Thursday 14 April 2011

From Twitter 04-14-2011

Last weeks American Idol - spoiler alert (if you're as behind as I am) - Not sure who else is a week or so...
@icicle_halo_ Has to be memory foam for me (pillows & mattress) - of course don't have anything as good when away :-(
@sxa555 tee hee - love the thought process!
@sxa555 and tangible benefit too - a working wireless connection...
@EmmaGx I think I can safely say my evenings tend not to be filled playing with makeup ;-)
@jtonline it's been that way for quite a few years (4-5 ?)
never did watch #thewire tonight - perhaps tomorrow. settled on american idol. popped post on tumblr for a change
on that point - tumblr getting more popular, wonder iff I should place posts there rather than blogspot...
@nickyhammerton definately. I do feel it could become a habit though....
@sxa555 2.3.1 - expect it to auto-update to 2.3.2 soon. It looks like a totally new handset. All fresh and working
RT @gerrymoth: Photos Printed on Choice of Canvases / Brand Footwear For Less -
Getting a problem with @opera 11.10 beta where news/nntp doesn't reconnect agfter a while (suspend/resume overnight). browser restart 2fix
RT @Inacurate: (Requires MSN sign-in) RT @aaronmcauley: every web designer in the world needs a copy of Microsoft SuperPreview. Go now: ...
@xplane0202 worth trying *#*#checkin#*#* but other than that have to wait...
@KerryCherries forecast down here nr #southampton was for rain etc wed-> -- and tat's whats happened. Looks dreary/drizzly out
@KerryCherries though I'm more interested in weather in china for some reason - could be interesting.
RT @BBCSouthWeather: Morning! A cloudy day with some fleeting sunny spells. Occasional sharp showers. Brighter on the coast later. Highs ...
Woah - my always-updated win7 system tells me 25 updates this morning
@KerryCherries enough rain to cause tyre choice issues, but not a deluge to be red flagged... #f1
never used blackberry (6) - daugher "I want one". Son "no they're rubbish". (nexus fan) ... hour later. son "it's actually rather good" Ummm
RT @marketingNU: "A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." - Einstein #quote
@unkn0wnvariable if there's an audible hiss that you can argue affects voice calls, report as voice fault (free) not even mentioning BB ?
@unkn0wnvariable I had intermittent crackle causing adsl sync drops (some severe). As audible=voice fault=BT=new E side line=stable ...
RT @Leadershipfreak: "My job is to not be easy on people. My job is to make them better." S. Jobs #leadership
pia is great.
@riveerrrrssss am a sceptic. But then would have said that about iphone. Too simple. But mellowing and more open. Plan ye 2011 decision
@unkn0wnvariable tried multiple handsets (hardwired not dect which can add hiss)
@unkn0wnvariable tho frequencies differ from voice. Any outlook on fttc?
@unkn0wnvariable odd. Not impossible but if there on *voice* calls would persue.
@unkn0wnvariable take it u had issues with router direct into test socket to eliminate extension wiring?
@unkn0wnvariable are calls routed over bt? Unbundled voice line? Carrier preselect? Prefix code?
@OzoneVibe @KerryCherries an outing of wets would be interesting. Just for a short 20 pc sting. Agree pirellis otherwise adding value
Anyone else using #vhxtv ? Have 5 invites. Dm if int with email. Not yet convinced myself!
Fantastic! Love rl's show. Great guests! RT @Dr_Black Carpool
yay. Me too RT @rachelclarkef1 @MarussiaVirgin morning. I've been insane enough to book camping. Not sure if I can cope with >1 night!
@rachelclarkef1 @MarussiaVirgin tho i shall ad will also be getting some sleep (hopefully) and watching the racing! will be gr8 atmosphere
@riveerrrrssss I have a nokia n900 - full qwerty and absolutely agree with that sentiment. I like openness, good browser, innovative apps 2
hate it when app says "unexpected error occurred". Well it occured last time I tried.. and the time b4.. and yesterday. SO NOT UNEXPECTED!
@ja9ae well depends on semantics, i would argue "an error is normal" in which case it's not an error just degraded behaviour etc.
Smoked salmon/salad lunch - think that will be 3rd salmon this week.,...
@EmmaGx err let me think about it...... Right.. No. hard one that.
@jtonline ha ha. I do that sometime. I hope you prepared your meal yourself! Time to visit cafeteria.... only spare forks/knives here sorry
RT @psychemedia: Plotting last yr's mclaren #f1 telemetry data using #gephi - quick tease [@sidepodcast]
No I don't want to listen to the backstreet boys.. "skip" gave me green day. ok a little different...!
wondering how @krazykat70 is getting on with twitter. Must show how to use seesmic desktop...
slight exageration -= email from a games company "we just improved your social life!" -- err I think not...
@EmLah offensive? don't think so . At the countries yes, but not the immigrants? well not really - it's kinda saying - you're welcome here
@EmLah even if you're not wanted where you came from. ?
@EmLah interesting diversion --
@EmLah so am not an poem/lit person, but I think it is a bit -- like saying we'll take all your cast-offs and sod you.
@LauraLeslie23 rest of our family tried them on hols... were very positive about it.
Who has recently been tweeting about to:planetf1 and how are they connected?
@david_hay And I take 0 credit for it -- thank @rachelclarkef1 for posting a link which I saw, I just changed the parms....
Escaping work now. An effective few hrs later in the day
@EmLah it was an interesting q and an educational/ intellectual diversion
@LauraLeslie23 i gave it a miss too!
Wishing #twimgo had userid autocomplete #n900
thinking that @50ftwoman performing at @MarussiaVirgin #MVRWeekend would be cool but prob not happen :-( #f1
@gerrymoth definately a very useful feature - use it on desktop all the time..
@unkn0wnvariable @ozonevibe @mike_griffin_f1 no ipad here .. (yet?)..
@noelrooney cool. happy hunting!
@OzoneVibe surprised!
@mjserres @OzoneVibe Has been a long day, but agree with sentiments - well coffee for half day then beer for other half?
@F1_Girl :-( hopefully a bit better by now
@saltyF1 I haven't camped since going with my parents with a kid - an then it was pre-erected tents. Doing it for 1st time properly at #f1
@unkn0wnvariable @f1_girl @saltyF1 I drove in just for race day last year. No traffic problems. But then I did arrive at 5am :-)
@Alexandra_1608 Can't face early hours with work too.. Not sure about 7 either. will prob be PVR time ...
@Inacurate it's released - MS now have an IE10 tech preview!
@skybluemandylou sorry ... it's a decently regular/good one, ok here (ducks in case I get something thrown...)
@VickyLygoeF1 I take it you won't order this then ;-)
@saltyF1 (slow response). Yep!
sheesh - reading through timeline a lot of ppl have had rotten days day. Hope tomorrow is better for you all..
@saltyF1 becketts & virgin camping. I've told (bored?) people enough (can't help it == excited!).
@saltyF1 @f1_girl @unkn0wnvariable No prob going home last year. But I left just before 9pm - wandered around, checked out concert
@saltyF1 @f1_girl @unkn0wnvariable walked 2/3 track, visited pit lane/garages etc . Fav photo (more in set) R.brawn
@50ftwoman unfortunately I have no control about the bands @MarussiaVirgin arrange :-( But your band gets a vote from me (tho not seen b4!)
@50ftwoman only Q would be whether you could convince the rest of band to get closer to #f1 !
@saltyF1 so I beat you last year. Left home b4 3, picked up tkt at 4, silverstone by 5!
@unkn0wnvariable @f1_girl @saltyF1 Were do you park? I used silverstone schools last year - money goes to school funds :-)
@f1_girl @unkn0wnvariable @saltyF1 not a "traffic" fan. much prefer get up stupidoclock/leave ridiculously late etc. better than on stop
@f1_girl @unkn0wnvariable @saltyF1 went to #xfactor o2. hung around 20 mins? last but one person to leave arena! result tho==no tube queue!
@saltyF1 ha ha. Well when I got to club (before 6) my friends were there - they'd queued 9pm night before. So I was late in comparison!
@DavidMorecambe next you'll be jumping the start on #thechain callout !
@Queen_of_Snarks love my kindle. issues over prices of ebooks etc, but device is v.nice.
@saltyF1 hope soreness getting better. I cringed when I saw lauren on #americanidol falling down the stairs. ouch/nasty
@skybluemandylou it looked a bit like it when looked at stream this eve sorry to say. #f1 will cheer lots of ppl up for the w/end hopefully
Finally watching series 1 ep 1 of #thewire -- never seen any eps.. #fb

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