Friday 15 April 2011

From Twitter 04-15-2011

@EmLah yes, but not sure where as I have it!
@EmLah Umm. can't see anything maybe I'm wrong. I may hve been thinking of fb where I added the blog
@OzoneVibe How much caffeine is absorbed if you just eat coffee beans?
back mostly later...
just had an email about #flock ending. I tried it a few times, never seriously. Didn't really get value from #rockmelt either
@_pocketdynamo what! Can I have one too!
@jonchoo I thought that for first 30-60s then actually quite enjoyed it ;-) #Tmobile
@oldmanuk Yay! It's very good...well has been for me.
@OzoneVibe sensible hat on. DMd @_pocketdynamo
@oldmanuk If you're on O2 there's a charge if the MAC gets "used" in something like 7 days. Assume that means port started and infinity date
@oldmanuk would be a way out. Though when done do check - they'd charged me incorrectly.
@OzoneVibe it's probably speculation, but I know some of the manufacturers are affected in the region, so somewhat justified as a risk imo
@oldmanuk yes but I don't know exact T&Cs. just may be worth checking. even then I think it was £15/20 so not end of world
@oldmanuk did you order infinity via quidco or similar..
twitter SMS delay on vodafone seems to be around 17mins at mo.
@oldmanuk infinity brilliant. getting 34/8 (not syncing at 40 :-( )throughput lots of time. 0 jitter (wired eth). stable+fast#
@oldmanuk faster often than network at work (have gig.E to server at home too and wifi works/802.11n). Downloaded 25Gb other PM no sweat
@oldmanuk yep good for online backup. I was only getting about 3.5 down before.
@oldmanuk with kids etc at home enough b/w for work+video streaming, multiple streams, voip calls etc is big adv.
@oldmanuk #infinitychatmakesyouunpopularwiththenothaves ;-)
@oldmanuk Not for me until mid 2001 (tiscali - *good* in early days). In 2005 went LLU with C&W (good, full LLU voice2) then O2, now BT..
discussion on filesharing & copyright legislation continues --
Enjoying ball in the park with the dogs before it gets too cold.
Dogs walked dinner cooking. Work not finished (achieved). No more #f1 watched. Have to fix latter after dinner
Chicken/peppers/onion/garlic/tomato with random chopped up potatoes for wedges. Should be yum.
So out of the #f1 loop today.... Looking forward to quali/race tho
@honeybee85 thats the less enjoyable part. #f1 to look forward to though.
@little_jodieF1 3hrs late! Doesnt sound too hot....
Whats the story? (catching up) RT @VickyLygoeF1 Guys saw f1 story on news whilst in meeting, obvs couldn't hear it. Can someone fill me in??
@_pocketdynamo maybe it has an inferiority complex now...
@Miss_F1 but why not go offline if u were getting sleep?
@noelrooney interesting to hear.
@jon_read i would volunteer but am busy....
@Unicorn36 eh?
@jon_read did you get your BB sorted btw?
@nickyhammerton Thanks Nicky for the #f1 #FF
@Pjgamer4life thanks for the #FF
@pawedcards thanks for the doggy #ff mention
@Swordsman_uk thanks for the #f1 #FF
@howlingbob thanks for the local #ff mention
@_pocketdynamo you'e swallowed the pill. a little like Alice. Now the whole world will be glitzy apple stuff ;-)
@Miss_F1 Ah fair enough. some phones have white/blacklists but yes that can be tricky... lots of coffee/redbull for the #f1 ...
@saltyF1 thanks sarah for the #f1 #FF
@jon_read what's the definition of "crack" in relation to the ground around. I was thinking more of chasm
@_pocketdynamo too late - more initiation into the jobs religion - take it you've seen this before
ZTE, China Mobile, LG - wooah ! RT @Reuters_Tech: MeeGo sees interest from others after Nokia shift
work + house + dogs + fp1/2 catchup incompatible with fp3... up for quali tho.
@xilualot I absolutely love @yelyahwilliams 's vocals on that track.!
so #f1 peeps - do I watch fp1 or fp2 as top priority tonight #f1
@saltyF1 will be there definately.
not getting many positive vibes on fp1/2 today - any segments worth watching? If not could be #thewire or an old murray Walker dvd !
@little_jodieF1 errr. setting an example then...
@OzoneVibe gosh not sounding great. may just skip through a few bits.
@unkn0wnvariable that good eh @inbedlam
@KerryCherries def.. and the race!
If you missed this earlier - I love it!
@unkn0wnvariable the comments just get better!
@saltyF1 Actually I think much of my #f1 follow list will be around for #formula1breakfastclub - what real fan would miss it
@lau_amyf1 thanks for the #f1 #ff laura
@unkn0wnvariable actually I really enjoy listening to ant.
@unkn0wnvariable errrr...?
@tyres2u many thanks fo the #f1 #silverstonepartycrew camping #ff - going to be a great w/end there with @MarussiaVirgin
@MarkAlpert89F1 thanks for the #f1 #FF
@_pocketdynamo Oh I'm game, though can be a fair bit happening over next few weeks - easter, royal wedding etc.
@jtonline Oh we have new ones here too - very "moonlight" coloured. Not led, fluorescent. Neighboring roads all on sodium still..
@honeybee85 deep breath, sleep and then we'll see you for #Formula1breakfastclub ?
@slackbladd3r Sounds like a virtual monday...
so some tyres were impounded in customers - apparently has happened at last 3 races... #f1
oops hit twitter limit
RT @Chris_Buncombe: Grand Prix set up is already starting around Monaco
Hate it when you block someone in error. Switching between seesmic and tweetdeck got finger trouble. sorry @simbaf1 - fixing asap!
arrgh now hitting api limit, so post/stream working, but nothing else (like unblock, list management etc)
#ff great #tech discussion @jonchoo @anotherproblem @oldmanuk @sxa555 @inacurate @gerrymoth @david_hay @xspyda
#ff the local #southampton (-osh) crowd @ozonevibe @_pocketdynamo @jon_read @icicle_halo_ @mjserres @parboo @walkerooo
#ff #f1 @slyrenard @unkn0wnvariable @little_jodief1 @unicorn36 @laura_marieee @honeybee85 @skybluemandylou @f1_girl @etherealtype
#ff For some interesting #chat diversions @emlah
#ff #f1 and music @50ftwoman
@F1Ellen 6
@_pocketdynamo actually no - well assuming 1 glass of wine at dinner doesn't count. why?
@_pocketdynamo Ah -osh, should have been -ish
@F1Ellen @OzoneVibe ah yes, technically correct of course, but I'll be skipping.
I keep thinking my glasses are cloudy (they're not great: need new) watching #f1 .. but it's the smog in china - bad...
@little_jodief1 RT @OzoneVibe: @planetf1 FP3 is at 3:55 - not decided on getting up for that as yet :-/ @F1Ellen
@parboo ref king rufus - @noelrooney went there this week
@Laura_Whitehead actually I quite like say an 8am start -- can get racing done in morning and enjoy a good half day out esp in sun ... #f1
RT @se1: Just published - Waterloo Station gets £10 million 'St Pancras-style' makeover - including a champagne bar
@kayels at least it's not australia where there was a summer time switch too... that was getting too much esp when times I read didn't
@kayels specify timezone, nor was I certain how my phone would behave.... !
daughter thinking of getting #WP7 htc #trophy - mostly uses facebook/texting/browsing. she liked slickness. comments?
@tpphotography When I first started using flickr (pre-DSLR days) I uploaded every single photo - so have loads more than that. Silly..
@mike_griffin_f1 Oh thanks, good - never used myself, seen quick demo.
@evoGage @mike_griffin_f1 she's switched on. was using symbian then android, but hero showing it's age - think fancies something new
well that was fun - not. Knock on door (single quick knock). dogs go mental. noone there. cr*p they're at it again. what's going on out
@frontieruk thanks
sleep now before #f1BreakfastClub #f1
@frontieruk It was blackberry earlier in week. Fickle? But she went in to vodafone shop today to try out with her brother
@sxa555 I do. Interest esp with nokia in the game and my plan to switch ye. Have a love/hate(well less love due to apps) relationship n900
RT @sxa555: @planetf1 if "hackability" and app variety isn't important I'm sure WP7 is a good option (and don't tell me you don't want o ...
@sxa555 it will also make us a 4 x vodafone family. Realization that having a signal helps so only choice of one network at home
@Laura_Whitehead used to watch #f1 esp quali pvr'd but with bbc/social media etc it now has to be live! Skip practice tho

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