Tuesday 11 January 2011

From Twitter 01-11-2011

oops decided am dressed a bit scruffy today for meeting on directors floor. oh well. bit like going to waitrose and feeling u/dressed?
Great, thanks! RT @TNK87: @planetf1 @ClaireLYoung That's because it is @Nick_Hewer!
meeting finished. don't feel guilt about having a quick coffee/twitter break now
@riveerrrrssss definately not. I was just expression a feeling I had. Same as going into waitrose ;-)
@xplane0202 On standby better signal=better battery life. *but* better signal=use more/constant data=poorer life!
wierd. In #Seesmic desktop 2 #sd2 clicking on profile="unexpected error" though timeline/replies etc working fine. And web fine.
@davidchow waitrose doesn't have the same product set range/prices as others, but also has lots of very good stuff. so must use both!
@Mookii We definately need the gridwalks though of course eddie/jake have been doing more lately. ex-driver would be nice also tho dc/br
@chromedeck is it possible to customize screen colours/themes. Definately wbn at some point (perf pref moving to light bgnd.. well today!)
@robkerr makes sense. It (hopefully) is a much more unique occasion, whilst xmas/birthday is more regular/bau ?
Not blocking yet, but must *filter* RT @Hedgewytch: Disappointed to see more followers using #Paper.Li that I have to block
@mbdrake should have really applied to new contracts only . Else should let ppl out of contract...
@mbdrake I too tend to use <500Mb most months. Switched from 2Gb three to 1Gb voda. If truly unlim like 3 would do more tethering.
RT @NobleF1: Sky German has become the first broadcaster to confirm its #F1 coverage will be in HD this year (thanks to @f1_addict). Sto ...
RT @cragnet: advice needed:have a friend on tmobile trying to cancel due to fup changes.tmob wont cancel as we is addon & not part of st ...
@Joyouscomms great you can make the next @Tuesdaytweetup - seem to be keeping in the momentum!
RT @Tuesdaytweetup: Next #Tweetup is on Tuesday 25th January @ Duke of Wellington, Bugle St, Soton SO14 2AH - 5:30pm onwards. Hope to yo ...
RT @Tuesdaytweetup: Let me know if you are attending on 25th Jan so that you can be added to the list - already 25 names : http://bit.ly ...
really need to sort out auto network switching better on my N900. Now I have 2/3G coverage bettery getting low - data all day ...
@sxa555 yay! only a few days after me..
@Hedgewytch good point tho for now leaving open. still feels more appropriate for twitter. ideally paper.li should allow aggregation optout
@Hedgewytch maybe they do. no idea how it works. not looked
@lau_amyf1 you clearly dont work here!
@Mookii yes i do remember. the beeb seem to have done well in 2010 . hope that continues
@wfavero sounds more like LinkedOut #linkedin
@oldmanuk @lauracowen Get ultimate boot cd iso http://bit.ly/84tkCv setup as virtual cd drive, boot & tool to reset.
@oldmanuk @lauracowen *as long* as not using EFS as of course you'll loose that data. I've done same on prexmas linux vm not alone!
@mike_griffin_f1 more harm than good? well no transport is green and it ain't great but can you elaborate?
@melissa_RBRx doesn't appeal to me - not radical enough, but am intrigued (*watching* in other hybrid/ev options). Not yet but sometime
@SarahAnnGreen @tonyt787 *if* you have coverage on 3, tethering is no extra change I think on iphone or android, symbian etc so could get
@SarahAnnGreen @tonyt787 3's "oneplan" which supposedly has real unlimited data including tethering.But do live mifi as sarah said. nice dev
This looks REALLY cool - script to autoconnect to a public wifi access point/enter user/pass #n900 http://bit.ly/faXZPD #fb
more paper.li annoyance. Just written to ask if it's possible to opt out of being reposted. I'd hope - sensible requirement?
@mike_griffin_f1 I dont know all figures, but hear the opposite too. May depend if factor in oil production costs too, and also
@mike_griffin_f1 battery recycling
@mike_griffin_f1 huge "political" agenda - struggle to really get the facts sometimes. also all about *improvement* nothings totally green!
@mike_griffin_f1 I think @bobbylew mentioned typical CO2 well-car for petrol was about 400 electric just over 100 accounting for production
@mike_griffin_f1 I think electric motors, less clear on fuel cell vs plug-in vs hybrid (espcially serial like volt?) etc. and still depends
@mike_griffin_f1 efficient/clean(er) power gen & distribution (huge losses there, so smaller/closer power gen can help)
@mike_griffin_f1 I agree, I'm watching/interested but still need to know more about economics etc. Of course solar only works when sunny
@mike_griffin_f1 though you can feed excess into grid & get a nice agreed rate from co.
@mike_griffin_f1 Here's some example figures well-wheel http://bit.ly/dVFzaV maybe @bobbylew has good links comp. electric/ice ?
@mike_griffin_f1 looks like hydrogen is more effective for larger vehicles currently. There are also powerplants that run off nat.gas -
@mike_griffin_f1 in a fuel cell. still uses fossil fuel of course, but heat+power is gen more efficiently. still early days?
@mike_griffin_f1 course different model say public transport+cars to borrow for final fuel miles a step change in cleaner??
@mike_griffin_f1 nuclear powered?
@sxa555 they'll also bring a VDSL2 modem.. connected via ethernet to your router (same or replacement)
@tabathavalls congratulations. Sounds like a great move!
think i'm going off #seesmic again #sd2 -- the lack of selective twitter notifications is so annoying http://bit.ly/fcp2aT
@chromedeck Any outlook on when we might get a build with some control of timeline updates when scrolling down? Difficult to read history?
Um logged on to #quora but questions seem rather ad-hoc and so many of them - no focus. may be settings but still not quite getting it
Leading me to think - is #quora just hype. Why should I bother with it?
@TweetDeck Is td taking 10-20% cpu (core 2 duo 2.5Ghz win, 6 cols, 1000 follows) typical. get it on 2 machines. high cpu load ?
@angryjedi wow. I find it sluggish, often does't give feedback/long pauses, lists of podcast episodes in selective sync can't be scrolled
@angryjedi different machines, different users - though all on windows.
Ok #sd2 -missing notify > #chromedeck scrolling issues-> #tweetdeck and back to high CPU.. Grr. What else??
RT @WhichTech: We believe T-Mobile is likely in breach of its customers' contracts http://cot.ag/fRJt55 #tmobile
RT @LFT_Android: #Android #TMobile users: feel free to reuse this letter we sent T-Mobile to cancel our contracts due to data price rise ...
@oldmanuk yeah right. nope. Annoyingly all 3 are fairly nice and mostly work well apart from each having one royal pita...
@oldmanuk did buy a kindle though --purely for book reading! despite book prices, drm issues -- wanted to try more restful e-ink
@TimelessP I don't get it (yet?)
@angryjedi I can't comment on the mac version. apple today is like yesteryear's microsoft
@oldmanuk thanks for the hint. format conversion is a factor. Do you have a kindle?
@oldmanuk mine's a birthday present, so have to wait a few days...
@AndyBold just trying. NO selective notifications (ie mention/dm only) or aggregation across accounts + 5 a/c limit ?
@david_hay not really tried them. keen to try some reading on the e-ink displays - heard lots of good things - more relaxing, outside etc
@david_hay + more likely to focus just on reading book rather than fitting in too much tweeting etc.
and now back on #sd2 again. Thinking I'll live without notifications. Really miss aggregated columsn in going back to #tweetdeck and low cpu
@ja9ae not me sounds nerdily fascinating. could be an iplayer job! #geek
RT @unkn0wnvariable: Lots of talk about F1 in HD today. No technical reason for it not to be on BBC, entirely down to whether FOM allow ...
RT @Tuesdaytweetup: Next #Tweetup is on Tuesday 25th January @ Duke of Wellington, Bugle St, Soton SO14 2AH - 5:30pm onwards. Hope to yo ...
RT @Tuesdaytweetup: Let me know if you are attending on 25th Jan so that you can be added to the list - already 25 names : http://bit.ly ...
@AdamManning it did sound somewhat busines focussed not personal
@AndyBold was looking for colour/layout/ease of use,aggregation across accounts,selective notify.
lovely dog walk with ruby+teddie. now have special 2-to-1 chain.. they're getting used to it but so much easier for 1 person!
@chromedeck thanks. good news
@AndyBold thanks for the pointer anyway
@AdamManning indeed very true. how about @ambulancechaser ?
@boostbyslinky @therealautoblog one appeal to me of electric drive is lack/minimal gears whilst maintaining torque throughout. yum.
@AdamManning serious. wow!.. well we have the decent adam back now. much more sophisticated!
eek. brain now sore after looking physics exam papers (helping son). Ok I did physics at uni but too long ago!
@boostbyslinky charging issue sure, though my work is 4m, gym /town is prob 8m, we have 2 cars.. so it kinda fits.
@boostbyslinky of course manufacturs are programming the cars to deliver power more akin to petrol (boring.... :-( )
@AdamManning do you get it?
good news. OH's broken car going into garage to be fixed tomorrow. bad news. sounds pricey (fuel pump maybe). grr
now caught up in work emails. May get around to sit down in front of tv (as opposed to sending web services request to tv. also on list)
@AdamManning that's ok. As long as you can spell it then you're a social media expert ;-)
bother (still working). time to spruce up a demo and write some charts.... Sounds like a job for tomorrow though

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com

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