Monday 25 April 2011

From Twitter 04-25-2011

@sxa555 not convinced it's a good temp (for chatting/drinking with friends!)
@xplane0202 doesn't sound like it's very popular over there
@miss_vix that's too orgaized. nextyou'll be saying you've already booked olympic tickets.. #goodgirl
@Trillionaire P2P is restricted (drastically to a crawl) in peak hours, but ok in normal hours. though I don't really use so no big deal
@tlaukkanen @colmsmyth I'd like to see the notifications jump to exact comment and also reread 'read' notifications. Msg/friend support 2?
Another lovely sunny day
@skyhd model SYSF26.59.01 Ver 4F3105
@KerryCherries it was tempting to go back to sleep, but not with the lovely weather -- though have to get some todo's done before work tomoz
@saltyF1 yes, though many are. But of course also good as we have friday party time too! #gottalovebankholidays
@OzoneVibe Do you have them restricted by time?
@nathansmith @abcoates It's very good. Doing the same on maemo n900. #opera mobile very good
@toria_73 I have so much recorded stuff/things to stream it really doesn't matter?? #whocares
@toria_73 I guess it makes a change from more miserable (sadly) stories
@KataHyde 15.5km a mega walk. wherabouts?. Our longest have been in new forest with dogs. We're bet wcr/soton. like water mead/st cath.
@toria_73 I;m mostly avoiding. Best wedding thing I've seen so far is - you must have seen it?
I probably follow too many people. My entire "all friends" list in tweetdeck, when quiet-ish, lasts about 25 minutes...
@toria_73 really. I know many haven't but I thought it was genius. Very appropriate bit of fun.
still can't believe I've not had a single easter egg (just 1 creme egg and a few minis). Maybe I should go shopping ........
time to look into twitter tools again. Should prob unfollow most people that have never/rarely replied to me.. (only a few celeb exceptions)
time to checkout twitter tools again? Wonder if I can buil my own stats..
@slackbladd3r You've seen - a large number. in effect means I can't follow my timeline - so I have a "special" list too ;-)
Should have a play with android 2.3.3 on #n900 again #nitdroid Shame camera+gps etc not working yet.
@slackbladd3r i may have it wrong way round - better to keep follows smaller & then lists for expanded following, though that affects
@slackbladd3r other peoples perceptions, and for me too late. "follow" works better in many clients with streaming -- lists don't work yet
@skyhd now updated to 26.80 - have done this sw updt before, but usually just let auto-update. hopefully update helps. thanks for sugg.
@slackbladd3r so right now if people start an interesting discussion I tend to add to my "top-tweeps" list whereas follows just pass by...
@OzoneVibe if happens consistently may be worth trying out overriding with your own times and just say a 1 min gap
@OzoneVibe I guess you don't mind if someone DMs you at 3am then...
Have lots of jobs to do including checking accounts etc. With f1/hols/photography I'm too chicken to check... ;-)
@OzoneVibe I'm scared to open the box until I've checked ££ !
Scarily logging on to @vodafoneuk "my account" - all four in family now on #vodafone contracts
submitted my employee (our co uses vodafone for corporate) discount claim for 20% off voda . Yay win. V most ££ but only one with coveage!
@OzoneVibe yes it's open I'm sure
@eco_retro it does look lovely - though our garden is in shade 1st thing - at least where deck etc is. Need to move bench etc back to sunny
@eco_retro part of garden for breakfast cuppa -- otherwise too cold
@OzoneVibe the website isn't great for opening hours. (like - not listed). Obvious, maybe I missed.
@geraintwjones sent you intranet link, but must be done within first 30 days of contract. Also only applies to non-discounted tariffs
@geraintwjones but in my case it was a better/simpler deal
@geraintwjones the holidays are set well over a year in advance - wedding wasn't known then.... #badplanning
@scottywotsits wow. you over there? I do have some relatives. Never visited aus. def on the hitlist #ScottysTravels
@geraintwjones you know what. I just forgot about early may bank holiday. wow another v. long w/ened. Yay #win
RT @Formula0ne: Kubica discharged: Renault F1 pilot Robert Kubica has been discharged from Santa Corona hospital, it has been an... http ...
@tkei you'll need to ask within your company I guess. the program is called "employee advantage"
@scottywotsits ah you're running behind. I see!
@SlyRenard don't feel quite so bad given the temps here! But if it ges bad you'll make us most annoyed!
a little car debugging and it looks like rear wiper motor broken. Had thought relay, but signals ok. motor clunking in time. need #focus one
umm. about 75-100 for a new wiper motor. ebay <20. even if only lasts a year or less still worth a risk I think (easy to fit) #focus
anyone want a ford focus rear w/screen relay. Blew £20 on it a few weeks ago. #baddiagnosis
@NeilBaileyF1 oh yes I use regularly here is used (many years) vs new. But want to replace car in next 1-2 yrs anyway.
of course could I find the tools I need - not initially. And is the wiper nut stuck. Yep. a rest whilst wd40 does it's work...
finished The Girl Who Played with Fire by Stieg Larsson #Kindle
finished The Girl Who Played with Fire by Stieg Larsson and gave it 5 stars #Kindle
It is war, out there. Finished book and come in to recover. question gym, jobs or sangria...
war->warm !
had a little "academic" (text resolution, focus, vibration check) play with Tamron 18-270 pzd.
ok tested 18-105 vs tamron. I think it passes. neither perfect, both marginal front focus on wide/close distance (1cm apart) test
Nikon 18-105 VR going rate on ebay seems to be around 150. Mm. will probably keep for now def until happy with tamron. filters next
I see my timeline has turned into the @saltyf1 @debs_70 @thepastamaster show -- and I thought I was the expert at that!
@vixisabel are they fresh marshmallows. risk with shop bought ones (also fun) is they catch fire. Well it's a game!
@jtonline remember the employee discount too..
@jtonline only compatible with some tariffs though
@slackbladd3r thinking of how to define "made"
RT @EmpireSteve: Anti-helium-4 anyone? RT @PhysicsUpdate: Scientists discover what could be heaviest stable antinucleus
@etherealtype just catching up with tweets today. hopefully the minor disasters stopped ...
@debs_70 @THEpastamaster @saltyf1 Well the thought scary crazy women comes to mind so not surprised.
@slackbladd3r just keep practicing. I find regular white basmati easiest (not easy cook). needs to have slight bite. about 8 mins.
@slackbladd3r wild nice (pricey). Brown more forgiving (takes ages). Thai always sticky anyway. Boring long - not a fan.
@etherealtype sea bass good. Now need to raid freezer for meal for tonight...
being doing todo jobs but list remains long. time to give up tonight I think...
@saltyF1aah. sweet really then :-) @Swordsman_uk @debs_70 @THEpastamaster
back using #chromedeck -- still don't like the colours
@sxa555 seriously? I like #firefox but there's *no comparison* in performance in N900. opera by a light year @MozMobile @Opera
mmm lovely alaskan salmon/veg/bake pots. Slightly more healthy than last few days
@etherealtype Oh no! Hopefully someone will return. I lost mine once (just on a ship) and someone nicely returned!
@etherealtype I also found a new mobile in a park. Ran "dad" number - grateful parent turned up in 10 mins. daughter's b/day present. arrh
@_MissAnnie_ heh we all have to be a child some of the time1
Same here!!! RT @macie_sherwood: Gotta love only having to work 3 days this week and then another 4 day weekend :)
@unkn0wnvariable sorry to say but I think #tgs generally is going downhill. I still record but reckon I watch 15 mins tops
@unkn0wnvariable totally with you
@etherealtype do you have a number like home etc in the address book. if so hopefully...
@Rachaelwith2As whereabouts did you go to the beach
@laura_marieee it's a great idea isn't it. Am sure we could sell it as a productivity improvement ;-)
so 3 day week coming up, and probably WFH for some/all of that. But others out of house so am working. really, honest!
@sxa555 My daughter got a HTC Trophy at w/end. After discount it's £20/month for 300/unlimt/500MB #vodafone. *very impressed*. Slick. #wp7
@unkn0wnvariable ah yes that would be a reason for the viewing figures ;-)
@_pocketdynamo should def have this every year!
@sxa555 am looking forward to seeing #nokia #wp7 devices - could be a great combination
Caught up with last weeks #americanidol - more great performance. James was epic doing #muse - rather liked hayey's Adele number too
@sxa555 here here
@noelrooney rub it in...
@sxa555 very similar. but "in background" - I always have to restrain myself and concentrate... tomorrow night perhaps still wks behind on V
@miss_vix yes I think we get that. though depends who's the active participant?
@sxa555 I've not done any measurements, but subjectively the differences seems huge at least in terms of UX
@miss_vix #cryptictweet ?
@lipstickmiss looks like an Alice in Wonderland situation. That cupcake is bigger than a bottle of wine!
Anyone know how to remove rear windscreen wiper on a ford focus. Earlier tonight I undid the nut but it won't budge..

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