Tuesday 19 April 2011

From Twitter 04-19-2011

@cr0bar @Sk4zZi0uS even my geeky unix #n900 is fairly decent. - efficient email.
@OzoneVibe depends on AV. MSE often doesn't need reboot. but can understand they're one of the exceptions
Most data used part way through month for a long time- 157Gb so far. (BT has 300Gb limit but about to be removed) #fb
@mjserres I started a discussion on fb too
:-( Feeling a bit sad right now. Doggies gone off for their 10am appointment to each have the snip ... #cringe #fb
decide to try out #mflow for music streaming -- signup referral http://bit.ly/hP9GAx (both get £1). Seems limited tho vs spotify/we7 #fb
@sxa555 how do you find the #we7 website in terms of CPU. I'm on free - but IE/firefox/chrome all takes 20% cpu - too much. #flash #fail
@anotherproblem I quite liked the look of @we7 but the cpu load is far too high and animations make for a lot of distraction
@anotherproblem I have spotify free -- more restrictions coming. Will prob trial premium. But don't have offline capable phone (yet)
@samj my limited experience. Excellent entertainment, friendly staff, poor legroom in economy. Family's first choice though.
time for quick lunch. Still trying to get some code working... break now
twitter stream has various UK AV vote references. extremely polarised Personally not decided/evaluated yet. (ie ignored). cant even say date
so quiet in the house with the vets out at the vets for snip snip :-(
@anotherproblem yes spot on. And I moved 3->voda (coverage issues) which means data usage more limited/£££ now.
@juwlz we loved it here! saw it end/last week
@sxa555 not that difficult. more techie I guess (but so is audience), Avoids "24 hrs +" vs "previous calendar day" question
@etherealtype I suspect sleeping whilst at #f1 camping this year could be somewhat optional too - but will have to be done sometime!
@amylane @oldmanuk will be interested to know what you think. Have toyed with idea but i don't fry much anyway.
@scottywotsits sounds like you did quite well there -- but presumably you worked in neighbour business too? may help.
@parboo there's a little museum there that was quite interesting. Can have a little "tour" around. was interesting.
@parboo http://www.bmag.org.uk/museum-of-the-jewellery-quarter
@mjserres ? depends on what service you get. Many things 1st class etc come next day??
@anotherproblem one time that makes sense is for an even when ppl arrive diff times but all want to leave together
@anotherproblem years ago I heard it being used on Health/Safety grounds too (quick getaway)
@sxa555 glad you're liking it. I've been happy with BT. right now it's in the "just works" category. Makes net seem slow elsewhere tho!
@slackbladd3r that's the thing about english. Always imprecise/multiple ways of reading!
@vixisabel I do feel a bit cruel though.. It's all right tho. for the best :-)
RT @Lord_Sugar: Viglen now recruiting people with good knowledge of school academies i.e. Ex teacher who have commercial brain contact t ...
rarely use home phone. just had message left. in house didn't hear. mobile with me. Need to setup local voice messaging+SMS or call minder
Call was from vet - our dogs are fine after op - though prob leave a little longer before pickup
BT Answer 1571 doesn't do SMS notify does it..
Is there a good port of asterisk for Windows Server 2003 (with or without interix) ? or similar? For voicemail/Notifications.
@Alexandra_1608 no more babies
Air conditioning 1.2kW, fan only (in aircon unit) 27W . Think I'll toughen out the heat a little longer!
@OzoneVibe you really do live out in the sticks!
@OzoneVibe just seen tweet... or maybe DIY'ing
#currentcost is useful to save electricity. Put off aircon all day but room now at 28 deg.C. Giving up. Aircon YAY.
Don't like it when #currentcost has usage in KWatts rather than Watts :-(
@martinpacker of course I appreciate it -- it's influencing my behaviour, just I hit the wall on the indoor temp!
@martinpacker Not helped by being on architects conf call (not that I'm suggesting there's lot of hot air. of course not)
@Gaila88 turning off all the computers and sitting outside is another option (it's too bright to read the screen sensibly sadly)
@Gaila88 I could give up work and read my kindle.. sadly am trying to actually achieve something today...
oops - accidentally ordered from @dominosuk - well it is 2-for-1 tuesday ;-) not had one for a while. didn't intend to of course #fb
Like the @dominosuk web status indicator. I know my pizzas are in the oven :-)
@oldmanuk Like the way it's so easy (too easy) to order online. prob not had one in best part of a year though
@miss_vix #pizzaparty :-)
@amylane @oldmanuk interesting. we'll expect a report!
wondering if anywhere s quite as easy as ordering dominos pizza..!
@sxa555 never tried that web site!
@Gaila88 Indded.
@Gaila88 Indded.i have had great pizzas before lots cheaper than even dominos 2 for 1.
@mjserres sorry i dont know. Some couriers have slower services and may hold items
@Gaila88 actually was going well. Slightly annoying to stop. May sneak some more later tho would then be tired for tomorrow
@sxa555 used call minder more yrs ago than i remember mid 90s?
@hrwildberlin Prefer pizzhut then?
@kayels yes thanks
@EmpireSteve and very nice it was too
@hrwildberlin homemade is good! Just went for a lazy option tonight.
@MorganF1 They're ok. somewhat sedate and have collars on. Have had a small bite to eat etc. Not too much tail wagging going on
@hrwildberlin probably comparing "mass" outlets (pizza hut, dominos etc) with more authentic home-made?
@kateknight so new one did you go mac/win/linux. have not used mac, like linux but laptops=power mngt/driver issues too often
@Soggous YAY. I keep meaning to order some nice stuff from "mr pickles". Tho Talk about it don't do it. Do love chillies tho
this is rather nice http://bit.ly/idUlX9 whilst I've not tried this (and won't) http://bit.ly/hf3eil @soggous
@kateknight I take it you teach undergrad maths at southampton?
@VickyLygoeF1 works nicely... I do same, use SMS for DMs only -- though there can be a delay sometimes
@jon_read no no jon this isn't going well
I feel sick, really sick http://bit.ly/eFKfIs
@NeilBaileyF1 I'm obviously impervious to many adverts (unless on key web sites or streaming services) as I've never seen (registered?) it
RT @xplane0202: she's very sleepy...zzz http://twitpic.com/4mw85h
@andiecapes it's worth switching it on regularly all year round - even for a short while. the seals can dry out otherwise. saves ££
@unkn0wnvariable "ceasing" a service is likely also referred to as an "order" so you're probably fine!
@sxa555 #giffgaff 20p/20MB per day ? that would be £6/month but on daily limit
RT @Virgin: After our social marathon fun, here's a timely guest blog on branding, image and bottom lines http://bit.ly/fUAsEA @mjserres
RT @xplane0202: They're glad to be back home now. Time to rest now http://twitpic.com/4muaey
@Miss_F1 was it O2 themselves. I've had calls before calling about changing to 3 etc & it wasn't the actual co. just a dealer
Wondering if kay burley will do the driver interviews. they'd run away @pj_kent @chris_dudley @OzoneVibe #f1 #sky
@andiecapes ah. secretly smart then ;-)
@OzoneVibe yes I expect so.
@Miss_F1 fair enough. I do generally find *all* sales *calls* disruptive. text less so, email/twitter *more* less so
@jon_read p*ss up and brewery comes to mind (come to think of it... tweetup? !)
@jon_read time to google for board members email addresses.... (yes I've done that before ;-) )
@McLarenFan_Jamm firewall software / apply sw updates / esp drivers?
@Miss_F1 I just say not interested/hang up. usually within 5s. or remove from list. How are you with Jehovah's witnesses?
@Miss_F1 my record last week I swear was less than about 3s to recognize what they were carrying & make my reply and shut door. #amirude
@OzoneVibe if it helps Voda would give me something like 300 mins/unlim textx/500Mb data on 10/month contract 12m - just need to ask!
@OzoneVibe I'd go to three if I had coverage -- better data rates.
@chris_dudley of course if sky run it all the cars will stop during the ads too #sky #f1
@kateknight fair enough. def tension there. agree linux nice for coding/testing whilst win general use/laptop works best. neither perfect
@kateknight always get a bit fed up at ppl obsessed with [linux|mac|win|iphone|android] is the best etc. best tool for job/user requirements
@jon_read def sounds interesting. challenge is potentially transport if not driving. midle/nowhere
@OzoneVibe Oh err 3/5 june - WE NEED TO GET TICKETS @jon_read
@jon_read @OzoneVibe Sat lunchtime worked nicely last year. Checked family diary - free/reserved
So who's game for the southampton beer festival. it was good last year #camra @jon_read @OzoneVibe
RT @chris_dudley: @planetf1 pay per view if you wanted to see the final lap too :)
@kateknight thanks. saw the bio on tutors website (my son was thinking about getting some tuition hence Q)
@lau_amyf1 you hate the beeb? not f1 coverage though? #f1
facebook is double posting everything. facebook is double posting everything
@lau_amyf1 just checking as I think it's superb too
Ayrton - ‎”And so you touch this limit, something happens and you suddenly can go a little bit further. With... http://tumblr.com/xav26pbz87

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