Monday 24 January 2011

From Twitter 01-24-2011

something not right about seesmic. every min runs for 30s+taking 4Mbps+ -- not on for tweets/facebook. broken?
@deanupton Think my OH fancies one, but I'm worried it's overly complex
sleepy morning everyone
two paper cuts on left middle finger from yesterday are really annoying me right now. Not sure how done? Alan sugar bio? roll on indle
RT @neilfairbrother: Tweets that grate: "inspirational" quotes, anything about LOA rubbish, out of date 'news'.
@vodafoneuk Where on website can I find info on addon MMS and text "packs" (pay monthly)?
@VodafoneUK two reasons I asked a) My OH is using lots of MMS at 30p/go and thought there might be a bundle and b) Just got a new contract
@VodafoneUK setup (second in just over a month!) and thought it was 30/month but showing 25. Expect there's a built in £5/unlim txt but ->
@VodafoneUK find the web/account site doesn't work properly until billing cycle completed (should be fixed) (so will phone to check tariff)
@aspender @martinpacker All for manual if staff properly trained.. has been that way in hursley cha bar/dblock for years
Olive forcaccia just out of oven (made last night, baked this am).
@etherealtype eating it now with salada lunch. It is delicious!
very odd, after several days being unusable, my HH2 802.11n wifi appears to be working for phone+laptop. Up for 2 days+ not 1 hour. Ummm
working at home today - dogs have decided to join me to keep me company. Good part of WFH, though now my glasses are smeared after licking!
Now if only I could teach the dogs powerpoint or openoffice .... ;-)
@vodafoneuk Do you have corporate happy-juice? Made another call to CS today to check and happy/cheery again as I've found over last few mth
RT @BreakingTweets: ALERT: At least 20 killed in explosion at Moscow's busiest airport
just ran an install program which it upon itself to reboot the machine without even asking. Grrrrr!
Disabled @seesmic facebook plugin. Every 2 mins is transferring for 20-30s at 400 KB/s (yes, kilobytes) - 2 diff machines to facebook server
Home PC is so very much slicker running lotus symphony than laptop...even tho a few years old...
this sw I am trying to use is ridicuously slow. May be time to give up and adopt plan B
at this point I am *not* happy with technology
always find the polite messages about asking questions on a conf call are too OTT. Just "press X to ask a qstn" & be more blunt!
@martinpacker "tell me why" as geldof would say
having to reboot laptop - cannot persuade it to increase display brightness....
dissapointed with progress this afternoon. Nothing disasterous but silly obstacles I knew would crop up. Should have started plan B sooner
@OzoneVibe The Dell LED screens are so bright. My daughters 1920x?? is wickedly nice., My 1920x?? screen is nice yes but just too dim (CCFL)
So @seesmic behaving much better wrt data traffic with facebook plugin disabled -- it eats data for breakfast. Must be buggy
time to sort dinner...
Presentation prep will have to continue tomorrow using some sw that works (office 2007)
@sxa555 fttc still going well? You still have nice low latency? Mine still high though strangely homehub wifi is working ....?
@xplane0202 is showing us his new toy over dinner. Only slightly jealous of the #nexus-s - actually it's rather georgeous!
@Tuesdaytweetup will be there!
@OzoneVibe Still planning to catch train, though not too late as meetings wed.
features I still prefer on my #n900 - hard keyboard, camera(just)
In 3 months family has gone from 3*three and 1*vodafone to the opposite - signal definately makes the difference...
really should go and re-assemble my coffee machine, read book, check finances, tidy up, watch tv, finish presentation or...
@OzoneVibe No, but I did soak in detergent and verified the flow seems ok ... so will see how it goes.
In proces+ of reassembling
yay espresso machine reassembled. flow seems acceptable though not sure if enough

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