Monday 17 January 2011

From Twitter 01-17-2011

So nice to have had a good night's sleep 0900-0630. Not bad. much more normal today!
@little_jodieF1 actually didn't really have hangover -- was just so tired from the late night then early wakening
@little_jodieF1 so you're probably the expert (assuming you didn't have luzury of long lie-ins...)
@davenice yes I think I heard about that one, then forgot - bought my ££ one, then remembered again. Should be excellent :-)
@davenice I'm still happy with maha, though some batteries beyond it. More for me was treating new ones with respect
@davenice My fav batteries now are Sanyo Eneloops. Even though only 2100 mAh, low discharge. Solid.
@little_jodieF1 not even heard of "naughty 90s". I associate claptop more with earlier eras though obv around/long time
@little_jodieF1 Mostly just listen using spotify (shared with FB or lastfm ( ) but guess you're referring to game?
@davenice eneloops is the way to go -- and as low discharge it means you can keep a spare set in bag etc for even a year with no worries
*still* using seesmic -- yep really liking this client
Grrr do get annoyed at inefficiences. Have reported ages ago, but my VPN client always takes 5% cpu, just apparently to update pretty graph
@paulbackhouse how could that be Paul. I live here! though am resigned to not bothering with those random tools/reports
few emails done, offers of help, progressive dialog. Could be a good positive week. yay!
#win - appears my @Plantronics 995 headset (which I love!) is still under 2 year warranty, so could easily create RMA for return :-)
@little_jodieF1 lots of people tell me that quite regularly ;-) Yes tweets will vary from deeply technical to complete opposite....
@little_jodieF1 translation a) PC software is bad and wasting power b) My phone (& music) headset is broken and needs replacing
hoping car fixed today... can't go to gym at lunchtime due to meetings so hopefully after work ...
probably on my last day working at home using O2 broadband. infinity (much faster BB) install tomorrow
always amusing when my phone (#n900, nokia messaging), most of the time, buzzes to notify me of new #gmail before desktop or laptop..
Next few looks starting to look as if it's going to be busy
@little_jodieF1 I am now...
@abcoates I noticed you're using witter. Have you looked at #twimgo ? quite liking it though no notifications
@abcoates khweeteur is coming along too.
@davenice nope just eneloop as consistently good reviews and price seemed ok on amazon
@sxa555 I had one of those last week. So lucky I was WFH and could respond. little worry how to check. should be web/SMS IMO @BTCare
@sxa555 now I've had a voicetext to my BT landline from BT confirming activation of another order (unknown) @BTCare
@sxa555 did flash up on website early, gone now. suspect it's an artifact of my overall order - perhaps calls component @BTCare
@sxa555 Great to have lots of info from BT but some refinement on sms/voice/web prefs/preferred number/address would help usability @btcare
@sxa555 Am not going to contact them, web suggests all going to plan, msgs confirmed ok. best not to intefere....
@Alexandra_1608 Monday's going quite well here too! #happymonday
with my pending O2->BT bb transfer wondering when I loose tinternet. If to plan not until tomorrow am. If not....
wierd - having to use a *wired* cheepie headset today for calls not my nice wireless (but broken) one :-(. Audio Q is ok, not special
but having a wire is just so wierd and wrong. Not as comfortable either. But better than holding phone. it will do.
that was about the worst audio quality I've had on a call. think we mde it but yikes. 1 word in 7 ...
We'll update live, refresh for n... http: ...
time saved with a call finishing early used up helping a colleague in need with some linux firewall configuration. Right back to charts...
just took a quick mo to check #quora as had fair few new /get coffee. 5 mins browse. Nope. still don't get it.
almost as amusing as people following me on ping. Its fine but useful data 0 as I use #lastfm for scrobbling /dont buy from itunes
@Trip_Hazzard It has to be highly curated & reputation based IMO to add value otherwise just replacing forums+search #quora
Just heard about this (relating to tunisia issue) - can register with FCO when abroad if desire- may help in emergency
@BTCare yep I'd expect that - so far all going smoothly, just I usually break things ;-)
car not ready from repair, so no gym after work today :-( hopefully can be tomorrow instead..
@xplane0202 are you referring to sim only contracts. You'll get 1 or 12 month sim only. Handsets often 24 or 18, tho can get 12 at upfront £
@xplane0202 can get basic £10/month and get 100 mins/unlim textx on 30 day contract, but data would be £5 (1/2 Gb I assume)
@xplane0202 can do 30 day £10 contract if 100 mins enough, and add £5 data ?
@xplane0202 you could ask @VodafoneUKdeals - talk later.
@EmpireSteve hopefully better than this takeaway
not much tweeting for now. seems to be quite busy...
Already short of time & just agreed to do another customer presentation & some recruitment activities. Umm. silly me.
and now will listen to @xplane0202 s physics presentation before preparing dinner...

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