Sunday 16 January 2011

From Twitter 01-16-2011

@honeybee85 not out partying. def feel like carrying on the party now. I'm obviously feeling too young!
good luck with the hangover cures
@dellacunio @amandagolding Sorry for causing you to consider parting with £££ from your wallet this eve ref kinect ;-) Great to see u both
@icicle_halo_ glad you could make it. great to see you tonight
Now watching some michael buble -- actually the favoured choice of the teenage contingent (still awake). He's obviously "cool"
@paulbackhouse glad you could make it tonight. Good to see you both
@MissLundgaard So no early night then. Fortunataly the young uns here are still up whilst the oldies have given up.!
still using seesmic desktop 2 - quite liking it!
@grace_eb clap clap! So I guess you've left southampton behind now?
@honeybee85 someone looks very happy!
thanks @noelrooney @Kateroon for not snatching one of the dogs. fortunately we still have them both. Walkies sometime (chilworth!) ....
thanks for making the trip @geraintwjones
@MissLundgaard there's 5 of us still awake. though have a pantomine to go to tomorrow afternoon. Oh yes I do!
@MissLundgaard so a total insomniac then kirstie?
Wondering if we need a late night partying tweetup sometime soon. partying is fun!
@nnubeh :-( sorry to hear. hope you can relax and sleep....
only prob with birthdays is that they end... :-(
@Joyouscomms Joy you arent old... but it is a tad early really. We need a rave tweetup!
@geraintwjones probably from the loud music. Being a wooss and sleeping already?
@RachaelEdwards it's never enough wine!
@honeybee85 yay. relatively sober, but very quiet. Like partying! enjoying my coffee now though and catcjing up on twitter/fb
@honeybee85 well I expect he could hardly complain too!
@honeybee85 of course you're still awake melissa which is more than some !
@RachaelEdwards I ignored facebook for so long, but am now using it more again... just different to twitter...
@quirkygeek change one thing? Not going to enough late night parties I think!life should be fun.
@nathanchantrell sounds yum. fresh curry=good
@lightmasf1 yeo
@ketan I've been impressed with the upscaling on my sony bdp-s370, though bluray is so good...
@emmadouglas91 so eary!
RT @icicle_halo_: 15/365 #365 it's the famous Teddy!
@icicle_halo_ he is so so so so so so cute isn't he!
Cracking up here watching - go on!
Cracking up here watching - go on!
I liked a YouTube video -- Jimmy Tourettes sings 'Angels' by Robbie Williams
I liked a YouTube video -- Jimmy Tourettes sings 'Crazy' by Patsy Cline
oh dear now watching and still cracking up
@honeybee85 have a pantomine tomorrow to go to. (oh yes I do!) so a little earlier. But hey so what!
I liked a YouTube video -- Jimmy Tourettes sings 'Bohemian Twatsody'
oh dearie me
@philcampbell too much info ...
so no more youtube videos. looks like everyone going to bed now ....
so off to bed now - no more youtube videos
So even the teenagers are turning in to bed now so def the last one up!
Gosh is it really 0430. perhaps it might just about be time to start thinking of sleep (boring)...
is it time for another party? am ready .... (and yes, sober). Is that wrong? Nope it's about having fun and letting go...
@Alexandra_1608 hope you got home ok and safe and had fun eve... it seems quiet out there!
Lightweight cant handle the partying
@_pocketdynamo night amanda !
@dellacunio Oh dear. sorry for causing you gadget torture...
@OzoneVibe no checkins on way home?
@xplane0202 and @dellacunio @amandagolding @icicle_halo_ of course
@littlecough oh don't say that. It is early. eeek. should go to bed ... you off anywhere?
@Mookii same here ! though for #f1 usually actually go to bed then get up. not quite managed that tonight...
wonders if I've outdone @little_jodief1 tonight... for once...
@ozonevibe @xplane0202 very much so.. at least our kitchen appliances kept him upright,...
@Alexandra_1608 eek that's not good. good to have fun time. not good to be pressured/followed home. that's creepy. take care...
@Mookii nope! party at home. (like parties). birthday. everyone nearly asleep now. no stamina. Tut!
@littlecough fair enough. I think I should pack it in for tonight. fun party but need some sleep before pantomine tomorrow!
@littlecough oh yes I have!
@Mookii I'm still up for partying... anyone?
@littlecough looking forward to panto. have niece/nephew coming. local village affair. always *superb* must get kip so stay awake!
and thanks to @MUZUTV for the party music tonight. streaming to samsung internet@tv was flawless. So nice to have video. #win
daughter not asleep yet.. but I'm giving in. time for a few hours kip. Night all...
@Mookii nah. I'm finally done. 5am does not compute....
@Mookii night!
@littlecough night!
@Alexandra_1608 packing it in now. night!
@honeybee85 what an early bird tonight eh! Right I'm finally off to sleep...
Finally made it to bed. Just. Remembered where various stuff we tidies got to. Yep obstructing bed
Can hear noise above me - loft. Either its a guest who hasnt left or a critter...?
But at gone 5am its time to sleep....
Lots of bacon ready for morning! Qand on that thought. Night!
@jon_read great thanks. Fun time. Tho awake annoyingly early
@geraintwjones @noelrooney @kateroon. Good stuff. Glad u had fun.
@geraintwjones. Did eventually go to bed. Could be time foor cooked bfast.. Bit too early really
Get out of bed/make breakfast or earplugs/sleep? ... Never good at going back to sleep so best cook...
@icicle_halo_ glad you enjoyed it. so how did you fit 9 hours sleep in. something I did miss last night!
@dellacunio sounds like you're suffering from gadget lust now. shops open soon. BTW John Lewis stocks kindle
@_pocketdynamo possibly. need to remember the new name..
@geraintwjones glad you enjoyed it. we got er <4 hours sleep. think may be feeling tired later, but otherwise pretty decent!
@missybct thanks. Double birthday wishes! Hop you had a good day on Friday.
@AdamManning thanks
@Nickyhants thanks. yep was a fun day. just need to stay awake today - sister in-law, kids, pantomine.. eek!
@Nickyhants otterbourne village hall -been going for many years always love it (oh yes we do). tried mayflower in past
Out walking the pooches. Nice fresh air!
looking forward to pantomine. oh yes i am. just need to stay awake!
interval time. at least coke has caffeine in it
@neicey glad u enjoyed it
@OzoneVibe eek. hopefully worth it!
@OzoneVibe no comment
@RachaelEdwards theres one week tues., btw
today does feel like a long day..
@OzoneVibe was fun though I have felt very tired. Have neice/nephew etc over now. Once clear think I'll be getting shut eye asap.
@OzoneVibe yes, too early after getting to bed at 0520
@neicey thanks, have passed it on. Wasnt my doing! but glad you enjoyed them
@NeilBaileyF1 indeed. the black sticky stuff
@Jayskiclimb just informal get-together arranged over twitter really
Thanks to everyone for their gifts from last night - you know who you are! Much gracias!
@_pocketdynamo yeah - seemed a good idea at the time... less so when woken up around 9 :-(
time to get ready for bed and get some kip.

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