Tuesday 9 November 2010

From Twitter 11-09-2010

@lottie76 actually I didn't read any detail just saw lots mentioning spooks - so it became non-realtime offline time for me!@EmpireSteve
@lottie76 actually I didn't read any detail just saw lots mentioning spooks - so it became non-realtime offline time for me!
@EmpireSteve yes that was good news. liked that bit.series kind of ended s expected for the buildup really. might be job going for next yr
@honeybee85 Oh no! That I am really not looking forward to. I far prefer taking photos than being in them. going to hide #BadgersGPbash
@honeybee85 Very sneaky stuck on the edge at the front below line of sight of the lens #BadgersGPbash
@honeybee85 I'm slightly embarrased to forget the name of our other team-mate. Do you remember. I was pretty poor. revision needed
@honeybee85 @mike_griffin_f1 was rather outstanding in the quiz though wasn't he!
@honeybee85 probably a little geekily sad to only remember ppl by their twitter names really ...
@honeybee85 expect there could be a few more signups on twitter after the bash. Low spot of the day was talking 2 (insert name of bro and
@honeybee85 sys that we (I?) chatted to in bar afterwards when they first arrived. Are you @xxx. Strange looks..... ;-) Well I did try!
@honeybee85 not sure I have the brain cells left to do that + everything else.
@sxa555 @honeybee85 Yep - somewhat jealous, and bro was in portsmouth doing music/playing in a band and couldn't go. :-(
@sxa555 @honeybee85 I did head over to fb to checkout the guest list to check names/faces but I can't see it any more.
Right. time to sneak in #f1forum before sleep...
@sxa555 now I'm worried. Bouncer? as in bouncer the dog from neighbours (many years ago) ? ;-) @honeybee85
Oops just blased house with f1forum - volume from bluray player (which has iplayer also) is very diff to sky!
wondering if I'm watching the south bank show. EJ the poet eh? #f1forum
@OzoneVibe glad to see you back here keeping up standards #f1forum
really enjoying the atmosphere of the #f1forum. poetry, ice creams, mechanics, martin is anneka.... !
and into the red bull nightclub #f1forum . Then rbr change music to "we are the champions" specially for the tv I'm sure!
@OzoneVibe indeed. forum now, still have full f1 program to rewatch at some point perhaps #f1 Worth missing for the @F1Badger bash though!
@PeachyF1 @andonida @lookingspiffy @calmbanana @TommyB89 @andonida Unbelievable. well not actually. Serious revision needed here. well done!
@OzoneVibe Absolutely #f1
who was that bloke in the RBR team celebrating his victory and giving out his hotel room number on live tv (yesterday). Expecting women? ;-)
the detailed insight/access the bbc get at the races really is phenomenal - watching the #f1forum now with @jakehumphreyf1 holding ->
the trophy - loved the observation about the glue and the tacky plastic!
RT @VirginRacing: @realTimoGlock New competition: Follow @virginracing and RT: win a pair of my signed gloves and a #VRjacket http://tin ...
@sxa555 it's showing me as having made 20262 tweets... so you must be right. must be a total under estimate ;-)
@ljattrill probably just an empty file. On unix systems (osx is based on) 1 Jan 1970 is time "0" ...
@ljattrill Sam *Tyler* ;-)
Some nice words from DC on the #f1forum "it's not about money, it's about people" ... "nobody's perfect" "everyone has their flaws"... team.
@ljattrill get worried when you turn the TV off, and a few minutes later it flickers into life with a special message for you ;-) #a2a
@Pinkgineer Love twitter for learning about culture. Never heard of it but http://bit.ly/bJcB3f suggests may even have some uk origin!
@Pinkgineer of course "beer" is easier to understand (and spell)?
getting #f1 withdrawal symptoms. #f1forum done. Sleep now. More #f1 catchup on the agenda tomorrow :-)
@Pinkgineer the name made me think of this http://bit.ly/aS1Mcx (and no, it was way before my time!) remember the books
up in <5 hours. oops. darn #f1
yawn.. extra caffeine shots this morning after noy really enough sleep. too much catching up with f1 events. Great forum though
Just been tagging myself in the f1badger bash phtos-- http://on.fb.me/cxivs7 #BadgersGPbash confirming @honeybee85 escaped
@OzoneVibe @EmpireSteve Get tagging yourself in the badger photos? http://on.fb.me/cxivs7 Though @sxa555 escaped totally too
For an event with many tweeters wouldn't it be useful for facebook photos "hover" to also show twitter handle..
son has slepped through 2 alarm clock calls of 5 mins, 5 mins gap. It's the teenager immune system blocking all sleep disruptors
tagging photos from social events & being reminded who was there - def something facebook photos is good at...
Seriously wet out there. Roads slippery with leaves and serious standing water. Too many going too fast for conditions imo...
So many ppl adapt little for conditios. I certainly like making rapid progress on clear road ie motorway in dry
But pay attn to surfacde surroundings ppl other drv etc. Think many are oblivious to what does on around...
Good choice of footwear to wear to gym. Trainers with holes. Oops. Soggy feet. Have proper boots for work tho
It is absolutely p***ing it down.
@OzoneVibe lookin very intelligent esp in Mike's team!
@LukaSambuca it is so soggy/slippery/traffic-y out there . 'orrrible day.
@LukaSambuca fortunately just about managed to get boots on in car (silly idea) and not too soggy now!
@pj_kent most people weren;t too bad on the 2nd segment of my journey. prob as I quite a number of police cars/bikes around
@TashaDragonfly thanks
@RhiannonMLane interesting. for many it's other way around. yours isn't hard to guess though..
@OzoneVibe indeed. painting a picture with light as they say. Oh, and photoshop!
Things that annoy me (there are plenty). Not washing hands at appropriate times.
@monkchips @jameskobielus @tomraftery @migueldeicaza or one of those new turbo dyson style airblade hand dryers. So so noisy
@epredator oh. We have kinect . That dance games looks fun! Ideal for new years eve party?
@epredator giving something back always hard. I had a mifi on a PR loan.. very neat but had to go back :-(
@Welshracer i just ignore them now. irrelevant.
@vixisabel I can see the steam coming out now ;;-)
back from a lunchtime meeting at last. quick coffee before cracking on as I may have a work mandated curry tonight ;-)
@cyberdees I've heard that said here too. My answer usually is well try twitter then! #fb
@jaylimburn Nothing like efficiency eh? I have you had the meeting about the meeting in the project plan ;-)
@honeybee85 @F1Lite Apart from ferrari fans it was the absolute consensus with everyone I chatted to on Sunday. tho despite not wanting ALO
@honeybee85 @F1Lite to win I do agree with both vet/web fighting next w/end. Web def isn't happy from a "support" perspective tho
Ha caught! @sxa555 http://on.fb.me/adDIhV and http://on.fb.me/b71skY tho @honeybee85 still escaped
had a phone call/voicemail on my SIP number which I never use. Wierd as it was local to where I live too. Called but it seems was in error
@craigmcgill arrgh just been through this. Learning exp afternoon crt. Realise nothing perfect. Ended up with 46 samsung led.
@craigmcgill learnt lots along way ref internet lipsync etc. Happy to share. Keeping meaning to blog
@craigmcgill will ping later. Importznt business meeting in indian establishment coming up !
Being forced by visiting us boss kicking screaming to head out for proper british indian curry. Really i tried 2say no. Driving and quicktho
First time visit to ghurka chef, winchester. Lovely tender tasty. Must go back there again! @nnubeh
Not sure i inspired confidence heading back to hotel (directions) but got there soon enough. Had forgotten to reinstall satnav ap!
@craigmcgill links wise check avforums and avsforums. Nothing replaces seeing tvs in flesh but lighting can be bad. Johnlewis good.
@craigmcgill led good for low power though most edge lit. Can be some backlight variation tho is what i went for.
I preferred samsung screens despite this. Think internet is sony,samsung,panasonic,lg,sharp in that order
@craigmcgill i would go bigger than you think. We had 32 crt. Wife thinks 46 lcd small but price really shoots up
@anotherproblem but not in winchester..
@OzoneVibe really good tho a short visit - travel and all
And 3G video calling has been around since at least 2003 in uk (I had an early handset) @rcadden @docmobile @sloanb @SimonLR
@OzoneVibe Indeed @Walkerooo has been very quiet subsumed in work perhaps..
@anotherproblem dorset? went past a few weeks go on way to swanage.
@sirsteveyoung as long as you can still tweet you'll be fine...
@jebbrilliant there was this on 4G from itu http://bit.ly/dqmj9y
@Jodie_kemp it's time to get worried when you go hunting for them, and then realise you're wearing them....
dont ask. now watching guinea pig special agents #gforce...

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com

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