Monday 4 April 2011

From Twitter 04-04-2011

small think but cant find lid for normal insulated mug - alternate one I'm using is annoying. burns lips every time!
@jaylimburn weak point usually the sw or operator. seeing the earthquake resistance is impressive ie on huge skyscrapers too. Tsunami bigger
@jaylimburn prob I guess
This coffee bug is awful. rather than having 5mm or so plastic (cools slightly as you drink, avoids burn), and shallow angle, this one has
shorter steeper angle, so coffee hits lips hotter (IMO too hot) . Bad design IMO.
@andypiper I'm with @wideawakewesley - tho v4 didn't force me to flip, but in trying to use for day chrome def feels better for me..
@wideawakewesley @andypiper was it chrome you were on before?
@Dr_JamesLogan A misnomer - best to restrict to known/configured nets only
@rodet is it that surprising? I've my car 10.5 years and apart from for checking, the spare tyre's never been used. Space/weight..
1973 was the year of the mobile ... (via @threeuk)
Also see for some old tomorrows world footage from the bbc archive
Seeing people follow me on #quora - no idea why as I've never asked/answered a single question. Not seeing the value.
still planning on getting the new version of Tamron 18-270 lens Best price so far=480 (jessops after CB). looking. £
@AdamManning well as we now silence is an important part of communication, and timing & sometimes it's what's *not* said.
@AdamManning So I guess we're the real #quora experts ;-)
@etherealtype don't you go poking fun at our dslrs!
any good (reliable,cheaper) places to order dslr lenses from >>within the EU<< - looking for any places worth checking for prices
@Bendihossan yep. Seeing if i can find a tamron 18-270 3.5-6.3 pzd (new version) for less than 480. Need all in one travel lens
@etherealtype of course tourists have their lenses sticking out. Pros will have them pointing back oe holding... Imo!
@etherealtype even tho i'm only a hobbyist i like taking my dslr whenever i can....
aarrgh. aching after cleaning deck/oiling garden furniture since before lunch. sore. supposed to have gym in 2 hours too! aaarrgh
@etherealtype hopefully a complement rather than old fashioned style...!
still can't find my "nice" insulated mug for a coffee before tidying up/more jobs/gym.. bother. Burning my lips again. #fail
@sxa555 not seen anything here (fortunately)
need to decide tonight whether to cancel #lovefilm - had one movie in 3 weeks. streaming is low quality/ltd selection/not great to nav ..
@sxa555 can't tell exactly (as I watch on tv/br). It's < dvd quality, choice quite limited, navigation poor
@sxa555 My "std" for streaming now is bbc iplayer HD (720p) minimum.. :-)
@xplane0202 delay on last DM I got just now was around 2 minutes...
@f1lover75 I only went to my first last year... no surprise ended up booking again this year!
@OzoneVibe I probably overloaded it procrastinating about getting the #f1 tickets. silly really I clearly HAD TO. #silverstone @xplane0202
really need to sort my "study" out. CUrrently have a laser printer in bits on floor with various panels/screws lying around.. fixed? not yet
pet insurance wants med history from vet for claim. fine, though probably doesn't affect sock-eating much (had to visit ooh vet!)
@steevbishop have had BR delivered, but time/planning is the trickier bit. HD streaming from #lovefilm 720p/1080p (sony/samsung) better
@saltyF1 I was only in the garden but it was georgous weather down here today. Where did you visit?
Ah realised hair sticky. Yes that will be garden furniture oil/wax.... trying to paint underneath stuff!
still dashing about. Quick visit to vet, now heading off to gym for a workout. Then printer/bins to do + dinner THEN sit down & grab beer!
Hope you enjoy it. am sure katy will chat with you about it sometime soon!
Gym is hard work after garden today. Hands loosing it i think...
@OzoneVibe on home straight. once home Some atlantic salmon, boiled pots, veg and wine. Maybe white for a change!
@unkn0wnvariable always record tgs these days. Find content variable.
@unkn0wnvariable with a tweet like that prob are
@sxa555 Just showered after workout and its def sticky. Am always a messy painter!
sat down for salmon dinner at last!
salmon always makes a good healthy meal :-)
@jtonline it's about as much fun as changing energy suppliers (my task for last weekend) @mrsjtonline
@EmmaGx errrr.... yes! Glee is marginal. JB on glee. Seriously....
@VickyLygoeF1 Ouch. Sounds like something our dogs would love though! (reminds me of them skidding on ice in skateboard park last jan!)
@melissa_RBRx I saw it for first time at w/end. It did seem somewhat forced and tacky....
@EmmaGx i can assure you I didnt so have no idea what songs were covered (not that I'd know them anyway)
@LukaSambuca sounds like he has a complex about it.. though have to say actions speak, he has done so much to commercialise the sport
@rachelclarkef1 @MarussiaVirgin Cool - signed up on the fb page, on edge of seat waiting to provide CC...!
done the obligatary load of the bread machine for the morning :-) vote was for white tomorrow (not my favourite). *so* easy though.
@nathanchantrell ours is getting heavy use too - Panasonic SD-257
@jon_read that's an interesting effect ;-)
@f1photos that's the first -ve comment I've read -- had heard lots of good things... Oh well may give it a go.
@cragnet different physical connection? did you move to infinity (fttc) ? (though mine's rock solid)
@skybluemandylou @thespuditron @eimze @CampingF1 @covphoenix Woohay! silverstone for me too. Possible tweetup?
@skybluemandylou @thespuditron @eimze @CampingF1 @covphoenix Am doing becketts this year
Possible #f1 tweetup-ers . @ozonebibe -> RT @skybluemandylou: @planetf1 definitely! @thespuditron @eimze @campingf1 @covphoenix
@cragnet that's a pain. It's very good when it works. It is never tech though so not a surprise there's some teething issues.
Quite late.... but think I'll watch #TheEvent
@cragnet so vdsl is fine, just the hh3 router playing up? You're the 2nd pers. I heard of having issues with HH3 wireless. tho for me the
@cragnet HH2 was dire/unacceptable and HH3 has been fine (802.11n 40Mhz)
@cragnet vdsl model not syncing = bad times. as you say engineer only option...
very cool - used yahoo mail to import facebook contacts email, exported CSV, then uploaded to google contacts. Nice :-) #fb

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