Tuesday 2 November 2010

From Twitter 11-02-2010

dare not disturb the puppies to switch classicfm off - leave it for them to sleep tonight...
just following a few interesting folk off to the @F1Badger event
@BambolaBambina Visions of studio exec dressed as grim reaper whilst watching crowd boo disapproval #caprica
got confused by a clock I hadn't put back. Thought it was just before 8 when I got up! ALL clocks need wireless sync. end of
@DougieLawson cameras? cars? We have one msf clock, though a fair few happl (tv,radio,bluray,stbs etc all sync via ntp etc) #DST
@VijayAtDell actually impressed so far with service - quick responses, making progress. One Question -- is there a technique to replacing
@VijayAtDell the keyboard backlight cable on a studio 1555 laptop. No idea how to use that miniscule black clip to grab the ribbon cable
@VijayAtDell after removal/replacement was requested by service (diagnosis is dead kbd so it's either self-replace or collect/return)
@VijayAtDell service manual for 1555 doesnt have any tips/technique/pictures for this secondary cable
@Walkerooo Have never made/had any photobooks but so many ppl rave about them And yes - #tuesdaytweetup 6pm
@VodafoneUK not nearly as good as 3 (mins, texts), but a definate step in the right direction IMO. 500Mb/300 texts #Freebees
really must look at power management on my desktop sometime. It goes to sleep manually no trouble, but NEVER goes to sleep on idle.
so inevitably I find it running every day -- perhaps woken up to do backup, download mce guide etc, then it stays awake wasting power
@interestedb but you prob don't resume from suspend in 5s. Takes me plenty of caffeine and 30 mins minimum.
RT @DrStuClark: Anyone else noticed BBC iPlayer has listed Scottish Labour Party Conference under "drama and soaps" http://bbc.in/9KfnZC ...
drop on doormat. First bluray arrived from lovefilm (first disc). Couldn't resist quick try for 5 mins. Wow. that is clear 1080p@24Hz
need to look more later - working now..
@EmpireSteve I think it's idle detection. tools show no problem going to sleep, and manually it works totally reliably. no wake issues
somewhat stunned at #dell s email responsiveness in sorting out a return of a system under warranty. Very fast, helpful, clear #win
So we have no 4G networks - neither WiMax or LTE count according to ITU http://bit.ly/dqmj9y - 3.5G anyone?
RT @Tuesdaytweetup: Final reminder for this evening's #tweetup - 6pm @ The Duke of Wellington, Bugle Street, Southampton! See lots of yo ...
@tuesdaytweetup @ozonevibe on way...
at the #southampton #tweetup
@trebormints its ok....
No tweets tonight due to #tweetup !
@angryjedi @TuesdayTweetup @Walkerooo @Neicey @icicle_halo_ @OzoneVibe great eve. Good drive home.

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