Friday 26 November 2010

From Twitter 11-26-2010

@lesanto wondered why anyone would have £80k lying around if not stolen/tax fraud etc. But looks like it was genuine. But seriously I
@lesanto dislike having any cash around (like more then £30 for the pub!) - don't have the money anyway!
wish I knew how to find out what Windows 3D/video apps were holding things open "cannot enable X" when trying to switch graphics (ati/intel)
@inbedlam yep, vlc/wm all stopped, browsers too. I can log off/on, but there's clearly something using it and non-obvious what
@inbedlam really bugs me when I dock and want to display code/diagrams across 2 screens
@inbedlam No joy. closed down all apps, started killing anything non-critical, couldn't identify offending process. Grrr. (yes aero w7)
@inbedlam Get annoyed when user-facing errors don't give user way to actually understand/address issue .
@inbedlam I prefer linux (partly as I understand/know it better) but then a) power mgmt on my video card is rubbish b) dynamic switching x
@inbedlam I go through phases of linux on laptop. With latest m/c I couldnt get suspend/resume, 3d gfx & decent battery life co-existing :-(
@inbedlam I have an R600 based chip & with the "radeon" driver in 10.04 (6 months ago) power management was very poor.
@inbedlam 1/2 the life of windows (in part with the intel/ati switching). proprietary fglx had excellent PM but suspend/resume unreliable
@inbedlam similar in fedora 13...
@inbedlam yep, been using linux since '96 ('nix since 86) and PM (and previously wifi, though ok now) bane of existance
@inbedlam other issue is that a) some apps needed not supported b) implementation of some apps poor (dev not understanding platform s/times)
@inbedlam sure later. At least now I don't have to work on my own HDD scsi driver to work on wierd MCA hw
RT @skyGuardiansun: Six cruise #Ships due in port together in #Southampton:For first time in decades #Southampton will wit #United-Kingd ...
@Sulman indeed, same as during boat show.
Teenage boys rescued after seven weeks at sea via @Digg
@chl0w that's quite a statement from her. Guess no being modest eh? though I detect an element of sarcasm and provocation...
@martinpacker cutepdf ? #PDF #Notes #Linux - I've used it at home before
@kasumiastra though maybe the real question is why you needed printed tickets in first place rather than email/sms etc?
RT @Sara_Kim: There's a broken down train at Winchester so I'd avoid travel through there at the moment if you can. All the trains are s ...
@Chl0w my first reaction was big-headed, but on reading the stream I did realise that - and I think in fact more of the tweets have a
@Chl0w humerous and sarcastic element to them too
Can't log back in to work im.. if anyone wants to get in touch ping me here!
take back that last comment - DNS glitches
Think I've cracked a problem that's stumped me since yesterday.. Testing out, if addressed time to stop!
just one thing not right. Ok time to leave it. 95% there. ...nearly met today's goal.
@thecheekycritic we had a dead rat under some heating grilles in office. I thought it was a gas leak, but it was rotting flesh....
Looking forward to #theevent - may as well let sky+ buffer 15 mins then I get to skip ads!
@kasumiastra I'm sure it will come. So old fashioned. Though text/email not really secure enough by themselves yet.
@kasumiastra need encryption/wallet/multiplatform..@fradgepick #FF
@fradgepick Oops - caught you on last tweet. Anyway thanks for #FF
@EmpireSteve thanks for the #ff steve -- mine will def be later at best!
@inbedlam I seem to remember some rather strange *nix versions and c/pm m/pm in school, pets etc.
@inbedlam First "nice" *nix environment I used was solaris - we had about 500 sun workstations at uni @1987 - very nice.
@AvrilF1 Thanks for the #FF
@Chl0w getting back into twitter? been fairly quiet?
@amandagolding @neicey @EmpireSteve Sorry can't make it this time. Son's birthday. Another time. will be there week sat tho
Recorded QI this week! @BBC_TopGear - Clarkson,dave mitchell and a topic of health and safety. This surely will be EPIC!
@doclorraine If that's #southampton #twitterpubcrawl there's a lot of tweetup activity at the mo! Obviously the place to be,,
RT @mathewi: it's anecdotal, but it doesn't sound like morale at LinkedIn is very good, according to this Quora thread:
@icicle_halo_ @leilani_izzard Nothing here btw winchester/southampton - looks like some light flurries, but Tues b4 anything possibly more
@AndyCDoyle I opted to skip 3D. What I would say is get as big a screen as you can - I have 46 in loving room and still seems small
@AndyCDoyle OH reckons we should have gone one up (55?) but loads a ££. Next time...
Yes may be a better option. good point RT @EmpireSteve: @planetf1 Though there is an extra dose on Saturday at 22:15 with QI XL :-)
@inbedlam Not used solaris for years, some apollo/hp at uni, then AIX and lots of AIX , and then linux. Use z/OS too (m/frame) s/times..
@AndyCDoyle You're joking! I reckongit's speeding up.
@AndyCDoyle Oops. anyway, just replaced my 32" CRT about 1 month ago. Went for Samsung 46" led-backlit panel (no 3d tho) + sony bluray
@AndyCDoyle getting sony/samsung mix is good as you get to use both manuf's internet services, though may be superceeded by google next yr
@AndyCDoyle remember if you have a surround amp there's latency in HD panels - amp needs a delay, or source device, else lipsync issues poss
@AvrilF1 WFH today so not cold, headed out to gym and in #southampton area the sun was georgous (no time to enjoy it though)
@AndyCDoyle there's def going to be improvements in 3D. Amoled could be v.interesting, low power, vivid, though hows panel life currently?
@AndyCDoyle Definately thinking big is good. Wonder if next one will be 55, 65,75...
@AndyCDoyle I preferred 3D on plasma when I looked a number of weeks back, though retention/power/heat pushed me to straight lcd/led
@amandagolding @hedgehogtastic As the bbc reported ;-) --
@AndyCDoyle Before amoled we *may* see more full-led-backlit, local dimming screens - in minority now (LG has one)
@saltyF1 Singing? What is the performance? Maybe crash as so popular - rivaling take that ?
@leilani_izzard are you local then? We don't usually get much.. exc last year. Maybe a little thin layer, can't imagine much
@AndyCDoyle Sound like a good deal - I would really think about the size though. 40 isnt that big. depends on room etc of course
did anyone bother with any #amazon #blackfriday UK deals. I only checked a few times, seemed rather tedious/time wasting?
@MorganF1 It's a US thing - was when sales on around thanksgiving and supposedly the day retails got back into the black (not red)
@Nickyhants #BlackFriday #USGuys Yep didn't really see much
@lookingspiffy That was my impression too - mostly mediocre offers and little availability.
@lookingspiffy So are you making the christmas tweetup?
@VeedubGeezer I've heard a few have got caught up in the whole thing.. not me. I guess having work has been one reason!
@vixisabel I should have done a wish list and sent it to amazon! But yep same feeling #blackfriday
time for #theevent
@MarkF1 enjoy it, I didn't have the patience
@Chl0w must admit I took a second look - and have followed will see.
@Chl0w lots of #f1 this year! Do you get to watch live? There's always great conv. going on during/around the races
@f1_emma you've not seen them? Really good - definately recommend the other two.
@Sandanista thanks for the #FF
@f1_emma I'm up for "gangs of new york" this weekend (18, violent I think) - deCaprio,diaz, day-lewis, good reviews. 2002. Should be good
#theevent is definately right up my street. Enjoying it!
@f1_emma Oh and on opposite end of spectrum watched "up" this week - once you get past the crying (well not quite) it's really good...
@vixisabel Did you see gadget show this week where suzi had wallpaper printed with a giant cat photo! Maybe ...
@vixisabel How about a canvas? Or a perspex print?
@vixisabel photobook?
Starting watching a 90min film about financial crisis. Errr. change of mind. something lighter for a fri evening thank you!
@barrywebber I know some people aren't convinced but it's in the flashforward/V vein. suits me. hope it's not canned though.
@vixisabel Of course I've never done a canvas or book. They've been on the todo list for years!

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