Wednesday 18 August 2010

From Twitter 08-18-2010

can't say I especially enjoyed duplicity - and with 4 of us starting, only 1 making to end it didn't really get thumbs up here...
@neicey that falls into the category of "too much information" ...
@jacksri I've just got a bog std car, and don't stick just to one brand, but do stick to the major manufacturers mid tier tyres
@MatthiasHeil @_bruno_antunes 6.0.495.0 dev (Win 7) seems ok with #lastpass ... #Chromium #Chrome
@_bruno_antunes lastpass is 1.69.6 BUT I made a mistake. It isn't working. I restarted after the update, and misread icon You're right :-(
@_bruno_antunes I mostly run chrome dev, but flip to chrome beta, ff 4b2, s/times ff 3.6, opera anyway. Never satisfied! #headscratch
@shellk1984 so true. I've not seen a single bit of BB until I clicked on the link tonight.Did look rather wet inside!
@Sara_Kim look on the bright side -- it wasn't chilli (did that a couple weeks ago. definate Ouch.)
@_bruno_antunes I see this prob mentioned at #headscratch
@_bruno_antunes sensible options are report/chase bug if you have time or revert to more conservative beta, which is what i did
Rather late to sleep but do have day off. Zzzzz
@_bruno_antunes here's a bug report.
2600+ items in gmail inbox. Oh dear. Think I'll continue ignoring for a little longer...
going through my #silverstone #f1 photos I have far far more good shots of the red arrows than of the cars....
photography gets expensive. next stop new pc? This triple core win7 4gb ram system is struggling with lr (64 bit).. shutting down td etc
#joggler - commments on best ubuntu image for joggler. Want to do some webcam streaming (as server) aka "'puppycam" ? UNR or reg? version?
@_arien BE and O2 use the same kit/network (part of telefonica) and service should be excellent if on LLU (samknows can confirm)
@_arien I'm on O2. No slowdowns. BE slightly more optional extras/techie forums, little bit more ££. O2 cheaper? Check 4 cashback
@lauracowen @noelrooney I think it's very dependent on requirements/skills. Both have pros/cons. Right tool for job and all that... Use both
@noelrooney @lauracowen and aix, z/OS, z/VM etc
@eco_retro I struggle with any coffee that isn't espresso based. Even filter. Makes it tricky/expensive at work!
Not convinced by lr3 mem mngmt - was taking 2.5Gb, awfully slow. restart, 230Mb, fairly snappy...
#Posterous ! RT @TechCrunch: The Twitter Photo Sharing Horse Race - by @robinwauters
@Thrinne1 Sounds like it's to make sure you're *working* not enjoying whatever it is...
@_arien O2 Access traffic shape (via the BT network), O2 LLU does not. I use 250Gb per month and no issues!
@sxa555 the images appear to have been static for last couple/months. perhaps good thing.
@eco_retro addicition or perhaps just obsession...
@_arien We've got fttc being put in here, but with my usage only o2/sky llu offers real unlimited/unshaped usage. Not on fttc yet
@_arien but agree - we stream iplayer/4od/5 etc, some in HD, multiple devices... eats usage like crazy. Just need > 4.5 Mbps :-( like 30-40
@Thrinne1 ah cool v-festival sounds good. So what do you do?
lr3 already up to 850Mb. still snappy at mo
@Thrinne1 would def. look forward to seeing (hearing?) lissie live, ellie goulding too & others.
LR3 slowing down. 2.4Gb ram allocated (it's 64 bit). Wonder if it's possible to spec target use as at this point it slows system too much
@Thrinne1 can sympathise. like being at a work tech conference, doing a demo stand, and only going to 1/2 talks across 4-5 days!
@EliGP @f1lover75 would be great for ant, though a loss of his superb commentating skills
trying 32 bit version of lr instead...
@lauracowen I don't mean flip on single machine (much) rather desktop vs laptop vs server ...
Yay! Worked through remainder my 1000+ #silverstone #f1 photos. After a long break, part 2 is now uploading.
Not especially happy with technical quality though - below usual standard. focus, obstructions, crispness just not good enough :-(
interesting. LR3 32 bit stuck to using 300-400Mb. LR3 64 bit must have a mem leak to use 2.5Gb and slow to a crawl
typical - just finish some indoor activities and plan on heading out for a walk... and it starts raining :-(
thinking a little rain doesn't matter, it now gets heavy. Double bother
@pete_v @jtonline don't feel bad. Have to be firm & quick - after all it saves them wasting their time too! Stop them in first 30s!
trying to figure out why one todo on rememberthemilk kept coming back. Realised i'd accidentally set it to repeat every day #dumbusererror
sales leaflet on BT infinity in bt bill annoyed me "look forward to streaming HD". Yeah right with a 100Gb cap. that won't last long
Just uploaded 56 new photos to my Flickr "Silverstone Grand Prix 2010" photoset:
@inbedlam club, on the GA bank before (north of) the 2 GSs #f1
going to go for a walk in the rain....
timed the walk perfect to avoid the rain. Then got soaked doing some bin cleaning with pressure washer. 50% rain 50% my incompetence!
I've subscribed to NokiaConversations's channel on YouTube.
@iainduncani Well it thinkgs I am (apart from other things) a liberal democrat. Shows name != identity..
@nnubeh good reminder for me to check too. It's annoying you get tax/insurarance reminders not MOT
RT @F1Badger: @sidepodcast you should come to Badger's next London meetup - details are being finalised at the mo for Nov - the last one ...
@Amy_Walker must be a tough day. Hope you can remember the good things.
Have done a little flickr rearranging (scratching the surface), next job could be to try webcam on joggler before cooking dinner
@kayels When I just had a compact I uploaded *everything* (11-12k photos) - I've now mostly "hidden" them due to "noise"
@kayels Now since switching to dslr I'm more selective, though also have mobile uploads/posterous too
@xplane0202 nope, already have ubuntu unr 1.3a
@MichaelxHell sounds physically nice. Have had nokia for years, but got fed up with S60. N900 now, look
forward to meego successor high end
@MichaelxHell very little wrong with N900. better - smaller/thinner, power sure. Compass, definiately. 3.7/9" perhaps but generally v.good
wondering if anyone would notice if I accidentally ordered myself a new lens ;-) you know, just hit order on that 70-300 VR by mistake...
Lovely mini roast dinner with beef, yorkshire puds,roast pots, carrots and some home made onion rings (olive oil). Not healthiest but yum
That one lacking feature in my #n900. A compass. So needed for augmented reality.
@Konnie_Huq don't see any xtra factor on tonight? Dannii Minogue is on ITV2 now?
(report) Finally updated my #f1 #silverstone photos from July - it took me long enough.. technically not great, oh well
Watching "the usual suspects". Should be a better film than last night's effort
@peteralevy great! Looking good so far
@roobarb_ I was using the UNR 1.3, but am setting some USB corruption. Poss USB hub issue, but need to reflash stick #joggler
@roobarb_ #joggler BTW what's that image based on? 9.10? Try the upgrade to 10.04?

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