Tuesday 22 March 2011

From Twitter 03-22-2011

@McLaren_Fan I guess for my coffee expert fix I browse hasbean.co.uk and choose my beans (home grind, espresso)
@EmmaGx I "fell" for it, but pretty sure it's spam, but odd as not one specific prod link. Experimentation?
@OzoneVibe :-( Sorry to hear that . Poo. tke care.
@EmmaGx yes have noticed a lot of them, though seen no real discussion about this new style
@McLaren_Fan really dislike instant. had first one (away sat night) in months. Not good....
@iMismii I should really try to watch -- used to years ago, but found it a bit noddy.. (tho gs is too!)
@etherealtype enjoy the concert (tomorrow?)!
Learnt on graham norton from last month that Jessie J's nickname from theatre was "Bratt Pitt" - from falling into orchestra during perf!
@McLaren_Fan for the real stuff you need to go more specialist. Like choosing wine?! The fresh flavour rules (for me)
@paulbackhouse One area I rather try to avoid in London - Oxford street. My idea of hell. I'll stick to amazon or west quay or be v.specific
Wow. thought I'd catch some tacky tv before bed - watching a interesting piece on stansted - reducing runway length for maintainance,
reconfiguring lighting, ILS off, manual talk/down approach. shorter by 1km .. I guess I'd assume they'd close but no..
@EmmaGx well looks like we both fell for it initially... so somewhat intriguing
@spam @amazon increasing amounts of spam seem to be occuring with amzn.to links. Users may block any amzn.to links?
@rachelclarkef1 @jon_read @riveerrrssss @debs_70 morning :-)
@sxa555 sigh.. happens too often - even with vodafone I had to skip out of "regular" support and hit them via twitter/forum -- in order to
@sxa555 get someone who understood the questions (just as well as a series of issues *but* they are resolving them). reg CS? not convinced
@Inacurate it sounds cool, but do you use ff on n900? It's awfully slow and awkward to use IMO. (cf microb or opera)
@sxa555 I was wondering the same whilst wandering around the tate modern. But then a fine line between insanity and genius ;-)
@racheeroo01 lol!
@opera I saw opera mobile 11 is out for meego - will we see a maemo update ?
@jonchoo No, I'd be so suspicious though ie phishing?
Oh dear play.com security issue may be real @jonchoo http://bit.ly/hCZ6Pv but need more confirmation?
@opera ignore my question about mobile 11 for maemo - just seen it pop up as an auto update (11.0beta1-7-fremantle0) BRILLIANT thx #N900
@Walkerooo yay. positivity :-) really hectic here..
Note to whoever just phoned me. If you withhold your number I'll withhold my intent to answer the phone.
@CherLloyd Great show at the O2 sat night - all did great and loved the variety. electric atmosphere.
@jon_read get around 26-27ms consistently (bbc is about 21 - long routing over BTw)
RT @HirokoTabuchi: Fukushima Plant Warnings Went Unheeded http://nyti.ms/gjJwMl My story with Nori Onishi & Ken Belson #fb
RT @tomiahonen: What the ? No mobile phones? Do they want empty stadium RT @textually Cellphones & vuvuzelas not welcome at London 2012 ...
ref @tomiahonen retweet -- no phones. go everywhere . ludicrous
@jon_read are those two letters say it all ;-) Do you want me to check speed ;-) could be your local home net/pc I guess...
Yay. Wfh today means i can pop out for a lunchtime gym session
@EmpireSteve I can undestand the tripod ban - it's going to be congested in some area and people could easily fall over. so agree with that
@EmpireSteve The @london2012 "bad" on mobiles is ludicrous. Everyone has one. Essential to get around, check event details. Tube upgrade
@EmpireSteve This games should be showcasing innovative uses of technology. Next we'll have to arrive on horse and cart #fail @london2012
@empiresteve @london2012 @angryjedi Completely disagree. People will be moving between events, looking at maps, makig arrangements, checking
@empiresteve @london2012 @angryjedi scores. respect yes, (can be lacking). but a ban. Makes us look a backward foolish country
@empiresteve @angryjedi You could say that about any innovation..
not convinced the logging of all data rate changes on wifi is the best use of limited syslog space on bt hh3 ...
@angryjedi @EmpireSteve So if 100ml water limit for security, retail basic water at low cost 50p/500ml etc & promote health @London2012
@jon_read do you have access to ADSL stats? May be worth checking to determine if physical line vs TT backhaul - though still a TT issue
@paulglavin Woah. And I thought 34/8 fttc was just about ok enough #windingjonup @jon_read
@jon_read @paulglavin @pj_kent Ok and how is price? Infinity is good value for up to 40/10 fttp £25 maybe 110/30-- VM 50 a little more,
@jon_read @paulglavin @pj_kent Beyond that price presumably escalates. In any case coverage is an issue.
@jon_read @paulglavin @pj_kent Friendly BT guy when installing fttc said our area all ducted. Easy to put physically route fibre to home.
@jon_read @paulglavin @pj_kent but can't see that being an investment now we've got FTTC. Win some loose some. 10yrs ago I had 0.5/0.25
@NeilBaileyF1 I remember a call from the kids years ago. computer doesnt work. a little digging and "went bang and puff smoke came out"
@NeilBaileyF1 don't sound great. Does that monthly fee include the repairs -- if lucky you've "just" lost a PSU
waiting for a phone call to collect the dogs (being groomed) before we can server dinner. Hungry! #fb
@racheeroo01 decided where you're off to?
@melissa_RBRx And don't lots of universities exclude it from points too?
@jon_read one courier I know I have to stay around for. Dogs act as extra alert, so I know if they dont even try. Frustrating for you.grrr
@NeilBaileyF1 You need to get the docs etc off before sending it off IMO. Obvious question is do you have a backup. if not you should...
@NeilBaileyF1 consider using an online backup service - be it carbonite, bt vault, dropbox etc. But for now can you put the hard disks into
@NeilBaileyF1 another pc -- get a friend to help if necessary. I would DEF get anything important OFF b4 sending away
@paulbackhouse do you leave aircon on all year? (keeps the seals moist)
@melissa_RBRx fne? ridiculous...
@jon_read related to banging your head against the brick wall whilst muttering TT under your breath? ;-)
@_pocketdynamo Oh amanda I had to laugh ... ;-) but hey it's good to live a little dangerously. Don't learn without trying!
@noelrooney don't tell me your in the park place ;-)
@paulbackhouse ah cool (literally). Just i know a number of ppl with failures after 3 yrs that never touch their aircon.. Seals etc
@noelrooney work
@NeilBaileyF1 yes. U may need to find someone to help but basically you would need to remove the hard drive(s) from the broken pc, put
@NeilBaileyF1 into a working pc and then copy data. If it was a local repair specialist i might worry less but these big outfits prob
@NeilBaileyF1 reformat as a matter of course. I would personally not trust them with my data
@paulglavin indeed! @jon_read
@jon_read at this point i make no further comment. Especially when you are referring to being whipped.
@_pocketdynamo so all fine in the end. Just keep smiling :-)
@jon_read i remember ordering from one site once where they let u choose courier and service from quite a varied list.
@jon_read quite a few have depots in chandlers ford/eastleigh tho a few (citylink,hdnl) in fareham and one or two in southampton
@jon_read Well to be honest it's whatever's convenient for you. if working in office much of week it's sometimes easier, so local depot good
@jon_read which is why it's annoying when sites don't say which courier -- sometimes it affects where I order from...
@SarahAnnGreen depends if you also have multiple screens/laptop/phone. If so maybe not but if tv+ipad only, prob worth it?
@SarahAnnGreen course if you decided ipad is no use you may as well get rid of it for free. Sending you my address now ;-)
@melissa_RBRx probably just fine, but please tell me you have backups of your photos/music/docs. If not do it! seriously.. friendly advice.
Watched last weeks american idol. Def audio mix problems on the show. Vocals too quiet. #idol #itv2
@NeilBaileyF1 your data is almost def just fine. Issue is to make sure repair ppl dont overwrite/reinstall for no reason.. Good luck.

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