Thursday 13 January 2011

From Twitter 01-13-2011

Right. 30 min coffee news/done. Off to get going to gym.......
spotify not streaming for me. Can connect, look at playlists, friends, but streaming doesn't start. Just me?
ok, replugged my usb dongle - all fine. Was an audio output issue ...
it's more @elliegoulding to get work done to this morning :-)
grr. always get annoyed by site with user/pass login where tab does not go directly USERID->PASSWORD (instead to a link/forgotten etc).
@btcare I had an infinity hub dispatch note 4pm yest. tracking ref invalid. due deliv fri. Is this as not really dispatched (l8r->nextday)
@btcare if that's how process works fine, just the "dispatch" email was confusing
wish on windows 7 using multi screens I could *optionally* have the same taskbar *replicated* across all screens..
getting annoyed with a usability issue. Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one who tries to use things in a particular way...
@TheAlanJWright what gets me is not obscure issues it's when its so obviously most people do and so obv not minor but 5x worse than need be
car update - looks like not repaired until monday (and that's if the repair works...). aren't cars brilliant :-(
@btcare ignore previous tweet - tracking details are now showing. 1st event was 12th Jan so looks like delay in being online thats all
Spot the error "If your reference number starts with the suffix FD, FE or FF" - no that's a *PREFIX* not a suffix #royalmail #english #fail
2 superb tracks - "in sleep" and "when I'm Alone" by @lissiemusic - other tracks I'm listening to
RT @Lord_Sugar: go to to get all info on how to apply for Junior Apprentice. Auditions approx End April early ...
Struggled to get a vmware vm to boot from "cd". Answer "bios.bootDelay = 10000” in .vmx file -- gives 10s at bios screen #win
@Sulman yep. I've shouted at vms a few times. Usually use vmx and there's a config setting -- this I realised works for workstation :-)
@Sulman sorry not vmx I meant esxi
@Sulman I had to boot from "cd" as this was a pre-xmas private vm I'd forgotten root/user pw to. oops. xmas brain cell death..
@Sulman agree the default is a little silly. ok it saves boot time, but 3s or 5s perhaps?
Just trying sms post for first time
Just a backup if app broken, or if batt low etc.
Course doing a reply is a pain sp for longer ids. Oh well good to know
Sms for DMs looks like good idea. Not sure abput mentions/replies. Probably not -- overwhelming
@TinaHolmboe v.frustrating. I think its 2 reasons a) VAT payable on ebooks not regular b) Some *Publishers* won't discount ebooks
@TinaHolmboe completely agree. I'm getting a kindle on sat so it's new to me. Down to publishers/distributors just like mp3 a few yrs ago?
@TinaHolmboe in some cases it seems ebook > hardback price. Net result IMO will be more piracy/less sales.. "shooting themselves in foot"
@TinaHolmboe what are you using to read the ebooks on?
@TinaHolmboe ah makes sense. Yep kindle doesn't do epub native - needs conversion tools tho drm another aspect
@TinaHolmboe yep so I gather. All a bit silly when it's so easy to pay real money via amazon (for ex) if only prices were "logical" ...
@TinaHolmboe I take it you've seen
trying to finish something but machine I'm using only knows how to a) run 100% cpu b) operate in batch mode ;-) #wannagohome
@etherealtype I tend to stick to right handed... best to avoid tweeting at same time too. Sauce goes everywhere....
wonders how many slow progress bars I've seen today
@julianware yep. I do though tend to leave To: field blank/invalid, then write text, save as draft and wait a bit...
@kayels @SRT40 @O2 do seem to have more than an acceptable amount of sever data outages?
one last attempt...
RT @rickmans: Volunteer earns $20,000 in a year spotting Google bugs
RT @Suw: At home with home technology, by @MaggiePhilbin (warning: contains me)
@melissa_RBRx It's probably a bad thing for your bank balance though am sure your situation would remain fluid ;-)
@melissa_RBRx actually I was referring to your vast consumption of innocent smoothies! rather than going away!
@melissa_RBRx Must be tough to move away - I did it a long time ago for uni, met lots of new friends, had great time, learnt a lot - and
@melissa_RBRx my son's 17 and so will be going through the same next year (yr1 of A levels). Follow your dreams & career aspirations ..?
@melissa_RBRx Yes replies! I just tried sms for the first time today, usually use a full client which gives context
@kayels At silverstone #f1 last year "3" was perfect, was using data/textx ALL day though I've just switched to voda due to home/work
@melissa_RBRx Maybe I misunderstood tweets - I can see why it's a tough combination of where to live, course & events...
got home to find fajitas on the menu. yumm!
@MissLundgaard Hope it gets better. Not long of today left.. find some unwatched #f1 coverage to catch up?
@etherealtype Yes! A (small amount) of sour cream, salsa, guacamole,cheese,salad with chilli/chicken/pepper/onion etc
@etherealtype it beats spaghetti. actually I've never made home mad spaghetti. should try that. It's always tricky to find the time
I hope not, though they will have/need social integration RT @sogrady: app stores are the new social networks
@etherealtype at least it wasn't economy tin spaghetti. I prefer the wholemeal too. can't stand prawns though.
@etherealtype can't imagine there's anyone that doesn't like tomato sauce.. seems to be pretty same!
@etherealtype sorry meant *safe*
@icicle_halo_ @OzoneVibe Do you guys use the echo site? Prob should for local issues, though lots of whinging and I find the site bit poor..
@unkn0wnvariable because they have no vision as to what it looks like with their own stuff?
@Joyouscomms Something I don't do, but did take a holiday in Cozumel/Mexico a few years ago. delightful. apparently gr8 for diving ?
At this time of eve enabling SMS for @mentions was probably not a good idea. pocket constantly buzzing ...
@KataHyde maybe their cheque bounced?
@_pocketdynamo don't talk about cars. especially nissans. :-(
@unkn0wnvariable sadly I'd prob be more worried where the green phone can was . Nah joking really it is a very emotional purchase...
@MissLundgaard - Chin up - not just you? RT @DotNetWill: Might just go to bed, nothing is working out today
still using seesmic desktop 2 #sd2 but definately missing some tweetdeck capabilities. Looks much nicer though - just colour selection
@unkn0wnvariable can you see this ->
@Joyouscomms Had a holiday booked to pacific side too, but family illness meant it was canceled. must go back sometime.
@_pocketdynamo Oh just diesel fuel pressure issues . Having one fix done monday, not certain if will do the trick.
@_pocketdynamo into the 100s, some options way up there higher (fuel pump, injectors etc)
@unkn0wnvariable pc (win7 x64)
@OzoneVibe I use pixelpipe now and I think (!) it only also goes to flick/link on twitter/facebook - I know at one point it did everything!
@unkn0wnvariable no not tried it. will look. Quite like trying #chromedeck again once the scrolling issue is addressed
BRILIANT! RT @OzoneVibe: @icicle_halo_ Just goes to show that iPhones really can be rubbish :)
@unkn0wnvariable that's where chromedeck is very nice. web app. low cpu, syncs via browser
@tonyt787 if not mistaken I think current sets downgrade picture when using 2d-3d upscaling, you loose some HD definition @jakehumphreyf1
@tonyt787 @jakehumphreyf1 Sony announcednew upscaler at CES. Did try samsung once (not f1). not bad but figuring front/back sometimes wrong
@unkn0wnvariable yes it is, but I really like chrome..
@unkn0wnvariable the AIR based apps (such as tweetdeck) seem to take a LOT of cpu compared to *either* native *or* web
@unkn0wnvariable the first two don't bother me, the last (new) does. used to use FF but just dont like as much
@unkn0wnvariable indeed, though also a benefit if family=stable version whilst you use a dev build..
@unkn0wnvariable but understand the points about not a good citizen. FF better for you?
@unkn0wnvariable first thought of #metrotwit -simple, not bad, but like aggregation of multiple accounts (#sd2 does this well)
@unkn0wnvariable me=twitter*2,facebook,linked in, foursquare. Also (less critical) buzz, gowalla
RT @Tuesdaytweetup: Next #Tweetup is on Tuesday 25th January @ Duke of Wellington, Bugle St, Soton SO14 2AH - 5:30pm onwards. Hope to yo ...
RT @Tuesdaytweetup: Let me know if you are attending on 25th Jan so that you can be added to the list - already 27 names : ...
Switched FON router back to ddwrt - hopefully more reliable. FON will be reinstated by BT homehub when infinity installed Tues 30 Mbps+ :-)
Until it crashes... .;-) RT @xplane0202: Finally! I can actually use wifi in my room thanks to #ddwrt s/w running on the router
Managed to escape housecleaning whilst tweeting and fixing network issues. No sure how popular i am now.. ?
And reason for 2 active wifi routers. Partly range but also to keep one as 802.11n only (to not comprimise speed)
@kimifan sorry too busy now. Need to watch some tv....
@sermoa i just wouldnt feel comfortable on modern smartphone without spare battery (or ext pack in case of iphone with non-rep batt)
@NeilBaileyF1 nah but i enjoy/am skilled at networking. pubs, chitchat..partying... well actually of the computing kind
@NeilBaileyF1 basically was just making sure we have fastest wifi all over house for lots of devices thats all.
@OzoneVibe not sure what last train cf-wcr via eastleigh is. you prob know now!
@anotherproblem oh dear. that bad?

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