Friday 14 January 2011

From Twitter 01-14-2011

Watching a five documentary about flight BA5390 tht landed in Southampton in 1990
@xplane0202 yep
@NeilBaileyF1 @VeedubGeezer @anotherproblem :-)
@Joyouscomms you're in good company though - look at mr sugar!
My ex-mp tweeting is reminding me that my current mp I've not heard a thing from - no news, website out of date by 8 months, not on twitter
logged on to #quora briefly. Just as last week still don't get it. left. Ummm.
@missybct happy birthday. Mine's tomorrow (Sat), and I know someone for Sun and Mon. Obviously a superb time of year! have a good one
@pj_kent channel 5. Thought it was an old program - even in 4:3 format (yet was listed as HD -- it wasn't)
@missybct Yeah about 1/12 of the population I guess ;-) Yeah have a good one.
@EmpireSteve yes - exactly. For more structure I was expecting something more akin to wikipedia but it's just like a mega twitter feed
so to summarise my current opinion "I don't get #quora". that may change
contacted "Happy Donkey" (know if they're on twitter)? to see what comment they have.. #coffee #fail
Not happy. Not that old. First one lasted years. #Coffee #fail
A new update to #seesmic desktop #sd2 just came out - selectable notifications. Brilliant. Liking this client more
getting a few odd crashes on apps that seem to use embedded IE. Uninstalling IE9 to see if that helps...
@unkn0wnvariable internet mostly. However I use a) chrome b) FF and only had IE9 for curiosity (quite nice). On IE8 #sd2 at least is fine
@seesmic ANy idea why I'd get NO notifications with the latest sd2 update even with all (mentions,replies, friends) ticked?
Just had auto call from @BTcare openreach 2confirm fttc install next tues :-) YEP still want it thanks... "1" pressed. think txt better tho
So I see facebook finally implemented privacy of all personal data ;-)
Another friend keeping me company for a few hours today a mummy/daddy move house
Oh bother looks like headset out of juice. Mislaid original cable & other mini-USB cable obv not right pins - not charging. Bother as WFH.
@riveerrrrssss exactly... the data's private ;-)
Infinity hub arrives in post "Enginerr Install. Don't do anything with this box until your BT engineer arrives" thinks kid,xmas :-( @BTCare
@unkn0wnvariable combination. part of problem. Worse as runs as component so where to set. Also crashes, so maybe app err handle issue 2
@juwlz thanks - have seen, though think more for when away from full-on espresso machine. Thinking for hols, office etc
@isleofwightbob thanks for the #FF
getting a lot of French spam email today... wonder why?
thinking how much time I've wasted this week from having hw that isn't compatible with sw expectations (resource). A fair bit :-(
getting very frustrated at something
when somewhat that should take <5 mins user-interactionand <10 mins processing takes hours I get *very* annoyed at the multiple fails
Am sure my phone running linux with debian packages is quicker than this install/remove process .. yes, definately
lunch. Decided to treat yself to an extravagant drink to accompany my baked potato - fizzy blackcurrent. #rockandroll
@xplane0202 thanks, I really like the sound of it! Though keen to see wha tthe electric versoin looks like - probably late 2011/early 2012?
@askseesmic Yep user error. I had disabled them all when they weren't selective. With the new twitter plugin am much more happy. liking it!
A mini-review of the new @focus -- looks lovely. Would love EV version when here (via @xplane0202)
Quick lunchtime twitter report -- really liking seesmic esp after latest updates. current favourite #seesmic #sd2 (win)
just realised that why the facebook web UI (or mobile, or touch) doesn't load, API working so #seesmic shows #facebook posts fine
And facebook posts work just fine too.
@KyleBoyd I hear you - I have to use one of the web sites on my #n900 too ...
@KyleBoyd The official #fb app on my nokia #900 is useless. They should port(qt) & ship #gravity on all #nokia handsets s60 & maemo/meego
@KyleBoyd #Nokia #N96 wasn't step up from #N958Gb -- was DOWN-- it was really my reason to switch platform. #S60 seemed to be going nowhere
Today continues being very frustrating. What should have been 1/2 day so is in danger of being 2 days+ due to general crapness :-( #tgif
@sxa555 what! really! How are you finding youtube music vids?
Still finding it bemusing I put up with no reliable mobile signal at home/work for so many years even tho o/wise good. So different now
Today just continues to be bad. Now having dojo issues :-(
@mike_griffin_f1 O2s coverage map of my area says full/top 2G+3G. Not a chance. not even *outside* 1 bar 2G if lucky. anywhere in 100m
@mike_griffin_f1 I can think of lots pros/cons depending on requirements, but signal where *you* are is a big one. and none perfect..
@mike_griffin_f1 @McLarenFan_Jamm orange will have 3-3G,TMob-2G/3G,orange-2G/3G so potential good. Tho O2/Voda will get access to 900Mhz 3G
@mike_griffin_f1 @McLarenFan_Jamm .. which can be better in-building (signal gets through building materials better). But so many factors
@mike_griffin_f1 @McLarenFan_Jamm I still think 3 best for pure data speeds/capacity, voda most broad coverage and most ££ , but YMMV
@f1_emma yep... consolidation I guess. Must admit listen more to podcasts/music streaming/bbc/read twitter/web
@mike_griffin_f1 It's worth thinking about getting phone unlocked (if not alread) and trying PAYG SIMs. I checked coverage and prelim
@mike_griffin_f1 chose voda, then did a £10 payg sim/top to try for a month to see how got on before taking on contract.
starting to wonder at what point I abandon current (work) plan and plan for a longer timeslot (weeks) to address issues. prob best
@mike_griffin_f1 on pretty much all the networks (I think) you can do a £10 topup and get a combo of textx/data/mins (some from bal) to try
A hammer is starting to feel very appealing .... Tho system I'm using is remote & virtualized so won't have same satisfaction
@mike_griffin_f1 eg son using voda payg. 300 mins/500Mb for £ daughter 3. can topup £10 then buy 3000txt/100mins/500Mb "pack"
RT @Formula0ne: Virgin confirms two-fold increase in computing power: Virgin has announced that it has doubled the computing pow... http ...
potential alternative for a hammer could be pressing the OFF switch soon ....
bother. headset @plantronics 995 broken. looks like USB charge port detached from circuit board. doesnt looks like strong design. unhappy
@sxa555 different part of bt I'd guess... though obviously openreach are allowed to unpack it....
@sxa555 if it's a cable modem and/or configured for pppoE (presume)?
@sxa555 I can't touch mine -- photos on way
#btinfinity - do not touch
#btinfinity box may as well have a huge red button on it saying "do not touch"
right that's it. Gonna call it a day. failed, tried to figure out next weeks plan
@Autogpcouk really that bad? should be better at weekend!
@sarahgb eek. how do you survive!
@Bobtographer i had probs with web/touch/m tho did work pm. and api (ie use from clients) didnt seem to be down
having another play with @MUZUTV

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