Sunday 23 January 2011

From Twitter 01-23-2011

Been very quiet tonight, how's everyone been..?
@oldmanuk ouch not good - and a surprise given how "challenging" their security sometimes seems to be
@LauraLeslie23 well happy birthday for 5 1/2 hours time...
@sxa555 how's #fttc - did you keep your high profile? still have low latency to bbc? (mine's higher than day 0)
@nnubeh odd? planning decorating?
@nathanchantrell .. tho getting new gadgets and being able to justify it by saving money is rather good :-)
@nathanchantrell never had VM choice here - would have been interesting broadband option. At least we now have #fttc
@xspyda you could try "autoaid" - around £30, though it works on pay, then claim. good feedback on
@nathanchantrell at least you have the option of VM's broadband
@nathanchantrell or maybe leaving the ones that are already covered by cable?
@nathanchantrell also on our exchange a) many areas with cabs cant yet order infinity b) some areas don't have new cabs/no date
@nnubeh oh I was wondering. First thought was water then it looked so bad I wondered if you'd been paint stripping or some such!
@nnubeh We still have a 1mx40cm ellipse area on our lounge ceiling - not as severe & all from a very small drip around b/room sealant..
@xplane0202 sure - talk about it when home later -- go through ebay and look
trying again to use a mocha pot whilst espresso machine broken. Not getting it and desperately need coffee. Instant? help!. screwdriver l8r
@NeilBaileyF1 Just have got it from the cupboard. But i need some coffee before disassembling the machine ....
@xplane0202 fine
@OzoneVibe I only have one old small cafetierre and it's (as far as I remember) sat on the windowsill in the office!
@OzoneVibe may buy another one... but hopefully espresso machine blockage can be cleared (did it last time)
even "extra special rainforest alliance certified brazilian coffee" isn't going to do it #dontlikeinstant
@OzoneVibe I do actually have some cleaner/descaler, I do use s/times and use filtered water, but too far, needs physical intervention now
@OzoneVibe good idea! I have some filter papers somewher e-- well *had*. Maybe once I have an instant to "bootstrap" I may look!
Thinking old mocha pot isn't sealed enough - even with courser grain all steam escaped without going through coffee. oops.
@OzoneVibe not familiar with that. I've been too used to using a machine. I do need a plan b
@NeilBaileyF1 actually I've tasked some very bad (stale) beans in past! I prefer to think of instant as a warm dark liquid not coffee
RT @SJBBBC: If anyone knows more about whats happening in #Southsea at the beach and by the pier, I'd be grateful for any info. BBC Journo.
not raining so should do a nice dog walk today.warsash maybe? ..fresh air should be good for head too
@emmadouglas91 Ah! me too, ditto, well at least in terms of head/tired.
@OzoneVibe well when I finish this instant I'll give something a try I think.
@VodafoneUK For Data Traveller if I opt in to the monthly £10 b4 a trip, how much notice do I need to give for cancellation?
@VodafoneUK am away for 7 days in feb, so monthly cheapest, so can I get timing right to just pay £10 - when would I start/cancel?
@dalelane wondered why working sunday but swap/flexibility=very good.!
@vixisabel should be useful though. I've not done one, probably should. main illness for me now=lack of caffeine...
Second attempt at mocha pot worked. Need to drink this then go out -- sun is coming up!
@_pocketdynamo Yes probably. Thanks for creative ideas. Think I did a better job of mocha this time. Must try repair later...
@xplane0202 -> RT @TheAndroidSite: Manually update your Nexus S or Nexus One to the latest OTA update
RT @Steves71: Steves71 Blog - Handpresso – The Best Non Electical Gadget I’ve Ever Bought
@LisaBadger you won't like the eye watering cost, but tempur mattresses are fantastic. different but IMO great. Other memory foam ones too
cOOL @alansugar p287 "If they want a fan, I'll give them a bloody fan" - in ref to PC1512 IBM-compat pc ,when £2k IBM had fan
Have to say @alansugar 's bio is one of the best non-fiction books I've read in a long time. Inightful, engaging,honest,helpful, - superb
@VodafoneUK Super, that's nice and flexible. Will *def* make use of this (at least 3 european hol/trips this year)
@VodafoneUK then there's america :-( Wierd. Was in NYC in 2010 and struggled to even find PAYG - all out/stock, and data so £££.
@ratlet - basically water in bottom, coffee in filter/middle. heat on stove, steam goes through grind and settle on top
@Hedgewytch I still don't get #quora (ok nothing new have said before). .. so nothing lost? Gut feel is will flop?
@vickylygoef1 ooo chow mein would be nice, but will have to be healthy cereal...
@ananyah wouldn't worry too much, some were funny and you're hardly the only one!
@nnubeh wierdly that makes be think of a parallel to carbin emissions trading
@ananyah apart from the drunkeness it's a definate sign of someone with an unlimited text plan!
@nnubeh - where you can swap your allowance (if have more than need) with another org who doesn't have enough ...
@JayMontano And of course they (currently) loose the ability to use phone abroad (no GSM/UMTS). Surely CDMA is now dead-end in US
great @alansugar quote p306 "I have absolutely no respect at all for the brokers, fund managers, and all those other tossers in the City"
@geraintwjones Indeed -- this was from a long time ago, but it seemed very relevant now!
@TheVanquish Oh you're right, yes I've used the right one before. thanks..
@LisaBadger I think they're very good esp. if you have a bad back. find somewhere you can try out properly and take a book to read!
gaggia mostly dismantled, not found obvious problem but cleaning out gubbins/valves first. Can't loosen group head yet - could be problem
grr can't seperate dispersion head - part 22 here from the lower boiler part 20. seems to be blocked #gaggia #coffee
@OzoneVibe Yep those bolts are off fine, just a bit stuck. Need to try loosening up the seal at #21 too. Have done before (2 yrs ago)
@OzoneVibe already tried that but only with a shortlist bolt - senbsible approach tho have to hunt longer one in garage (which is a mess!)
@riveerrrrssss Well I managed to rescue it last time and clean the boiler - not sure if this one is getting to point of needing a few
@riveerrrrssss parts replacements which added up may mean more sensible to replace (sadly). Have to see how successful cleaning is
@riveerrrrssss how far have you stripped it down ->
@sxa555 ping time -- originally I got 24ms, but after day 1 37ms -- suspect interleaving enabled. Am hoping it will revert
@sxa555 13ms. woooah. not a chance for me. whats your first hope (over vdsl+)
@BTcare will #infinity DLM enable/disable *interleaving* as required or just up speed. My ping jumped on day2 24ms->38ms :-(
@riveerrrrssss ah.. more complicated! a good clean wouldn't go amiss?
Boiler split, not managed to remove dispersion plate yet. Now soaking in cleaning stuff to hopefully loosen things (machine detergent)
Yay win, my homehub issue is open with BT as a fault and thanks to twitter/forum I don't need to go through level1 phone support. Yay!
@riveerrrrssss expect bean-to-cup is a lot more complex inside. Were you able to remove cover to look for leak? easier to find than blockage
@deanupton Do you have a gaggia bean-to-up? Have you done any heavy mainetance/repairs/dismantling? @riveerrrrssss
@Joyouscomms sounds like a drink out with friends might be more appropriate "venue" for discussion ...
@Joyouscomms so you need some kind of "anonymous" blog/discussion forum. Could be tough to keep disconnected . Maybe special interest sites
@Joyouscomms though I don't think you can ever rely on anything staying secret.. esp online.
@ja9ae it's actually remarkably simple. note no electronics/software :-)
@nessie111 very true.. must admit the auditions drag a bit. intro useful, look forward to next stages. not same without sc?
@saltyF1 nice set of #f1 updates - thanks for keeping me up to speed. Always loose track outside race season/get distracted!
@saltyF1 indeed. am not disputing your passion. keep it up!
lovely dog walk ending in pub :-) and nice pub has plenty of dog bowls ready for canine visitors too!
home and time (just) to crack on with some bread making before dinner
@MikeyPalmer i dont have iphone just old ipod mini so really should escape. its the no-response pauses that really get me
@sxa555 check out - i need to do an order. hot stuff as donna summer would say ...
@little_jodieF1 only seen once but yes agree with that. very uplifting and happy.
@TeeBeeMee why ruined by f1?
@xplane0202 ha ha no u wont. nexus will be better in every way (except price)
@little_jodieF1 spaghetti bolognaise (not my work) bubbling and smells georgeous!
@riveerrrrssss cleveland.
@TeeBeeMee ah i see. def #f1 widow. certainly can believe the pressure is on.
@sxa555 i've not streamed 1080p. only 720..
@sxa555 mm. cant say i have noticed tho have gone back to using samsung platform for streaming ie muzu music and iplayer. but will take note
Lovely tea, first brown loaf bakes, olive forcaccia to be baked in morning. Yumm...

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