Thursday 12 August 2010

From Twitter 08-12-2010

I've subscribed to rocketboomnetwork's channel on YouTube.
adsl is definately slower since BT started on local fibre install :-( Need to switch when avail.......
@EmpireSteve mm. can't say I've had that issue. .. You could try different channel. SHIFT_ESC good to see cpu/net/mem. check extensions?
@elsua Intrigued by the slideshare reference. Only ever seen one presentation and it looked great (and worked to deliver the message well)
@honeybee85 does not compute. 4am. ouch. Radio? 3 hours... don't read this reply. get some kip!
@andr0092 You're not kidding there! I bet you flash would still use more if it ran in ios97 ....
RT @andr0092: Hmm, Safari is using a tiny bit too much virtual memory..
@elsua I should ping you tomorrow to find out more...
@seetu Love the "release notes" - "Handset, N900: * Image does not boot up" ;-) Oh well, may skip that one for now...
@eric_andersen sitcom - - Jen runs the IT support team for a small company. Moss is one of the techs
@eric_andersen In that clip Jen shows she is just a manager that has no clue about technology/what her team does
@eric_andersen see also
think it could be reboot time. For first time ever getting lots of font corruption (Windows 7). May relate to win updates - reboot shortly..
@feker I know a colleague was happy with lots of old books, so maybe it's not "older" books.. either way something to watch for.
@feker though colleague has ipad AND kindle. Uses both. Really likes the restful nature of the kindle epaper for long (8 hours+) reading
@honeybee85 have a good day. Guess you may need to know your planes and be on the ball. hope goes well. red bull?!
got replied to by a clear spammer (same tweet constantly). Bio says "biggest asset ... sales skills". Err I think not. BLOCK/report SPAM
@Amy_Walker Enjoy the break away.
@EmpireSteve random failure to render/looks corrupted. no photo sorry, but ok now. First time I had it. will see if happens again
work busy, no shopping, so working at home lunch=beans on toast.
Was going to popout for a haircut (just get it trimmed #3). Wondering about diy/hair clippers. anyone do this?
RT @cineworld: Ive RT'd this so I could win 1 YEARS FREE CINEMA with @Cineworld - Officially, I walk like a panther and you are mundane
where has today gone! (answer - work!). quick lunchbreak then stuff I realy need to get done
Lovely spam there - someone purporting to retweet me with an advert. Err I think not (cineworld was a genuine one though!)
@TomRaftery am all for the idea, but want something more exciting/fun to drive. Tesla too ££ want something clean/affordable, fun
@TomRaftery how did you find the leaf?
@rodet @TomRaftery smart roadster? was originally referring to tesla. not seen smart. practically was hoping focus not too dumbed down mayb
@Padmasree whilst slightly newer (in cars) how about internal combustion engine. Only now is that starting to change a little
@TomRaftery Ok then. Current car 10yrs. Uk tax incentives on comp. cars may make it an interesting econ option.
@TomRaftery found this board quite interesting - only quick look. I would *like* next car to be EV. 2011/12 prob.
@dougedey there seem a fair few options around - must read some reviews etc later. Not that pricey so may be worth a punt. #1
@katybairstow do you have exact codes (am not expert, just what I'd do). Find someone with code reader if not?
@jaylimburn is that to go with the projector, surround sound & popcorn machine?
@jaylimburn that sounds very worrying
bother. was backing up phon (drag/drop/copy) and realised I did a move instead of copy. never mind. will just let it complete..
Enjoying a pleasent dog wall. Work stopped for now. Too much time omn broken sw today. Bad for the head
Struggling o see how i could realistically stay with 3uk with the abysmal coverage where i live
@frontieruk actually out and about the servicd is goodl no blocking. Fast 3g. Decnt limits.
@frontieruk blocking? Not here. May depend on service. I have old xseries silver which pretty much has no blocks and 1gb fup
Scarily i feel i should build a uml model of my ideal twitter app. Then again maybe not. +1 for queued delivery when no net. Need it here
@BTCare would love to. Coming soon. Infinity good except i do lots of streaming esp bbc iplayer. Including hd so 100gb not enough
@BTCare would pay more for a package that addressed this but no option so have to wai for another isp..
@BTCare its also chan 4 five itv too. So much easier than recording and with family 4 simultaneous streams
@BTCare an hour of hd streaming is prob > 1.3Gb or so...
just off the phone to 3uk about my coverage issue. They're still insisting it should be "good" so are escalating up the techie chain :-)
actually call to three seemed quite effective - a few menus but no queueing, got the escalation & info needed in about 5 mins.
@frontieruk I know they blocked slingbox (as that was on gold) but guess I've just not found them. Any examples you are happy to share?
@F1Badger you're getting everywhere. Must admit though that whilst I'm on linked in, it's more static/work related contact network... #f1
I wish. Web/Qt=S60/maemo 2 RT @v4ibhav: @TweetDeck please start work on a version for MeeGo, I could really get used to the 'me' timeline!
@mbdrake Must admit I found it very pleasant watching a film that wasn't in 3D. Much more relaxing (eye strain) and focus on other aspects
@mbdrake am sure 3d will come but not convinced by the cinema experience except as an occasional novelty
Nice walk, and managed to fix my N900 (I had a .deb dependency issues, some remove/disablerepo/reinstall etc and all fine now) :-)
So nice that the N900 just uses standard linux stuff - means I know some ideas as to how to fix after *I* break it doing abnormal things...
been working at home today. rest of family just called to say they've picked up a meal out. Either I cook or pop down tesco (or pub!)
@hrwildberlin No N900 is a Nokia phone -
@hrwildberlin didn't get the question about new battery cases sorry. For cameras sites like or ?
@F1Badger true...
what mobile co's need is apps that record signal strength, gps co-ords and make easier to report blackspots. Think AT&T in US does?
yep, curry from tescos. couldn't face cooking tonight..
@pj_kent Always done raw since I had a dslr - more forgiving & minimal effort for basics, cars cheap. no rsn not to #becommingaphotosnob
@pj_kent except for continuous shooting. #becommingaphotosnob
@timsalmon compared with?
@noelrooney yes it does. I really enjoyed first one, didn't really like 2nd, and not sure I can be bothered with 3rd though
@vixisabel other services are similar - like poivy (another voip provider). AKA VAT (prob at european rates)
@tpphotography Well I just went for the middle road - supermarket curry. nomnomnom though
@Sweeping_Curves wasn't there a tv prog (uk) they used to do that (or of other items) on. rarely watch quiz shows. maybe still on ..
oh dear. getting screen corruption on my windows environment again. Umm. no idea why. may have to try a newer (unsuported) driver
Off for a few days on hols next week. thinking isle of wight. wondering if many dog-friendly places over there.. #iow
@Sweeping_Curves that was definately not what I was thinking of -- wouldn't have watched it!
@Middle8 true, of course not necessarily just MS to blame - video/driver vendors too, and laptop manufacturers that prevent use of
@Middle8 generic (current) drivers and don't update the ones they test/make available
Confused -- can't find an ATI catalyst 10.7 package that supports V5700 -- nothing in inf file.. nyone?
@timsalmon interesting to hear. Certainly motorola have always been good at the radio side. (I find nokia decent)
@timsalmon IMO Motorola lost the plot after the Razor. utterly. Droid/milestone was first time I paid attention to their handsets again
a little laptop surgery to waste time this eve - gamma.brightness boosted by 5%, new ati driver. Hoping text corruption stops.
RT @kazb711: Omg xfactor is back next week??? That means it's not long til Christmas :-/
@laura_marieee xfactor back? one of my indulgences. though prefer bootcamp/live shows to auditions

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