Tuesday 30 November 2010

From Twitter 11-30-2010

@Hedgewytch capacity given large crowd? Vary by network?
accuweather predicting 5mm snow tonight 38mm tomorrow 10mm wed 41mm friday #southampton then wet
@PeachyF1 @anotherproblem I think that's getting more common. same for me, son too. Occasional only skype audio/video, gtalk and twitter DM
RT @rickmans: Introducing Google Earth 6—the next generation of realism http://dlvr.it/9Q79X
@Hedgewytch it's probably congestion in the link between the cell site and the core network. Basically data overload due to # ppl not good
@Hedgewytch but I think all nets suffer from it from time to time in various locations. When I was at silverstone f1 I had no problem audio/
@Hedgewytch tv streaming, though others could barely post a tweet. Personally have most confidence in three's data network. ymmv
@mattnroberts she was brilliant on there and sheesh can she talk or what!
RT @countdowntof1: 103 days, 11 hours and 58 minutes until the Bahrain Grand Prix. #f1
@TinaHolmboe they've been crap since I started writing sw in early 90s... big beef of mine too
thought it might be at least slightly white outside, nope. No snow, not even dusty and barely any ice on screen. Today? #southampton
Don't understand accuweather. "hourly" is showing snow at various point. daily is showing snow=0mm ?
puppy ridicuously noisy this morning. ..
we have snow -- should be 0.01/10 really - barely perceptible #uksnow SO53 1/10
there's about 0.3mm of snow on the ground. So I guess major road problems, accidents and delays if previous exp is anything to go by.
getting really annoyed by a doc that uses ambiguous terms without a definition, and offers no author contact to gain clarification of intent
@emmastonier boarded wks ago, pilot said 1hr delay, Tho it was traffic/slots. He gave a long explanation of why they wanted ppl onboard
@emmastonier in case slots opened up, more chance of leaving earlier. Maybe same with snow - if gap in weather/allowed to leave?
RT @geraintwjones: It's snowing in Hursley. 1/10 and getting heavier. http://yfrog.com/0gjfxsj
@geraintwjones Yeah I think I'm heading onsite - email etc at home first, wait for school traffic to end
laptop battery run out after 2 hour. time to decide to carry on WFH or office. Think I may hit the office.
Hit some compat issues with an app on chrome (beta). Good reason to try firefox again (will I last >> 1 day?)
@Joyouscomms we had the tiniest bit. And few flakes around so21.
Snow continues but not settling #uksnow so21 3/10
@sxa555 i can try. Send good youtube link?
@Joyouscomms plenty falling now
@sxa555 ok will try later
@racheeroo01 I can't see much settling. don't expect much trouble but who really knows....
@bluemoonstar one of the founders. Who would that be. Interesting
@sxa555 are you on @threeuk. I struggle with cov this side of building in so21. 2g orangw switchoff?
Snow started again #uksnow SO21 1/10
@ThreeUK tbh it's a known bad area have disc. b4 SO21 2JN. My colleague @sxa555 is another side of the building & cov patchy so he may be ok
@ThreeUK think he's on 3 too. It's dodgy outside & rarely much inside. COuld really do with fix. Sadly all MBNL poor tmob/orange/3
@ThreeUK the sad/annoying thing is that realistically only vodafone/O2 work here - both cos have antenna on-site (2500-3000 ppl)
@sxa555 Just popped my old phone with 3 sim right near window and was able to get a 1bar *2G* connection or orange not off here @ThreeUK
@ThreeUK excuse me for being a bit blunt, but a note doesn't really help for now ;-) I guess you mean it may go into the "wish list" 4 covrg
@ThreeUK expect though in-building is tricky. maybe now with tmob/3 (+Orange)->MBNL maybe these gaps might be more viable to fill..
@ThreeUK still pers. think it's a shame UMA didn't take off - few handsets, only orange offer, but allowed SMS/calls routing over wifi.
@sxa555 @ThreeUK To elaborate more it's inbound SMS/voice. out of coverage forwarding to a 3rd party SIP solution may handle calls
@sxa555 @ThreeUK But SMS forwarding would also be needed - as an example a SMS-email gatewayhosted by 3. It's "contactability" via same #
@sxa555 @ThreeUK maybe some alternate intelligent innovative solutions needed for these scenarios other than just building coverage ?
Update - barely anything. No settling #uksnow SO21 1/10
@monkchips Have you visited the Hursley museum? There's a few interesting old pieces of equip there too
Close. Teddy (pup) managed to bite (!) into a can of coke in my half open laptop bag. PMissed laptop internals by a few cm...
RT @bperry: RT @stephanierieger: Refreshing article RT @MobileBehavior Information overload, the early years http://bit.ly/dM2Hq1
@eMilty isn't that normal though since previous contract would have included handset subsidy? Cost is >>> upfront fee?
@eMilty But if he took out say a 2 year contract on Phone X, and still in that period then that's what a "contract" is. Monthly fee is being
@eMilty used to subsidise phone. So regular contract termination fees/conditions would apply. ?
@eMilty he accepted though? Maybe worth approaching them if they misled/mis-sold? escalate/contact via twitter/exec office plea?
@eMilty If they told him incorrect information can you ask for the recording? escalate & ask that and they may back down?
@eMilty it's unfortunate if ppl get stuck in a pricey contract need to be careful what signing up for. I reckon best bet is as mentioned fig
@eMilty out if he was misled in any way & use this as ammunition to suggest he should be permitted swap. But not lawyer!
@kayels That's nice for you and good service from the provider - I know initial comments were harsh, but think a lot of ppl dont
@kayels really appreciate what the contract is and how it subsidizes the handset. Maybe telcos need to make this more clear
eating too late as usual. Never seems enough time in the day...
@eMilty aren't most iphones 2 yr contracts - at least for affordable monthly. How about buy outright and get sim only contract? may work out
@dsilverman quickest pragmatic afte annoyance! way out is for leader to "mute all" then each remaining person to "unmute". Been there...
@saltyF1 and I'll end up going to sleep too late. Need more hours. def. especially near christmas. extra social events to slot in!
@joyouscomms Saw your facebook fan page. So is Joy your sister?. Do rather enjoy watching apprentice but must be so tough for contestants.
@ItsCollaborate sorry can't make it. family birthday treat. have fun though. there's always the tweetup in a couple weeks
@perrins maybe just me but less code also may = less bugs. Abstract modeling->code add consistency then less worried ?
@perrins lots of power management related stuff for drivetrain. Expect lots for coomms/entertainment too
Looks like a 'please forward' chain letter. They could always do. But agree with sentiment
@RBGivesYouWings @sjg77 and the future success of the country certainy wont be down to #dailyfail readers. I hope. Please. Or we r doomed
@eMilty that's good - understand makes lots of sense, nice to have that option.
@Joyouscomms ah just got confused by the page. Are you coming to the tweetup btw?
@SRT40 all the good ones have brits! What are you watching?

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com

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