Thursday 17 March 2011

From Twitter 03-17-2011

@macie_sherwood I take it you're familiar with the list at
@xplane0202 Wonderful #flash efficiency
@Queen_of_Snarks When our first kid was smll we once called the dr's (nurse) about certain things being a tad red.
@Queen_of_Snarks First Q - has he eaten beetroot (Ans: yes lots)= egg on face time ;-)
@macie_sherwood it rather shows how busy it's been in Japan :-(
RT @HirokoTabuchi: Latest: U.S. Calls Radiation ‘Extremely High’ and Urges Deeper Caution in #Japan
@sxa555 yes, tho I have Nokia will help rive lots of improvements & wicked cameras..
@Chl0w So what are you studying? Accountancy qualifications? degree?
@OzoneVibe Not what I'd expected either..
NHK world now showing video of steam coming up from buildings 2,3,4 (from helicopter 35km away) #fukushima (seriously good lens) #fb
@OzoneVibe nor the mount they must have it on.
@OzoneVibe thinking of one of these (can get tad cheaper) for summer hols. Need walkabout single lens with
@OzoneVibe more range. despite the comprimises...
@jpapejr the helicopter images were surprisingly good for the distance, but somewhat sickening to see.
@OzoneVibe even a 70-300 (which is similar price) would only reach 5.6, so only partial stop better. cant afford fast..
@OzoneVibe seem to remember when I checked it wasn't as big a diff. issue will be moving place-place quickly. hopping off cruise, wide/port
@OzoneVibe landscope through to architectural detail
@OzoneVibe not certain yet. will hav to have a play/more research, but planning for summer...
@planetf1 There was some minor ntfs issues that a ull scan found (logical issues it seems not physical). Will have to see :-(
Yay #WHS still up after 6 hours (chkdsk/defrag etc). A few days before I know if issue resolved...
RT @tomiahonen: Dead man walking RT @dw2 "20 Symbian handsets due in 2011 – Windows Phone not coming for 12 months?" ...
RT @Tordf: Funny | An update is available for your computer
Happy St Patrick's Day to my Irish friends #fb
Lots of recommendations ie foreignb govs recommending leaving N.Japan. Reminder in most cases based on infrastructure concern not radiation
just reported broken heating again. Starting to loose track of how many times in last few months...
Currently on 3rd technical thing of the morning not working. Midas touch comes to mind ;-)
@Nickyhants Ah no this is at work :-) Heating at home is fine ... though I do need to book a maintainance slot.. so will bear him in mind
@wildlime I use a pixelpipe plugin on my N900 for posting photos. configured to send to flickr/twitter/facebook and add text snippet. gr8..
@CPKHarris *if* it's still working when I get home.. fingers crossed
@iainduncani it's fair to say there's a collection of serious/complex issues around energy policy ... and no magic bullets
@OzoneVibe nice though am guessing sensor still small? (not read review)
@SlyRenard pure radiation emission I guess easy to work out. Particles Carrying in air/etc harder? Situation remains looking bad tho
@Chl0w Are you doing that in UK? It seems that the Netherlands is a popular destination for UK students avoiding uk fees
@wildlime On N900 the pixelpipe plugin is brilliant. One click from photo screen. enter abstract. hit send. so easy
RT @jon_read: Just put together a script to root and backup a Galaxy Tab. Called it ''. Wonder if they'll notice... #android
@Alexandra_1608 As long as you have phone, credit card, passport can't go too wrong!
@MorganF1 congrats
@etherealtype was forced to have guinuess sausages & a pint at lunch - All Patrick's fault.
@xplane0202 yep. another #userfail
@gakuranman @Mutantfroginc @Tornadoes28 @daniel_garcia_r One nice thing with chrome is SHIFT-ESC - shows cpu/mem use by tab/extension :-)
RT @WilliamsJon: Amid all talk of evacuation, as of 0500 GMT today, no radiation levels recorded in #Tokyo other than normal baseline re ...
interesting (and worrying) read ref the waste pools.hope they get that cooling underway (and treated soon) #fukushima
@sxa555 shame that the music studios etc have screwed up tv watching. and it helps how. STOOPID.
@sxa555 it has to be lower down the list... other priorities :-(
#WHS still up. Cool. Need to leave it active for a few days before I can be more sure...
@sxa555 honestly because the industry is being an arse
@etherealtype so how would that work as it's whiskey+cream ?
@Dr_Black good to be home eh. Next stop a good curry?
@alexbfree I must be out of the loop. not looked at either site. Used to use delicious mostly... though fav tweets is my "read later" Q
@Lipstedo I can never watch tv in bed. Read, yes. but tv has to be on sofa (tv, sound, attention I guess)
@_pocketdynamo <echo>
Nice to be home ... as I'm reunited with my phone after forgetting it today (panic)
@OzoneVibe @jon_read I should have read the tweet more carefully. yep micro 4/3 a nice form factor. I my have gone that way if avail.
@jon_read Oh ouch. cars :-(
@angryjedi I couldn't imagine doing it myself but I suspect it's rife...
@etherealtype you'll just have to go for the irish whiskey neat? .. or with ice ;-)
RT @ronbrinkmann: The most reasoned overview of the reactor situation in Japan that I've come across: (Send to fr ...
@ColinPlumb it's not just you. and also frustrated it's not yet (and that I'll miss race -live)
@fashionandf1 probably best not to go for a pint of it...
Apparently with #OYSTER card I can have "three travelcards" on it. So can I have 3 travecards for 3 ppl on one card? or pay for 3 ppl payg?
@Queen_of_Snarks tf website ..
Am guessing the 11-15/16-18 cards can only be obtained by post not in person? (so website implies) @Queen_of_Snarks
Can #oyster 11-15/16-18 cards be obtained in-person at a main station or is it online/post only?
@Queen_of_Snarks Probably about 4 times a year family, me more so. But tend to travel by train for southampton so get inclusive ticket
@Queen_of_Snarks hence why I've never even used oyster
#tfl journey planner only has option for "least walking" not "most walking" (like max: 2 miles or similar) :-) #green #fail
#tfl #green #NOTFAIL - unticked other methods and it's saying "max walking distance = 40 minutes". Cool! #exercisebike
@Queen_of_Snarks yes I was wrong. I take it back. Saw it on the advanced options. Oops. VERY NICE #tfl #win
Grr website says cal; XXXXX. Navigate through series of options only to be told "office is now closed". AARRRGGHH
Just spent ages trying to understand london tube/bus prices, oyster cards, travelcards. Never looked before.
Summary seems to be (central offpeak) >1 tube:travelcard >=3 bus:travelcard. oyster saving for <cap/travelcard, but pay deposit. #TfL
@ColinPlumb my replay won't be until around 9pm+ on sky+...
Yay son's bed prepared for potential buyer tomorrow. Finally going to watch some tv. this weeks "the event" (UK). Missed HD only SD tho
@hrwildberlin there'll be 4 of us.. will prob just get travelcards to avoid £5 dep as rarely use and no cheaper for journeys we need
@honeybee85 YES
@honeybee85 Started last week in US, was on Monday I think in UK - double episode. Was repeated E4 early hours this morning
@honeybee85 You may have to go to 4od
@honeybee85 I nearly did too . keep getting confused by this series stop/starts
@honeybee85 How about "V" - I think that starts soon, and also "caprica" is coming back for final ever episodes in next month or so
@honeybee85 can't see it :-(
@ColinPlumb yes will be avoiding all forms of communication .. If anyone at bros christening dares say anything will be well displeased #f1
@Chl0w we should look into options for other european countries esp ireland & also holland (where undergrad courses in english)
@Nickyhants ref heating -- temp was fine, but system seems broke.. so raised problem to get it fixed b4 it gets hot/cold !
#IAEA briefing on nuclear situation in Japan and safety #fb
@honeybee85 Well I ate a guinness (and beef) sausage, had a pint of guinness & met up with an irish friend, so I think that counts ;-)
@SarahAnnGreen the worst part. Went through same though not as old. And why doesn't sky planner record the MONTH/YEAR !!
@SarahAnnGreen I had all kinds of good intentions - freeview, freesat, save money .. but murdoch got me. Damn!
@McLaren_Fan First thought that comes to mind was "towels" - were the places reserved early in the morning ? ;-)
@Lipstedo used to love BSG, but all done now... was a great run I reckon
Right actually really going to watch #theevent now. l8r ...

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