Monday 23 August 2010

From Twitter 08-23-2010

@amazingamanda generally tacky... odd one ok. Also prefer old school ascii only versions not graphical!
@EmpireSteve @Amy_Walker wierd things happen if falling asleep with something. associations. I fell asleep listening to Kelly Clarkson
@EmpireSteve @Amy_Walker "breakaway" on a flight to/from Canada. Now strong plane trip=kelly clarkson association. always remember it...
constant heavy rain here. water everywhere
@Inacurate I've struggled with barriosquare. it's pretty but it broke for me weeks ago. Use now (#gowalla & #foursquare)
@michelledh loads of ppl still seem up. Is it the rain? Or just not wanting the weekend to end!
@neicey You should move to mexico... @cocacola #fact
@Inacurate have not seen anywhere in UK offering anything. Maybe in london. The site is quick and simple. like it.
@Sara_Kim surprised am not underwater here yet. Will be talking rain before long..
@macie_sherwood running water is always soothing (waves on sea too). [except if you need to go....]
@EmpireSteve @Amy_Walker You can get some intro deals too. I tried once but couldn't get into audio books. Kindle temping though,
@EmpireSteve @Amy_Walker although it's single-use device not like ipad, but e-ink better on eyes & better for book reading.
@EmpireSteve @Amy_Walker though nothing beats paperback for water/sand/salt/being stepped on tolerance
@hewezna_r eh?
@michelledh I ended up tinkering with my joggler (linux photoframe). Want to use for web streaming (server) when puppies born.... #geek
@michelledh after. Birth scary enough thank you without everyone watching! One of family will be around anyway but means we can all c
@flowingdata text less (which has got so cheap) but use more data (extra ££). so telcos win?
sleep time. night all
The sun's looking quite nice outside this morning. Maybe it will be a nicer fresher day (as if it makes a diff when working ...!)
@WeddingsByRyan Out of interest where did it say that?
right ok then , have to obey (or sadly not ....) RT @ladyofsalzburg "Apparently radio 2 says not to get up as its a horrible day."
@icicle_halo_ Definately a brighter start to the week down here. Still very cloudy, but prob easier to focus on work !
@WeddingsByRyan oh. you're right. I had email from #Nikon Uk too. Oops. sounds like a incorrect claim? #fail
@WeddingsByRyan Good old english ambiguity. is "sharpest,fastest" mean a combination of the two for example rather than independent? #Nikon
@ladyofsalzburg no chance here. Up for a while enjoying (!) email before rest/house up. Head to work once rabble gets up!
@macie_sherwood Done a cruise? We love them. Very peaceful out on deck esp in evening with only distant coastlines/other ships in view
@ladyofsalzburg nr Southampton
I can hear motion in the house. Time to get ready to escape to the office ....
@macie_sherwood We've done 4. Another one for next year. Didnt take kids until youngest was 9 but they loved it. so much to do.
@macie_sherwood they have lots going on for much younger kids too.
@ladyofsalzburg letters? quaint ;-) Am sure there's a reason
@ladyofsalzburg what device?
@EmpireSteve two things at once, obviously that only works for women
Very quiet in the office...
IBM - behind the scenes:
@EmpireSteve @Amy_Walker Am starting to think same, though better if <£100, concerned at book prices/drm & there's 3G option xtra ££
@TheSourceress @posterous settings should really refer to UTC not GMT - and technically gmt+0 isn't local london due to summer time utc+1
X Factor admits to vocal tweaks:
ref: last #xfactor tweet -- that's a very poor #fail IMO. Bit like photo retouching I know, but I think autotune crosses the line. #itv
enjoying some home made humous for lunch. Yum.
@dougedey indeed - it's about transparency /openness / honesty. Subtle use = deception #xfactor #fail #itv
RT @PodF1: Mosley: Ferrari must be punished: Former FIA president Max Mosley believes that Formula 1's ban on team orders ... http://bit ...
Anyone else use - have been for many weeks. Wondering when to stop cross-posting to regular digg site...
@girlonetrack dehydrated?
@littlecough You may also be interested in this. New podcast from @bobbyllew "Fully Charged" - it's good IMO
@littlecough how about youtube #fullycharged
@kpcom clearly that's an undefendable position and a #fail from @VodafoneUK IMO - no getting out of sales/goods act in any case
I've subscribed to celicoughdrop's channel on YouTube.
@littlecough Not yet. Added -- will watch later. thx
@trebormints I have a couple of free invites. DM me your email address and I can send one your way if you like/will use
another great song -- ("Record Collector" by @lissiemusic )
The dirty little secret about Google Android:
@btbusiness Hi.Are the business FTTC broadband offerings subject to same FUP kicking in at 100Gb as the residential offerings? Or different?
@btbusiness thanks for the confirmation
Hate modal dialogs. Want to compare values in 2 different property panels. Grrrr.
Ouch. Big/small? hopefully all ok. RT @oldmanuk: Hmm Jessops in Winchester seems to be on fire.
@Cockneygovagh that was a duplicate. Just FYI in case your twitter client is buggy?
So BT business confirmed that even their more pricey BUSINESS FTTC packages also have an effective 100Gb limit...
surprised that wasn't more transparent for a product a business may completely depend on.
@_millymoo @Cadrieu Not quite same - RT to spread to more ppl, but "favourite" is already a function anyway. Can do from web/tweetdeck etc
RT @TrevorCurrent: If you're in to #HDR photography then you need to read this. #photog #togs
@amandagolding Nearly went up there the other day, but wasn't that clear - enjoyed the good view? Must go some time #30
@nathanchantrell Ah very interesting. That, or the handpresso/mypressi I did think of, bit more portable than a gaggia. Too many gadgets
@nathanchantrell on shopping list. Love my espresso though. Where do you get your beans from? mail order? I use . good choice
@rodet To some extent the character changes as something becomes more 'mainstream" rather than just "early adopter" Another factor
@SimonLR but I don't think it's just about the device. It's the community, dev enablement, buzz. device is a part only. IMO..
@amandagolding I did Toronto CN tower few years back, and empire state/rockerfella this year... so maybe I'll let thise mems die down first
@Amy_Walker @EmpireSteve Must admit haven't been to a library much for ages. Occasionally at work (tech stuff). Amazon/online is easier!
@Amy_Walker @EmpireSteve Am wondering if kindle will re-kindle (boom!) the pleasure of novel reading. Usuallu just on hols for me.
@Amy_Walker @EmpireSteve but get bit carrier away then have to get through my books quickly and can't put them down (if good!)
Still have 2 invites left for if anyone would like one. DM me
@amandagolding gunwharf is niec since it's been extended. hadn't been there in ages. And walk from southsea too. Southampton needs similar..
Little hunt through my cupboards for a missing SIM card. Found 10. Wonder how many are active. 1 is new, 4 others *should* be active.
Only person in my stream is @leolaporte. A bot got awry perhaps?
@SlyRenard 20GB/month is nothing. 4ppl iplayer/4od/itc etc streaming, also youtube, full-res flickr & online backup (digital photos),games
@minxymoggy you mean facebook requests? If not accepted they can't be your friend... spam emails maybe? #suspicious
@opensourcerer yep - great way to share ideas - head out on a pub crawl or similar together!
@nathanchantrell Good to hear. Have you seen it retail (esp demoed) anywhere? Or just online?
@michelledh I've barely touched my lists since they initially came out. Be great to have tools to assist/recommend/ease bulk classify.
@michelledh Let us know what you find!
@michelledh is on my todo someday list too...
chrome doing it's semi-regular "not talking to you any more" - refusing to load pages etc. win, dev. happens a couple/times per week :-(
Oh err. login to facebook seems down. Was just checking before sleep. No worries.
@minxymoggy Oh really. wierd. hadn't noticed, but not checked. Will do, when I can login...
sleep...... night all

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