Monday 16 August 2010

From Twitter 08-16-2010

sleep time...
Woke up nice and early today - weather doesn't look that good, but work so not so bothered...
Received very apologetic mail from posterous this am. I use the site regularly, but not constantly, but was def.engaging to read the apology
wondering what's changed to cause my screen display to corrupt when using intel switchable graphics. ati ok. trying changes to power saving
I think I've found the cause of my Windows 7 / INtel display corruption -- Had upgraded from 4 (2+2) to 6 (4+2) few ->
days ago. I can use ATI as a workarond but more battery. proper fix is to order another 2Gb ram to get symetric 4+4 it seems!
Who'd have thought...
@ericscorner Well unmatched means no dual channel, but that's a minor/theoretical hit supposedly in real world use.
@ericscorner Sounds like a business justification for 8Gb to me :-)
@ericscorner sounds like it coul be a issue close to hw. But at least I have an explanation and cause/effect now so it wont bug me like mad
@ericscorner Typical of me to hit such problems. I'm always A1 at breaking things . ....
@ericscorner Am now slightly worried what else may break, so thinking only sensible option is to go back to paired memory
right, good to have spent an hour debugging/tracking down my laptop issue. b/fast then off to do proper work.
wonder if the memory issue is also causing video resume issues... have to be one step at a time...
RT @mobilespeak: Mobile Wire: Wessex Water pulls plug on Fibrecity in Bournemouth: As we reported back in February, Fibrecity is th... h ...
I liked a YouTube video -- David Grady: The Conference Call
Brilliant -- so true! Though there's a lot that could be added too
- Awful di...(YouTube
Brilliant -- so true! Though there's a lot that could be added too
- Awful d... (YouTube
@iainduncani I thought you might spot that. 3 mins 24s in .. no it wasn't me. And we're the clever ones so there!
@iainduncani and "so true" in that the clip was just scratching the surface. So much more goes wrong....
@jgbreezer @gerrymoth issues here too, but nothing new. I need to clearly document/get debug log
@victoriarusso does all sound rather worrying esp for those closeby - just hope it is under control and weather improves/cools
@jgbreezer yes, similar - did take a quick peek but keep putting off. meantime did download the new Nokia SDK which looks good.
ahhh. I just got a windows popup. Was typing so it got dismissed, No idea what it did. Gimme a break.
@nnubeh Yep. They should just go into a list of pending notifications that I can then go through at my leisure. Grabbing focus is not on.
(repost from earlier) So who does conference calls at work? watch this -> - you'll get stomach cramps.
that video is doing the rounds at work at the mo & everyone is in stiches....
.. which just demonstrates how close to the truth it is
@EmpireSteve yes I've hit that one before in error :-(
@EmpireSteve If it wants to reboot it darn well better give far more notice than 5 mins...
I've subscribed to paramore's channel on YouTube.
Time 2 cook dinner, quick music break first after work. Watching "airplanes". Not big rap fan, but love @yelyahwilliams 's vocal. gr8 track
I liked a YouTube video -- Airplanes (Feat. Hayley Williams of Paramore) [Video]
I've favourited a YouTube video -- Lady Antebellum - Need You Now (cover) by Lisa Scint...
Agree with comments -- this is my favourite version of the song by far. Love t...(YouTube
@sxa555 well I'm a @lissiemusic fan - especially like the acoustic versions & more cut back arrangements.
@aaroncorby I do still watch it. But some of the competitions do get a little silly for me #tgs
@Hedgewytch I'm not an ipheon owner, but think it does NOT have an IR port, but you can get a device you plug in to the dock connector?
3 days holiday (just a mid summer break from work) :-)
@lesanto do you think there's many that do? vodafone do seem to, three is fairly quiet/new, not sure on others #CommsChat
@Hedgewytch oh-er you must have newer tech than me. hd? Tho' the latest ones use wifi don't they? Am still on SD. When #F1 goes HD I do!
@Amy_Walker ... wonder's if it's time to teach her lightroom ;-)
@Amy_Walker Talking of which, one things - kids with camera can get more personal than adults I reckon sometimes due to how they're treated
@Suw my wife's using that excuse for getting another dog (actually our bitch is having babies :-) ) ... double (more for a while) trouble
@Suw our bitch is so laid back and relaxed in the eve... hoping this spreads to the pups otherwise it's going to be manic!
Reading up on puppies/whelping/heat pads/birth... this is going to be some work...
@lesanto Oh my gosh - love it. That certainly has character! #Android #FindBritain
RT @lesanto: Amazing coffee machine, looks a bit like an #Android! #FindBritain
@Amy_Walker Are you mostly ranking/keywording & general touch-ups/cropping in lightroom or delving into photoshop (former for me)?
@mike_griffin_f1 hadn't thought of that - though sounds scary!
@lesanto Do you know anything about the origin. What's with the "wings" on top. It looks pretty old and heavy industrial.
@Amy_Walker similar, but still very beginner-ish. Discovered the perspective correction & lens correction a few weeks ago - pretty cool.
@lesanto Similar to - looks like a bezzera -- but illusion shattered £6k
@DanielWould thanks ref. focus. that was bugging me but hadn't yet mentioned it! perfect timing...

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