Tuesday 25 January 2011

From Twitter 01-25-2011

quite an early night for me I think. 2 possible late nights tue/wed.. and <6am start tomorrow.
brrrrr. feels cold this morning
If anyone was listening, yes I did go "oh no" as I looked at alarm clock showing 0540 -10 mins before alarm. Should I be pleased or sad? #fb
Opened a @seesmic desktop feedback item on facebook plugin consuming too much data http://bit.ly/ff3mfi - vote if you get too? #fb
@ananyah that question could be worrying in different ways (job security, simple intrigue, wanting to see them)
@Bobtographer @tpphotography @jon_read Putting it like that sounds like a score one should get after being to the gym!
very wierd - homehub 802.11n wireless *is still working*. A few days ago would fail after 10s minutes. Why stable now, no change??
Expresso machine worked after "open heart" surgery last night. #happytimes tho will have to see if lasts #fb
@sophiiebailey Happy birthday (best ppl are in Jan) and hope silverstone going well.
think another day WFH -- need to use my home PC's copy of Office 2007 today to finish something ...
... but must head to gym first.
@nessie111 sounds like a marketing bluff!
Wish I knew how to find out what app was blocking graphic-adapter-switching in Win7. Happens to often with little running :-(
Time to brave the cold....
well 2nd thoughts.... ok just joking will go out really. Just nice/warm inside!
@Sulman Before latest update uPNP+wireless would be worst combo - I have an old FON router using ddwrt too as backup/802.11g net
@Sulman Possible, though sw version advertized remains same. Could be config update. I made two changes
@Sulman a) I fixed wifi at #1 -- but system still failed for next two days b) I switched my laptop energy saving wifi from max to moderate
@Sulman due to spikey pings -- but by then it was already stable. I could reverse both but bemused as was affecting all clients
@Sulman I'm fortunate enough to have a technical plan B, but at same time am following up with BT as its part of service/££
@Sulman in my case to get 802.11n
Oh and BTW the HH fell over (wifi) just a short while ago. Same scenario WFH.. no traffic (even static IP), association ok for now @Sulman
lastfm helping me to get some presentation rework done today http://bit.ly/cu16PW (profile)
First download of a few work-related files over VPN on infinity. Nice to get 2.5 MBps, same as in office pretty much
Sigh another day and another dodgy sw installer (on windows). Sigh. whats wrong with .deb/rpm/installp. So many years....
some things do wind me up.
And in other news, powerpoint is being well behaved and fast ;-)
@sxa555 yes true, what I'm really saying tho is having a common, reliable, predictable, standard mechanism such as those is good...
@sxa555 windows for example suffers from every tom dick and harry having their own approach (it seems) even if *some* commonality in
@sxa555 framework... then we get onto the repository issue. Course I'm using win as lots of other probs using linux on main laptop
@sxa555 Still wondering too why my infinity profile hasn't changed from 31006 :-( maybe my line isn't the best. Maybe stuck.
@sxa555 May tidy wiring/power cycle vdsl modem at some point
@sxa555 though it is a bit silly "complaining" about why I only have 31 Mbps downstream max rate.. ;-)
Funny & How appropriate! RT @samj: An IPv6 packet walks into a bar. Nobody talks to him.
@sxa555 latency, speed, price -- yes; though I win on traffic limit arguably :-)
@sxa555 Was v.impressed with @xplane0202 's nexus-s - powered up and basically synced everything inc. wifi pw (!) and installed apps
@sxa555 Makes the phone-migration use case flow very nicely... I wish maintaining sw on laptop was as seamless
@sxa555 keyboard is a biggie for me too. Camera not as sharp as N900 IMO, other nokias far better, but Nexus-S is v.slick
@sxa555 Think one of @xplane0202 's requirements was keeping up to date without being dependent on manufacturer. Should track android rel.
An artist I never knew the name of, but know the song "Come In Out of The Rain - Wendy Moten"
@riveerrrrssss Not really - annoying, but simple, maintainable, predictable. Was thinking of sw :-(
Not quite going to finish this presentation by lunchtime. Still have a lot of culling, reorg, storytelling to do.
phew. that took longer than expected. Presentation complete (excepting any feedback/comments).
time for a coffee. thankfully 3rd set with repaired espresso machine and it's giving a good coffee/crema today #win
@engyles Hey had some problems but positive things too. Hopefully will get better for you
@tpphotography you stockpiling as the price of cocoa beans is going up...?
@Tuesdaytweetup will also be there at usual time rather than late. got up too early! but presentation done so can relax a little.
@monkchips though I see hiding of non directed/followed mentions as a convenience not security in any way? followers can see anyway
@monkchips ie I don't see it as a fail ...
RT @Tuesdaytweetup: FINAL REMINDER!!!!! #TweetUp this evening at Duke of Wellington, Bugle Street, Soton SO14 2AH - 5:30pm onwards !!
thinkbroadband :: ACS:Law quit anti-piracy work http://t.co/vUy7xPv via @Digg
RT @Welshracer: RT @BBCNews: Sky News reports that Sky Sports presenter Andy Gray has been sacked
@OzoneVibe no rush - ready when you are @jon_read
@melissa_RBRx i suspect all nets the same. I think three at one point had a policy of considering this after 3 repairs
@melissa_RBRx Also think charger port is weak spot in many devices - often not fixed to casing only circuit board (case in my N900)
at the #southampton tweetup
Tweetup tonight @tuesdaytweetup @ozonevibe @mjseres @julian1967 http://pi.pe/-ogpfvv

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