Wednesday 20 April 2011

From Twitter 04-20-2011

midnight=sleep time. up by 6 :-(
NIce to see a little more doggie tail wagging this morning after yesterdays ops... #fb
grr someone's moved the gaffa tape. works for f1 - I just need it to seal my salad box!
@MichaelxHell nature has us totally beat ...
@AilishCatherine getting work experience at force india sounds pretty cool though. Good to not be too far away
@bobbyllew there's a whole set of ppl I read little from due to the timeesp west coast us after-work tweets. Lists may help...
@Pjgamer4life yep that will do it ;-)
oops, just realised gym kit still in washing m/c (clean). quick towel tumble needed... just as well I checked a few mins early
Now just my tv has startup/shutdown sounds! RT @BigZaphod: Remember when computers had startup sounds?
@Unicorn36 actually there are project modifying the tv firmware, allowing install of custom base OS apps etc (linux+arm).
Incompetant drivers. Turning right into side road. Cant see cut corner totally so yep stop suddenly. Hate that.
I was in side road. Theres lane markings for a reason?
Sometimes laziness (was today) othyertimes trying to beat oncoming traffic. Poor driving std really annoy me. Am far from perfect but th ...
And that was a 8km drive on quiet roads
Just to be clear today wasnt a serious issue. 10mph say but its indicative.
Yes i did use km... Miles annoy me. Engineering/science background. SI rules. Silly imperial measures well just silly. We failed to fini ...
... We failed to finish switching to SI in 1970s. Frustrating.
RT @Planet_F1: #f1 Bernie: F1 is not for sale: Bernie Ecclestone has rubbished claims that News Corporation and Mexican magnate... http: ...
RT @THEpastamaster: Totally agree! RT @KerryCherries: @markblundellF1 I have sky but firmly believe #f1 should remain free to all.. Keep ...
#bbc does more for #f1 in uk than #f1 does for bbc imo. So bernie should pay #bbcf1 to cover @trip_hazzard
@tonyt787 i always turn them off. Not sure of default
RT @DougieLawson: @planetf1: ... We failed to finish switching to SI in 1970s. Frustrating. <== I'd vote for metric speed limits in a ...
@paulbackhouse @OzoneVibe if we stop using for dist/speed theres more miles left to use for names...
@paulbackhouse interesting. Probably an easier first step. Wish uk would do same.
@OzoneVibe yes i can just havent yet
@22bishop sometimes ppl take to extremes and nearly clip the right hand kerb!
@Soggous keep thinking having 360 video and posting clips and sending link to police+driver would be good...
@xplane0202 think its expired. Have to check
Personal email for me is drifting into onscurity. So many wood for tree even with gmail. Contacting me on twitter/facebook/sms works instead
Aka in computer terms as 'user error'...
I really am in summer clothes. Black jeans/tshirt #souncool
Using #chromedeck again - still finding a) col text small b) colours poor c) fixed cell size BUT lower cpu than seesmic
seesmic memory leaking. cpu drifting up. some occurances of high cpu. Needs to have task manager like chrome?
an interesting morning. Almost a shame to break for lunch. Though had left aircon on in office and was rather cold when I got back!
@jon_read now there's a question. Have to say I've never really had reason to check.. I guess you have plenty of time to inspect...
@jon_read given the speed they go in and out of your router (on the wan side)
@byronf1 5.60? where. rip off!
@sxa555 i really like the idea of their offering. Signal prevents consideration in my case
@sxa555 it's taken all year and about 15 calls but everything is replaced and it now seems to actually work.
@MorganF1 we use royal canin complete (dry) but also they have egg/meat/fish/small amount of fruit etc. waitrose dog pounches are delic.
@Rachaelwith2As same as many. I do have window. hoping some decent weather lasts for the w/end tho.
@parboo I put r1 for a 20min drive this morning.virtually whole time was chats and wind
@ladygeektv probably the best wedding related thing I've seen so far #tmobile #win
RT @SilverstoneUK: #F1 tickets selling out fast! To ensure your place at the British Grand Prix book now!
RT @OzoneVibe: Anyone in the Soton/Winchester area with a car trailer (and suitable towing vehicle) willing to assist with move of a car ...
RT @meridiantonight: Films dating back 50 years, showing #liners in Southampton, released to mark the port's 175th anniversary http://ow ...
RT @andyy, @simonprockter, @sarafazlali: Either MI5 needs to seriously fix something or this is gloriously funny...
@MorganF1 haven't really checked ours... but on subject of quality the waitrose pouches (wet) look so good I'm sure I would eat them !
@Miss_F1 thanks - yes I'd seen it. Some political positioning going on I think..
@jon_read I should look at my HH tonight
great my laptop brightness control (just sw) has stopped working. having to reboot just to increase screen brightness....
About time! used in UK 2 RT @TechCrunch: Amazon Partnering With OverDrive To Bring Kindle Library lending @mjburnsy
note to self. Plum stones are hard if bitten
.. though not quite as hard as an olive stone I think
@Fundinewithme which I had visions of when little - waking up one day with a tree coming out of my ear!
x sxa555 have added note to problem... suggest not permitting issue be closed ;-)
@jon_read presume that's all with minimal traffic. That scale is crazy -- but looking potentially better. Do you have throughput too?
@jon_read rebooted dslam? moved you to another card? config change? uplink fixed. who knows...
@jon_read when you were looking at ICMP pings before, did you also try other tests using say UDP or TCP. or take wireshark. If speed
@jon_read was ok I wonder if it was just down to prioritization of ICMP packets?
@jon_read I believe you -- with those response times I'm surprised you get much throughput at all
@jon_read been playing with window sizes etc?
@jon_read and to think I've worried about problems with sat links (100s ms). talktalk's data centre is on the moon?. (well 2.5s optical)
Admittedly little tweeting - been at/still at work, but in terms of font/colour etc #seesmic vastly outdoes #chromedeck - going back
My Top 3 #lastfm Artists: 50ft Woman (9), Black Eyed Peas (8) & Beyoncé (7) #music
@Unicorn36 no worries
@Unicorn36 I think u just mentioned installing sw & I was commenting on tvs. nothing deep
@Walkerooo @EmpireSteve No virgin here -- was interested in BT vision - with faster BB becomes viable, but content isn't there ...
@VickyLygoeF1 that sounds so tough. Was it "proper" wine tasting (spit) or did you cheat?
home from work and good to see a) teddy is bouncing around b) ruby is more playful/waggy -- after their snip ops yesterday #fb
@Walkerooo Moors valley is nice - kids used to especially enjoy the numbered play areas when younger. good day for it too!
@Alexandra_1608 definately! did seem a bit cruel. but done now and they're brightening up. We let ruby have one set of pups too...
going to complain about seesmic now. system - <10% cpu but #seesmic is "lumpy" and 1s+ per scroll action. not right. does this often.
oh joys got home to find my WHS box on 100% indexing - nothing changed recently but regular occarance. WIll try disabling ...
RT @VickyLygoeF1: @planetf1 cheated. Got paid to drink 4 different wines.
@VickyLygoeF1 I'd have likely done the same !
@melissa_RBRx terrible - though I see it's reopened now so hopefully not too serious
@_pocketdynamo much better. happier. teddy (the pup) is being a bit too active really - hardly tell he had an op yesterday.
@vodafoneuk if i go into a store to purchase new phone+contract (already have others) will new sim be active immediately for use? Or delay?
cheap galaxy tab. going to skip but good deal (limited 3g data bundle) #Groupon
@mjserres another marketing SM link for you
@sxa555 sorry about that. don't generally share ads but can think of some ppl interested. No modal javascript here and not logged on
@sxa555 cookie probs
@sxa555 we've used a few deals from there. the tab id interest me briefly but have too many other ££ commitments
@sxa555 not yet convinced by android on tablet. ipad yes. android maybe soon. Ok, just not that extra ?
@sxa555 i had one too. Currently my parents have it so still in use...
@saltyF1 hello and goodbye for today!
@xplane0202 nope -- trying it now #twimbow
@xplane0202 #twimbow seems v.slow. Also cant figure out how to have 1 column for timeline and 1 for a list ?
that was a struggle.teddy really didn;t want his anti-lick/scratch collar put on..
@Gaila88 yep!

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