Sunday 9 January 2011

From Twitter 01-09-2011

@Welshracer Sounds lovely! Decided on a nice tuna steak here though just keeping simple/lime/pots/veg
@Petronella @jayegan am hoping though decent tax regime for alternate fuels - which will also stimulate investment/demand & will be cheaper
@Petronella @jayegan for a while at least -- some changes already ie electric/company car tax rules. More of that may shift balance
@desiibond @edcarsky And all I'd say is it wouldn't be hard. meego 1.1/no accel=awful. 2.2/2.3 good, but no gps/cam/phone yet..
@desiibond @edcarsky and I like maemo. Android less so, but it's where the apps are so highly likely to be my next stop by YE11
@xspyda leak in air inlet? EGR valve? (our diesel currently broken some simil. looks like fuel pump or pressure reg, off to garage wed)
@xspyda Mine was a P0089 - tried various things for months. finally got worse and caved in, but yet could be quite £££. Bother.
@xspyda I think these modern details are overly complex/not reliable enough. Ny simple non-turbo petrol focus is rock solid. Would like
@xspyda next car to be electric, either serial hybrid (like Volt) or plugin probably (focus, leaf), not parallel hybrid. Or tesla... :-)
@ManipeF1 Most companies will try and delay paying until last minute.. not just f1 teams??
RT @bobbyllew: Just posted this response to the BBC's article on my llewblog. Well, I had to didn't I.
@ManipeF1 Also not just companies. I always try to pay everything on within a few days of due date...
@xspyda Oh my focus is 2000 so modern ECU, but just seems better put together/reliable
@xspyda & on the 2 ocasions I've had a MIL light has degraded gracefully
@macie_sherwood Do you have to do the A-Z in order?
eek. arrived at gym as they have a rather nice looking sunday roast on offer. v. tempting to skip gym and eat. but wont...
getting closer to recovering mayorship of gym on foursquare...
given up on gowalla. facebook places seems clunky (app/web dependent) so now 4sq only. typical or just me?
@MissLundgaard ahh dont say that. had to walk past, look at, and smell the carvery at the gym.. here to exercise/relax but it looks good
@MissLundgaard esp the meats and yorkshire puds (always less convinced by veg as like mine crisp/barely cooked)
@MissLundgaard enjoy yours. am not jealous really. honestly... ok bums yes i am!
right have 3+ hours to kill whilst girls in town (only 1 car other boken) so must head up to gym now. cant stand food smells any longer
@MissLundgaard good to see british sarcasm well and truly alive
good gym session. managed to resist beer and cakes in cafe and sticking to coffee. dreaming in jacuzzi of baking bread later tho
@f1photos that is ridiculous. no bb for 5 days. they should loan out mifi or similar for something like that. crazy. dont blame you leaving
@surreyblonde ahhh too many food tweets. feeling hungry (tho giraffe burger nice!)
RT @saltyF1: 60 days and 14 hours til the first test of the 2011 season in Bahrain #f1
@saltyF1 getting much closer now. 2 months.. only 1/6 year. roll on bahrain
@xplane0202 an hour? studying ok?
@xplane0202 i like the community idea too - save money by participating. tho think coverage dodgy at home...
wish on #n900 i could a) select which wifi nets to autoconnect b) auto-login to web authenticated aps
#twimgo nice but doing its trick of more loading same tweets again ..
@saltyF1 def agree with second part. just as long as both teams can run and compete. have to have scandals to add interest... ?
@xplane0202 in theory maps say coverage is perfect 3g indoors. ha ha wasnt when i last checked. fault possible s'pose
@melissa_RBRx i've never seen on or looked. are they just large cns of redbull?
@xplane0202 yep and phones vary. would love to try a current high end #motorola android phone as they supposedly rule for sensitivity
@xplane0202 shame only vodafone does femtocells (suresignal)
@xplane0202 its locked?
@_MissAnnie_ only the beer that goes with it?
@melissa_RBRx sounds like could be useful tho i admit to getting tesco/asda/sains own brand 1L versions if desperate.. #cheapskate
@xplane0202 nice try.. ok
@surreyblonde aaahhh esp as i am sat in gym cafe where they sell food!
@f1photos good to have backup (i guess due to bus) if happened to me id go straight out to get mifi or similar if tariff/coverage allowed
lovely @lord_sugar quote in his book 'i don't know what happened to this prat in later life. He's probably a Daily Mail journalist'
criteria... pathetic loser.. does nothing... spiteful sniping... lack of achievement
didnt realse alan sugar applied for a job in ibm (and was turned down) in the early days..
and a reminder alan sugar now owns the south bank offices!
yum. cooking tuna steak dinner
actually cooking 3 different meals. families eh? but quick/simple/yummy and red poured ...
@dscobsct I'm only a few chapters in, but really enjoying it. Not too heavy, funny just as you'd expect from apprentice etc really
@dscobsct so yes, I'd recommend...
@_MissAnnie_ Feel free to replace with your favourite indulgence ...
@ratlet :-) Actually usually it's fine, we're all fairly flexible and wasn't too complicated tonight
@riveerrrrssss Well it was yummy. Rather enjoy a nice tuna steak :-)
seems like block/report spam on seesmic desktop doesn't remove from timeline? #sd2
@Trillionaire sorry all eaten!
@HedgeWatch it's an interesting read - lots of book to go, but glad I have it. May be last physical in a while. kindle in next week or so
RT @TommyB89: @planetf1 @melissa_RBRx It's these -
@TommyB89 @melissa_RBRx thanks for link - looks more like something to keep than drink!
@edcarSky yeah don't get me wrong, coming along very nicely and work is much appreciated on both platforns
@edcarSky will be interesting to see what happens with nokia wrt meego/maemo 6/proprietary UIs etc. Critical year IMO
@unkn0wnvariable @mwoliver hearing a few ppl with same. At least that's good.. though in UK not too many 4sq offers yet outside London
@nnubeh hopefully it survived after some tlc...
@_pocketdynamo that's true, get it in tweetdeck sometime too. Just experimenting with new desktop app for a change (seesmic)
@riveerrrrssss freshly made samosas. Now you're talking!
RT @JohannaWhitaker: RT @totmac: Apparently, 40 per cent of all tweets come from a mobile phone. #CES
@JohannaWhitaker Those stats consistent with my personal use. Use mobile quite a lot for tweets. easier for quick post..
@dscobsct Yep, ALan Michael SUgar
@mjserres of course the fine may be noise to the owner...
@hapit Eeek. I always find feeling stuffed incompatible with sleep though -- let food go down before I can sleep.
@MissLundgaard could it be the actors and their accents I wonder?
@hapit Just realised I got the same book for xmas. I've not made any yet. must do. But 30mins sounds optimistic...
@eric_andersen I was listening to a few ces based podcasts and the journos sounded shattered and confused... very intense I'd guess
@hunni_h can't find the photo now but had the "2 sharing" brownie desert at beefeater last w/endridiculous. enough for 4. failed to finish
@honeybee85 It's about the one part of ROC I watched. It was rather dramatic, tho I got bored overall. Live prob much better
@hunni_h oh sorry bout that, but I'll be staying away from now on after trying once!
RT @ssethi: LinkedIn should've evolved into Quora. Start with CV, then build authority, following, celebrity in your subject domain /via ...
@honeybee85 I'm just thinking of watching 1 prog before bed. That could be it! Tho I may feel bad afterwards. Also have murray dvd?
@paulbackhouse BTW ref 3 Jan infinity tweet. FYI seems live here/knightwood. Am being installed 18 Jan. Friend in katrine delayed march??
@sebmatthews of course the big change is purely using ondemand (am using more, though pic qual not as good, but is integrated into new tv)
@Sara_Kim oh sorry, had to laugh a little. reminds me of my daughters attempt to heat the royal icing for xmas cake - it blew over and
@Sara_Kim ended in a sticky mess!
@LauRawrrrF1 is that discussion still going on. The whole idea (size 0) is just totally horrible.
@IamNii_Teiko it's like meeting another member of a cult right! Yep I know...
@RubberGoat Yep agree with you there. I shouldn't even waste the energy replying as his views are a waste of space @Jodie_kemp
@RubberGoat just awful. Should not be what ppl aspire to @Jodie_kemp
@mjserres fortunately I've never got one, but probably 40-60 at a guess? probably well worth it for finding space & posing.
@icicle_halo_ now they sound rather yummy!
@xplane0202 it does sound like AQA are much better for making papers avail online etc then OCR...
watching bloomberg's facebook special last night. not sure if too heavy/serious for this time of night? #fb
grrr bloomberg is annoying to watch with the multiple data feeds which even overlay the program graphics

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