Tuesday 18 January 2011

From Twitter 01-18-2011

@BTcare Hi. Infinity install engineer visit today. Do I need userid/password? Think I may have had letter but can't find it? Is it on portal
No I wonder where that letter from BT is... think it may have had a userid/password. Oh b*other. I don't do "paper" ...
Question for #btinfinity/FTTC users -- do I still need a userid/password with BT? Do I need paper or can I get this from somewhere quickly ?
Phew... I found my BTbroadband username/password so should be no problem now! @BTCare
@OzoneVibe they'll be half tweetups though so that's ok...
@dr_black noticed you may be off to #ittu7 next wed. It so happens am in london - customer meeting, but may come along to say hi/chat ..
lost internet. bt work started i guess. yay #infinity
oh and its back. maybe just a glitch..
its funny how potentially the internet connection going down today is something I see as a good sign.. ;-)
yep internet unstable. guess they're rejumpering my line to fttc.
yay bt turned up. just 5-10 mins rejumpering then they'll be back
goodbye @o2 broadband. been a great service but am too far/slow so bt only viable option for now.. may be back in 18m
@steevbishop 4 really here until now
eek. on last bag of coffee. fortunately did another order with @hasbean yesterday (yum)
woohay. all sorted. very chatty/expert engineer. and appreciated the nice coffee. up and running with infinity :-) @BTCare
@steevbishop i figured 4 was borderline
@oldmanuk we tried a few quick ones and I think I was getting about36/8 though not tried fully yet. engineer reckoned was running full pelt.
what's the url for the bt speedtest that displays profile?
apparently demand for infinity round here is huge... doing installs constantly...
@btcare just had infinity installed. working well. speedtester.net good. Though http://bit.ly/dMswB1 gives an error for my number ? ideas?
@evoGage thanks. not working though speedtest.net is fine
@btcare is there delay after activation before btbroadband userid/pass works. internet fine, but btmail,fon signup say invalud user/pass ?
@oldmanuk BT do aggressively shape bittorrent. I use very rarely (like perhaps once a month) so not an issue & agree...
Just remembered to opt out of BT "web address help" so my VPN works (shame it can't be configured with exclusions like opendns)
@paulbackhouse yep - very smooth
Check out my result from Speedtest.net! http://speedtest.net/result/1116537997.png
@noelrooney it's just over £25 a month for "unlimited" (300Gb fup). Use quidco to reduce a little & consider call bundles/upfront rental
@xplane0202 good - oh. Do some updates when you get home and you can test it on me for feedback after gym :-)
yay! Garage called car ready, so will walk over to collect at lunchtime. Bad news lots of £££. Just hoping it's fixed....
@noelrooney is that at work? At times you can get superb rates - pretty sure I've maxed out 100 Mbps ethernet late eve before or early am
@noelrooney do miss gigabit in office sometime though ie for file server I/O (gsa)
@xplane0202 Yep all went very smoothly and to plan
grabbed a drink and quickly tried BBC HD on iplayer on samsung internet@tv. buffering is ?? about 1 second now for HD!
@sxa555 about 5 mins before and 10 mins after they turned up before they then plugged in hub - so <30 mins total
everything appeared to just work first time.
@sxa555 less so perhaps - not sure
yay off to collect car
@timbo_baggins posted early. not tested loads as working but was about 34/8
have a car back. Seems far more perky now. Fingers crossed. Will have to go on longer drive after work
@Dr_Black meeting around westminster finish 5pm, so rather than hit rush hour was looking what was on. let me know if chance 4 coffee/beer
@BTCare Seems fine now. after about 1.5+ hours I had a voicetext. From then on the website/tester etc all fine. Very happy so far thx
fixed car seems ok so far so made it to gym :-)
made it to gym... car workikng!
@sxa555 will check when home. think dlm enforces interleaving. think on fttc too not sure. 1st few days?
@sxa555 u only have a few days too!
Good to have a gym session, and get home fine. Repaired car good so far - running so much smoother :-)
@AdamManning All went very smoothly switching ISPs, BT turned up, small outage, all in place. uneventful except for the massive speed boost
@AdamManning do you have it in your area yet?
@AdamManning main observations are a) downloads loads quicker b) HD works streaming on TV is near instant (as is SD)
RT @khouryrt: If u want 1GB more to ur Dropbox, this site has all the answers to the DropQuest challenge :) http://bit.ly/hRZXG4
@xspyda I think "final analysis" is a bit premature. Ask me at month 17 of 18 before renewal time then I'll know!
@kgfullerton that was common years ago I guess. thankfully not now...
@OzoneVibe talking to yourself again?
@OzoneVibe not sure the fridge and door step have recovered from the shock yet..
@xspyda of course I know exactly what was done, and agreed to it beforehand. The issue with some faults is poss multiple causes
@OzoneVibe yep - still rather liking it
@DaveMyers1 showing on itv2? Ok yes will be. Do you know when US #xfactor starts?
@xspyda I had that adapter at one point. drove me nutty. No idea where it is now. Switched machine to ethernet instead..
@xspyda tred atheros.cz ?
@xspyda it was a long time ago - loosing connection and it caused audio/video stutering problems on the machine I believe. GB eth is good ..
@OzoneVibe I wonder if it's part of their license?
@tomiahonen this could breed a new type - a "sim tart" in UK moneysaving speak.
@FreshPlastic Not including Dr Who (that's outdoor?)
@Pinkgineer I have this vision of typical "IT guy" personality - but probably not as funny as the IT Crowd sadly :-(
@SlyRenard pressure regulator
@SlyRenard or what it's called .. suction control valve?
@AdamManning :-( do you get an ok speed already. We were on 4/1 which was just about ok (many worse) but >4 means HD streaming :-)
@jon_read I do backup photos online so upstream good for that, though automated (well was until I reinstaled, need to fix) and runs o/night
@oldmanuk are you on fttc now then?
@paulbackhouse the BT engineer said he'd been in trials where he reckoned at my distance (470m) I may even get up to 75Mbps ultimately..
@paulbackhouse can't be far away....
@noelrooney you tempted then? BT eng said takeup was huge around here...
@jon_read I guess that's BTw? On C&W I had up to 830 upstream on ADSL (v1) @OzoneVibe
@OzoneVibe your speed isn't bad then downstream - it's up you need a boost (3G may be quicker though >> latency)
@oldmanuk did I answer you? It's 3x100Mbs lan + 1 x wlan (presume 100). New HH3 imminent with I think 4 x 1000 :-(
@oldmanuk So do I add *yet another* box (1Gbps switch) so I get up to 1Gbps throughout house or accept 100Mbps for tv/bluray/box/old pc.
@oldmanuk prob latter....
@paulbackhouse I think DLM still runs for up to 10 days. So I dare not unplug/touch anything -- though it runs continually anyway
@NeilBaileyF1 Big coffee fan! Like my gaggia, and freshly ground beans sourced from @hasbean
@NeilBaileyF1 Not happy with "happy donkey" though as my new Gaggia portafilter handle broke after 10 months...
@OzoneVibe demand could also be a) reasonable income households b) 4-5km from exchange so slower speeds
@steevbishop That 2Mbps minimum is looking so antiquated. Still a shame we're not doing ftth...
@Sk4zZi0uS packet loss - sounds like something rather overloaded or broken. Is that on virgin
@paulbackhouse well AFAIK the copper is running VDSL2 profile 8e . have found graphs before but can't see now. think in theory 100Mbps 500m?
@Sk4zZi0uS does that mean your bill is crippled to half capacity too?
@NeilBaileyF1 coffee tends to in flavour depending on prep method. espresso does it for me...

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