Wednesday 23 March 2011

From Twitter 03-23-2011

@EmmaGx PR 1.3 20.2010.36-2 -- though I have the "community ssu" installed. I think I'm on global fw
@EmmaGx yep that's PR 1.3 - UK version (that's what the 203.1 suffix is)
@EmmaGx no updates for quite a long time officially - the "community ssu" adds some fixes to *base* os components and of course extras
@EmmaGx and extras-devel add all those useful apps - latest addition is opera 11 :-)
@honeybee85 long day? Guess you've only got a couple of weeks left now?
@EmmaGx this is the replaced phone - good they put the latest version on there tho tbh N900 is easiest/quickest phone to flash ever
@EmmaGx take a backup regularly and copy off to external storage -- the restore process will remember & reinstall your apps ...
@EmmaGx Dont really use pcsuite (now ovi suite) - the built in backup is brilliant..
@EmmaGx What it does is put the list of apps into a selection list - you select which ones you want to restore and can keep oinng back to it
RT @iaeaorg: IAEA summary update on status of Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan:
Looking as if it will be a sunny day again :-) not that I'll get to go out in it !
Must remember to do my #f1 fantasy team selections later today -- practice starts tomorrow!
lots of spam escaped the company email filters last night (for me at least). Sigh
@OzoneVibe indeed I was thinking ahead of myself. I have a day off on friday so kept on thinking it was thur today (1 more days work) !
@paulbackhouse do you know what the closing date is? tomorrow?
woah... busy day... back later... quick budget check I think
oh what. liz taylor has died. :-(
can't see anything majorly bad in budget yet. - in fact looks like some good things, but need to look at more detail later
RT @bbcdavideades: A dissenting view on the quality of #Japan nuclear installations.
RT @gakuranman: My figures seem to have hit a nerve. It's true ppl who left Tokyo by long distance flights absorbed more radiation http: ...
@jadejavu and of course the stars have released it (albeit via labs) for #n900 #maemo too. Brilliant from @opera.
RT @monkchips: whoa. IBM says its going to support Windows on zBX. whoa. windows, linux, unix, everything on one bus, one management mod ...
RT @mgualtieri: #ibmzsummit RT @monkchips: Linux represents 19% of the system z installed base capacity....
My Top 3 Weekly #lastfm artists: Sarah Connor (28), Jessie J (10) & Clare Maguire (5) #music
phew. hectic day at work and some things to sort at home. finally sitting down for tea.
@brilliantcorner Another proprietary OS. Oh no... just reading
@Chl0w assume that's a cucumber rather than green chocolate?
@xplane0202 having to look at excel error bars == reward !
Must say the error bars dialog in Excel 2010 is *abysmal* -- seriously awful UI IMO... @xplane0202
@mjserres Lucky you weren't doing london-southampton at weekend. Journey back:2 hrs. took about 1 1/4 hrs to woking ...
@melissa_RBRx jessie j, claire maguire?
@Soggous could be a difference there. I spend approximately 0 time ;-)
@EmmaGx like pixelpipe - makes sharing so easy. works very smoothly on #N900
@sxa555 tried a captcha reset from web interface?
@SarahAnnGreen Yay! gonna miss live race, but have fri/mon off this week AND next #3dayweek :-)
@xplane0202 you probably don't mean that
so who's feeling poor affected by the tax on private jets? I can safely say it won't affect me ;-)
@mjserres get a kindle :-) Or use that old fashioned technology called a "book" ;-)
@rachelclarkef1 usually PP recovers ok - assume you have autosave enabled. I did loose loads in openoffice once when it *corrupted*
@rachelclarkef1 the doc, yet let me edit it ok, so worked for > day, looked fine., exited, reloaded - nope! Though that was in earlier days
@Chl0w oh never heard of it. just googled. so it's a sweet coconut cake?
@etherealtype sounds like you enjoyed the concert etc then. always goes so quickly when you look back. next time. !
@Kateroon I'm 7 hours behind your tweet, barely caught up with the news. didn't seem too significant personally. must read through
@jon_read those guys in the photo are all smiling as they're back at base hanging around having coffee and playing pool not delivering ...
@geraintwjones of course men loose out as annuities will get more £££ probably bigger (hidden) impact
@geraintwjones translation: "no" - been through same here. My ins co=NO. other quotes 3k-4k. not happening
@Walkerooo ladybug? Rarely hear anyone using that term. always cll them ladybirds ?
@OzoneVibe indeed. best bet is go for a discontinued model - I got one 200+ reduced to around 80 on amazon. wouldn't pay more...
@OzoneVibe actually a little less -- this is the one I got about a year back (discon)
@unkn0wnvariable the trick I find is to step up the range in terms of the core "cut" capability but avoid the fancy leds/docking stn etc
@OzoneVibe I know... you can get lots cheaper - as little as £35 or so, that was the pushing the pain threshold but its diff design
@unkn0wnvariable @ozonevibe I've always used rotaries - forever, and didn't want to change
@epredator You what? certainly NEVER heard that term used @Walkerooo
@Alexandra_1608 Well I suppose maybe the helicopter will be ok? @Unicorn36
@OzoneVibe Woah #5 especially
Anyone know about "advanced format" drives and alignment tools. Even after this is there a perf degradation old OS's (thinking #WHS avoid)
@unkn0wnvariable there's a jumper which does sector remapping. Not sure what the alignment tool does - is it good as old or not
@unkn0wnvariable #WHS is based on Server 2003...
@unkn0wnvariable WD support l1 *think* performance *is* still affected even with WDalign - getting l2 to comment/respond
@unkn0wnvariable yes so not sure of impact of alignment tool - issue with jumper is sectors are offset so impacts perf I think
@unkn0wnvariable some performance hit can vary from 0.001 pc to 50 pc.. trying to figure out magnitude ;-)
@Alexandra_1608 there's always the space ship ;-)
@unkn0wnvariable Actually reading seems to suggest that after alignment should be just fine (new=easier/cheaper 2get)
@unkn0wnvariable yep it doesn't - win 5.x
remembered I still haven't done *any* f1 fanatasy team/predictions. Must fix tht tonight really...

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