Wednesday 3 November 2010

From Twitter 11-03-2010

Joys of delayed train. Still hopefully it will turn up......
Thanks to @ozonevibe for arranging the #southampton @tuesdaytweetup. Great location choice
RT @SimonLR: the MeeGo WIKI has been updated with PROPER dual boot (uBoot) #N900 instructions. < RT ME
Oh. Proper dual boot instructions for meego on #n900. Def job for later in week
Classic 10 mins ago. Announcement at stations of delays at southampton central due to congestion. Well there were no trains here!
@RhiannonMLane much more character. Red lion not far away is nice too
Gym scheduling bad this week. Night out tonight. Not sure can face at 6am tomoz. Trip thu. Deliv fri. Eeek.
@RhiannonMLane admirable logic ?
@epredator it was a good eve to catch up with people.
I hate that "we are sorry to announce" keep hoping delayed doesnt turn to *cancelled* !
@f1_lou great isn.t it. Just one more left. Hasnt "lucas" been naughty
Oh excitement. Looks like a train is turning up...
Looking forward to @f1badger event this weekend. So many ppl to meet/chat to. Planning to arrive 12ish
@SmallFurryHotel no fairly local. But it turned up.... Wondering if any news at home on our puppy that new owners pulled out of...
@Shelley__Lee what phone do you use?
@tpphotography sorry no pics. Little tweeting. Just chatting!
@EmmaGx i enjoyed it. Def a twist.
@amandagolding sorry you couldnt make it. Hope you had a good eve.
#witter misbehaving. Def need a working twitter client. Wonder what #meego has, or just go android *just* for single app.
@RhiannonMLane the soton one is very old. That or duke/wellington oldest in city. Opinions vary though i reckon red lion has it.
Very autumny walking home. So many lraves glistening in the streetlights
@lookatbowen last i checked the qt web runtime had hard kbd issues ?
@jamestaulbut nice os but not bought into platform...
@jamestaulbut i do rather like sturdy nokia devices too.
@f1_lou think so. Take it you have seen all the other series..
@SmallFurryHotel 8 weeks
@Tuesdaytweetup you may have beaten me home. Just arriving...
definately . Screening needed.
@f1_lou me too!
@epredator Never got interviewed. Perhaps a good thing! @tuesdaytweetup
@epredator true.
RT @lookatbowen: @planetf1 I am in TwimGo now and capslock problem has been resolved. interface a lot more slick. #Pass
@lookatbowen ok wll try #Pass
wierd. gmail IMAP authentication is fialing for me tonight...
should go to bed, instead -- installing meego ;-)
wierd, still cn't into my googl account with imap. stopped working yesterday...
Poo. need to be at airport by 5am tomorrow :-( not happy days. Does that time even exist?
@vixisabel Amsterdam, or more accurately a short distance from schipol airport. Single day, business meeting -- so won't see the city
@vixisabel at least my local airport (southampton) had flight availability -- a 10 min drive down the road. a small win
@vixisabel How's china?
@paulbackhouse I'd rather be in bed though
Anyone else having trouble with gmail imap? (auth failed). Web fine.. maybe a corrupted profile...
@vixisabel ah just seen you're back now. that time must have flown by so quickly
was about to ask someone a question. then realised I only want to hear one answer. So I won't ask :-)
@TheAlanJWright I'll check another m/c and perhaps create new profile if it's machine specific.
@EmpireSteve @paulbackhouse @SlyRenard it's failing on multiple clients, so looks like a backend issue
@emmadouglas91 Ha! that's always the dilemma I have too -- you just know they'll come at that *exact* time!
@sxa555 Just tried "windows live mail" -- same issue. disable/enable imap in google settings - same :-(
Wierd, ended up finding a tip to go to -- this fixed it. Apparently can occur after looking at large fldr? @SlyRenard
lovely day coming up tomorrow. flying to another country to go to meeting 5km from airport, then coming back again. Will not see city...
@noelrooney amsterdam
@noelrooney but that basically means schipol and perimeter.
very uncomfortable with the huge rise in tuition fee caps esp with 1 within 1.5 yrs of going and another a few years later...
@noelrooney I stayed there for a few nights err about 24 years ago..
@noelrooney what's the airport like :-(
.,., though am prepared to listen to the arguments, but think it's critical for the long term economy to invest in education
My Top Weekly Artist #lastfm artist: Christine Blachford (1) #music
@nnubeh imagines next step after 3d - climatic video. Aircon/sprinklers set to function as it would be at the track ... ! @OzoneVibe
@vixisabel We're used to twitter/texting -- can't afford "fluff" in the statements? - is that the influence this etch is having? probably.
@vixisabel but do you aso think that in written form there's pressure to get more terse/direct (and responsive) just observing not bad/good
@vixisabel never been to far east. maybe 2012. you've been to china a few times? very diff to other far east locations?
@EmmaGx Seems ok on 1.3. Did try meego which was a waste of time. Very rough/clunky (1.1 dev release) #n900
OOps. Need 2 go more oft! RT @riveerrrrssss: I just ousted @planetf1 as the mayor of The Cleveland Bay on @foursquare!
A very early night for me. Need to be up a little after 4am & have a long day though v.cushy to go from local airport 10 mins away
right. no-one is allowed to talk about #apprentice until around 11pm tomorrow night when I'll watch it!
@vixisabel with so many places in the world to visit, was there a particular reason you got hooked on china? clearly is economically v.imp
@LauraLeslie23 still have identity on DVD to watch. hoping good. only just finished ep.8 of a2a #Doh
@anapospastos true -- even though it was dev. preview it did feel very early to me - focus issues, wifi probs, very rough . :-(
I liked a YouTube video -- Fully Charged Nemesis electric supercar
So one last thought -- get this not that practical but very cool!
right. I'm outa here. just airport tweeting tomorrow then silence until mid-late eve. Too tight to pay for roaming data ...!

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