Tuesday 31 August 2010

From Twitter 08-31-2010

today is the first moning in months it feels >cold<. Brrrrr.
Uploaded my New York vacation photos last night (repost) -- http://www.flickr.com/photos/cherrybyte/sets/72157624841136976/
Feeling good about having an early(ish) night last night. Getting through some actions/emails, then off to gym before hitting the office
@ericube actually I had a seriously great time -- my first visit & loved it!
Where is it? RT @gevaperry: RT @gigaom An Impressive New Feature Makes Gmail’s Inbox Smarter http://dlvr.it/4TVm7 < how do you turn this on?
New gmail "priority inbox" sounds interesting (thought don';t have it yet. later this week perhaps)
@ericube Sometimes you can get them quicker by setting language to US ;-) (though didn't help for me today)
@ericube Nor does it help for google voice, which would be very well received
@Soggous I find gmail tasks very poor - just not fexibl enough. would recommend http://www.rememberthemilk.com
@icicle_halo_ not yet, just a few screenshots. Will checkout later or just wait until it hits me
noticed more fttc dslam cabinets on way to pub. Need sky or o2 to offer a proper service
Also being reminded of 3uk reception blackspots on walk to pub. In few 100m can go from 0 to full...
Mmm better reception through all the woods than along the road. Duh..
Mmm better reception through woods than along road. Next blackspot is pub but then they have wifi. Scratch that they have beer!

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com

Monday 30 August 2010

From Twitter 08-30-2010

Playing with "listomatic" to manipulate lists. It's tricky -- bottom line, I follow too many ppl....
@sxa555 yep, far too many. It's really awkward to cleanup
@EwanMarshall np
@Inacurate agree, though if well thought out, targetted, helpful, appropriate,timely *then* I may go for it. thats the challenge.
@Amy_Walker Do you own a minibus ;-)
@Amy_Walker :-)
son's on his first day (induction) at waitrose (summer/college job). was really looking forward to it. Wonder how he'll like 7am start Sat!
Spent an hour or two on photos.,went to discuss what to do today and fell asleep in the sun :-) Lovely today
@neicey don't do it!
@neicey But ikea so close, why BH? ! I suppose it's a cultural pilgramage to the mecca of home furnishings...? crazyBankHolidayIkeaShopping
Do any of the popular IM services support INBOUND UK SMS to dedicated number?
Tell me this doesn't look like a cow... http://post.ly/ubFc
@VonJagger not me - the web site is @Planet_F1 on twitter ... #f1
@VonJagger no probs
@macie_sherwood thanks, I didn't do that well at cutting them down to a small set -- some I really like as photos, many are about experience
@macie_sherwood Fell free to comment in flickr - constructive criticism helps us all improve.. Also I got fed up with naming :-(
@nnubeh Ah have a good flight. Work or pleasure? Anywhere exciting? (don't say, an airport hotel!)
@jon_read did you see the tweetup proposal? Next Sat 7pm slug/lettuce soton.
continuing to "unfollow" ppl. APologies in advance, but need to get my stream under control as my favs are a talkative bunch!
@jonmbutterworth doesn't make any sense unless it's a temporary glitch. Do they take paypal? microsoft points? SMS? No-one uses cash/cheque?
@nnubeh Oh fantastic! I only went to NYC for first time in April - just been uploading the photos to flickr at last
@nnubeh I *loved* manhattan (didn't get anywhere else in 6 days). PPl really friendly. super time.
And finally, after many months, my New York Holiday photos are up on flickr -> http://bit.ly/d0B2eO :-)
@nnubeh I really want to go back again. Next time would love to go on QM2 from Southampton!
@jon_read It was all spur-of-the-moment nearly, should do again in a month or two, catch up then
@Nokia_Fan @anidel definately. A friend was looking at my N900 last night and said same. It's quite different in many ways...
Appears lightroom's built in flickr uploaded doesn't upload GPS/location data? (jeffreys plugin does).. though I didn't have tracklog anyway
@macie_sherwood I know. I'm usually viscious - ie from a photowalk, but as it was a family holiday, tough
@macie_sherwood was thinking of creating two sets, but frankly I'd spent so much time working through about 1600+ photos

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Sunday 29 August 2010

From Twitter 08-29-2010

@etherealtype Reckon he could take WEB in 1st lap and go on to win. But rain can throw the dice. I'm bit off ferrari tbh (rules/image/alo)
Martin being very polite today. #f1
@LukaSambuca He's probably just jealous! #F1
@xspyda Switching from bbc to itv has been the best thing in ages for #f1 (in the UK) - coverage is so so much professional & fun
@xspyda !^%"^%$ yep
Jessica seems so much more relaxed/natural/engaged with the sport etc than nicole... #f1
Trying some sweet potato and plantain crisps
minute warning! Oh now legard. A reminder to hit the red button! #f1
@vixisabel probably - find it little more educated/technical/insightful. Audio quality today not so good on @5LiveF1 (sky) though. boomy #f1
@tpphotography just wondering as have been checking out cov on nets in local area. Found little o2 3g
What the *** was that music on @5LiveF1 #f1
Rain expected in 8 mins reasonably heavy! #f1
Hoping we don't get a big accident at turn 1 - want to see a race not mashup #f1
twitter scrolling far quicker than can even glance at.
Did HAM say spits of rain? #f1
Yay! #f1
poor web #f1
clean turn 1 ish #f1
ain is starting to fall #f1
big off #f1
top5 none pitted. oops. #f1
safety car out #f
That was quite a significant impact on ALO from BAR -- wonder if ALO car really is fine
RT @OzoneVibe: #F1 - "No more rain expected" . . . but as the race was about to start, none was expected for next 30 mins . . . tell tha ...
"Rain possible in 20 mins" (pit radio) #f1
@RachelLK or gain if #f1 fans!
Mercedes OOPS - car damage #f1
@sxa555 where's the link to join @F1Badger live chat. Link not obvious?
Grrr. problem with @5LiveF1 is the interruptions :-( #f1
@sxa555 Should be big and bang in middle during live race IMO
Love the spa weather forcast. "Dry for next 5 minutes, can't see beyond that" #f1 (MSC pitradio)
P2-P6 is very close - <1s between each car #f1
@OzoneVibe sounds like it's after they see if rainhits in few mins as some degredation now #f1 ?
@Mookii back on 5live now for exactly that reason. #f1
@sxa555 only get to glance at screen occasionaly. has to be quick/obvious. am used to skimming tweetdeck
OH NO! #f1
JB out #f1
VET lost it #f1
Annoyed at vet now #f1
Poor jenson. #f1
Was looking forward to some fair rbr/mcl action today, but not going off :-( #f1
@honeybee85 He def overcooked it with lack of grip. felt bad about jenson being taken out esp wrt championship
WEB now back in 3rd and only 1s behind kubica, though no stop yet
good smooth pitstop from HAM to keep P1 #f1
that was a super fastest lap from sutil 1:50.8 #f1
Interview with BUT "I don't know what he was doing..... massive blow" #f1
VET puncture. Is he attracting accidents ;-) #f1
@hunni_h tee hee. Know the feeling. Get in quick before the rain! #f1 #cantholditanylonger
wondering if this is going to be HEAVY ? #f1
Force India still strong in 5th #f1 SUT
Rain is here it seems #f1
HAM lost a tiny bit of bodywork #f1
WEB makes 2nd #f1
@F1Badger not for me? I get search/follow/facebook/twitter/youtube/send/XX online/tools
VET complaining it's not wet enough - he obv wants to crash and spin and knock someone off! #f1
Great drive from HAM to win spa #f1
Good for SUTIL to come in 5th. No surprise YAM is last, and PET in the points after bad day yesterday #f1
@F1Badger @sxa555 when watching race I have to narrow windows to fit tweetdeck, tack map, live timing - this causes chat but not to show
@OzoneVibe Usually watch race in living room, so maintv+laptop. But more screens would be handy! #F1
@shellk1984 It always made me think they were going to get up and sing/dance, which probably wouldn't be good (may be wrong..) #f1
#bbc #f1forum time in a few minutes fo more post-race chat #f1
Lovely shot of the dry ice for the beginning of the #f1forum #f1 - would love to be there with a camera!
RT @Kateafan: #F1 #RBR Mark Webber; the only driver not to leave the track the whole race... f*ck yeah!
@hunni_h Agree with the feeling, just not the reason! He's superb on commentary (saw him interviewed in person for British GP too) #F1
@f1fanatic_co_uk Of course it's not just that it rains, but the *unpredictibility* of exactly what comes/when #F1
@hunni_h the only thing that gets me about 5live is the rather too frequent football etc interruptions and catchups #f1
@hunni_h did you not switch to 5live during the race?
@hunni_h I find brundle pretty decent, but overall think the 5live coverage is more technical/insightful
@Petronella As of course did the very experienced BAR...
@OzoneVibe Jensons up for it apparently, as long as there's boxing gloves... ;-) #bbc #f1forum #f1
@Petronella I still think VET is a little careless -- though so was HAM a few years bak. He does need to calm down a bit imo.
@shellk1984 I wonder if it's monitors so they can see themselves #f1
@_MissAnnie_ vet i think
@OzoneVibe Indeed, thought the same. Agreed with his sentiments about vet -- a little too fast/needs to calm down to win #F1
Another great #f1forum show from #bbc #f1
12 more days until #monza #f1
Very enjoyable #f1 session today - spa is great track for racing esp. with weather unknowns.
@OzoneVibe nope not as such - only discussion there should be one
@OzoneVibe @amandagolding I may be free Sat - need to check family arrangements. don't think anyway other than seeing how our dog is.
@OzoneVibe @amandagolding Suggestions on where? Cental soton works reasonably well - can get train/bus
@amandagolding it's get my vote for location accessibility. Will check availability later... thanks @OzoneVibe
@etherealtype It's rational to feel irrational sometimes... Think we all do the same sometimes (I certainly do).
@OzoneVibe @Amy_Walker @amandagolding Just checked, Sat should be fine, tho if bitch in labour I'm staying here to help...!
@OzoneVibe @Amy_Walker Will almost def. get train down. Time? 7 ish? @amandagolding
@Amy_Walker Thanks for offer, though C.F. is probably a bit out of your way - train should be ok
@amandagolding I've not phoned anyone. If it's relatively lowkey/informal don't think needed? If we're expecting 30ppl then may be diff?
@Amy_Walker Well we'll sort it out. Thanks. Will send msg.
@OzoneVibe Good idea! I should stay away. I really want a Nikon 70-300 VR
@Amy_Walker Not in Juke of course... Out of interest did you see the Nissan Leaf when there (electric small car). guess not.
@Amy_Walker I just like the idea of being more green and cheaper esp driving short distances + car scheme at work becoming more env-oriented
@Amy_Walker just a thought.
@nnubeh RT @amandagolding: Southampton #tweetup this Saturday evening @ Slug and Lettuce. Everyone welcome.
@amandagolding err, sorry, no meant with family social calendar
@OzoneVibe @EmpireSteve I'm not convinced those comparisons are fair. Tax (ie company, road,) factors too.
@Amy_Walker no I don't think so, just been a few things in press lately - seems to be going down well.
Following a suggestion I read a few days ago. Creating a private list to add ppl I think I will unfollow to. need to do some cleanup!

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Saturday 28 August 2010

From Twitter 08-28-2010

@littlecough nope, mostly those I've chatted with this week #ff
@littlecough dynamic list ? If you mean https://twitter.com/planetf1/conversationlist it's from http://bit.ly/9lsCcu - nice idea ..
@littlecough I should perhaps automate my #ff to just tweet my conversationlist each week...
Yay. time for #f1 quali
More flexi-wing discussion. have to say, rules are there to be nearly-broken. Have to get close to edge to win. Newey did great job ... #f1
@rachelclarkef1 Enjoy it! Should be great race even if wet for your! Oh heard your mention on 5live yesterday too..
@Formula1Forum though that's part of the game too - rule clarification etc. fine to appeal for that, but then move on #F1
RT @TheVanquish: Wow, Twitter has just gone crazy with the start of the BBC's coverage of #F1. Welcome back, we have missed you!
@etherealtype The contrast with the dark suit is phenomenal. Did someone turn the contrast up? #F1
@rachelclarkef1 grandstand or GA? Where abouts on the track did you head to?
@honeybee85 You need to find a UK proxy to use, then you could access bbc site for streaming ... (assume you're out of uk)
@tracy_lee86 Isn';t everything on fox for dummies? (fortunately we have bbc :-) )#f1
@SabersKunk That's one big change since his return (maybe in part due to bbc too) -- loads more "in-depth" MSC interviews #f1
I wonder if EJ's purple shirt is water repellant - the droplets just *have* to stay away. could be good for the rain ;-) #f1
@Petronella Hah! Best laugh of the day so far...
Wondering if Jake's shirt was washed in same washing machine as EJs. Once it was white, now lilac... #f1
RT @rachelclarkef1: Look at rain heading in. Going to get wet! http://twitpic.com/2iyfbu
@etherealtype Yes exactly!
Ah legard time. Try red button. 5live time ? Nope not on. boo. #f1
Oh actually 5live comms is on sky fine ... #f1
Gutting for petrov - was hoping to see him do well :-( #f1
red flag... #f1
going to be a serious race to get out of pits now.... #f1
Yay - overtaking in quali (nearly :-) )
@OzoneVibe true to more complex setup with audio etc. but thanks #f1
is it sunday? #f1
red flag? close
too wet now ... throwing it down #f1
Wow that was a great part of Q3. one of best ever! #f1
RT @f1fanatic_co_uk: Stewards investigating the turn 14 melee. What are they going to penalise, the clouds? #F1
@shellk1984 Not just the year, but one of the more exciting sessions for years. #f1
The in-pit radio is constantly echoing on bbc ... #f1
@steevbishop Not checked, but think if track declared wet it doesn't apply?
@laura_marieee No, unlucky to be at end, but could be some great racing tomorrow to get up to midfield. And up in air due to rain anyway #F1
@shellk1984 I think it could be a really great race tomorrow. Still rest of quali :-) #f1
@wlvs Listening to @5LiveF1 (sky) commentary with TV picture
@wlvs Mostly as we have ant on commentary. #f1
Shows how much can change now with the faster laps coming in. Good recovery from VET #f1
@shellk1984 Yes looking at live timing now - wow. also ros still a few places ahead of msc #f1
@dank_ross Err no longer.. in that he's 3rd currenty #f1
ant davison rekons rosberg wcould be penalized - fastest time under yellows (though he was on diff tyres...) #f1
@dank_ross indeed not. I'd tweeted same, and had misread the time of your tweet , sorry. #f1
@Bendihossan It's not just bbc - but with there was an indicator of which track segment/corner #BBC #F1
Good lap from HAM - 1.2 faster than anyone else in Q2 #f1
those clouds looking quite dark #f1
rain now ..WEB could be P1 ... #f1
Brilliant lab from HAM given the worse conditions - only .1s behind WEB #f1
HAM looking very sharp for the race tomorrow #f1
@honeybee85 Oh I feel so sorry for you. Sounds tough. Question is does it compensate for no bbc #f1 coverage!
@honeybee85 If you follow I can DM.
@F1bum @sidepodcast there's always the option of @5LiveF1 on audio ?
@rachelclarkef1 Glad it was good at the track - hope not too soggy. Was great on TV. Q1 was stunning. HAM looked fast throughout #f1
No experience of other b/casters but agree -> RT @honeybee85: @motleyF1 Where are u based then? BBC definitely does #F1 the best!
@DaveMyers1 I thought same. Can only assume the red flag in Q1 was part cause. But hoping much more for race.. and FORUm :-) #F1
@etherealtype So another ALO fan. Must admit am fed up. with him despite being good driver.
@enjard Ah ok. guess you could stream audio from web/dab but sync may be an issue
@etherealtype he hardly helps himself does he. I'm really not disappointed he's down in 10th
gym, shopping, dinner (well warm curry!) done. About to sit down and catch up with #xfactor
@macie_sherwood Oh definately! Our kids (teenagers) love it too. The smells etc.
did a quick coverage check walking/driving around local area. O2 - relatively little 3G, Voda most places. 3 prob best except in house/work
@katyperry was fun on #xfactor/xtrafactor tonight - not convinced by some choices tonight.

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Friday 27 August 2010

From Twitter 08-27-2010

@MorganF1 there's a lot of good films around at mo in cinema - inception was last night's fair but shutter island is on my lovefilm list :-)
@Hedgewytch I quite like it - the new version is more social. What do you get annoyed with?
@icicle_halo_ Not so keen on the "pigs head ravioli" :-(
@icicle_halo_ The waste tomatoes from the farm looked rather delicious. I'd be happy with odd shaped fruit!
@icicle_halo_ I had to laugh "Hello, is that the fruit farm" (Angie) ;-), sorry.
Anyone else notice #ff (not friends) and/or RT (things not said) spam on the increase. Low lifes.
@AdamManning Not you I was referring to adam! Thanks for the #ff
RT @andypiper: Ah I see. It's free wifi in the restaurants at lunch in China but then they switch it off to indicate time to go back to ...
@SlyRenard Definately - from home though, not SPA. And sadly not FP1/2 live -- work today... #f1
laptop treacle mode has been enabled. Obviously trying to work is not compatibe with my laptop's desires ....
just phoned #esure to renew car insurance. really good.immediate answer. quick/efficient/helpful. All done in mins (used them lots over yrs)
All my laptop seems to have done today is I/O - really struggling to get anywhere with it... everyone will HAVE to have SSDs soon ...
great. An install that's hung for ages, and now "cancel" doesn't work either. Kill and I bet sw stack gets corupted. AARRGGHH
had a really nice helpful chap from 3 call me back about my coverage issues - no immediate fix but thanks for input & passed 2 planning team
Also offered to talk about contracts (decided not to), and re-enforced the whole tmobile sharing deal etc.
Am getting very fed up with dialogues with red crosses. Seen more today than I care to.
Any vmware ESXi 4.1 / USB passthrough experts? Having trouble with sentinel dongle --> http://bit.ly/cH9ZIM
I just ousted @wrighct as the mayor of The Cleveland Bay on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/dm9uLu
working, then dragged out to pub briefly. must do #ff later, along with catch up with FP1/2 and perhaps some photo editing
And apparently I have to watch mistresses too....
teenage son & friend cooked tea for us tonight. should b yum
#ff @sxa555 @LauraLeslie23 @littlecough @Amy_Walker @Formula1Forum @fradgepick @SlyRenard @AdamManning @Tim_Meakins @Hedgewytch
#ff @icicle_halo_ @littlelawyer84 @howardlucas @macie_sherwood @davenice @nnubeh @OzoneVibe @Jodie_kemp @michelledh @Texrat @lesanto
#ff @jon_read @amandagolding @Thrinne1 @frontieruk @inbedlam @EmpireSteve @nathanchantrell @SamMillarF1 @minxymoggy @TheFable
#ff @oldmanuk @tpphotography @WeddingsByRyan @neicey @Inacurate @K_Bee_ @adamsapples
#ff @kayels @mike_griffin_f1 @gerrymoth
Watching some of FP1 from earlier - @karunchandhok doing a great commentary job again. #f1
Playing a DVB-T recording via media center (intel gfx) shows what full screen video should be like - literally 3-5% cpu (not like flash..)

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Thursday 26 August 2010

From Twitter 08-26-2010

@deanupton I have ubuntu on mine -- for now just for webcam streaming (kbd mouse) , but in general the UI isn't very touch friendly IMO
@michelledh The N900 (I have one) is *very* diff to the iphone - opposite end of spectrum.. I like it though, but takes more effort
@Amy_Walker Like the view! Enjoy the photowalk
great. got nasty headache. not good. but sister-in-law+kids etc round today so must go to office for peace/quiet!
after a day with firefox I'm back to chrome again. Keep getting drawn back. Works, slicker, simpler,cleaner
@nnubeh Yes I think that is more professional...
@OzoneVibe @amy_walker Sad, but "Juke" to me is http://bit.ly/dgoQkA
@Amy_Walker How was the photowalk last night. Not been to Newcastle but always enjoy walking around cities #solucky
Interesting. Received a work email being invitied to play a game - flash, pickup points, don't crash kind of thing. Nah. get bored 2 easily
Strange, work email and coffee is helping the headache to go away. think down to 50% now. ..
@Jodie_kemp Don't feel pressured ignore? Though I have many work colleagues. fb offers some control, but wouldn't trust it entirely
@OzoneVibe @Jodie_kemp How about signing up to "LinkedIn" and using that for professional/work related contacts?
been a peaceful morning to work so far, but others in house getting up/visitors soon so get-me-out-of-here, am off to the office!
@charlesarthur Well a "nas" is more than a "drive" so may be running http for example - so that's at least one mechanism...
@ChrisHatch pet insurance?
Is this what we're becoming? Spot the #cylon -> http://bit.ly/aovFSy
@Jodie_kemp I guess if presence on social networks is expected as part of working in an industry then it's reasonable to (as someone else ->
@Jodie_kemp <- suggested create a seperate persona & interact on a professional level). I don't tho - just use one and happy to get friended
@oldmanuk @andypiper yes no UK is frustrating. I espect charging/.interconnect differences a factor
@OviJade Loved the tag line "it's not the technology, it's what you do with it" - Absolutely. Shame there's not more focus on "apps"
@OviJade I think that's captured hearts/minds of many. Most other capabilities already covered on android/iphone (though nav is online)
@Cadrieu @det66 with you on that one. After the entire American state is about benefitting from cultural diversity. should be approved IMO.
@OzoneVibe @Amy_Walker <Big sigh>
@macie_sherwood I know many swear by their macbooks, especially in creative field, though both my kids have been v. happy with their dell ->
@macie_sherwood studio laptops -- good deals from "dell outlet" (returns usually, prices highly variable)
@macie_sherwood photo-editing (ie lightroom) can be heavy on cpu+disk+ram
RT @emmastonier: less than 24 hours until FP1 at Spa....it's been a long four weeks #F1
@OzoneVibe I have work tomorrow so will be catching up with FP1/2 later :-( but really looking forward to good quali/race (rain...?)
RT @sarahholtf1: Thanks for your tweets about the prospects for the weekend. Most of you say you want a wet race. Chance of Sunday rain ...
RT @autosportlive: The heavy rain at Spa has eased off but there is much more to come! Read our forecast for the #F1 race weekend here - ...
@OzoneVibe looking like chance/showers for race. Changing weather should add excitement (don't want a washout) #f1
My gosh. This has been out a while. Wish 3UK+N900 could deliver me this capability -> http://bit.ly/aWvxby
@macie_sherwood not sure how important/serious photos are, but I'd recommend always having copies in 2 places. could be 2 ext drivers, or
@macie_sherwood laptop+external, or making use of a "service" that offers internet backup for £xxx per month
@macie_sherwood On dell. worth looking on site for kind of spec you want then keep an eye on dell outlet for specials
@davenice I can't believe I didn't know about it! Apparently in UK, Orange (definately) and T-Mobile (I think) actively support it
@davenice but handset support is limited. Vodafone have a femtocell instead. O2 & three have NOTHING IN THIS SPACE.
@macie_sherwood WOrth checking for cashback offers too ie http://bit.ly/cbbpMk
@davenice The internet/3G handover looks very neat. That would SO PERFECTLY fix my home/office coverage issues.
@AARRGG cannot figure out why one of my vmware esxi guests is not working for inbound traffic. It should...Annoyed.
@nnubeh if someone lights the bbq to melt them on ;-)
final straw. rebooting esxi. then off home.
@nnubeh you are kidding. Get it nice and brown but not catching fire! yumm.
Silly Windows XP. Right last thing done. time to head home
oh err. Summer is leaving us nhow. Just looked out of office window and think I'll be driving home in dark. #wherehassummergone
@howardlucas ha ha very funny. I get it.
@howardlucas quite a few now.
@littlelawyer84 It does seem far too tricky in some - air filters, batteries in way. Though my focus is still on originals (after 10 yrs)
@littlelawyer84 I recently had to fix my espresso machine (gaggia). Delight that thing was just built to be serviceable.
@chrispepin can you quantify? what's latency/throughput like. No 4G in UK yet tho - expect a few years before LTE.
@chrispepin even now in UK some nets (vodafone, O2 in particular, others better ) struggle with broad 3G coverage outside towns/cities
@chrispepin Actually 3Uk is up around 94% population, Orange 93% ish, Tmob not sure. Voda/O2 are down around 80%+. Those top 3 are ->
@chrispepin merging their radio access layer (effectively) so will only go fair bit higher. I've been using 3G since 2003
@chrispepin Ouch The 4 Mbps down is nice (don't think I've seen much above 2 in my 3G area) but have > 1Mbps up latency 80ms
@littlelawyer84 a bulb went in our microwave (panasonic)., Turns out replacement is virtually an entire, complex dismantle and need to take
@littlelawyer84 care due to big capacitors/shock risk so not really cost effective. That design REALLY bugs me.
@Petronella @SarahAnnGreen Stop the dominos talk. makes me depressed as I pull 2 supermarket pizzas from freezer. Dominos=yummy
@littlelawyer84 so it will be the classic £10/bulb part, £60 labour? Actually at least ford tends not to be too pricey for service
@littlelawyer84 definately bulb not fuse? just a thought. Am sure it is...
@littlelawyer84 Aren't they often on different circuits. 95% chance it's the bulb, just thinking worth checking in manual as fuse accessible
@littlelawyer84 couldn't resist sorry -->. As a lawyer-type person did you read rule #5 on dealsplus? ;-) Seen many do it tho so not alone!
@littlelawyer84 US/canada residents only (like many of their prize draws :-( )
Dog whelping box assembled, with fleeze lining, warmer pad for puppies etc. Getting scary....
Tried my #giffgaff preactivated SIM to see if home coverage better than 3. Err no, 3 and orange get 3g in a few rooms. O2 gets 2G in less
shame about the #giffgaff coverage. I like the community participation idea, but reviewing coverage it's not a step up. :-(
watching the great british waste menu...
@vixisabel similar here -- 2 had text, 2 didn't - and only one had properly formatted text. Think tech difficulties....
@Tim_Meakins seen lots of that now.
@Amy_Walker ha. late in cinema last night, little tv tonight, have stayed away. f1 this w/end but must finish NYC photos. lots of work!
@Amy_Walker sounds like a bit of competition going on there! Bit of peer (and self) pressure... ;-)

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Wednesday 25 August 2010

From Twitter 08-25-2010

@icicle_halo_ @amandagolding @frontieruk @planetf1 @tuesdaytweetup am thinking just informal time/place with easy transport (ie soton pub)
@Texrat @chansearrington ethernet was over coax ages ago (I remember using it!, checking distances etc) 10 Mbps 50 ohm cable with terminat
@Amy_Walker Enjoy the mini-celebrity treatment for the day :-) #jukelaunch
Still have 2 invites for new.digg.com if anyone's interested. DM me.
Been using firefox 4b4 for an hour or so... will see how I get on for the day (or will I be back to chrome b4 day runs out?)
listening to a presentation from some colleagues in russia
first point was about the nasty fires/smoke/temps... and relief it's down to 20 or so now in Moscow
why anytime I plan to see an "orange wednesday" film there's always 3 of us....
thoughts - do I go tonight & see Inception regular (£13/3) or IMAX (£20/3)
time for a late lunch at last
think firefox is having a fit.. ff4b4 window shaking/trembling and not getting anywhere. was ok for while. Could be dx rendering? ->chrome
RT @caostheory: New post: The future of open source licensing http://bit.ly/9eemI5 Why non- and weak-copyleft are licenses of choice for ...
Thinking of seeing Inception tonight. Only Q is go regular or imax. Oh and why is there always odd # ppl when it's orange 2 for 1 :-(
And no odd number != 1 billy-no-mates.. !
RT @jayrayner1: Please do retweet: to be audience on terrific new C4 food show i'm presenting, recording hampshire 6/9 email thefoodshow ...
@lesanto A laptop with no ethernet to me sounds insane. pushes more super-large ipad direction than laptop? video/phot editing?
@lesanto In some ways good thing about apple is pushing aesthetic design boundaries/ease.use. hope other vendors then pick up without doing
@lesanto silly (IMO) comprimises - like non-replaceable batteries.
@timdp what will you be working on in 2060 then?
my patience has been tested multiple times today. This could final straw. Another App I click on an action and it disappears BUSY for 1 min+
that's not acceptable. For what could be a SLOW operation it MUST be done async, seperate thread with UI feedback. To do otherwise is WRONG
Maybe write bytecode and edit with vi. Then again, maybe not...
I could cook dinner or go for a walk in the time this stuff is taking ...
My Top 3 Weekly #lastfm artists: Lissie (12), Paramore (10) and Marina & the Diamonds (10) #music http://bit.ly/clvl3W
Seeing inception imax in 30 mins. Looking forward to it. Very very wet getting to town tho.
I should have asked. Guess why i am carrying 3 phones. One from about 2001. One pink... And a proper one! Easy. See prev tweet
Well inception certainly had what one might call a multi-tiered plot. really enjoyed it!

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Tuesday 24 August 2010

From Twitter 08-24-2010

whelping box/heatpad & bits all ordered (slightly scary...), now back to work.
@andysc very interesting. Was tempted by desire at one point, but I have poor 3 sig at home/work. Still with nokia for now. Moto well known
@andysc for signal being good too (but IMO poor aesthetics). What network btw? (tricky - coverage vs speed vs xxx...)
@andysc Just tried http://bit.ly/aGAw50 - interesting (7/10 male 3/10 female for me)
@andysc Just proves no networks perfect (am on 3, but voda rules in hursley.. though wife had no sig in voda when out at w/end).
@andysc Am hoping one day it's like ATMs - use any. . Of course getting close with 3/tmob/orange joint net + o2/voda cornerstone
@andysc suspect it's doing name analystics. Hopefully they'd use GNR for that ! (I'd assume it can do it)
@andysc I wish the other nets offered a femtocell. Neat for home fill-in Though sms over IP/auto call rerouting via wifi would be good.
@davenice @andysc If travelling, and esp thro low sig, could disable gsm/3g temp (offline) - constant cell switching, high power = DRAIN.
@davenice @andysc Train Southampton-London for example is a killer. Though suspect car/ferry less so (slower, less "indoors")
@nicolalalalala For BB my personal recomendation would be O2, but only if results from http://bit.ly/bZ5zgS list "O2 / Be LLU" with tick
@nicolalalalala Also check at htttp://www.quidco.com if there's any "cashback" deals.
Oh bother. Sent a reply-to-all email in error. Nothing contentious just didn't need to go to a huge number of ppl (100s-1000?). Double bums
son is out at school to pick up his gcse results... wonder what he comes back with.,...
my win laptop could so benefit from SSD. Just rebooting takes about 10 mins (to get to a usable state).
@tolgakarakan Hi, which problem?
get annoyed with supposed "news" feeds that just post link days/weeks late. Fine if adding value/opinion but don't just "report" as if new..
Interesting app toolkit for android for those unfamilar with programming http://bit.ly/bRYAd8. Quite cool by the looks of it.
@IamNii_Teiko Yes I think so (or indeed has done already). It's more a commentary on what's happened without necessarily stating right
@IamNii_Teiko or wrong... corporate pressure can also play to security lockdown/certs/remote wipe, and drive geeks mad. This will run ....
RT @datastore: GCSE results 2010: exam breakdown by subject, school and gender http://bit.ly/cMdOfO
@davenice If you're ok with O2 coverage you could also try giffgaff - PAYG but "unlimited" data. 3 have good deals, tho work coverage poor
Higher rate taxpayers can claim tax back on Gift Aid contributions (UK) http://bit.ly/arFYCA [didn't know- email from virgin had it in] #fb
@davenice I can understand the short list. Am not customer of either, but giffgaff is owned by o2, and uses o2 network. just fyi thats all..
@deanupton no, may need to change
@tolgakarakan not sure of exact text I posted. site not working. will look later. Dealer diagnozed longitudinal sensor and replaced
@sxa555 I added a comment though... point was about ease of use.low entry point - increases opportunity
@davenice depends on your personal needs.
@Brownie1871 So going against my "old news" tweet earlier it is old, but I plead it was new to me ... #fb
why do some windows install progs insist on running full screen. They'd think you're only doing one thing at a time. err no. Take your place
Decided not to take up invite (ie "sales" email) for a course on Stochastic Calculus http://bit.ly/bNFsGk tho after reading maybe I should!
Always wary of mail that says "An Exclusive discount of £<big amount> off the full... price" without saying the price. Yep because its huge
@cumbers You can't new-style retweet if the user protects their tweets, thought you could do it old-style (ie literal "RT").
@cumbers A good client should explain this (think tweetdeck does)
@timdp thanks though I'm waiting for a pre-activated sim to check coverage stats. Worried about data perf too so may stick with 3
@timdp do like the idea of it though
@mememolly (sorry can't resist) - that would be someone with authority to use a bigger hammer ;-)
@timdp actually I've found it the opposite generally (wife used to have o2 then voda) with slight issue at - wait - home & work. bad luck..
@timdp It's O2 that has been proved somewhat laughable in recent years - ofcom at them for not meeting commitments, then over-subs with iph
@timdp then many recent outages, though I think that was APN related, so giffgaff APN may not have been hit?
Quick trip out to celebrate son's GCSEs, oh and booking a sneaky little tenerife holiday for cold Feb
Oh dear, I note home server is down to 20% free (500Gb) - some cleanup is in order
After thinking about perhaps switching to voda or O2 (from 3) only net working at pub was t-mobile. GSM/3G sucks around here.
With 3 ran-sharing T-mob 3G, & roaming on Orange 2G and with Orange/Tmob merging it may be as well to see what falls out in the wash +1yr
@frontieruk cleveland bay (forgot to checkin)
@Thrinne1 I just happen to live in an small area where ALL the networks struggle due to trees/buildings & NIMBYs/planning refusals no doubt
@Thrinne1 I doubt any net could manage my house, round a dog walk loop, down to pub/tescos/junior school and back through sports field!
@Thrinne1 Waiting to see if three have a sense of humour (and culture). I asked them if they could turn my cell xmitter up to 11 ;-)
sadly tonight I can hear big brother from another part of the house (timeshifted). help
@LauraLeslie23 Normal Keeley service to resume tomorrow (though I see you already got some references in)
@frontieruk just a short family drink, though a mini tweetup could be i order sometime, just have puppies to deal with over next few weeks.
@AdamManning My wife got sucked into the Mars hoax - she's been looking out for last few nights ...http://bit.ly/aSIfHB
@LauraLeslie23 Nah. Don't comprimise. I ppl don't like it tough. Be true to yourself I say...
@LauraLeslie23 <3 days before practice. (though working, so skip through in eve, mostly focus on quali) #f1
@LauraLeslie23 Overall I'd say button, though I like to see webber do well, and chandhok was a star in commentary. Smart guy.
@LauraLeslie23 Think we have a lot of good drivers at the mo. Never been a big msc fan, hot/cold on hamilton & a I think vet needs to mature
@amandagolding Not that I know of. I think it would be a nice idea though. Even if a simple low-key/informal pub visit.
@amandagolding I have to read a scary book about birth (of puppies). will be glad when through that in a few weeks..
@LauraLeslie23 I'd certainly be happy, less for rbr, but for web - just like the way he says it as it is
@LauraLeslie23 But the biggest "wow" this year in some ways wasnt driving -- it was @karunchandhok 's performance in the commentary booth...
@amandagolding in general, yep... just going to be harder to get out as in about a weeks time need to ensure s/one at home to supervise.
another 1-2 hours on NYC photos - thought I'd finish tonight. Nope, still more work to do... I need to get quicker

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com

Monday 23 August 2010

From Twitter 08-23-2010

@amazingamanda generally tacky... odd one ok. Also prefer old school ascii only versions not graphical!
@EmpireSteve @Amy_Walker wierd things happen if falling asleep with something. associations. I fell asleep listening to Kelly Clarkson
@EmpireSteve @Amy_Walker "breakaway" on a flight to/from Canada. Now strong plane trip=kelly clarkson association. always remember it...
constant heavy rain here. water everywhere
@Inacurate I've struggled with barriosquare. it's pretty but it broke for me weeks ago. Use http://m.check.in now (#gowalla & #foursquare)
@michelledh loads of ppl still seem up. Is it the rain? Or just not wanting the weekend to end!
@neicey You should move to mexico... http://bit.ly/dm9xf8 @cocacola #fact
@Inacurate have not seen anywhere in UK offering anything. Maybe in london. The m.check.in site is quick and simple. like it.
@Sara_Kim surprised am not underwater here yet. Will be talking rain before long..
@macie_sherwood running water is always soothing (waves on sea too). [except if you need to go....]
@EmpireSteve @Amy_Walker You can get some intro deals too. I tried once but couldn't get into audio books. Kindle temping though,
@EmpireSteve @Amy_Walker although it's single-use device not like ipad, but e-ink better on eyes & better for book reading.
@EmpireSteve @Amy_Walker though nothing beats paperback for water/sand/salt/being stepped on tolerance
@hewezna_r eh?
@michelledh I ended up tinkering with my joggler (linux photoframe). Want to use for web streaming (server) when puppies born.... #geek
@michelledh after. Birth scary enough thank you without everyone watching! One of family will be around anyway but means we can all c
@flowingdata text less (which has got so cheap) but use more data (extra ££). so telcos win?
sleep time. night all
The sun's looking quite nice outside this morning. Maybe it will be a nicer fresher day (as if it makes a diff when working ...!)
@WeddingsByRyan Out of interest where did it say that?
right ok then , have to obey (or sadly not ....) RT @ladyofsalzburg "Apparently radio 2 says not to get up as its a horrible day."
@icicle_halo_ Definately a brighter start to the week down here. Still very cloudy, but prob easier to focus on work !
@WeddingsByRyan oh. you're right. I had email from #Nikon Uk too. Oops. sounds like a incorrect claim? #fail
@WeddingsByRyan Good old english ambiguity. is "sharpest,fastest" mean a combination of the two for example rather than independent? #Nikon
@ladyofsalzburg no chance here. Up for a while enjoying (!) email before rest/house up. Head to work once rabble gets up!
@macie_sherwood Done a cruise? We love them. Very peaceful out on deck esp in evening with only distant coastlines/other ships in view
@ladyofsalzburg nr Southampton
I can hear motion in the house. Time to get ready to escape to the office ....
@macie_sherwood We've done 4. Another one for next year. Didnt take kids until youngest was 9 but they loved it. so much to do.
@macie_sherwood they have lots going on for much younger kids too.
@ladyofsalzburg letters? quaint ;-) Am sure there's a reason
@ladyofsalzburg what device?
@EmpireSteve two things at once, obviously that only works for women
Very quiet in the office...
IBM - behind the scenes: http://bit.ly/cruwMl
@EmpireSteve @Amy_Walker Am starting to think same, though better if <£100, concerned at book prices/drm & there's 3G option xtra ££
@TheSourceress @posterous settings should really refer to UTC not GMT - and technically gmt+0 isn't local london due to summer time utc+1
X Factor admits to vocal tweaks: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-11056050
ref: last #xfactor tweet -- that's a very poor #fail IMO. Bit like photo retouching I know, but I think autotune crosses the line. #itv
enjoying some home made humous for lunch. Yum.
@dougedey indeed - it's about transparency /openness / honesty. Subtle use = deception #xfactor #fail #itv
RT @PodF1: Mosley: Ferrari must be punished: Former FIA president Max Mosley believes that Formula 1's ban on team orders ... http://bit ...
Anyone else use new.digg.com - have been for many weeks. Wondering when to stop cross-posting to regular digg site...
@girlonetrack dehydrated?
@littlecough You may also be interested in this. New podcast from @bobbyllew "Fully Charged" http://bit.ly/cRAtb7 - it's good IMO
@littlecough how about youtube http://bit.ly/buYc5c #fullycharged
@kpcom clearly that's an undefendable position and a #fail from @VodafoneUK IMO - no getting out of sales/goods act in any case
I've subscribed to celicoughdrop's channel on YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/user/celicoughdrop?feature=autoshare
@littlecough Not yet. Added -- will watch later. thx
@trebormints I have a couple of free invites. DM me your email address and I can send one your way if you like/will use
another great song -- http://bit.ly/cjFmsA ("Record Collector" by @lissiemusic )
The dirty little secret about Google Android: http://www.zdnet.com/blog/btl/the-dirty-little-secret-about-google-android/38260
@btbusiness Hi.Are the business FTTC broadband offerings subject to same FUP kicking in at 100Gb as the residential offerings? Or different?
@btbusiness thanks for the confirmation
Hate modal dialogs. Want to compare values in 2 different property panels. Grrrr.
Ouch. Big/small? hopefully all ok. RT @oldmanuk: Hmm Jessops in Winchester seems to be on fire.
@Cockneygovagh that was a duplicate. Just FYI in case your twitter client is buggy?
So BT business confirmed that even their more pricey BUSINESS FTTC packages also have an effective 100Gb limit...
surprised that wasn't more transparent for a product a business may completely depend on.
@_millymoo @Cadrieu Not quite same - RT to spread to more ppl, but "favourite" is already a function anyway. Can do from web/tweetdeck etc
RT @TrevorCurrent: If you're in to #HDR photography then you need to read this. http://cpurl.net/bnM17D #photog #togs
@amandagolding Nearly went up there the other day, but wasn't that clear - enjoyed the good view? Must go some time #30
@nathanchantrell Ah very interesting. That, or the handpresso/mypressi I did think of, bit more portable than a gaggia. Too many gadgets
@nathanchantrell on shopping list. Love my espresso though. Where do you get your beans from? mail order? I use hasbean.co.uk . good choice
@rodet To some extent the character changes as something becomes more 'mainstream" rather than just "early adopter" Another factor
@SimonLR but I don't think it's just about the device. It's the community, dev enablement, buzz. device is a part only. IMO..
@amandagolding I did Toronto CN tower few years back, and empire state/rockerfella this year... so maybe I'll let thise mems die down first
@Amy_Walker @EmpireSteve Must admit haven't been to a library much for ages. Occasionally at work (tech stuff). Amazon/online is easier!
@Amy_Walker @EmpireSteve Am wondering if kindle will re-kindle (boom!) the pleasure of novel reading. Usuallu just on hols for me.
@Amy_Walker @EmpireSteve but get bit carrier away then have to get through my books quickly and can't put them down (if good!)
Still have 2 invites left for new.digg.com if anyone would like one. DM me
@amandagolding gunwharf is niec since it's been extended. hadn't been there in ages. And walk from southsea too. Southampton needs similar..
Little hunt through my cupboards for a missing SIM card. Found 10. Wonder how many are active. 1 is new, 4 others *should* be active.
Only person in my stream is @leolaporte. A bot got awry perhaps?
@SlyRenard 20GB/month is nothing. 4ppl iplayer/4od/itc etc streaming, also youtube, full-res flickr & online backup (digital photos),games
@minxymoggy you mean facebook requests? If not accepted they can't be your friend... spam emails maybe? #suspicious
@opensourcerer yep - great way to share ideas - head out on a pub crawl or similar together!
@nathanchantrell Good to hear. Have you seen it retail (esp demoed) anywhere? Or just online?
@michelledh I've barely touched my lists since they initially came out. Be great to have tools to assist/recommend/ease bulk classify.
@michelledh Let us know what you find!
@michelledh is on my todo someday list too...
chrome doing it's semi-regular "not talking to you any more" - refusing to load pages etc. win, dev. happens a couple/times per week :-(
Oh err. login to facebook seems down. Was just checking before sleep. No worries.
@minxymoggy Oh really. wierd. hadn't noticed, but not checked. Will do, when I can login...
sleep...... night all

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com

Sunday 22 August 2010

From Twitter 08-22-2010

Oh and xtra factor now ..... #xfactor
Quick post from tweetdeck for android running on my #n900. Wacky. Still like maemo but td is cool
Not used #android before so just exploring via #nitdroid on the #n900 (looking good but not full function -no gsm/camera...)
One thing i am already jealous of... #tweetdeck app is very nice....
@eric_andersen big thing for us will be puppies. Our cockapoo (cocker spaniel/poodle cross) bitch is expecting around beg. 2nd wk sep...
Today either i get dragged out shopping or volunteer to do lots of cleaning. Um. Tough....
Reading about #nitdroid -- very useful hardware diagram of #n900 at http://bit.ly/9wqy7A
another few hours on NYV photos. Think I've tagged/titled/ranked by rank #4,5 photos, still need to refine...
NYV=New York City of course...
Busy house-cleaning, and have to cook sunday roast. A very domesticated day... gadgets on hold :-(
Oh dear, can't do any more jobs now, #rememberthemilk is down :-( #RTM
Just checked my router -- 10.5 days = 230Gb. Wow. Should really start tracking this bandwidth
Oops actually don't think data resets on adsl resync, so probably 230Gb in 40 days... thats more like I'd expect (still lots)
still cleaning. Struggling not to fall down and sit on the floor. Still roast dinner to cook....
Manic. Shattered. Cleaning done. Tablecloths everything. Roast chick done. Pots nearly there. Dashed to shower. Guest arrives in 5!
What a day. Wine+glass now at the ready.
Dinner went down well. Am now aching lots but good jobs(s) done.
Oh just remembered. Still have my roasted red pepper hummous to make... Later/before work tomorrow
Watching a 1993 film. In some ways not dated but wierd to see no mobiles, and cgi is basic..
Watching passenger 57 for some light relief...
watching "would I lie to you (@ProfBrianCox, keeley hawes) as guests
@Simon_Steele definately a good reason to watch it again.
@OzoneVibe cracking
@Amy_Walker I've never seen it before, but really enjoyed it. Have to watch more. iplayer? Or time to make humous... (red pepper this time)
@LauraLeslie23 I still have 2 ashes2ashes episodes left - loved the tennis/cookie lie (or in fact not) in that episode
@Amy_Walker Oh no 5 episodes. don't think I'll be able to stay awake tonight. .. (never watch tv in bed though - either watch or sleep!)
@LauraLeslie23 The horse purchase one cracked me up too, and brian being annoying
Wondering if I'm too tired to go to sleep now? Does that make any sense?
@Amy_Walker I just stay up later then getting to sleep easier. Rarely listen to anything (except if noise in house)
@amandagolding well there's 4 of us and a dog so there's always noises, if I go b4 anyone else (rare) then I may use headphones or put ->
@amandagolding <- noisy fan on (!) - the regular noise masks talking/tv etc!
Tahini is so wierd. Had to lick the spoon when making humous
@OzoneVibe little like custard but more solid
@amandagolding Oh I said no, but not that you were wierd. Are you? what do you think....?
@Amy_Walker Music sometimes works, but can never understand tv - light etc. (and more stimulus to keep awake..)
@OzoneVibe You have me reaching for a dictionary (well google) now
@amandagolding in some ways though regular noise is less off-putting - it's silence then noise that is more dramatic?
@Amy_Walker Often wake up before alarm anyway - guess that's a good sign. just soft gentle ringtone, but "music" per se
@OzoneVibe yes in a wierd, removes-all-water, kind of way. Like peanut butter x 10
heavy housework/cooking today meant forgot (until now) that I took a little gouge (shallow, just a mm or so) out of my thumb knuckle earlier
oooww now. especially when juicing lemon
@amandagolding oh er. that's tough. I wouldn't envy you for that.headphones?
I will sometime, but the rest of the family would be vey peeved off!

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com

Saturday 21 August 2010

From Twitter 08-21-2010

Another 6 days before next #F1 sessions beging :-(
@benjezzy use "top" etc to see what's taking the cpu. One of my presence/contacts plugins is causing me high cpu. thinkl it's twitter #n900
Anyone know of a UK service that can receive regular SMS on dedicated number and forward to IM service. Surprised skype doesn't do this.
trying android on #N900 for first time .... thanks to nitroid installer... one click
I really should change from using itunes. It is so sluggish at times & UI will lock up for 20s at a time. Very poor.
At last there's a new @MyLotusRacing podcast. Looking forward to listening to it :-) #f1
need some more DVD dual layer writeables. Read reviews, looks like Verbatim is only sensible choice... (no surprise there). other sugg?
@inbedlam thanks, tho have had bad luck with tdk in past :-(
Gym and food shopping done. Son got first job today (part time supermarket about to start a levels) so happy. Means out for a curry :-)
@minxymoggy i have been v. Frustrated with their online setup not working and too long to answer calls. Not impressed.
@IamNii_Teiko am on three. Was looking at switching due to poor ocoverage at home. But out works well notw not sure a switch makes sense
feeling a little unwell. wondering if cirry/beer is a good idea. Oh silly me, of course it is...
@minxymoggy I mostly agree with you when I spoke to the ppl, but I just found the clearly broken/frustrating process & call delays v. poor
@DaveMyers1 though you could sometimes see that before - all down to timing.Sometimes a built in delays could be useful..
@lauracowen ouch , and is there any truth in that? Is it the manufacturers fault? Or the shop going over the line?
@minxymoggy I'm with rbs (bank) who of course are selling all english branches to santander so see how that plays out....
@perlausten @grosenfris @speiermann +1 vote for notepad++ .. it's what I use for basic editing on my win box.es
I just ousted @webmink as the mayor of Jehangir Indian & Bangladeshi Restaurant on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/d5zMt0
Now that was a good curry. Lamb karai. Super.
Definately would recoomend jehangir -great indian restaurant in southampton. Lovely flavour and atmosphere
@minxymoggy ok thats really good to hear. Didnt realise theyd bought the paypal credit card business
@adamsapples a way of sharing location with friends and potentially for retailers to offer deals to visitors. Also somewhat of a game
@adamsapples theres also #gowalla and a number of others too
@K_Bee_ we went there a few times when just a takeaway. Food always great but restaurant addition is great. You must go
@K_Bee_ foursquare now informs me i am the mayor too!
Can now confirm that if not feeling great, curry/beer definately does work. 100 percent
@K_Bee_ we buy any car.... Worse?
@amandagolding what date is the final. Hopefully no more xmas bunfight
Time for (delayed) #xfactor
Just watched #xfactor. Highlight was definately gamu - very talented
I did. And it was good fun. Honest

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Friday 20 August 2010

From Twitter 08-20-2010

so much for another 30 minutes. photo's eat time. seriously.
*still* not finished my new york set :-(
@j_m_photography possibly, though since I already have a nikon, a second one in family is more flexible for sharing stuff...
@j_m_photography I nearly bought an alpha last year. began last year, ended up deciding more on "feel". not that much diff in tech spec
after using chrome for months it seems so antiquated that #firefox (4 beta) needs to be restarted to pick up new/updated extensions ...
@michelledh The other thing that annoys me is it recommends ppl that haven't tweeted for months/a year. frequenct/currency is cricual...
@snipeyhead agree. And Patron as in tequila. I have an as-yet unopened bottle in the kitchen. tee hee.
#Bt/#fttc i assume this is an old tpon cab. Just seem to be many close together. 3 within 5=m. Are they? Or vm? Or fttc? http://post.ly/sj8v
#Bt/#fttc i assume this is an old tpon cab. Just seem to be many close together. 3 within 5=m. Are they? Or vm? Or fttc? http://post.ly/sj9K
struggling to be awake this morning. feeling a bit dodgy but hopefully a mug of finest caffeine will help.
The joys of email after being on vacation for a mere 3 days :-(
Working through email ... CTRL-A DEL is so so tempting ;-) That's why twitter is good -- limited "backlog"
@noelrooney perhaps -- just never very good at that. Always want to fit too much in...
@noelrooney as i said too much to do. That includes work stuff I *want* to do too!
@pj_kent nope. Though i did watch red arrows at silverstone and got some ok pics (see flickr)
@pj_kent ha ha. Gone never to return....
@AdamManning thanks for the #ff
Annoyed at car drivers that cut corners turning r into side road esp when they cant see. Pathetic and incompetent.
@TheF1_Report only once has someone overtook me when turning right (they turned right into "wrong" lane to overtake. Think it was ->
@TheF1_Report not paying attention to lane markings/sheer incompetance not intentional. Some drivers are crap (I'm certainly not perfect)
not to co's on twitter. If you reply and it's sincere/relevant - superb. If it's a keyword bot am blocking/reporting spam. Wasters
Wish ppl (ie work colleagues) would *send* less attachments/complex pics and post them somewhere instead- wastes such space of limited quota
eek some of my mails in inbox are nearly 10Mb due to embedded objects. Much easier if they were attachments as I could clean up... Bother
wondering if anyone has a lotus notes agent to assist in "detaching" embedded objects from emails en-masse...
@iainduncani similar prob here -- it's those "images" (or full presentations). Lots of dup and huge % of space.
@iainduncani Prob some "education" needed too directed at the originators.
@richardbarley I was on internal us flight and they moved some luggage from hold to cabin. Why? Because they were over-weight. Duh....
@richardbarley .. the regulations only applied to hold baggage. That made me feel great.
@iainduncani yeah tricky. Ideally need to move more to entire content being community/blog/wiki/scm based? - depend 2 much on email
@iainduncani maybe I should have an agent that bounces all mail > 2Mb ...
very effective day today. bitt worrying for a friday. May be best not to push my luck for too much longer ;-)
#google #chrome crashing on every suspend/resume cycle (win7, beta) is getting very tiresome http://bit.ly/aAMW3h
@michelledh thanks for the #FollowFriday
Did I miss something. Has meaning of AMBER traffic light changed to "you may ignore colour changes for next 5s".
On way home car straight through light on red for 2s+. Sigh. Are ppl just plainly incompetent.
Glad it's w/end.
@twitteratti adsl resync? wifi drops? router reboot?. Lots of options to detect.. but prob require scripting.
@mbdrake was that on a "shared" computer? Did you recently change IP addr?
spent a very nerdy while looking at local cell basestation locs & coverage. struggling with balance of cost/data speeds/overall coverage
@wideawakewesley I wish they'd change the record. #riaa yawn
#ff @fradgepick @michelledh @AdamManning @tpphotography @Amy_Walker @OzoneVibe @neicey @minxymoggy @j_m_photography @lesanto @jon_read
#ff @EmpireSteve @katebevan @MichaelxHell @kayels @f1lover75 @inbedlam @Thrinne1 @sxa555 @_arien @Hedgewytch @nnubeh @snipeyhead
#ff @icicle_halo_ @LukaSambuca @amandagolding @mbdrake @kazb711 @eric_andersen @SamMillarF1 @mike_griffin_f1 @engyles @caronmlindsay
#ff @cragnet @davenice @dougeday @abcoates @peteralevy @hunni_h @vixisabel @paulbackhouse @TheFable @gerrymoth @chansearrington @rodet
#ff @SlyRenard @nathanchantrell @cholled @AndyCDoyle @timsalmon @lukehmuse @mwiththeat @macie_sherwood @iainduncani @jaylimburn @
#ff @victoriarusso @Suw @barrysampson @jayegan @lauracowen @Ste_L @adamsapples @roobarb _ @TrevorCurrent @Memset_Kate @steevbishop @pj_kent
Phew... thought I'd do some #ff before falling asleep! Despite working only 2 days this week they have been very effective. Must try it more
@SimonLR If their internet feeds, I find handy to use google reader + "grrr" on #n900 and #feeddemon on win desktop - all synced
@AndyCDoyle I wish, but another week to wait. prob just as well. Need to get things sorted for puppies (early Sep)
@AndyCDoyle though X factor starts this weekend :-)
@Cockneygovagh I remember it was first place to get 3G? Maybe be first for 4G/lte in UK. who knows.
@GadgetPolly lots of other options on 3/O2/giffgaff for decent data/texts packages 10-15. No need to spend 25 unless need the minutes
Used MS virtual earth (or is it bing maps 3d?) for first time in a while. Woohay. My area is SO SO SO much higher res than google maps
@Cockneygovagh are they already trialling lte up there?
@pj_kent guess it's very area dependent. The difference between google and MS was truly phenomenal for me (using aerial view mode)
@Booooothman thanks for the #ff
@jon_read photmatix or photoshop? My first try last year (florence) http://flic.kr/p/7h5gP6 - just few clicks. no care taken.. liked it, but
@jon_read never really tried it much since. Have a couple of new york (manhatten skyline & ESB) that I played with. But it's just experiment
Ok, I'm outa here. Not enough sleep so packing it in for today!

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Thursday 19 August 2010

From Twitter 08-19-2010

@markguim That isnt unusual though - it's free on contract, so subsidized by monthly fee?? #GalaxyS
@michelledh I always think the same. But I think we're all in bubbles - small galaxies in the much larger twitter universe
@michelledh sometimes we have to reach out further into the unknown - if you have 17 mins -> http://bit.ly/cOwWTZ
@EmpireSteve I do like/use ubuntu as well as win, just one thing. For FLASH video (ouch) may be best with win - limited accel in ubuntu :-(
RT @amigaluv: Nokia rules the mobile phone world so why do we diss them in the US? http://zd.net/9A14wJ enlightening read from a US own ...
@EmpireSteve I hope so, flash just appears ao inefficient for video streaming. But even with HTML5 still need codec issues/licensing sorted
RT @josiefraser: RT @ruskin147: http://bbc.in/9qtNNd new blog post - a multi-tasking moral panic. Written while listening to radio and ...
I still have a couple of invites for digg v4 - DM me if you want one and will use it!
becoming a customer of #santander is the biggest time waster ever. Ages to answer phone, broken web system, painful security #fail
After how many mins do you give up on a cenn centre. I think <1 is acceptable, >3 is time to give up. Do I expect too much?
I meant call centre
As far as I'm concerned if a company can't answer quickly, and don't give wait time feedback that's very poor CS #santander
hoped it might be sunny today -- deciding where to go to brave a few hours out & hopefully dodge rain ...
@katebevan w7 pretty much uses same drivers as vista - if 64bit a concern how about 32 bit win7? (tho have 64bit 7 on a number of lap/desk )
@katebevan th' I've had vista & win 7 64 bit on laptops/desktops and not really had driver issues. Something in particular failing?
go away rain :-(
um. was thinking of changing from 3 to vodafone or giffgaff, but even with poor home coverage, nationwide 3 do well http://bit.ly/dyL05X
@katebevan Ah ok I missed the beginning of the conv. Thought you meant native. .. no exp in mac virtualization
Wow. really liking my #NYC photos. So much better success rate. Loads of super shots. have to go back there again!
RT @sccevents: Guildhall Square in #Southampton shaping up. If you like fire, you'll love the opening event in November - http://bit.ly/ ...
RT @jebbrilliant: RT @phonedotcom: Intel acquires McAfee for $7.68 billion http://t.co/nxL24lW via @engadget <wow. I hadn't read tha ...
I never figured what #macafee did - for me associated with trial antivirus subs and negative impact on those systems
:-( Google Chrome beta keeps crashing on suspend/resume. Wondering what the opposite of the midas touch is?
so firefox's geolocation plugin centres me on closest city on desktop (which uses ethernet), but on laptop wifi pins it to within 50m...
oh so google chrome beta is crashing after suspend/resume on my laptop too! A bad update recently? anyone else?
photo editing/walk/gym, now a little more photo editing. Want to finish my New York set :-)
Trust != Facebook ?
@Arbit via same NAT router -- but the service will use wifi positioning on laptop so accurate whilst as desk wired based on ISP IP I guess
Can't afford 28-300 though nice idea! RT @TrevorCurrent: New Post: NIKKOR Announces Four New Lenses http://cpurl.net/dy1TKE #photog #togs
@mike_griffin_f1 a little like matter and anti-matter - the two will never co-exist in the same place
Just had email from nikon UK - seems the AF-S NIKKOR 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR is £870. Well perhaps not for my budget...
phew. another photo editing session. Still lots more to do. I really *want* to finish these tonight.... break for dinner
daugher thinking of Nikon P100 (bridge) or D3000 (dslr)... personally think it's compact vs dslr, bridge not convinced, tho good for zoom
@VizTopTips if you have a well aligned dish & cables etc in good condition & dish is large enough it SHOULD be ok in heavy rain many arent
@TrevorCurrent I've looked at sigma 18-200, tamron 18-270 (not in person) for walks, but too many comprimises I think. 70-300 I reckon
Any Nikon D3000 DSLR owners out there? Daughter adding to short list (I own D90). Good value? Budget is a mere £250 so even this goes over!
@Memset_Kate surely there's no one personality that makes a team successful, it's a mix of types that mesh that is successful?
do I upload partially finished NYC photos or wait until finished. Maybe can get photos done and refresh metadata on flickr tomorrow...
@jon_read she's nearly 14 and thinking of doing photography GCSE and generally interested. Already worrying about DOF. Am steering DSLR...
@Si_Biggles My son has a FZ38 - it's a really nice bridge camera, just has less control than DSLR.
@jon_read Really? She suggested it as what she wants, seems like ok for bridge, just isn't a dslr/limited in control. I've introduced D3000?
@jon_read My son has the FZ38 - it's nice for what it is, does as it says on the tin, but small sensor=noise, and limited control.
@jon_read then there's pass down the D90 go buy a D300s. No. I didn't say that. stop it.
@jon_read I have plenty to learn which even the most basic model would be amply good enough for!
@jon_read Won't happen. cant afford the £££. Have you played with D3000? perhaps not as low-end. Think id40 sensor with up'd AF/screen etc
@jon_read D3100 out soon - video, big sensor improv, but looks more like £550 with a 18-55 whilst older D3000 is < £350. So B&W.
@jon_read Of course perhaps I should agree with @Amy_Walker in not letting daughter plat with dslr as could be better than parent...
@jon_read D5000 was on my shortlist year ago, but at ~£480 with lens outside ££. more like D3000 vs bridge I think. maybe oly 520 prob not
@Amy_Walker Oooh free invites... sound fun. what you off to? can you say?
bothersome twitter distracting me from LR...
@etherealtype +1
@Keatingjones I'm with your husband on that one. I'd be doing same...
Hear Ye, Hear Ye, #win an #iPad 32GB Wi-Fi: follow @AppOnline & RT or become a Facebook fan http://bit.ly/9cu2ON ends 31/08
Another 30 mins photos ... Meantime reminder links to fb,lastfm etc are on blog (not good at updating..) at http://cherrybyte.blogspot.com/
At least it's thursday... means I can probably be slightly late going to bed and still have a good effective working day tomorrow...
@j_m_photography I do tend to agree. Going to take her along to jessops/johnlewis etc for a look see...
@lesanto @britt_W @chris_hall1 +1 on the #twitlonger annoyance.. even on PC. Use multiple tweets or go long-form on blog not few words xtra
@GadgetPolly I've been on 3 since 2003, but that plan doesn't sound chep *unless* use loads/calls. 3 PAYG is good (kids use it)
@GadgetPolly giffgaff http://giffgaff.com/ looks good for unlimited data/text at about 10 pcm if ok with o2 speeds/coverage. not tried.
RT @MeeGoExperts: Progress! Video - MeeGo Handset UX unstable weekly release" http://bit.ly/atNabr /via @quimgil

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Wednesday 18 August 2010

From Twitter 08-18-2010

can't say I especially enjoyed duplicity - and with 4 of us starting, only 1 making to end it didn't really get thumbs up here...
@neicey that falls into the category of "too much information" ...
@jacksri I've just got a bog std car, and don't stick just to one brand, but do stick to the major manufacturers mid tier tyres
@MatthiasHeil @_bruno_antunes 6.0.495.0 dev (Win 7) seems ok with #lastpass ... #Chromium #Chrome
@_bruno_antunes lastpass is 1.69.6 BUT I made a mistake. It isn't working. I restarted after the update, and misread icon You're right :-(
@_bruno_antunes I mostly run chrome dev, but flip to chrome beta, ff 4b2, s/times ff 3.6, opera anyway. Never satisfied! #headscratch
@shellk1984 so true. I've not seen a single bit of BB until I clicked on the link tonight.Did look rather wet inside!
@Sara_Kim look on the bright side -- it wasn't chilli (did that a couple weeks ago. definate Ouch.)
@_bruno_antunes I see this prob mentioned at http://bit.ly/aaN0Zo #headscratch
@_bruno_antunes sensible options are report/chase bug if you have time or revert to more conservative beta, which is what i did
Rather late to sleep but do have day off. Zzzzz
@_bruno_antunes here's a bug report. http://bit.ly/cwbngc
2600+ items in gmail inbox. Oh dear. Think I'll continue ignoring for a little longer...
going through my #silverstone #f1 photos I have far far more good shots of the red arrows than of the cars....
photography gets expensive. next stop new pc? This triple core win7 4gb ram system is struggling with lr (64 bit).. shutting down td etc
#joggler - commments on best ubuntu image for joggler. Want to do some webcam streaming (as server) aka "'puppycam" ? UNR or reg? version?
@_arien BE and O2 use the same kit/network (part of telefonica) and service should be excellent if on LLU (samknows can confirm)
@_arien I'm on O2. No slowdowns. BE slightly more optional extras/techie forums, little bit more ££. O2 cheaper? Check quidco.com 4 cashback
@lauracowen @noelrooney I think it's very dependent on requirements/skills. Both have pros/cons. Right tool for job and all that... Use both
@noelrooney @lauracowen and aix, z/OS, z/VM etc
@eco_retro I struggle with any coffee that isn't espresso based. Even filter. Makes it tricky/expensive at work!
Not convinced by lr3 mem mngmt - was taking 2.5Gb, awfully slow. restart, 230Mb, fairly snappy...
#Posterous ! RT @TechCrunch: The Twitter Photo Sharing Horse Race - http://tcrn.ch/bArkju by @robinwauters
@Thrinne1 Sounds like it's to make sure you're *working* not enjoying whatever it is...
@_arien O2 Access traffic shape (via the BT network), O2 LLU does not. I use 250Gb per month and no issues!
@sxa555 the images appear to have been static for last couple/months. perhaps good thing.
@eco_retro addicition or perhaps just obsession...
@_arien We've got fttc being put in here, but with my usage only o2/sky llu offers real unlimited/unshaped usage. Not on fttc yet
@_arien but agree - we stream iplayer/4od/5 etc, some in HD, multiple devices... eats usage like crazy. Just need > 4.5 Mbps :-( like 30-40
@Thrinne1 ah cool v-festival sounds good. So what do you do?
lr3 already up to 850Mb. still snappy at mo
@Thrinne1 would def. look forward to seeing (hearing?) lissie live, ellie goulding too & others.
LR3 slowing down. 2.4Gb ram allocated (it's 64 bit). Wonder if it's possible to spec target use as at this point it slows system too much
@Thrinne1 can sympathise. like being at a work tech conference, doing a demo stand, and only going to 1/2 talks across 4-5 days!
@EliGP @f1lover75 would be great for ant, though a loss of his superb commentating skills
trying 32 bit version of lr instead...
@lauracowen I don't mean flip on single machine (much) rather desktop vs laptop vs server ...
Yay! Worked through remainder my 1000+ #silverstone #f1 photos. After a long break, part 2 is now uploading.
Not especially happy with technical quality though - below usual standard. focus, obstructions, crispness just not good enough :-(
interesting. LR3 32 bit stuck to using 300-400Mb. LR3 64 bit must have a mem leak to use 2.5Gb and slow to a crawl
typical - just finish some indoor activities and plan on heading out for a walk... and it starts raining :-(
thinking a little rain doesn't matter, it now gets heavy. Double bother
@pete_v @jtonline don't feel bad. Have to be firm & quick - after all it saves them wasting their time too! Stop them in first 30s!
trying to figure out why one todo on rememberthemilk kept coming back. Realised i'd accidentally set it to repeat every day #dumbusererror
sales leaflet on BT infinity in bt bill annoyed me "look forward to streaming HD". Yeah right with a 100Gb cap. that won't last long
Just uploaded 56 new photos to my Flickr "Silverstone Grand Prix 2010" photoset: http://bit.ly/9ZGjSf
@inbedlam club, on the GA bank before (north of) the 2 GSs #f1
going to go for a walk in the rain....
timed the walk perfect to avoid the rain. Then got soaked doing some bin cleaning with pressure washer. 50% rain 50% my incompetence!
I've subscribed to NokiaConversations's channel on YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/user/NokiaConversations?feature=autoshare
@iainduncani Well it thinkgs I am (apart from other things) a liberal democrat. Shows name != identity..
@nnubeh good reminder for me to check too. It's annoying you get tax/insurarance reminders not MOT
RT @F1Badger: @sidepodcast you should come to Badger's next London meetup - details are being finalised at the mo for Nov - the last one ...
@Amy_Walker must be a tough day. Hope you can remember the good things.
Have done a little flickr rearranging (scratching the surface), next job could be to try webcam on joggler before cooking dinner
@kayels When I just had a compact I uploaded *everything* (11-12k photos) - I've now mostly "hidden" them due to "noise"
@kayels Now since switching to dslr I'm more selective, though also have mobile uploads/posterous too
@xplane0202 nope, already have ubuntu unr 1.3a http://www.stephenford.org/joggler/#
@MichaelxHell sounds physically nice. Have had nokia for years, but got fed up with S60. N900 now, look
forward to meego successor high end
@MichaelxHell very little wrong with N900. better - smaller/thinner, power sure. Compass, definiately. 3.7/9" perhaps but generally v.good
wondering if anyone would notice if I accidentally ordered myself a new lens ;-) you know, just hit order on that 70-300 VR by mistake...
Lovely mini roast dinner with beef, yorkshire puds,roast pots, carrots and some home made onion rings (olive oil). Not healthiest but yum
That one lacking feature in my #n900. A compass. So needed for augmented reality.
@Konnie_Huq don't see any xtra factor on tonight? Dannii Minogue is on ITV2 now?
(report) Finally updated my #f1 #silverstone photos from July - it took me long enough.. http://bit.ly/b4nzOM technically not great, oh well
Watching "the usual suspects". Should be a better film than last night's effort
@peteralevy great! Looking good so far
@roobarb_ I was using the UNR 1.3, but am setting some USB corruption. Poss USB hub issue, but need to reflash stick #joggler
@roobarb_ #joggler BTW what's that image based on? 9.10? Try the upgrade to 10.04?

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