Sunday 29 August 2010

From Twitter 08-29-2010

@etherealtype Reckon he could take WEB in 1st lap and go on to win. But rain can throw the dice. I'm bit off ferrari tbh (rules/image/alo)
Martin being very polite today. #f1
@LukaSambuca He's probably just jealous! #F1
@xspyda Switching from bbc to itv has been the best thing in ages for #f1 (in the UK) - coverage is so so much professional & fun
@xspyda !^%"^%$ yep
Jessica seems so much more relaxed/natural/engaged with the sport etc than nicole... #f1
Trying some sweet potato and plantain crisps
minute warning! Oh now legard. A reminder to hit the red button! #f1
@vixisabel probably - find it little more educated/technical/insightful. Audio quality today not so good on @5LiveF1 (sky) though. boomy #f1
@tpphotography just wondering as have been checking out cov on nets in local area. Found little o2 3g
What the *** was that music on @5LiveF1 #f1
Rain expected in 8 mins reasonably heavy! #f1
Hoping we don't get a big accident at turn 1 - want to see a race not mashup #f1
twitter scrolling far quicker than can even glance at.
Did HAM say spits of rain? #f1
Yay! #f1
poor web #f1
clean turn 1 ish #f1
ain is starting to fall #f1
big off #f1
top5 none pitted. oops. #f1
safety car out #f
That was quite a significant impact on ALO from BAR -- wonder if ALO car really is fine
RT @OzoneVibe: #F1 - "No more rain expected" . . . but as the race was about to start, none was expected for next 30 mins . . . tell tha ...
"Rain possible in 20 mins" (pit radio) #f1
@RachelLK or gain if #f1 fans!
Mercedes OOPS - car damage #f1
@sxa555 where's the link to join @F1Badger live chat. Link not obvious?
Grrr. problem with @5LiveF1 is the interruptions :-( #f1
@sxa555 Should be big and bang in middle during live race IMO
Love the spa weather forcast. "Dry for next 5 minutes, can't see beyond that" #f1 (MSC pitradio)
P2-P6 is very close - <1s between each car #f1
@OzoneVibe sounds like it's after they see if rainhits in few mins as some degredation now #f1 ?
@Mookii back on 5live now for exactly that reason. #f1
@sxa555 only get to glance at screen occasionaly. has to be quick/obvious. am used to skimming tweetdeck
OH NO! #f1
JB out #f1
VET lost it #f1
Annoyed at vet now #f1
Poor jenson. #f1
Was looking forward to some fair rbr/mcl action today, but not going off :-( #f1
@honeybee85 He def overcooked it with lack of grip. felt bad about jenson being taken out esp wrt championship
WEB now back in 3rd and only 1s behind kubica, though no stop yet
good smooth pitstop from HAM to keep P1 #f1
that was a super fastest lap from sutil 1:50.8 #f1
Interview with BUT "I don't know what he was doing..... massive blow" #f1
VET puncture. Is he attracting accidents ;-) #f1
@hunni_h tee hee. Know the feeling. Get in quick before the rain! #f1 #cantholditanylonger
wondering if this is going to be HEAVY ? #f1
Force India still strong in 5th #f1 SUT
Rain is here it seems #f1
HAM lost a tiny bit of bodywork #f1
WEB makes 2nd #f1
@F1Badger not for me? I get search/follow/facebook/twitter/youtube/send/XX online/tools
VET complaining it's not wet enough - he obv wants to crash and spin and knock someone off! #f1
Great drive from HAM to win spa #f1
Good for SUTIL to come in 5th. No surprise YAM is last, and PET in the points after bad day yesterday #f1
@F1Badger @sxa555 when watching race I have to narrow windows to fit tweetdeck, tack map, live timing - this causes chat but not to show
@OzoneVibe Usually watch race in living room, so maintv+laptop. But more screens would be handy! #F1
@shellk1984 It always made me think they were going to get up and sing/dance, which probably wouldn't be good (may be wrong..) #f1
#bbc #f1forum time in a few minutes fo more post-race chat #f1
Lovely shot of the dry ice for the beginning of the #f1forum #f1 - would love to be there with a camera!
RT @Kateafan: #F1 #RBR Mark Webber; the only driver not to leave the track the whole race... f*ck yeah!
@hunni_h Agree with the feeling, just not the reason! He's superb on commentary (saw him interviewed in person for British GP too) #F1
@f1fanatic_co_uk Of course it's not just that it rains, but the *unpredictibility* of exactly what comes/when #F1
@hunni_h the only thing that gets me about 5live is the rather too frequent football etc interruptions and catchups #f1
@hunni_h did you not switch to 5live during the race?
@hunni_h I find brundle pretty decent, but overall think the 5live coverage is more technical/insightful
@Petronella As of course did the very experienced BAR...
@OzoneVibe Jensons up for it apparently, as long as there's boxing gloves... ;-) #bbc #f1forum #f1
@Petronella I still think VET is a little careless -- though so was HAM a few years bak. He does need to calm down a bit imo.
@shellk1984 I wonder if it's monitors so they can see themselves #f1
@_MissAnnie_ vet i think
@OzoneVibe Indeed, thought the same. Agreed with his sentiments about vet -- a little too fast/needs to calm down to win #F1
Another great #f1forum show from #bbc #f1
12 more days until #monza #f1
Very enjoyable #f1 session today - spa is great track for racing esp. with weather unknowns.
@OzoneVibe nope not as such - only discussion there should be one
@OzoneVibe @amandagolding I may be free Sat - need to check family arrangements. don't think anyway other than seeing how our dog is.
@OzoneVibe @amandagolding Suggestions on where? Cental soton works reasonably well - can get train/bus
@amandagolding it's get my vote for location accessibility. Will check availability later... thanks @OzoneVibe
@etherealtype It's rational to feel irrational sometimes... Think we all do the same sometimes (I certainly do).
@OzoneVibe @Amy_Walker @amandagolding Just checked, Sat should be fine, tho if bitch in labour I'm staying here to help...!
@OzoneVibe @Amy_Walker Will almost def. get train down. Time? 7 ish? @amandagolding
@Amy_Walker Thanks for offer, though C.F. is probably a bit out of your way - train should be ok
@amandagolding I've not phoned anyone. If it's relatively lowkey/informal don't think needed? If we're expecting 30ppl then may be diff?
@Amy_Walker Well we'll sort it out. Thanks. Will send msg.
@OzoneVibe Good idea! I should stay away. I really want a Nikon 70-300 VR
@Amy_Walker Not in Juke of course... Out of interest did you see the Nissan Leaf when there (electric small car). guess not.
@Amy_Walker I just like the idea of being more green and cheaper esp driving short distances + car scheme at work becoming more env-oriented
@Amy_Walker just a thought.
@nnubeh RT @amandagolding: Southampton #tweetup this Saturday evening @ Slug and Lettuce. Everyone welcome.
@amandagolding err, sorry, no meant with family social calendar
@OzoneVibe @EmpireSteve I'm not convinced those comparisons are fair. Tax (ie company, road,) factors too.
@Amy_Walker no I don't think so, just been a few things in press lately - seems to be going down well.
Following a suggestion I read a few days ago. Creating a private list to add ppl I think I will unfollow to. need to do some cleanup!

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