Wednesday 4 August 2010

From Twitter 08-04-2010

@thecheekycritic so do we all ...
@jgbreezer The one app I misss from S60... #gravity. #tweego is interesting. Slick UI but limited fn.
Another day and ready to jump up and bounce along to the beginning of the day... errrr. (yawn) not. Maybe after caffeine!
@snipeyhead Pretty sure my (mains) alarms also have a battery -- or maybe capacitor -- for backup on power failure, so could still be batt
Who does these "tests" ? -> RT @manan: oh well :D RT @kipkniskern: RT @brian_wong Stare at boobs for longer life:
@snipeyhead Ah! don't you hate those noises. It's the battery smoke alarms that decide battery is low at 4am. Had that few months ago ->
@snipeyhead and it was a "pemanent" batt. Had to cut batt out half asleep to shut the alarm out. Next day s/one suggest I should have
@snipeyhead taken outside. course you don't think that at 4am (also needed ladder). Arrgh. Glad your prob solved.
@snipeyhead Over in UK also the local fire service will come out and fit a couple battery alarms for free. Many mums queue to get signed up
@snipeyhead for the hunky guys to come along and "check them out" ;-)
Interesting development RT @engadget: Saudi Arabia beats UAE to the punch, BlackBerry service to be ceased by Friday
Hopefully will be resolved. Anomoly? or firewall/russia? RT @samj: Worrying restrictions on Internet access in Russia #fb
@Pinkgineer Yes somehow I expect you're right! They should have stuck to stroking pets to reduce stress...
@ellamorton Wierd, sounds australian (unsurprisingly) on rbt. maybe the source wants a good bbc brtiish english accent :-)
@ellamorton Ah. but what is a "typical" american accent. Particular region of US. NYC? southern? Favoured variable or is there a "generic"?
Amazing. just cut a chilli and some juice hit eye. Was a very mild chilli........ escaped lightly.
raided the corriander plant - isn't it the best herb ever!
Agree strongly with all sentiments about labelling of airbrushed potos being reported on bbc.... but where draw the line is tricky...
@oldmanuk not breakfast... i made lunch to bring in...
@oldmanuk well that may be down to all the slaps they got.
@PapaGB a survey last year showed them as funniest nation. Leader in sarcasm ;-)
Adding "rant on failure is normal" to todo list for a possible lunchtime blog post...
@Tim_Meakins not that I've noticed. Not using echfon
frustrated by a poorly documented bureaucratic process spread across several docs which is self-contradictory
when will ppl realise if a process is too complicated, they won't follow it -- especially if it's optional, but the process originator
has something to gain -- they loose out. Sigh.
Be interesting to see what feedback I get to the points I raised. Defensive I suspect.
Cool. literally. The "gunk" in my office aircon fixed. Probably just as weather gets colder ...
@deanupton nice idea but depends on critical mass - there's a lot of locations based offerings at th mo. Can't deal with signing to every 1
Vote with feet RT @boostbyslinky: NYTimes: No E-Books Allowed in This Establishment a peculiar approach to technology.
@benjaminellis @ketan One thing maemo (nokia n900) got right. contact & phone apps use plugins. Some OOTB ie SIP. Number via any mechanism
Discussing work & also work things that are broken has stopped me having a few mins to write a blog entry on things being broken...
New service takes you A-B-A (via @tonyt787 )
Qstn. I use gowalla/4sq (see profile->blog). ANyone use glympse,brightkite,whrrl,tri-out *in UK*? Last 3 seemed very sparse when I looked
@Cockneygovagh I've found to be quite nice -- it's pretty quick to checkin (android, iphone, maemo)
think I've overdone on the salad & fruit for lunch... may skip the yoghourt.
Woohay! reasonableness rules. My suggestion to improve an ineffective process has been taken onboard. Re-enforces giving feedback is good.
noticed there's a new kernel (enhanced) update for #n900. Installing. risk of failure... ;-)
Oh forgot to post about the #n900 upgrade. so seamless and boring. Just did update all, ir installed on reboot. flashed in secs. just works
RT @OviJade: RT @ovibynokia: Sr Nokia Exec @NiklasatNokia Invites Debate & Conversation about @Nokia on Twitter - Aug 5 at 1 p.m. ET htt ...
@geraintwjones Indeed.... it's how it should be
@krishgm Pakistan. lts/ppl/impact. Cow - theoretical, one off, no danger. not interesting.
WOuld be cool ... RT @f1_lou: In the UK we may get to see the aurora borealis tonight.. kinda hoping the clouds clear now...
Queuing for tickets at odeon soton. Toy story 3 3d hopefully. Annoyingly theres 3 of us. Oh well
Hoping seats free for 2030 else need to stay awake even longer
What a seriously helpful and smiling lady served us tonight at the odeon despite being so busy. Even did things in several tx to save cost
My Top 3 Weekly #lastfm artists: Lissie (3), Amy Pearson (2) and Tift Merritt (1) #music
Back from toy story 3 - really enjoyed it. Bit of light relief mid week. Spanish demo especially funny!
@OzoneVibe Thanks, interesting site. Looks as if it's not covering here at the moment (regardless of cloud)
@PapaGB I think there may be a newer study --
@gerrymoth Very true... and the bit when barbie retrieve Buzz's instructions, dressed as ken but in high heels. heels dismissed :-)
@SafeDataBackup squirrelsave/memset. 5 ukp/month. unlimited. have ~250Gb. versioning. ssh/rsync access :-)
@_arien I personally think social is superfluous in work + non-work situations as networking/comms is inherently social regardless of medium
@Thrinne1 All webt downhill in the eve though. Mad dash for film=pizza.. oh well.
@mike_griffin_f1 How very very sensible...!
RT @mike_griffin_f1: Apparently, Bernie wants to arrange the 2012 summer break of the calendar around the Olympics. This would be awesom ...
It's going? Apathy kills Google's new-age Wave:
RT @tpphotography: RT @GordonKelly: Here's the proof - bye bye Google Wave, let's hope you smoothly integrate into Gmail... wstep http:/ ...
@michelledh though could be any animal?
RT @Jamesallenonf1: #f1 The FOM hi-lite edits are getting better and better. You've got to check German GP out - ...
@michelledh Well plants get cloned too!
Data groing so quickly -- RT @Padmasree: Every 2days we create as much info as we did until 2003 via @ericschmidt #tcmy10
@geraintwjones where do you see sponsored comments?

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