Thursday 6 January 2011

From Twitter 01-06-2011

@LauraLeslie23 wander in to the street and find 3 other people to share the cost so you can go for half price? Ok maybe not...
@LauraLeslie23 probably a new rule. You need a passport even for train and an english language certificate ;-)
@honeybee85 i failed too. but really time now.
had a quick look through #ces news. too much to digest right now...
@Mookii it was great. wish i could have watched live. i went to jodrell many years back (physics at mcr)
feeling drenched after walking to bus stop. and stupid plastic mac makes one as wet inside as out #weather #fail
@honeybee85 i just end up looking out for what has just made my recent purchases obsolete. terrible.
@Mookii definately one of the best programs i've seen in years putting aside #f1 of course
at least @hursleyminibus tweets so i know when its coming.... except i am at bus stop and no tweets. maybe its in twitter jail... hoping
yay. it arrived. now out of wet.
glasses also a pain in this weather. can just about see phone in amongst large water droplets
@jaylimburn we wont talk about intranet search. that needs a&e
@ChelleC79 next you'll be telling us its summer. yeah right ;-)
@OzoneVibe i only ever tried once years ago... for about a year but couldnt avoid sore eyes mostly at work -drying aircon i guess
interested to see if @vodafone manages the round-the-ford bus journey to work without dropouts. @threeuk didnt tho was ok. good so far
@AdamManning ok mr smart. i did notice tho that rain isnt a problem when walking to pub... prob if a warm fire at end!
wondering if on the facebook touch ui it is possible to see the full timeline by latest update rather than top stories? #fb
@SirajSoft really? did mine in 2003 on 3uk but then hardly ever!
well thats a @vodafoneuk win then. entire bus route home-work with data whole wayy albeit 50/50 3g/2g and some 1bar patches
at least getting the bus to work allows some extra tweet time!
bus does take a while tho even if straight to work and free... 50 mins compared to 10-15 tops
@SirajSoft ah i see! didnt realise. we have had it ages. i was a very earlier customer
an example of where working from home saves time. would have started 8am or more likely 0700-0730 (and not got dressed).
instead get self ready, prep food, work,bus,coffee and already 9am...
now need to figure out why "trustedInstaller.exe" is doing huge amount of I/O on my WIn 7 box after boot. I mean massive
still waiting for windows box to settle after boot/login. 11 minutes and counting and barely responsive
@tpphotography yep combinations of things, looking at some perf figured now but cause->effect not always easy to determine#
@tpphotography it's not a CPU issue - it's high I/O. still figuring out cause - module install? previous versions ... etc
@SirajSoft No, no 4G yet (there's a few trials I think). Just up to HSPA (think fastest is 14 Mbps currently) - of most interest was
@SirajSoft @ThreeUK launching an unlimited data plan for around 25 ukp/month which even allows tethering. game changer?
Boo Hoo. looks like a possible 8am meeting in London coming up. Bums. That's be the 0503 . Nope suggest 10-15 mins late and get 0603
how long does waterloo platform-canary wharf take at 0730? I reckon 30 mins is a bit tight. but not too far off?
@peteralevy Fortunately I'm not paying, and arriving anytime before 10am means full £ (about £65 I think from #southampton)
@howardlucas I quite enjoy going to london. If have option to set time of meet like avoiding rush hour. then I do not like london ...
@peteralevy it's a reasonable point though.
@howardlucas spring/summer/autumn nice too - if I have time enjoy walking around even if get home later #avoidrushhourliketheplague
@howardlucas not done canary wharf->waterloo walk but should do some fine day when time allows (camera in hand!) #avoidrushhourliketheplague
@howardlucas think it's about 4 miles? Should measure. Fitting in with work trip could be tricky (needs to be summer/light evenings)
@howardlucas otherwise may take train up one weekend/day off and do a photowalk anyway (and not get arrested?)
So anyone regularly do london waterloo -> canary wharf (nr waitrose) at 0730 ish weekdays #london. 40 mins?
Oh sweet "Forbidden (403) You have requested data that the server has decided not to provide to you. Your request was understood and denied"
why is opening a pdf via browser plugin (chrome, firefox) so slow compared to right click/save & click to open. Order of magnitude ??
Grrr. Annoyed at a whole stream of notes including 1 person that has a HUGE double-graphical signature. So So wasteful.
oops spilt cup of water narrowingly missing laptop, headset & (desk) phone
time for a break for lunch I think
could be useful for post-lunch working
you can tell when people aren't that tech savvy - they write "power point" not powerpoint ??
@MorganF1 Cant really comment as didn't see it, but we have game shooting, battery hens - wonder where this fits in
A facebook competition asking you to tag yourself in a picture of a product (without you in it). That's wrong IMO @OfficialMGP
@oldmanuk sure thats the other end of the spectrum tho not in this context - it was one example from a letter that smelt technophobe ;-)
@oldmanuk I think the new "powerpoint" is talking and collaborating with people?
@jonchoo Good, glad I'm not the only one. Am ok with Likes (if I genuinly like the product) but photo tagging is subversive
@tonyt787 I take it you saw ;-)
Wohay - Ofcom opens up 2G frequencies for 3G usage - could be especially good for @vodafoneuk and @O2 who have 900Mhz
@BTCare if I'm having infinity hub delivered 14th Jan will I get old or new one? Whats added to the new one in capability?
@BTCare looks like it removes dect/voip and looks prettier (neither factor really bothers me as have seperate voip ATA)
@eric_andersen see how it plays against #xfactor which may be quite successful as cowell is behind it.
@jetlbomb better to take a break/walk/coffee etc first?
@sxa555 If 60GB (except nighttime) is enough (it isn't close for me) then I'd go for it.
@jetlbomb hopefully feeling better. BTW what is flunotok?
@eric_andersen am interested in how viewing figures compare. I guess many will watch both anyway, but "simon says" may rule..
@etherealtype would ask for pictures but that would be cruel to even mention ;-) Hope the wrist is ok. Bet you're peeved at who left the box
@etherealtype quite organized to have enough tubigrip? then I guess it's ibuprofen or wine.. perhaps a sedentary eve in front of tv now?
@sxa555 - plusnet extra?
@Texrat @ARJWright @GJCAG I'd be worried that M6 becomes another step 4 of 5 and then forgotten rather than evolve
@lauracowen @ratlet sounds yummy. do you do deliveries?
@sxa555 you'll just have to stop work at 6pm on the dot...
@sxa555 less than 1/2 what i am about to pay... tho i need the extra data (we use little overnight so offpeak special doesnt help)
@richardpbacon mind you that stuff got everywhere over xmas!
@sxa555 no, none on either skyhd or bdp-370
Oh this is terrible. reading instructions to enable ssh on my TV....
.,.. which I am not doing...
@mike_griffin_f1 ah yes you saw it. I was astounded when he opened his mouth!
a few internet@tv glitches so going to update my samsung tv firmware... fingers crossed
annoying that the samsung online tv update service only has 3003, but 3005 is on same site for USB install.
Tv safely upgraded. Looks like my audio issue isn't a tv problem - dodgy optical switch
um. full 2g at waitrose. wonder if there had been a cell down. have to try inside in opening hours
updating twonky on whs box from 5.1.1 to v6 - have a license from a pure flow purchase a few years back!
woah - twonky v6 has a lot of new functino
Twonky 6.0.28 now installed - once indexed will be interesting to see if it works better with DLNA on my samsung tv & sony bluray
finally sitting down to eat..
@Damosgirl_f1 @AlonsoGirlXD Good to see you back. If it happens again keep an eye on the settings->connections menu fir authorized apps
Do find it annoying when someone DMs you but you can't even REPLY as theyre not following back...
@ananyah Not good for dogs to have chocolate of course..
RT @filos: 19 inch AMOLED prototype display is entirely transparent
@ananyah my dogs *love* salmon (and tuna) too. If you could smell via twitter they'd be harassing me now
"the video you requested is not available" - great, a shared bigbang clip (humour). Grr. really despise the studio practices #fail #fb
@bjgrainger used to get that a lot on the bosch - since replaced

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