Thursday 31 March 2011

From Twitter 03-31-2011

@Unicorn36 My son is planning to hit uni in 2012, daughter few yrs later...
@rachelclarkef1 I guess it's a free one so whatever!
RT @MorganF1: Happy birthday Mr Bunsen! Loving the Google doodle :oD
Eeek just spent ages (2 hours) composing a reply to an email. to be fair it was sketching out a high level design/implementation
RT @Anniemole: Shoreditch Tube staff strike again - well not strike in the normal sense of the word RT @paulsq Sweet sign http://plixi. ...
@xplane0202 £10 really. Might be worth it as a backup if your phone does have to get sent away!
@xplane0202 no web browser though!
@f1lover75 to be fair it was the work the 1 email caused. very poignent and useful questions to flush out a design proposal...
@OzoneVibe not sure I have. Have bought 2. 1 failed really quickly - dodgy. can't remember where from. other is starting to fail
@OzoneVibe I'd almost be inclined to go to a nokia/vodafone/three etc store and make sure of an orig even though more ££
@OzoneVibe or go and buy a set of fairly cheap ones knowing they may or may not be any good...
@tomwoolway colour/font (light on dark, smoother)/wider scroll bars mostly. also more net support/plugins tho am comparing sd2 silverlight
@tomwoolway scroll bars in CD s/times also jump as more entries retrieved. sender at beg. of posts more concise
@tomwoolway but really others are more minor just different. It's dark on light font & more predictable/larger scrollbars mostly.
@tomwoolway finaly the vertical tabs in sd2 are quite nice for occasional searches/list monitoring
@tomwoolway plugins:fb/4sq/linkedin/twitter all the time. Toyed with youtube/gowalla/formspring/lastfm/filter/video&image&maps/4sq preview
@tomwoolway Yes tho it's prob twitter 70% fb 20% li 5% 4sq 5% rest noise
@AdieBrown the Be (also part of O2) MD made some references but nothing solid ...
@AdieBrown I ended up leaving @o2 due to no fttc and went with @btcare infinity instead. Been very happy... (3.5/1 Mbps -> 34/8 Mbps)
@xplane0202 @xspyda A full reflash of 2.3.3 apparently helped (rather than factory reset) so looking good for now.
@AdieBrown I was in the same dilemma, but the line was just too long for speed... Check offers on for cashback too. Any Q ask.
@jtonline was just thinking the same albeit virtual rabbits. Actually make that the week and monday too #havetotakevacation
@etherealtype clear low down in #southampton though looks a bit cloudy. hopefully burn off for tomorrow :-)
@Lipstedo :-( Frustrating. just one more dat though....
@sarahloumillie work? holiday?
@etherealtype usually the best way. Booking up #f1 wasn't exactly a progressive move in that area .. esp with all the extras I'll need
@sxa555 @jtonline Only 5th? 7 here think I've had A925/A1000/6630/N80/N95 8Gb/N96/N900. Note A925/1000 were touchscreens too (back 2004/5)
@honeybee85 Cake looks good!
@MorganF1 Wow! Those are brilliant!
@OzoneVibe HATE animated gifs so good....
@sxa555 @sxa555 well A925/A1000 were bought outright async to contract. N80 replaced faulty 6630 mid-contract N95 8Gb was contract @jtonline
@jtonline @sxa555 N96 was free from Nokia (competition), N900 was again bought sim-free. I've had few long/phone subsidy contracts just 12m
@khertan nice feature.
@etherealtype impatient today? Tho I hate that too if in a rush (ie at station ot other shop)
@saltyF1 good, and still feeling chuffed I treated myself to some #silverstone 2011 BritishGP tickets...
RT @juwlz: RT @WeddingsByRyan Unlimited online backup for £1 for a year. - one day only offer
@juwlz I signed up earlier today - have user/pass & paid my £1. I use another service already (60/year) which works great, but will play
@OzoneVibe I've had a barclaycard for a couple of years - never used it either!
@OzoneVibe Am no fool - day off!
RT @seesmic: Seesmic Web: Now with Support for Chatter, Facebook Pages and More
@OzoneVibe and resolve multiple clashes by looking at other showings/+1 channels etc
@khertan it's only the excellent #s60 #gravity I've seen it in before.
RT @channel4news: RT @FactCheck: Simon Hughes says universities 'may not be allowed to charge £9k tuition fees' - we've looked at this: ...
Moe interesting summary of the data from fukushima RT @gakuranman: Radiation updates #fb
RT @PhilDuncanF1: Abu Dhabi are reported to offer Bahrain November 13 slot, and move their race to December. Bahrain have until May 1 to ...
@askseesmic noting that a lot of links (proper are not highlighted in #sd2 - have to cut/paste -> awkward
@andysc talking of wifi access - in tenerife most (free) wifi I tried was slow/poor. Best free/fast was at top of mount teide .. at 3500m up
@andysc I hasten to add I looked briefly - better things to do like enjoy the view!
Annoyed. First time in many many years. Mouth ulcer brewing. Go away. (will beer fix it?)
*STILL* no 4od/itv player on Sony BDP-S370 bravia internet. Just the same ol waste of space apps mostly (except iplayer/lovefilm)
Watching interesting horizon prog about the japanese eq. From last wk
30 pc of earthquakes worldwide occur in japan (4 plates)
Also showing an automated alert that appeared on tv coverage of japan parliment
My knowledge of earthquakes is poor(ish) in part a reminder from past tho. P waves and s waves
Suoerb footage on this prog (iain stewart) on japan eq.. Didnt realise initial burst lasted whole 5 minutes. Terrifying.
@parboo indeed am learning too. I did touch on this many years ago but only out of gen interest. Good prog
@honeybee85 hopefully it made up for working a little. Enjoy the rest of your birthday evening.
Tsunami warning was 3 mins after earthquake and gave just 20 mins warning before wave hit #whathorizontaughtme
The tsunami consisted of about 10 waves each 1km apart #whathorizontaughtme
Footage olf coastguard ship going over the wave (uneventful of course)
The footage is sickening yet stunning. Looks like cgi for 2012 but really happaned. Boats cars etc look like toys...
Didnt realise the often showed wave at ?macu? Was breaching a 10m wall
Apparently the wave was 10m same as wall... But in the earthquake the land had dropped 1m leading to the massive breach
10km inland the wall of water went in places.
Final wave arrived about 3.5hrs after earthquake. What a terrifying few hours
This #horizon program is brilliance. Not general journalistic view but with more scientific facts and analysis
Opinion. A catastrophic failure of imagination - ref fukushima and location+tsunami preparation
A fifth of the worlds 440 ish nuclear reactors are in highly seesmic active ares
Interesting analysis of how the eq affected stress levels suggesting now greater in me areas inc tokyo
I meant ... In more southern areas such as tokyo
Another stunningly brilliant prog and so quickly put together from the #bbc #horizon
For anyone in UK - this is a link to that fantastic programme
I recommend Horizon
@SlyRenard as is of course #f1 ...
@Sandanista Oh yeah been there in last few weeks

Tweets copied by

Wednesday 30 March 2011

From Twitter 03-30-2011

@SlyRenard @Chl0w #tweetdeck has some nice qualities though air too cpu heavy. quite like #seesmic, looking fwd to new #chromedeck fixes
@Inacurate what's your limit over there. My fttc (vdsl 34/8) connection has been 300Gb cap though that gets removed next month :-)
@LauraLeslie23 more likely they installed the firewall..
@OzoneVibe not yet, though he;s slumming it of course!
RT @katebevan: If BBC News reports that its website is broken, is that the same as if you type Google into Google?
@katebevan ref typing google into google - similar (google earth) Have you seen this? ;-)
@honeybee85 it's all right. you're normal, the unbelievers are abnormal ;-)
@Inacurate our usage (fam.4) being careful is around 100-110, not caring seems more like 170-180. but any tv mostly streaming
@macahan2000 I borrowed old non-vr 70-300 last yr. Had been thinking about getting same, but since my bigger use is for "walkabout" when
@macahan2000 in rush am going for 18-270 I think. Comprimise in speed/quality and opposite to that needed for f1..
@AndyBold @martinhowitt My biggest beef with vodafone is the (higher than three) data rates. £10/1Gb effectively on mobile tariff.
@AndyBold @martinhowitt Yet also biggest benefit is roaming data - £10/month for 25MB/day in some european countries works nicely for fb/tw
@AndyBold @martinhowitt But to be truly useful need far more in uk and abroad ie for streaming etc...
@epredator gr. I hate that. Cinema/theater annoys me more. It's their convenience (less staff, book ahead etc) not just mine!
@epredator did you take a photo and complain on the basis no other mechanism was available. I probably would have!
@AndyBold @MartinHowitt If I had 3 signal at home+work (I dont) it could well be one-plan + tethering. Wicked.
@paulbackhouse I noticed your tweet didn't have an "in-reply-to" link? Can be tricky if originator tweets a lot! (tho I got this one)
anyone else using bookmarks less and less. I mostly find sites I know by memorable search terms these days.
@martinpacker together with browser sync
@martinpacker though I'm a chrome fan. I keep trying ff (even 4) and every time chrome is quicker/leaner/simpler
RT @daniel_garcia_r: AREVA's Matthias Braun explains Fukushima's NPP accident evolution in this PowerPoint presentation: ...
@rodet that may be a good technical reason, but in terms of general user experience chrome is just right...
@martinpacker yep it's always done that.
thanks! #@DavidMorecambe @adamleveridge @F1Ellen @tyymclarenfan @McLaren_eShop @LeeMcKenzieF1 @5LiveF1 @CroftyF1 @tedkravitz @H4HBEAR
yahay! office heating supposedly fixed. maint telling me cold air=15.4C hot=31.4C - sounding good!
@martinpacker then there's the whole "delete" /"remove from meeting" in particular in relation to repeated meetings. always goes pear shaped
@little_jodieF1 realised I had an offer of a quick lunchtime drink. But decided not to get wet (ok well that was one reason!)
RT @sxa555: I detest the social media term 'viral' to mean things people pass round. To me "Viral" means it passes ITSELF around unsolicited
@sxa555 DEFINATELY it should stand on it's own merits
RT @_pocketdynamo: RT @zshahan3 Republicans Join in Historic 33% Renewable Energy Vote in California
@EmLah are you involved in those two?
@mjserres for some reason none of your links work for me? (on chrome) always blank screen. WOrks fine in firefox though...
@mjserres those brands appear more us foccussed. is that due to # twitter users, or the study itself?
RT @ChromeDeck: Love ChromeDeck? Love testing new stuff? Then join the ChromeDeck Beta programme! Get the lowdown here
@jon_read @OzoneVibe more so than me then (I probably should do *some* bookmarking)
@OzoneVibe @jon_read that's the key thing - browser integration of search inc. history makes things so much easier
@askseesmic keep noticing the fb plugin on SD2 says "no internet connection" after every connection drop/reconnect. twit recovers tho...
Seeing lots of #f1 fans complain of tiredness, unwellness etc - yep those early sessions really do zap life ....
RT @tomiahonen: Ouch RT @neilmilliken another use of SMS: speeding fine scam messages telling you 2 ring a premium rate # & pay a fine y ...
Seen explanation for bbc outage? ""Cause of issue: Faulty Switch ... Services Impacted: Everything."
read second paragraph about mobile data in tube - well DONt USE IT THEN!
@chromedeck - Are you planning to offer ability to customize font (bigger) and colour (prefer dark on light) ? #beta
@ChromeDeck thanks, yes already doing CTRL-+ - I do think color v. important. I find the white/dark quite tiring to read cf black on white
I didn't know Cheetah's don't need to drink water daily (they do sometimes though)? - Get enough from prey
@mjserres that link worked fine (I had already seen it as I used cut/paste into FF4)
@barrywebber a wonderful question to google. Found one faq stating they don't drunk beer as it gives them a hangover. Useful ;-)
"we are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations" - Charles R. Swindoll
@mjserres yes the new link was fine -- as are most links I see (I click on plenty) Most be the hootsuite shortener service
@mjserres I found the cause. I was using "adblock" extension (with defaults) - for whatever reason it was blocking. Disable->fine ... oops
Interesting fact. As i am off to #silverstone for the full #f1 weekend i will be spending approx 1% of my time there
So just blamed my neighbour for pushing me over the edge to book #f1 tickets @ozonevibe
@Unicorn36 3-4 days away at silverstone.365 days/yr so about 1 pc. Yay!
@EmpireSteve thanks!
@unkn0wnvariable they do. Get what u pay for....?
@sxa555 worried about formspring?
@Chl0w have a job lined up after? Planning a holiday?
@melissa_RBRx i cant see them checking but of course i dont know what they will actually do
@unkn0wnvariable ah i see. Must remember that if i need to replace mine at some point.
@OzoneVibe yep may have
@Unicorn36 becketts (sun. Roving other days)
dilemma - being asked if free 3-7 July 2012. Wonder if British GP that weekend? If so maybe I'll just have to go somewhere else next yr #f1
@EmLah ah yes I should have remembered. cuts all around private+state funding. No option though..
@unkn0wnvariable one thing I cant stand is unreliable tech... regardless of price/type
@lau_amyf1 ah thanks... though may? weather. Hmm. July 2012 may not come off anyway. But thanks for the info.!
listening to some artist I've never heard of before - florrie ... - call 911 quite a good dance track (not q vocal)
twitter seems a tad sick...
interest - unsigned, fair few tracks free on website - energetic party track
If you need to use #twitter via the web, go to instead - seems "more" up ....
@chromedeck is there a way to follow the in-reply-to reference in a tweet in the #beta - important for replying in context
@Alexandra_1608 was it that bad! Just saying use if main twitter site down as its often still working...
@Lipstedo its peeling the darn things thats painful!
@paulbackhouse @twodesign congrats a regular occurance?
@xplane0202 yes annoying u cant timeslip and start streaming soon after show starts airing..
@melissa_RBRx think it was mostly just the web interface. If it happens again try using an app or
My Top 3 Weekly #lastfm artists: Colbie Caillat (15), Sunday Girl (1) & Nadine Coyle (1) #music
RT @elliegoulding: Chicago gig is streaming live tonight at 5.30pm PT / 8.30pm ET. On Facebook ( and mobile (http ...
silly home pc keeps not wanting to resume from suspend without power cycle #fail
Anyone getting issues with #nexus s (2.3.3) hanging/freezing - @xplane0202 's started few days ago. full reset-no diff. HW fault?
@xspyda yep seen it. @xplane0202 not happy -- suddenly started monday so looks like HW issue? Back to CPW...
One thing that does worry me about #android is HW reliability. Definately a reason to stick with Nokia (or Apple).. maybe switch not good..
@xspyda a) sales of goods mean they can't force that but in any case they openly solicit warranty repairs regardless of purchase location
@noelrooney may that's good news...

Tweets copied by

Tuesday 29 March 2011

From Twitter 03-29-2011

may as well continue the #f1 evening with the 60th anniversary documentary from bbc4 last night .. then should get some sleep!
I see @OzoneVibe got there first but happy birthday @amandagolding have a good day. sorry I couldn't be at the meal. will be at tweetup tho
@_pocketdynamo @OzoneVibe Oh!
@mcddjj I have a nokia h/set not iphone and a spare batt, this is a plan B (for any micro USB dev) so external
@RachEdwardsF1 yep i saw it. @OzoneVibe is organizing a tweetup too though not sure when.
@mcddjj Thanks. 7000 mAh in spec. Yes 1 ip4 charge (1500 ish).mm really want genuine 5000+ (my phone is 1300) - so 3 at least
@mcddjj actually 7Wh at 3.6V is < 2000 mAh which fits with review observations (1 charge+ a bit)
@Pinkgineer though at least this week saw the return of #f1 ?
And the #f1 is now put on hold as normal service (ie work) resumes.. albeit for a 3 day week :-)
@Sham1969 Good policy. I generally do the same. withheld=no answer. (unless expecting call)
@NeilBaileyF1 yep, I had 3 last year but 1 has totally failed another on way out. I may change phone later this year hence thought. But
@NeilBaileyF1 haven't found one with reviews that suggests much more than 1 charge yet. If I could get 2-3 charges wuld be worth it.
@AndyCDoyle Use lists? either keep follows to "core" and then extra topic/event lists, or use a new list for focussed tracking of tweets
@AndyCDoyle I use latter (as big lists) though lack of streaming API for lists is a pain. hopefully will come soon
Thunderbird playing up again ... both released and mirimar. Tends to start consuming 10-20% cpu. indexing disabled. ideas?
Arrived at dentists early. Always get dodgy sicky tummy feeling even tho only a checkup. Irrational yep!
arrrgh work spam? nope, presentations for the myriad of retirees - so many ...
Grr there goes thunderbird eating CPU again. Indexing is disabled so *why*. It's not acceptable. Going to have to give up
I like thunderbird, like the layour/UI/capabilities but eating CPU for no clear reason just isn't on (it's wasting me battery right now)
@sxa555 However it is an indication of it's "success". Just like people might refer to hoover instead of acuum... ?
Wondering what writes to wmi\rtbackup directory on windlows 7 .etl file... takes so much I/O from time to time ..
Sick pc. firewall seems to be playing up again. Think it could be a kernel resource leak ? ...
So the technical gremlins are out in force this pm. Mandated firewall def. Playing up (bugs not rules)
Sigh, more data gathered, problems summarised, suggestions made, email sent... some sw causes more issues than it solves....
Frustrated at the silly obstacles in just trying to get something done. Brick wall time?
thought I had a (phone) meeting clash - turns out meeting B says "join meeting A". Cool :-)
Any ideas on this "54.7.0 density sensor out of range" from a HP 2500n colour laserjet". wont print/service error tried cleaning sensor #fb
business commitments for the year completed. That's me done. dinner, dogs & a few tweets no doubt now.
@Autogpcouk good idea, thx. just posted
@frontieruk thanks had seen that, but probably different in that I get more info as this printer is networked so errorlog has more detail
whilst tech correct this way of writing abbreviations is doing my head in #Kindle
@frontieruk it's just a punt - got the printer free off a mate... am hoping it's simple/cleaning as it hasn't actually been used much at all
How is everyone this evening. after spouting off about #f1 at the weekend have been rather quite today!
@honeybee85 tee hee. not a bad thing though. well not for fellow #f1 friends anyway!
@melissa_RBRx the venue's not announced yet though is it?
@VickyLygoeF1 nice to see your results in public :-) guess that's quite important in marketing.!
@frontieruk thanks. I've checked out regular hp manuals. Anyway if you find anything.
@etherealtype no there are some bands I've never heard off (well the first from you recently). always something to learn
@unkn0wnvariable AFAIK three has never charged for tethering? not just a canadian phenomena?
@melissa_RBRx Ah I guess it's a little far from #southampton then !
@macie_sherwood it's the classic "do not press" ! Never believe what you're told!
@_pocketdynamo Oh sounds rather nice! Yum...
@EwanMarshall @Miss_F1 What GS/area are you doing? I did 2010 GA, but booked Becketts last night <jumps with joy> #f1
@PeachyF1 @EwanMarshall I think a few issues are a) different audience b) different timescale c) comments get "split" -
@PeachyF1 @EwanMarshall but I do it selectively using "selective tweets" - and just add <hash>fb to the end of a tweet
@Miss_F1 I did GA last year. Just race day. Great fun. but got tempted to not have to get up too early!
@fmandelbrot ha ha, though it would make exceeding them easier ;-)
@etherealtype hence finland.. on the bands about the closest I got was being a heart fan in the 80s!
@macahan2000 Cool. Looking forward to it!
@Miss_F1 @EwanMarshall I was on the bank at club last year. precarious or what - and my friends were in q at 9pm (I turned up at 6...!)
@macahan2000 nice - here were mine -- though was fence in front of me, and not a great lens (not user) .
@macahan2000 got into pits later in day though :-)
@macahan2000 Yep that lens was at min aperature, and I couldn't move location. fence/cars/lens wrong combo...
@macahan2000 so pits. yep. ended up walking round much of the track, up to start/finish, then into pitlane - and chatted to security manager
@macahan2000 it was so late some of the teams had cleared out, but some cars remaining. only about 12 spectators so didn't seem worried!
@little_jodieF1 working for me, but it's 13 mins later...
@noelrooney is it back for you now. Maybe I missed the "outage"
Caught up with last weeks American idol. Some v.good contestants. group performance v.good too. and some nice surprises!
So working for everyone now? I must have missed it
What happened at the bbc then. data centre outage, more likely a rogue sw update?
Maybe the bbc installed a certain security vendors firewall if my recent experiences are anything to go by....
@little_jodieF1 bbc news just tweeted it was working again now, so I just missed the excitement!
@xplane0202 I stream quite regularly and usually is fine...
@unkn0wnvariable tee hee. same here. felt great yesterday (part was euphoria of booking tickets!). not so good today....

Tweets copied by

Monday 28 March 2011

From Twitter 03-28-2011

@sxa555 you scots. never did quite understand iron bru
RT @neicey: RT @Tuesdaytweetup Tweetup news! Next Tuesday Tweetup : Tuesday 12th April at the Duke of Wellington, 36 Bugle St., Soton SO ...
@ralight @elsua @jtonline yes am familiar just haven't managed (tried) to go that far..
@noelrooney of course I should have said bring round the steaks and beer for the bbbq and you're on ;-)
@noelrooney though actually am going to hit the gym after the dog walk.. going to be worn out tonight!
@OzoneVibe indeed
@xplane0202 bother. you got me there
@honeybee85 brilliant congrats great experience and opportunities. and free at weekend for f1? !.
Just checking my @btcare infinity connection. Still working nicely - happy!!
Playing ball with teddy in the woods
@Autogpcouk nice download. Low upload? No vm here and 3.5 on adsl so #fttc v. Welcome
@saltyF1 actually with lie in and day off am ok. Lazy morning jobs later. Walking dogs then gym...
@xplane0202 oh dear. Spare batt time?
@juwlz came off pretty well then!
@iMismii it thinks its a nexus s?
@honeybee85 i usually miss friday practice. Working. May have to be more creative at least to catch one session
Neighbour has just booked silverstone. Ummm not me (yet)...
it really is a lovely day out there.. but now to the gym
@OzoneVibe my neighbour wasn't going to go, but it all fell apart when watching the Australian GP it seems!
@OzoneVibe yep will prob check prices/availability "just out of interest" ;-)
@OzoneVibe of course these sites are so complex, accidents do happen. not my fault. tho I said I wouldn't
@etherealtype Think it will be healthy salmon after gym! Though a glass of vino needed to complement it
@MorganF1 Doing exactly the same now (am not driving tho) even if only a 10 min q
Grr trip to gym usually 12 mins. About 30 mins today all down to 1 junction temp traffic lights
Getting v. Tempted to do silverstone this year 'bugger it' comes to mind. #F1
First time ever gym car park full. Seriously
@paulbackhouse i should consider sometime. Tho #f1 has priority for now
@rennarda spa would be another option tho am away that w/end... Enjoy. Maybe diff next yr
@MrsParkinson2b ha no. Here now.
@NeilBaileyF1 may see u there. What area did you go for gs/gen. Would probably do becketts
@RachEdwardsF1 may be i will. U going?
@Unicorn36 aarrggghh
@OzoneVibe becketts is covered i think
Anyone else about to book. Decision time i think.
@unkn0wnvariable @ozonevibe I did last year. Friends were in queue at 9pm day before then did runner. Gs so much easier!
So cost of f1 would be 1000. Half for tkts etc. Half for new camera lens...
@unkn0wnvariable went for day last year. Arrived at 5am. Left 8pm no traffic issues whatsoever. Zilch. Choose times... @OzoneVibe
Thinking big #f1 tweetup...
@OzoneVibe not aircon and free bar? #f1
@OzoneVibe gs would mean no/less issues dashing to circuit esp after evening socializing
Am i right in thinking can usually book the main silverstone camping even fairly latest for #f1 race? As long as have 3day tickets
@duskyBloggerF1 Nope sorry u want @planet_f1
@unkn0wnvariable more interior space i guess. Am really interested in upcoming ev
@unkn0wnvariable yes if thats the reason
@unkn0wnvariable my joggler £50 does that and lots more besides tho most of time its a clock!
RT @OzoneVibe: #F1 people!!!!! Who's going to British GP? Let's organise a massive tweetup! I've started a list ( ) ...
@OzoneVibe @TomRedknap thanks tom. I'm game.
Apologies to any followers who aren't #f1 fans. As you can guess I am. Normal service resumes 28 November ;-)
@McLarenFan_Jamm well at this point perhaps addict might be a better term to use ;-)
@frontieruk they have "unfollow" too ;-)
@Lord_Sir_A could do though to be honest I need a new "walkabout" lens, and photos during race are tricky anyway-if anything due to location
@Lord_Sir_A for motion shots I'd need a fast telephoto, but will probably worry less and enjoy the event more but links always good
@Lord_Sir_A I only have an 18-105 & a 50 prime (nikon) - can only afford 70-300 or 18-200 in nikon - both slow, prob go for tamron
@Lord_Sir_A 18-270 mostly for holidays -- with family, no time to swap lenses. really slow for sports though. cant have everything.
@jtonline What co?
So #f1 tweeps - are there large screens at #silverstone visible from becketts?
@saltyF1 :-) just good planning
@TomRedknap there's a map at
@22bishop club too (where I was last year!)
@saltyF1 Have you done becketts? #f1
So much for saying I couldn't afford to go to the #f1 this year.... just *had* to be done.
Out of interest any #f1 tweeps who did British GP last year, how was @vodafoneuk *data*. Was on @threeuk and it was PERFECT in 2010.
@jonchoo not going to talk about that.
@jonchoo Ok, it's just the negative part. It's £299 for 3 day ticket including GS at becketts for the race. (any GS for quali/practice)
@jonchoo did GA last year. Loads cheaper, but more binding having to hang around/get up early (which a friend did - 9pm night before)
@adamsapples It was this weekends fault. And then @ozonevibe 's comments tipped me over the edge. Well it's done now. #f1
@rennarda and so is mine now, and @ozonevibe so hopefully see you there - seen the tweetup call at ?
@saltyF1 well went for becketts now. Booked. Phew. *so excited*
@TomRedknap went for becketts in end. I guess you're already signed up on dave's list at
@Basfordmf1 Did you see the tweetup call at - Yep becketts. where did you opt for?
@VeedubGeezer So was I until earlier today when I got "persuaded" (took about 10s)
@jonchoo it's a lot. was putting it off, but... well.. it's something I really enjoy ...
@Alexandra_1608 Ouch! ... was a bit of a #fail really... :-(
@rachelclarkef1 Nice. Quite different to #1 really!
@Alexandra_1608 SMS?
@Basfordmf1 Ah cool. Won't see you in GS, but hoping to meetup with fellow tweeps over the w/end
@saltyF1 sounds like the advertizing is working
@rennarda cool!
@_pocketdynamo have you thought about writing in if it's really upsetting -- though m sure that's tricky.
@Lipstedo yes, for some reason it doesn't have 24 hr #f1 coverage?
@Alexandra_1608 little email, no twitter, no facebook --> does not exist in the digital world .... surely SMS ?
@Queen_of_Snarks i feel ill eating a few of those. far prefer the plain ones...
@mike_griffin_f1 if it's recorded just ff the ads?
@Alexandra_1608 at least she'll have it to wake up to :-)
@SkatmanB definately -- saw it last night. more detail about some of the events than I'd seen before. stomach wenching but worth watching
@wlvs I was surprised how brilliant three were at silverstone last year - perfect 3G data all day sunday (I was doing some streaming)
Mmm. am going to need more phone battery power for 3 days at f1. even if charge in car. recommendations of usb charge pack?
@vee8 @cmckinleyF1 what was intriguing/fast-minded too was ferrari's response effectively meaning penalty or nothing
@RhiannonMLane have seen them, but not had recommendations. i can charge things in car o/night, but pack good for long days
@susan_mendes senna movie dvd! cool.didn't even know (or look/check) it was out on DVD. looking forward to seeing that film
@susan_mendes did you catch the documentaries on BBC4 last night -- worth watching. check iplayer if not

Tweets copied by

Sunday 27 March 2011

From Twitter 03-27-2011

@frontieruk vet-ham gap. ham was getting closer before vet pitted
Oh poos BUT has a penalty. #f1
more ppl in hotel dining room. wonder at what point someone asks for change of channel...
@melissa_RBRx and inches, pounds? We should have fully decimilized imo we have an odd hybrid now.
Not a pleasant site but #f1
@Lipstedo what remote control? #;-) f1
HAM's doing a great job close to VETs pace, but can't see him getting past unles VET has a problem. Though next tyres degrading may help #f1
Why do I feel myself feeling sorry for MSC - so retired from race now #f1
Mercedes not having a good weekend. (oops bar) #f1
@VickyLygoeF1 he's surely not going to carry on next season if he can't get up three this season.
@honeybee85 though I think BAR had other ideas... #F1
@honeybee85 exactly, not mercedes fault #f1
@MorganF1 photo torpedoes would do #F1
Penalty for bar! #f1 deserved ... sadly..
VET steadily pulling out a lead on HAM - was .5s a lap but increasing. HAMs tyres going off? #f1
VET is now 9s ahead of HAM - back to .5s on last lap #f1
@McLarenFan_Jamm having to watch on a RF feed from sky in hotel today. But quali was delicious in HD ... #f1
bad last lap from HAM a few seconds slower than VET #f1
Oh dear, not such a brilliant weekend for McLaren - but at least the base performance is not bad, though RBR still looking pretty (VET)
@etherealtype he's done very well today. #f1
@VickyLygoeF1 and but too? #f1
#f1@shellk1984 last lap he was quicker than VET! seems to not be too bad...
@THEpastamaster @honeybee85 and he pits :-) #f1
HAM did at least 1s better than VET #f1
20 laps on one set of tyres? Ummm. dont think so #f1
@Lipstedo am enjoying too, haven't felt the urgent reflex to switch to r5live yet. Though I do miss chandhok #f1
@DaveMyers1 could still be marginal #f1
@CurlySueTweets always good to see someone other than the regular contenders up there.
@_pocketdynamo hope you had a lovely evening last night. Happy birthday for last night and I guess tuesday?
Would have loved to see WEB on podium for home race ... but ALO is looking smart #f1
@missybct don't worry, there were lots of girls swooning at the #f1 men earlier. you were probably anticipating that!
ALO is bound to get WEB #f1
@BetterThanMe web took that opportunity from alo to pass on track though! #f1
Perez on button? 1.3s
@BetterThanMe looking more sharpish now isn't he #f1
@SarahAnnGreen Think it's true -- different characteristics of the tyre wear and debris
@Shelley__Lee rumour is of a lightweight unit they can use instead of full kers - saving weight etc. #f1
PEREZ holding the gap to button #f1
@VickyLygoeF1 he's looking good. Preez and di resta looking good too (though further back) #f1
@F1Ellen good isnt it! #f1
@andiecapes away today so missing the dogs :-(
@VickyLygoeF1 :-( Still the summary & forum. Though I'll be dashing off after ifnish line - watching rest tonight. then 2 weeks :-( #f1
@andiecapes yep1 - teddy. (boy).
driver of the race? petrov, perez, vettel -- will go for perez I think at this rate as a rookie #f1 #bbcf1
@_pocketdynamo @OzoneVibe must make it next time.
@hunni_h yes that's true too - both excellent performances today #f1 pet/per
@dinkyrach ha ha nice try #f1 ! (go petrov!)
@andiecapes sure
@OzoneVibe yeah right
can't say he didn't put in a good performance VET #f1
So good to see HAM in P2 - exceeding expectations #f1
And Wooah. PETROV P3 - Superb matey #f1
Perez 7th - ont a bad first outing! #f1
right guys I have to zip off. So glad I got to share the race with everyone
Don't have to go around with fingers stuck in ears being antisocial all day
Acceptable to now fall asleep in church (neice's christening) ?
Brilliant race. Woah. enjoyed that. want more. #f1
Also at
Ok TTFN. Will be watching forum etc tonight :-( #f1
@OzoneVibe thanks. Still looks like I'm missing monaco and spa ...
RT @mike_griffin_f1: Hamilton may get excluded thanks to the damaged floor. Which, sadly, would put Alonso on the podium :(
@mike_griffin_f1 I sincerely hope not but could happen...
@etherealtype Brilliiant wasn't it -- Di Resta was respectable too. Good to see some new drivers. MSCs clock is ticking ... #f1
@welp tah
Right. really must go. l8rs
I just became the mayor of bros house on @foursquare!
Lovely service. Now snacks. And so glad i saw the race!
@etherealtype thanks. Chat and eat now!
@dinkyrach indeed. Forum for me for supper tonight!
Just a quick check and find perez car illegal. What a shame but if broke rules so be it #f1
Woah back home after busy weekend. So tired but going to watch rest of post-program #f1 and forum :-)
@BetterThanMe suffering from early #f1 starts? Worth it though wasn't it! Shame another 2 weeks to wait. At least I now get to watch forum!
@saltyF1 yep, and a few 100 miles driving/family event. worth it though with forum/post race still to watch
@saltyF1 so you didn't do fp1 (I did) or fp3 (I didn't)
RT @wtf1_co_uk: Not had enough F1 today? Two, yes TWO F1 shows on BBC Four at 8pm and 9pm
@wtf1_co_uk what? quick runs to sky+ box...
Is #f1 trying to prevent me even getting any sleep. And there's a bbc horizon prog about japan e/quake. iplayer I think...
@evoGage true thats in the record list too!
@Inacurate suppose that means either u need to explain bettger.... Or perhaps they are in the wrong job...
@SarahAnnGreen oh now before i know it i will be 3.5 hrs of #f1 telly behind!
@Inacurate Ah i see... Yes frustrating and possibly disappointing worrying confusing
@Gaila88 And the naked feeling that follows... #lifewithoutaphone @DeedeeBreezy
caught up with bits of pre/post quali/race -- now about to watch #f1 forum
Silly sony iplayer sw. All the program names are truncated. All fp1/2/3/quali/race/forum begin "Formula 1 The Australian Grand..." great!
THEN not only that but once selected "backup" doesn't go back to search results/categoy but to top level. Duh. User Interface #fail
@BetterThanMe Looks like Malaysia (in 2 weeks) is at 8am. at least for quali/race. fp1 & 3 will be earlier than that for hard core fans ;-)
@Gaila88 bit silly though. 11 or 12 years ago didn't even have a mobile, how things change...
@draml going to fall asleep before watching the two BBC4 documentaries let alone "wonders" !
@anotherproblem wow. that is seriously cheap
@unkn0wnvariable yes not the smooth tarmac we're used to these days.
@THEpastamaster YAY! same here :-)
@melissa_RBRx HRT didn't qualify - failed under the 107% rule - ie they were too slow compared to the others (and > 107% of time of leader)
@laura_marieee Night! It does feel like a long #f1 weekend. At least Malaysia is a little more sociable!
@sxa555 indeed - looks fine. Def some usability glitches in the samsung and sony viewers
@Hands0n i was up on london last w/end. voda data ok round here (other than £/limits!) but was dismal in london. truly rubbish
@saltyF1 night - now the feeling. a common one amongst f1 fans I expect! Several ppl today have told me I'm mad :-)
@lightmasf1 same here. Struggled to stay awake during forum. may have to rewatch some of it. 3 early mornings, not good but rewarding!
@lightmasf1 only skipped fp3 - that was too much. at least malaysia is 8am for quali/race so a slightly later start!

Tweets copied by

Saturday 26 March 2011

From Twitter 03-26-2011

@Alexandra_1608 @OzoneVibe Or in HRTs case it signifies "pathetic" #f1
@Queen_of_Snarks what is polish sausage? How does it differ from regular sausage? more like german sausage?
@Queen_of_Snarks is almost all your tv watching britland? seems like it! streaming via proxy? slingbox?
@ladyofsalzburg yep have to agree with you there. can't stick head in sand...
@OzoneVibe @Alexandra_1608 true I feel for them, but for the sport as a whole if they can't improve as an organization ... there were others
@Julesbtcc Have to agree with you. I do hate finding out the result if can't watch live, but know I have to avoid twitter/fb (maybe tomoz)
@VickyLygoeF1 where was the simulator feature? - oh just seen bbc news. wonder if on iplayer. maybe in show tomorrow
@vee8 thanks for pointing out it's not worth watching!
RT @jetlbomb: @GrandPrixDiary Here dokes the dilemma, does my phone.change the time automatically? I'm going to get up at the wrong time ...
@jetlbomb Ha Ha. That's *exactly* the problem I was wondering about too. Tho my phone does say "next alarm in 6:23 or whatever"
@jetlbomb but does get confusing. Is my alarm set in gmt, so goes off hour later in "current local time" (bst) or not. arrrgghh
@OzoneVibe it's not just auto-update, it's also how it handles DST -- and indeed any conflict btw auto-update and DST processing . @jetlbomb
@OzoneVibe pretty sure my N900 got it right last year ... eek
@jetlbomb this is the time an old fashioned wind up clock could be useful!
anyone remember how long the aussig GP usually lasts about 1:34 last year. Um 0700-0834. that might work...
Was anyone watching the web feed today? Was it still a bit jerky. looked like it.
@Sk4zZi0uS BB issues?
@EmLah :-) am not sure yet.. so you missing it too. Not being live is one thing, but bigger issue is hearing result. Arrgh
@saltyF1 tee Hee. I've had a few comments along the lines of "I see #f1 is back then"... or "my timeline was full of #f1 tweets"... :-)
@saltyF1 sounds like you certainly enjoyed the event today!
@laura_marieee 2 birds with one stone -> RT @Alexandra_1608: If you speak Spanish follow @VirutasF1 he's brilliant lol
@Queen_of_Snarks rest of family knows I'll be mr grumpy all day tomorrow if I hear. and mr anxious if not
@saltyF1 just had another facebook complaint! Saying I should put spoiler...
@unkn0wnvariable @OzoneVibe Funnily enough am capturing info on a symantec issue right now ...
@unkn0wnvariable @OzoneVibe restricting throughput, adding latency & maxing out cpu in the filtering (kernel+app)
@unkn0wnvariable @OzoneVibe Microsoft Security Essentials? win 7/windows firewall/ms intrusion detection works?
@ozonevibe @unkn0wnvariable AV seems ok, it's the symantec firewall ("NTP") that is currently causing me grief
@unkn0wnvariable Oh yes that's the other issue - firewall is giving daily BSOD TEEFER2.SYS ..... @ozonevibe
@unkn0wnvariable too right though in this case it's mandated sw... (work machine) so no option ...
@unkn0wnvariable if reported, recreated & proven to cause issue can prob get an exception (hope)
I guess the RBR simulator video isn't online anywhere? Regular bbc news not on iplayer, can't see vid on #bbcf1 site ??
@EmLah @kimifan warwick for me this weekend...
Woah my 2Tb hard drive (to extend #WHS) I ordered thu afternoon is out for delivery today. Yay!
had some great experiences with amazon marketplace in recent months. always exceeding expectations. brilliant.
@EmpireSteve it is 4k format, but fw apparently can handle mapping with degredation. less messy than WD. 2Tb.
@EmpireSteve I have 1+1.5 so far, and only 100Gb or so free, so the 2Tb will be a bonus (but with duplication addition is less of course)
@F1_Girl @Ste_L Funny all us #f1 freaks are busy buying new TVs - I went for one last Oct (samsung 46 led edge). Glad the motion is spot on
@EmLah definately where the train scores over the plane...!
@f1_girl @Ste_L my old one was still CRT. (albeit a decent 100Hz sony with freeview)
@F1_Girl @unkn0wnvariable Oh the legs. Samsung have so many subtle model variations - bezel, legs, features. Though for the larger size I
@F1_Girl @unkn0wnvariable went for wall mounting. Partly to be out of way-dogs (we have a puppy who's about 5 months was younger of course)
@f1_girl @Ste_L I went with open mind to compare based on picture I liked. I used to have all sony, but now more varied
@welp @andypiper Not familiar with you recent probs, don't suppose it was >£100 with CC co? If so could raise issue with them as liable
@F1_Girl Indeed! Also I have iplayerHD on TV, with a fast net connection so can at least have 720p (iplayer HD) if I miss live/sky HD!
@f1_girl @Ste_L I always look for deals. Got mine for 950 for a TV in John Lewis at 1450. And still got 5yr warranty :-) my max ££
@ste_l @F1_Girl the models do all vary though.. I figured they ALL have issues. Even the £2500 models. Just can't expect perfection
@F1_Girl @Ste_L Yep. The kids had been complaining for a while. once bernie started muttering about HD the path was set....
@CPKHarris Didn't when I tried yesterday - but that's for live. I was after the RBR sim article the bbc did
@ste_l @F1_Girl What are your favourites then?
@EmpireSteve it was a close run with WD. i wanted lower power (always on).
@melissa_RBRx Petrov was P6 - Kob was P9 ...
@ste_l @F1_Girl yep they're the top lcd producers - though in practice the panels in each set vary "panel lottery" which is a factor too
@ste_l @F1_Girl was tempted by LG 8900 - though didn't look as good as expected and couldn't find for less than around 1400 last autumn (47)
@F1_Girl they have an ok lcd model. I decided to skip plasma mostly due to burn-in concerns esp as kids etc tend to leave tv on/on pause
@F1_Girl and also power consumption. The samsun led models are brilliant for low power. Whole panel doesn't even get slightest bit warm
@EmpireSteve good
@F1_Girl Yep, I could have gone non-LED for around 700 instead of 950.. though the led one had 5yr warranty and just preferred the pic.
@F1_Girl I went 46 (for living room). 55 would have been nicer, but price jump was just too much.
@EmpireSteve yep same here
@F1_Girl I was relieved motion was ok. I have mine set to "CLEAR" - standard is not so good for f1..
@F1_Girl May be more noticeable on larger panel. I found default a bit too smooth, but it's personal preference...
@JeanneKietzmann technically challenged - prob not if changing own tyres. I just go to the tyre place...
@unkn0wnvariable yep though you'll need > 3.5 Mbps . Also whilst player is good FF/RW is a disaster (very slow) even with 34 Mbps
@unkn0wnvariable a in pressing the Ff/RW button 1/2/4/8/16 - no way (I've found) to select offset. SONY does allow this
@unkn0wnvariable the models are changing over to 2011 I expect. So might find old 2010 model cheap(er) somewhere, but out of date!
@unkn0wnvariable what bugs me is chances for new apps etc for 2010 moels once 2011 out are virtually zero. That bugs me. "future proof" then
@unkn0wnvariable <1 yr later...
@unkn0wnvariable yes, may be just as well, or media pc. I'd focus on PQ etc and only then see if small diff for internet - I happened
@unkn0wnvariable to end up with it, but it was a secondary concern. Paid less for mine (signif) than same screen in comet without internet
@unkn0wnvariable IPS very nice for colours. Desktop monitor is IPS, tho old/slow response. But def see in person - not rely on specs..!
@sAWESOMEd Wonder how much spam you're about to get now after referring to VETtels car ;-)
@EmLah not the same guy who squashed your face in the tube then..
@_pocketdynamo Our two are being done in a few weeks. :-( Sensible option though...
YAY! My new 2Tb drive arrived. going run a full check then gets added to my server pool #whs
win. off to bro's christening tomorrow. thought it was suit atire. just checked. nope. Good. not a fan ...!
@_pocketdynamo yep apparently so. have decided no more pups. Was a one-off experience. +having a girl+boy is tricky.
Will need to check os map!
Private? Been walking this way for 10 yrs.... Ummm...
For some reason these boardwalks freak our pup out. So he walks through muddy gunk instead....
Enjoying walking through the woods
The exit from the blocked off field/path
@frontieruk Probably the former -- OS map doesn't mark path as permissive or public right of way, tho many ppl use(d) it...
@frontieruk given house building etc I *doubt* it's been used for 20 years though. Possible - question for locals...
one of my plans for watching f1 tomorrow thwarted. hotel internet is restricted/slow :-( cant even load speedtest or bbc page quickly . grrr
Anyone know what data rate the regular bbc iplayer is. about 750MB/hour isn't it. Lower quality stream perhaps.
Hoping to grab hotel tv at 6am, but may fail... if so thinking about backup plan (other than forget it and sleep)
@EmmaGx been told by other inhabitants I can't use.. will have to think about working on it...
@EmmaGx don't suppose the pub over the road is open at 6am? :-(
@EmmaGx will have to work on it. Can stream 5live commentary on n900 over 3g. (could stream video but blasted voda will cost me £25 or so)
wifi is not even really fast enough to tweet....
so someone remind me, what time *UTC* is the race tomorrow - is at 0600 UTC is 0700 UK local time, with build up 1 hr before? ie 0600 local
@lau_amyf1 always get confused by timezones. As a science student ->it professional utc,24hr,si units, iso dates yyyymmdd for me all the way
Lovely 3hr meal out with parents/bro/friends. Scrummy and enjoyable. Quick coffee and not late to bed to get up for #f1
@honeybee85 thnanks mel.
@welp Oops
@kimifan the f1 fan network... @EmLah @Lord_Sir_A
@Unicorn36 i wish i knew what time *utc* the race was. Assuming its 0600 utc. Or is it 0500 utc (aus is +11 on sun so latter 1600 local)
@rachelclarkef1 yes know utc is gmt (ish lets not get into details). Just wish all times quoted utc then convert.
@welp yeah 0500 gmt but 0600 bst. So in 7 hrs...! ?? #f1
Setting an alarm. May be up a) for race b) for buildup c) an hour before anything. Who knows #sillyclockchange

Tweets copied by

Friday 25 March 2011

From Twitter 03-25-2011

@etherealtype either that or what you might hear from an offshore callcentre , outsourced maybe? #F1
@lottie76 they wont stop all season imo! #f1
@TashaDragonfly was surprised to see that time, I'm sceptical but would be good for racing to see him/car more competitive
@TashaDragonfly with the tyre change it's possible we'll see that
@askseesmic Is there a way to configure how frequently lists update in SD2. I seem to be seeing around 10 minutes?
questions, questions, questions -- why quali is going to be interesting to see real (short run) pace
@5LiveF1 are you aware of issues with the web streaming. fp1/2 stream is very jerky 10fps ish (not pc/connection limit)? watching tv tho
Shame we can't see on the timing screen what tyres ppl are on #f1
@Miss_F1 I think the change will be good to add to the racing. they're intentionally higher wearing... #bbcf1
@DaveMyers1 so far. still at top of timing in P2... :-) but practice is just that... #f1
@tomiahonen @russellbuckley not just mobile. I do it on conf calls. one reason a wireless headset is safer!
liking the fact mclaren don't seem to be doing too badly in the timing currently :-) #f1
@MissLundgaard and then sleep all dy sat no doubt
@Miss_F1 Still seems wierd to me watching it. will take some getting used to. Not totally convinced it helps, but will see in race... #bbcf1
@MissLundgaard FP - liking the decent McLaren performance and just great to have #f1 back. don't usually watch fp live
@loboko Am hoping so, though I 'd like to see quali and race and see how they hold up. here's hoping #f1
@OzoneVibe I wondered where you were! #F1ShouldBeInMyDaytime
@OzoneVibe you need that decent espresso machine.... #F1ShouldBeInMyDaytime
no surprise still nothing up on the screens from HRT. #f1
@hunni_h @little_jodieF1 Fanmtastic in commentary though no option for HD feed it seems? #f1
Luizzi HRT does go out! #f1
@OzoneVibe my alarm was 2 mins before start #everysecondcounts
@hunni_h I've tried before with radio/internet streaming, but getting commentary synced with video is too painful
@little_jodieF1 @hunni_h I only changed mine at end of last year. #f1 going HD was the last straw...
@little_jodieF1 @hunni_h woah. cool. He comes across so brilliantly on the tv.. so knowledgeable
And HAM/BUT retained their place at top of timesheets for P2. Yay. not all bad then #f1
@etherealtype too right, I expected them to improve rapidly, but so far exceeded that expectation. but not quali/race yet... #F1
think FP3 may be incompatible with my timings tomorrow. probaby none or half of quali, race watching 8PM Sun :-( l8rs ... #f1
just as I want to go back to sleep everyone else is getting up. poo.
"night" :-(
interesting sleep pattern last night. 3.5+2+1.5 . Still 7 .... #f1
@ItsaCatch22 I don't usually do fp, certainly not live, often miss most. But first race of season. And also as I'm MISSING the RACE (live) .
@Queen_of_Snarks fine actually. And it's sunny outside and I have the day off work :-)
@oldmanuk "free practice" - Formula 1. Usually fp1/2 is friday., fp3 & qualifying Sat, race sunday. Australia this week hence odd times #f1
@Miss_F1 thanks for the #f1 #FF
@geraintwjones vacation :-) off this fri/mon and next fri/mon (4 days leave before end/vac yr)
@unkn0wnvariable special race, first of season so extra dedication required ;-)
@little_jodieF1 still had 7 hours... :-)
@OzoneVibe at least it's only fp not the race :-(
@OzoneVibe My cunning plan to focus on "lists" failed when I realised how infequent seesmic updated them-and during f1 realtime feed so busy
@OzoneVibe well not as busy by any stretch as usual . What now? Move ppl follow->list ? then streaming timeline for toptweeps
Anyone recommend good twitter "list management" tools - search across 1200+ move btw lists AND follows, check 2way follows etc
@OzoneVibe these are your f1 lists? why 3?
Um for list management looks interesting
I must be missing the apple gene. For some odd reason i not not have an uncontrollable urge to get an #ipad2 today ? Sane or insane?
@jonchoo i dont even visit those sites any more...
@Sulman thats intentional. Its what the teams wanted. Adds excitement. Prob last yr is they were too good. Pirelli have done good!
@Sulman yes i did. Some learning needed. maybe adjustments but change needed. Have quali race to see how things really turn out
and in other news, Home Server (#WHS) still running. Cool. Extra 2Tb (currently have 2.5, with docs/music/photos dup) disk ordered
Day off so did a little debugging of some work tools (right..). One observation #WHS working well enough to read at 600 Mbps :-) GBe
lovely gym session, quick lunch then out for a walk in the sun #vacationisgood
Despite getting fragmented 3.5+2+1.5 or whetever today not feeling the slightest bit tired #win
@OzoneVibe funnily enough I was listening to that very suggestion today - Michio Kaku on the next 100 yrs #economist
@unkn0wnvariable @OzoneVibe You can buy a samsung wifi adapter ££ but bridge easier and IMO hardwired ethernet far more reliable
@unkn0wnvariable since I have RF, 2*hdmi,optical,power,analogue audio the ethernet is just one more... @OzoneVibe
@unkn0wnvariable Look at all the brands. sony was on my shortlist but I wouldn't decide just based on wifi or not. @OzoneVibe
@unkn0wnvariable Picture quality, ease of use, codecs, styling, power use, internet platform all up there too ...@OzoneVibe
@unkn0wnvariable I'd been putting it off. Once bernie muttered something about HD the path was set. Upgraded last Oct or so @OzoneVibe
#ff #southampton and #f1 ! @ozonevibe @sulman @rachedwardsf1 @paulbackhouse
#ff #tech @steevbishop @bendihossan @andybold @littlecough @doonytime @inacurate @epredator @emmagx
#ff #southampton @imismii @mjserres @oldmanuk @geraintwjones @nickyhants @sxa555 @_pocketdynamo @icicle_halo_ @walkerooo @jon_read
#ff #southampton @macie_sherwood @noelrooney @kateroom @empiresteve @david_hay @riveerrrssss
#ff #f1 @evogage @unk0wnvariable @motorracinghosp @autogpcouk @honeybee85 @jetlbomb @neilbaileyf1 @aijwright @kerrycherries
#ff #f1 @sawesomed @queen_of_snarks @etherealtype @miss_f1 @itsacatch22 @little_jodief1 @hunni_h @loboko @misslundgaard @shellk1984
#ff #f1 @lipstedo @alexandra_ @ladylynncarter @davemyers1 @shelley__lee @tashadragonfly @lottie76 _missannie_ @vee8
#ff #f1 @draml @swordsman_uk @laura_marieee @miaf1design @bewilderedf1 @vixisabl @slyrenard @yellow_shades @rachelclarkef1 @chl0w
@OzoneVibe Had a quick play looked good. Though worked page at a time. Issue was deciding what I *wanted* to do
@iMismii I don't think I'd use much. Possibly tweeting in front of TV, and maybe when travelling (which I don't do much)
@steevbishop "need" (at a basic survival level) doesn't come into it. "find a justifiable use" though is something else
@RachEdwardsF1 it's the "must have it on first day" thing that seems silly. only need to wait a few days..
@@mjserres The current result of trying to use any mobile data on train is a near dead battery by waterloo and lots of frustration....
@AlJWright I have - used to use #tweetdeck all the time, though CPU load is high and does no multi-account aggregation. #seesmic does
@OzoneVibe well there'll be no tweeting for the race for me tomorrow...
@MissLundgaard Me neither *normally* but with this being the first "outing" of the year I felt compelled!
@draml yes the pre-season talk was dramatic, though we still have q/race to see more and could depend on track lots #f1
@laura_marieee just catching up with tweets - so did you make it through P1 and P2 before sleep. I did "snippets" and it seems it worked!
@etherealtype ref missing GPs. ok you'll miss china, but *monaco* and *spa* . ooooooooppppppssssss
@sxa555 Too true. only apps I use on samsung are bbc iplayer, youtube, muzu. On sony iplayer/youtube/demand5 @unkn0wnvariable @OzoneVibe
@unkn0wnvariable @OzoneVibe @sxa555 Indeed. reported as spam
@unkn0wnvariable yes to d5 -- but in my case I have a samsung tv and a £100 sony bluray so can use either platform :-) both limited
@mjserres I'd personally prefer an RJ45 (ethernet) over a mains power plug ...
@unkn0wnvariable @OzoneVibe @sxa555 Yes - some of it are codec issues/restrictions , others are the studios blocking content on os/country
@Jayskiclimb I nearly went into town and john lewis this afternoon. Just as well.
Pleasant dog walk becomes sneaky pub visit..... But tea calls. Fajitas....
So i have t go out 0645-0710 sat. Will miss q3 and watch delayed... #f1
RT @iMismii: Updating iPhone to iOS 4.3.1 - file size is 666 MB :|
Fajitas good - but means can't go to bed just yet. MUST be early night though with early start for quali even if I do miss Q3!
@EmmaGx thanks for that!
@laura_marieee making quali tomorrow? Am getting up though will be watching Q3 on 30min delay :-( Exciting to have it back
@hrwildberlin it would be a bit unfair though if as a global sport everything suited uk. It adds fun and demonstrates commitment?
@Gaila88 did the same with the original ipad. Was in new york before avail in uk. walked into nyc store, played, stood resolute, left!
@_pocketdynamo hey at least you have a nice night out tomorrow. Sorry can't be there :-( Have fun.
@SarahAnnGreen I really enjoyed that film - watched a few weeks back. Would quite like to go to the musical when it opens!
@SarahAnnGreen ref delay - you have 2 sky feeds. Um. only 1. last time delay=bad. dilemma. will just have to try pc, or possibly DAB stream
@rachelclarkef1 committed -fp3! Did fp1/2 but long day tomorrow - family event, staying over so fp3 looses.
@melissa_RBRx nor "niche"
@sxa555 now that is funny
@_pocketdynamo Ill make one of your curry nights sometime promise...
think I'm going to wtch last weeks "the event" before sleep..
Sleep. Back at 0500

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Thursday 24 March 2011

From Twitter 03-24-2011

#f1 predictions done very quickly. Don't think the points will go well - Badger, Castrol, fantasyf1
@vixisabel forgot! what.
@Inacurate though depends on client config -- in tweetdeck you can get all replies
@unkn0wnvariable by "allowance" you mean the "cap" recently impemented after EU ruling?
@unkn0wnvariable @vodafoneuk have a nice "data traveller" add-on (contract?) which gave me 25MB/day in Spain £2/day or £10/month. Nice :-)
@unkn0wnvariable but have to be restrained. Unrestrained means streaming which I can' t even really do long term in uk (ok on 3 tho!)
yawn. looking forward to another productive day :-)
liking that it's nice and light outside when I wake up (though this will change slightly after clocks move this w/end)
Yay gym time.
Interest podcasts for gym today. Nuclear physics and multiverse theories
Must pay more attn. Stimulating and was one career choice nearly made.. Maybe i did in another universe ;-)
Well not maybe. Definately!
Looks like 2nd (of 3) phone batteries are dead. Fu.. Charge/1hr stby mostly offline- 77 pc. Not cpu/load, its dud... Buy new or change phone
@OzoneVibe will be beefeater for us. nearly Always the same place. But 2 young kids and they are happy there. Not adventerous tho
@OzoneVibe and no curry. And 'fingers in ear nah nah nah' and no twitter all day to avoid resuly #itwillneverwork
@Lipstedo good tho inside. Off then until tues #win
Good news for #southampton RT @iMismii RT @dailyecho: East Street Centre to be bulldozed << About time! #fb
@EmpireSteve will have to check later as in office now. Multiverse was science weekly guardian
@Doonytime am fine with just swapping the battery for now as that can be instant & is small/light - takes seconds (tho does mean power down)
@Lipstedo busy family weekend + #f1/relax/walk/jobs tho missing race live..
RT @OzoneVibe: @planetf1 I must try to remember not to txt/DM you the results, then :P #itwillneverwork
@OzoneVibe no didnt mean to rt. Stupid gui
@OzoneVibe so will be at christening. Some could have seen race. Chances of not hearing. Not high. Wear placard? Earplugs? Arrgh
@vixisabel sounds like a qualifying excuse :-). Her first?
@Queen_of_Snarks i rarely get to watch much of fp (work) tho have some time tomorrow probably...
Just realising FP is a problem live, so is quali, and race. #disaster. Prob ALL recorded for me this w/end. AAARRGGGHH #f1 @queen_of_snarks
@Welshracer my only personal experience with diesel vs petrol is a "simple" 2l non-turbo petrol car vs a "complex" turbo diesel.
@Welshracer petrol has been more reliable - no fuel, turbo etc issues. I wonder if modern turbo diesels too complex...
@Lipstedo Have day off, but other commitments + weekend away/driving so will have to be recorded :-( [usually working fri anyway] #fp
@etherealtype Ha! About 30 mins ago (and still on my desk) I have one. SO DIFFICULT to peel (taste georgous tho) #loosingthewill
@Kateroon See when you say "toner" I think "laser printer"... and messy coloured gunk ... or is that what they tip over?
@etherealtype it's ok - waitrose's own brand (more expensive) one is good. Also the "specialist ciders" have much more flavour
@etherealtype but too ££ in "bulk" ;-)
@etherealtype I think I'm missing monaco too (total weekend - home on the tues after) and spa (home a week later). #f1 #fail
and tv/radio/home phone/sms/friends .. so good ones to miss eh/ Melbourne, Monaco, Spa ..... @Queen_of_Snarks
on vacation for a few days.... just tidying up my firewall/antivirus on laptop before i leave for a day. See if a bug is fixed...
tut tut. Finding myself clicking yes/yes/yes/yes/yes on the large number of firewall prompts I'm seeing. Human nature :-(
@MorganF1 Oh now. So web streaming or tv tuner card in pc then... at least you can still watch
@unkn0wnvariable presumably they don't fix daily but more frequently or not at all as markets changing all the time. Not that I know...
@angryjedi it should be, but for whatever reason sometimes it's needed. Prob clients not supporting or different view for DMs and user not
@angryjedi setup decent configuration or seperate notification via email/SMS (I use the latter for DM only in addition to client)
@sxa555 yay! samsung have replied to be on facebook
@sxa555 think I just pasted it into tweetdeck on my desktop PC whilst I was sorting out security issues on the laptop (av,fw etc)
The BOA really do seem to making a fool of themselves #london2012
so true #Kindle
Note that my "" tweet is genuine. Not those spam posts -- it's a kindle highlighter phrase in case wondering ... #fb
Enjoy fp1/2 everyone. Only just eating and busy few days so fp will be watched delayed- as will race and maybe quali. see U other side #f1
still can't believe I'm managing to miss first race of the season (well live anyway). #f1
Useful (non)update -> eRT @gendal: Wow... I missed this... "RSA won't talk? Assume SecurID is broken" • The Register
I see @karunchandhok is on @5LiveF1 commentary - wish that was recordable, the man's a genuis. And can't co-exist with HD (on sky) :-( #f1
@TomRedknap @TheVanquish @OzoneVibe you guys are quick thinking!
@hapit what size though! Surely not a 14" one!
thoght all my friends were quiet -- looks like my "list" column isn't updating in #seesmic... time to restart the app
@yellow_shades oh that's true. I could record on media center on my PC .. though will watch sky hd recording. gets messy to sync. Umm.
is it lazy to use sky website and "remote record" to avoid getting up and walking into the room opposite to set on box itself?
@OzoneVibe thanks, just set it on +1 (not hd tho)
@unkn0wnvariable pretty certain they were on website/iplayer or both #f1
@OzoneVibe yeah true!
could possibly go to bed now and get up for fp. But will that screw me for the weekend. Umm. (day off though tomorrow)
Can probably watch first HALF of quali sat (and buildup) live, but not last 30 mins (delayed 30 mins or so?) #f1
NO CHANCE of watching #f1 race live sun -- well not unless I get a 3 unlimited data sim, have coverage, and watch on my phone.
.. and still then may miss last 30 mins or so! Probably not worth trying for sun #f1 Ok bed it could be then.. course house is noisy...
@vixisabel that is even more lazy! from the sofa in lounge! Ok @queen_of_snarks it's not just me - same room did you hear that!
@f1givesyouwings i shouldnt. Busy weekend. But cracked and going for it!
@oldmanuk they did a major rewrite (i know one of the team) for anytime+ pretty much all new and lots of oss. All current hd boxes
Over and out. Bed then up at 0125 for #f1 !

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Wednesday 23 March 2011

From Twitter 03-23-2011

@EmmaGx PR 1.3 20.2010.36-2 -- though I have the "community ssu" installed. I think I'm on global fw
@EmmaGx yep that's PR 1.3 - UK version (that's what the 203.1 suffix is)
@EmmaGx no updates for quite a long time officially - the "community ssu" adds some fixes to *base* os components and of course extras
@EmmaGx and extras-devel add all those useful apps - latest addition is opera 11 :-)
@honeybee85 long day? Guess you've only got a couple of weeks left now?
@EmmaGx this is the replaced phone - good they put the latest version on there tho tbh N900 is easiest/quickest phone to flash ever
@EmmaGx take a backup regularly and copy off to external storage -- the restore process will remember & reinstall your apps ...
@EmmaGx Dont really use pcsuite (now ovi suite) - the built in backup is brilliant..
@EmmaGx What it does is put the list of apps into a selection list - you select which ones you want to restore and can keep oinng back to it
RT @iaeaorg: IAEA summary update on status of Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan:
Looking as if it will be a sunny day again :-) not that I'll get to go out in it !
Must remember to do my #f1 fantasy team selections later today -- practice starts tomorrow!
lots of spam escaped the company email filters last night (for me at least). Sigh
@OzoneVibe indeed I was thinking ahead of myself. I have a day off on friday so kept on thinking it was thur today (1 more days work) !
@paulbackhouse do you know what the closing date is? tomorrow?
woah... busy day... back later... quick budget check I think
oh what. liz taylor has died. :-(
can't see anything majorly bad in budget yet. - in fact looks like some good things, but need to look at more detail later
RT @bbcdavideades: A dissenting view on the quality of #Japan nuclear installations.
RT @gakuranman: My figures seem to have hit a nerve. It's true ppl who left Tokyo by long distance flights absorbed more radiation http: ...
@jadejavu and of course the stars have released it (albeit via labs) for #n900 #maemo too. Brilliant from @opera.
RT @monkchips: whoa. IBM says its going to support Windows on zBX. whoa. windows, linux, unix, everything on one bus, one management mod ...
RT @mgualtieri: #ibmzsummit RT @monkchips: Linux represents 19% of the system z installed base capacity....
My Top 3 Weekly #lastfm artists: Sarah Connor (28), Jessie J (10) & Clare Maguire (5) #music
phew. hectic day at work and some things to sort at home. finally sitting down for tea.
@brilliantcorner Another proprietary OS. Oh no... just reading
@Chl0w assume that's a cucumber rather than green chocolate?
@xplane0202 having to look at excel error bars == reward !
Must say the error bars dialog in Excel 2010 is *abysmal* -- seriously awful UI IMO... @xplane0202
@mjserres Lucky you weren't doing london-southampton at weekend. Journey back:2 hrs. took about 1 1/4 hrs to woking ...
@melissa_RBRx jessie j, claire maguire?
@Soggous could be a difference there. I spend approximately 0 time ;-)
@EmmaGx like pixelpipe - makes sharing so easy. works very smoothly on #N900
@sxa555 tried a captcha reset from web interface?
@SarahAnnGreen Yay! gonna miss live race, but have fri/mon off this week AND next #3dayweek :-)
@xplane0202 you probably don't mean that
so who's feeling poor affected by the tax on private jets? I can safely say it won't affect me ;-)
@mjserres get a kindle :-) Or use that old fashioned technology called a "book" ;-)
@rachelclarkef1 usually PP recovers ok - assume you have autosave enabled. I did loose loads in openoffice once when it *corrupted*
@rachelclarkef1 the doc, yet let me edit it ok, so worked for > day, looked fine., exited, reloaded - nope! Though that was in earlier days
@Chl0w oh never heard of it. just googled. so it's a sweet coconut cake?
@etherealtype sounds like you enjoyed the concert etc then. always goes so quickly when you look back. next time. !
@Kateroon I'm 7 hours behind your tweet, barely caught up with the news. didn't seem too significant personally. must read through
@jon_read those guys in the photo are all smiling as they're back at base hanging around having coffee and playing pool not delivering ...
@geraintwjones of course men loose out as annuities will get more £££ probably bigger (hidden) impact
@geraintwjones translation: "no" - been through same here. My ins co=NO. other quotes 3k-4k. not happening
@Walkerooo ladybug? Rarely hear anyone using that term. always cll them ladybirds ?
@OzoneVibe indeed. best bet is go for a discontinued model - I got one 200+ reduced to around 80 on amazon. wouldn't pay more...
@OzoneVibe actually a little less -- this is the one I got about a year back (discon)
@unkn0wnvariable the trick I find is to step up the range in terms of the core "cut" capability but avoid the fancy leds/docking stn etc
@OzoneVibe I know... you can get lots cheaper - as little as £35 or so, that was the pushing the pain threshold but its diff design
@unkn0wnvariable @ozonevibe I've always used rotaries - forever, and didn't want to change
@epredator You what? certainly NEVER heard that term used @Walkerooo
@Alexandra_1608 Well I suppose maybe the helicopter will be ok? @Unicorn36
@OzoneVibe Woah #5 especially
Anyone know about "advanced format" drives and alignment tools. Even after this is there a perf degradation old OS's (thinking #WHS avoid)
@unkn0wnvariable there's a jumper which does sector remapping. Not sure what the alignment tool does - is it good as old or not
@unkn0wnvariable #WHS is based on Server 2003...
@unkn0wnvariable WD support l1 *think* performance *is* still affected even with WDalign - getting l2 to comment/respond
@unkn0wnvariable yes so not sure of impact of alignment tool - issue with jumper is sectors are offset so impacts perf I think
@unkn0wnvariable some performance hit can vary from 0.001 pc to 50 pc.. trying to figure out magnitude ;-)
@Alexandra_1608 there's always the space ship ;-)
@unkn0wnvariable Actually reading seems to suggest that after alignment should be just fine (new=easier/cheaper 2get)
@unkn0wnvariable yep it doesn't - win 5.x
remembered I still haven't done *any* f1 fanatasy team/predictions. Must fix tht tonight really...

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