yep it was. silly teddy. But he's at vets and sicked it up now
@MorganF1 not sure on name of injection.
@vixisabel thx :-)
@OzoneVibe sounds like you came off well. I'd not got around to the insurance for a while, but sorted before holiday. Wonder how it affects£
quite liking the new jlo track as a pop/dance track. very catchy - sounds "right" (tho not deep)
@paulbackhouse i guess it may have come through fine, but he's not that big and can get tangled...
anyone local (southampton area) want a kids bunk bed similar to - we're looking at selling. ping me if int.
@MorganF1 What did Luna do then?
anyone have a link to the some of the 80s/90s melody used in J-Lo's new track. Something like "lombarda"? link?
oh dear. either desktop is playing up or #WHS has hung! After re-install only SW was print driver. Could it be a windows update? or HW. BUMS
@etherealtype Brilliant. thanks naomi Spot on. Now it will spin in my head all night.
I liked a YouTube video -- Kaoma Lambada Lyrics
@unkn0wnvariable On the floor
I liked a YouTube video -- Jennifer Lopez - On The Floor ft. Pitbull
Brilliant being able to happily watch Youtube 1080p videos with no delay, no breakup (no worries about data caps soon with bt too)
JLo's video is rather good :-) (saw it first on #americanidol this week)
@eileenb a sock
@unkn0wnvariable ah thanks for that extra detail
@sxa555 yes but you were beaten to it. Too slow...
does a propensity to eat socks count as a pre-existing medical condition ? ;-)
@xplane0202 well actually should be £75 after insurance (was £50 went up this year...)
@sxa555 I only left about 1830. last couple of hours were most effective of day!
distracted by dogs, visitor, earthquake and then JLo. should cook dinner. chance of early night? not happening... = tired tomorrow 6am getup
@sxa555 I agree it's not long term but it's a great of the moment dance track.
AH bless. pup back home looking a tad sleepy...
@eileenb probably not..
@EmpireSteve I think so but only you can decide...
will try to do #ff s before 23:59 ............

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