Wednesday 9 March 2011

From Twitter 03-09-2011

@wlvs indeed. To some extent that's my concern - obv a limit less than I use is unfair. Others using far more than me is also unfair!
Caught up with #AmericanIdol. My favs? james, pia, hayley. shame kendra didn't make it #fb
@hunni_h I'd ask the reverse question. Actually I wouldn't as it's a lost cause ;-)
@Queen_of_Snarks ff 3.6 or 4? Quite like 4 as it goes. Opera 11 interesting too, but chrome remains my favourite
@oldmanuk Actually I rather like the show. This seasons format/judges almost better even though no cowell. accents are interesting ...
@oldmanuk they've had some very good contestants and no jokes like we've had on #xfactor
@EmpireSteve I caught a bit of that prog recordings. looks as if it is worth watching (recording on sky+)
@geraintwjones it only affects me really for live programs (I guess your problem) recorded=ff
@honeybee85 congratulations. another tick in the box :-) smiles.
@epredator pop3? ouch. I never liked pop. Moved to imap in late around 2000
@mike_griffin_f1 err the internet is fine ....
@epredator it's all a bit boring really. But if there's a chance of a free ipad. yes click away randomly....
@OzoneVibe ever use prestel? I had a sub for years - email, "web" browsing (ish)., found loads of old printouts of rail info a yr back
@OzoneVibe printed out stuff for interrailing. and they managed micropayments...
@hunni_h <laughs>
@OzoneVibe yep same here, from basic mail to the mh package (nice). exmh? (tcl/tk client)
@OzoneVibe i remember using mail in late 80s/90s as alternative way to retrieve files... all encoded/split. nice.
@OzoneVibe I do remember using usenet news 1986 onwards
@OzoneVibe @epredator indeed all the time, including into my phone ;-) #n900 some things dont change so much...
looks like it's not just me finding the Gig.E port on HH3 is seemingly not working
went to check something on work laptop. It had crashed. Bet it's either a) antivirus or b) vpn driver...
Nice to see no frost this morning, but th edownside is cloud ....
received a nice email which has made me happy this morning :-)
And in other news looks like #WHS didn't survive the night. Hanging again. So not net interface. Seriously looks like reinstall now
So I know #WHS isn't actually hanging from even log. Must be hi-pri loop or network fail (PINGS OK)
@antonpiatek @finnr @oldmanuk definately... constant data connections a huge drain on 3G. wifi can sit around all day++
@saltyF1 So when I smell the farmyard manure it must be sunday afternoon?
@SlyRenard nah just resolving a disagreement. Very small thing but small things count :-)
@SlyRenard just read that. Some serious ha ha s there
@Dr_Black @radio4 listened briefly to that. Loved that (tv play repeated a few yrs back)
@vixisabel i suspect they dont get a lot of ppl saying thank you.?
RT @anotherproblem: Friend of mine complained that her pc broke because of 83 viruses but she couldn't be bothered with antivirus. *face ...
@anotherproblem not just av but what was she doing to get that many. I have only ever even had teeny (single digit) detections!
@MorganF1 recognition/ppl saying thankyou?
@EmLah such fun. Spice up with odd 440V tester or ip44 testing? Maybe not
@jtonline thinking it crowd off/on .... Sad but true. 'fixed' perhaps just be 'avoided'
@jtonline if its 5 minutes you are winning
@Walkerooo Glad its going better.
@Walkerooo :-( Next time eh. I think Dave had a cunning plan to have on not too far away. also a thought of meeting up to check a new bar
@Walkerooo though I'm busy every w/end in march... #socialwizard
yay. really good work call. Now on to one that is sounding quite interesting. Going well today!
probably best be in for a delivery where I'm in southampton and "you're local depot" appears to be london ...
@Queen_of_Snarks actually "easiest" for windows these days (and ok) - microsoft security essentials.
@Sulman not exactly first class despite the space
@jon_read oh dear. switched services?
@Walkerooo there are some benefits. often for me it's cold related and decongestant helps...
My Top Weekly Artist #lastfm artist: Clare Maguire (18) #music
Gigabit port on my @btcare HH3 definately seems not to be working. Is it for anyone ? #infinity #hh3
Slightly annoying courier tracking site (xpd) - gives location, but a numeric id, and no ETA shown. guess?
Reverted main switch uplink on #hh3 to 100 Mbps. (which is fine albeit annoying)
@thecheekycritic my linguistic skills not up to it, though the games URL is suspicious, so hardly working?
@OzoneVibe sounds yummy. we apparently have some thai (not home cooked though..). All busy working.
@Queen_of_Snarks I've not followed news etc, but how long's any lock-out on contracts? until end of idol tour?
@jtonline definately useful to have a stash of images on ESXi for that :-) ready to pull off shelf (not saying mine are)
@LukaSambuca phone good enough? eek at least lots of friends may have decent camera? (tho you may demand top quality...)
@jon_read I guess you're on an Opal ISP then. depends what usually is but not bad for adsl2_
@sxa555 Strange images of events involving mauritius. yikes ;-)
@sxa555 I didn't know when ppl were talking about backstabbling it was literal...
@Walkerooo soz didn't mean to write benefits. was going to make a comment about noisy neighbours then started new thought about decong.
@Walkerooo no that doesn't sound fun at all. Need something to vapourize the lurgi (have tried before, don't think alcohol works...)
Grr. Blasted #WHS hung again.. going to boot, disable *everything* I can & leave untouched... If fails -> reinstall else -> debug
My primary sw dev tool is deciding to spin 100% cpu on each "resume". for many minutes (more than I have patience). Ummm. should debug
@jon_read is it talktalk? (consumer)?frustrating. I'd been concerned about switching to bt (which I did). seems fine for now.. but all vary.
@jon_read that would not surprise me, though it might be against speedtest's rules. who knows..
@jon_read only one choice - just one LLU supplier at exchange?
@jon_read ah yes, and bt variable (and more ££) too - depends on capacity there I guess
Ok #whs running with so many stopped services/killed procs. just server core. Will it stay up... lets see
So after running a minimal #WHS with nearly all services disabled - STILL HUNG. SOunds like a re-install job #fail
Now have my "server recovery disk" in hand #whs ...
The deed is done (well started). Running #WHS server recovery ...
for those that don't know a #WHS server recovery is basically a hands-off OS re-install (win 2003++) & data recovery...
wierd. 2 looping processes on laptop after resume appear to be caused by JVMs going nutty. Win 7 sp1 fixpack issue perhaps?
@nathanchantrell tee hee. I like linux, though for now it's windows.. in part due to integrated incremental, de-duplicating backup (for win)
@nathanchantrell actually my previous server was linux, suspect the next one may be. Or maybe this box, just need to plan for it.
Cool #whs server recovery complete (quite quick really). Of course longer to restore updates. ...
thinking multiple app issues (thunderbird not right either). Most recent big change? AV/firewall. Ummm.

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