Monday 2 August 2010

From Twitter 08-02-2010

now time to switch modes. Sleep, then work. Night all
got that non-infrequent issue where a particular nntp newsgroup in thunderbird causes the process to loop - have to delete/readd sub #fail
Writing up a problem to report with my softphone, then realised the windows volume control was set to 0. #userfail
Poking head above ground to say hello... been focussing on trying to get something working today... l8r...
@AirlineIndustry Laker Airways (freddie laker)?
@AirlineIndustry SouthWest Airlines (US) ?
@AirlineIndustry Def thought southwest or laker. More recently Ryanair prob first in uk?
@AirlineIndustry Pacific Southwest Airlines
@AirlineIndustry ah too late. Interesting trivia...
BT ADSL checker " your line currently supports a fibre technology.. downstream..18.5 to 21.2 Mbps and upstream ..between 8.1 to 9.5 Mbps."
@davejlocke but note
@davejlocke also found that apparently my Dside cable is (at audio freq) 5,5dB atten, 0.5 Cu approx 476m. Dunno what I can figure from that
@NilsonRea Of course ever situation differs, but it was the push against the wall that I felt was dengerous. The stewards agreed.
Local ADSL check - 60Gb up, 80 Gb down (=140Gb total data) in just under 12 days.. lot is a) online backup [up] b) iplayer streaming [down]
oops - wrong those figures were over 20 days (phew) so more like a mere 210Gb/month
@nnubeh Worth checking -- as you can call regular number and use inclusive mins...
@nnubeh Here's another one for you (getting past IVRs). Same time/money ;-)
@RachaelEdwards when you do get through you may get this ;-) #BT
time for a couple of boat rocking emails but now another conf call :-(
before I do, noticed on that last link that youtube is now offering up html5 with webm (vp8) codec to google chrome...
My TED talk of the day - #fb
Grrr. so frustrated. Trying to register with santander for online cc . Have to call and on hold for 15 mins. Quite worked up as 3rd time
problem has happened. Only saving grave was polite/helpful agent who gave extension/direct number and explained there's a system error
causing it (long running bug).
@NilsonRea Do you mean the mSC penalty? Do you think it was unfair? Or are you referring to another decision?
Oops - completely forgot about #TGS. And typically there isn't a FIVE+1 channel & nor does five catchup support WII like iplayer :-(
Guess it's decamp to study to watch #TGS later -- less sociable/comfortable. Need to get a media PC in lounge...
@OzoneVibe I don't want to wait until later in the week! Forgot to set sky+ -( Will watch online l8r 2nite prob #TGS
Hate reading reviews on amazon where 1/3-1/2 give product bottom marks/1, others give 5. V. polarised!
@davejlocke Yep, O2+FTTC (or Sky+FTTC) would be very welcome....
Anyone (men?) tried one of this Phillips arcitec shavers (old 2007 model) - opinions polarised

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