Wednesday 10 November 2010

From Twitter 11-10-2010

@kazb711 I can tell you're an optimist! Still I'm sure there will be some news dripping through but no big events..
Asda do this? RT @AndyCDoyle: @Ocado_uk. Suggestion: put substitutions in sep bag so customers & drivers don't have to spend 5 mins searc
#apprentice tonight -)
@F1_Girl not the same as race. I guess similar to free practice (which is more engaging true) the lack of direct competition not so much fun
@GrandPrixDiary Strangely enough I seem to still have mine, though I know many are missing them
And if schumacher isn't right up there in 2011 what then? surely not another year? pack it in? via @paddocknews
@paulbackhouse nice idea using a seperate colour. Keep meaning to try tesco HD. mostly use asda, tho even that occasional
@paulbackhouse shops getting v.busy closer to christmas - think it means waitrose or home delivery!
@AndyCDoyle "substitutes" is an area in itself. for asda they only have yes/no -- but whilst no used to be no, now no allows for ->
@AndyCDoyle a very close match - packet sizes and the like (which makes sense as they compensate in price) ie basic minor variation.
Right. closer to work time. Seeing a few quite technical notes/problems in inbox today. Good = fun, but bad=too much time ! Best get going
@paulbackhouse you mean ocado as opposed to waitrose. I'm guessing it will. son has pt job in w/rose now so discount shoult be good on wait.
interesting - copying a large file (backup archive) N900->PC over USB2. xfer is running close to 100Mbps -- just 5 mins for 5Gb or so.
@ThreeUKLatest FYI sent a DM ref email address
noticed that sometimes when starting TD 0.36.1 that there are no columns - empty frame. restart usually cures #tweetdeck
@vixisabel @LoisMarketing @ColmF1_LMFM Visited atlanta cent for about 4 days. Surprised me. I liked it to. esp big square. And did CNN tour
all very quiet in the twitterverse - mostly ignoring feed, lots of work...
@skyhd I'm sure it's in progress, but availability of anytime+ for other ISPs good to know 2(only switching 4 FTTC no new contract b4 then)
RT @MeeGoExperts: Nokia SVP of Symbian Smartphones talks portrait QWERTY, Symbian 'bashing,' and MeeGo devices
@LoisMarketing the airport ah yes. We left from the far international terminal. decided to walk. went into security in first term, walked
@LoisMarketing 10 mins then resurfaces where we started. Most of my colleagues then got train, but I decided to take the nice long walk !
RT @SimonLR: RT: @TinaHolmboe Remember me whining about #N900 battery life post-1.3? Put in some time testing:
@DanielWould Oh desire Z. Very interested in your feedback esp coming from n900 (hard kbd). Must admit I'm considering switching too
@DanielWould have been running android on n900 this morn. No 3g voice/sms, though tweetdeck+wlan working great.
@DanielWould not sure if I'm going to mandate hard kbd to myself or go soft...
One problem with running #android on #n900 - battery life. 1 battery lasted 8am-1pm for #tweetdeck (rsn to run android) + wlan #nitdroid
RT @bobbyllew: RT @aminorjourney: @bobbyllew - Here's a different car for you :) check this out you 'look good in ...
@ThreeUKLatest I'm noticing most of your tweets don't have the "in-reply-to" context - would be useful to follow conv.?
@sxa555 presumably not an official port? I'd hope official ports are far far better than this.. TD on android is *very* nice though.
@sxa555 @DanielWould has just got a desire-Z -- an interesting step from the N900...
@dougedey @sxa555 yep don't like protected users..
@vixisabel we're all mad in our own way. Can you avoid it? ignore it? change/improve it? convert anger-> forward motion ?
@Sandanista i thought that was only on sky and the best go off to the US for fox news
My Top 3 Weekly #lastfm artists: Katherine Jenkins (42), Delta Goodrem (26) & Missy Higgins (17) #music
still at work... nearly ready to escape...
Was thinking today. I would almost swap my N900 for android just to get a decent twitter app like #tweetdeck. Seriously thinking again
about it..
@OzoneVibe yeah but that involved symbian -- not going back! #Gravity #tweetdeck
I liked a YouTube video -- Voipfone 166 Anti Telesales Tool
nice one from #voipfone! #! - get rid of telesales!
@OzoneVibe nothing against #Gravity which is great, but got fed up with s60 after too much stagnation #tweetdeck
@IamNii_Teiko 2 options a) write one b) change platform it seems. and money is easier than time ...
@Sulman not tried it. thanks for tip. I prefer tweetdeck to seesmic on desktop
@Sulman not checked. I guess none of the #n900 clients worked properly anyway - usually share via an app (which it does v.well) or email
@erbins it will save me from more superhero guinea pigs which is what I got on tv last night (g-force)
@Sandanista sounds about right
@VijayAtDell yes, arrived back today. Fix looks spot on. really very impressed with turnaround- collected fri th, back wed 10 thx #dell #win
@dougedey @sxa555 I used to vet each follower - no more, no point
@skyhd of course once you offer fttc the need to stick with another provider might go away!
@dougedey I think it will happen to meego too... arguably apple has helped take a stand and improved life for android, wm7 etc
@EmmaGx um? well if ppl can afford iphones (1000 ukp/2 years) they can probably afford tv (500-1000/5 years ) ? @krishgm #c4news
@shellk1984 I've had interesting chats even with people I've never known - wierdly someone who want to same comp. school as me many yrs ago
@shellk1984 and I ha same name as a classmate. But still able to chat about old teachers, the place etc. I'm sociable really!
RT @EricssonLabs: Gartner: Android now powers 25 percent of all smartphones (by FierceMC)
@EmmaGx was chatting to a senior US colleague last night -- for him it was nothing - think 60,70 k$ is pretty typical in US #c4news
@EmmaGx my son is doing A levels - so will be taking on that debt in next 2 years... #c4news
@shellk1984 I tend to use "pidgin" (seperate app on pc) and stay logged into facebook chat that way, though use twitter much more (inc DM)
@JoC00per ohh oh. really fancy doing QM2 (esp back from nyc!). sounds delightful!
@shellk1984 yep can be quiet polarising... lots of ppl I know don't get it, but then I don't converse with them so much. (online at leasy)
@JoC00per have you done any other cruises? We've done 4, but not on cunard so far -- much more informal, but would def. go for it!
@shellk1984 close friends sure, though I tend to have internet coverage on mobile more than gsm/3G... so email/twitter cna be better!
@JoC00per I like being somewhere diff each day... and so much to do onboard. Do like idea of QM2 though for xlantic as a "proper" liner
@jtonline good cs is what makes the difference despite the probs (look close to home too!)
@Jodie_kemp My son's off to uni in 2 years, so I worry. Think need to invest, though this is model in US. Fees higher/more variable 2
@JoC00per so after that why do you say only NY any thoughts of another cruise? (I guess I'm hooked!)
@shellk1984 do they have t'internet up north <runs and hides> ;-)
@JoC00per I've always thought coming home more relaxing (after a hectic NYC few days). Only visited for 1st time this year. loved/place
@TashaDragonfly I guess I got bored...
#apprentice soon. Though will have to wait to get things sorted, so probably watching delayed (and will have to go offline!)
+1 RT @iizLiz: Do you auto DM? 40 to 1 say Twitter Auto DMs are Unwelcome, Diminish Influence (by @augieray)
@andysc Oh ouch. It was 0-1 when I left at 1915. Supposed to be out at 0630-0700 tomorrow. could be cold.. #coldnightcoming
RT @andysc: Blimey, -3 C along Poles Lane tonight. And Salt Spreading signs on the motorway. #coldnightcoming
@SuzShoes not sure. iplayer? -- checked. Sun night --
@Jodie_kemp the hard answer? He has to pay. can't afford otherwise, but it's a big legacy to have...
@Jodie_kemp true in that would want graduates to a) be useful (!) b) earn enough to start paying back loans. I really am uncomfortable about
@Jodie_kemp the idea.. but also think it's kind of inevitable... a change in the funding model.. def. big economic changes/challenges
right just saying. @russellhobbsuk keeps following and unfollowing me. Go away. Either listen or don't.
RT @NASA: Technicians identified 2 cracks on Discovery's external tank & are evaluating repair plans. Details:
How could you! RT @shellk1984: forgot #theapprentice is on today
@SuzShoes Basically you need to route your connection to bbc through uk proxy. To use a decent one you'd need to pay...
@laura_marieee off to ?
@SuzShoes intrigued. Must admit not looked into it but had assumed only proxy would work....
Running android on my #n900 again just to get good mobile twitter app
Still not started apprentice so ssshhhh. Hopefully soon...
@laura_marieee have a relaxing time. Off there for first time next feb for a relaxing week
@chris_dudley I guess it depends what you compare it to (the bar is low) but yep, v. Good
Love the responsive tweetdeck ui in androi on of all things the #n900 running #nitdroid. It is so liquid smooth
To any #n900 users. Have you moved to another platform? If so which one? and comparisons? Regrets?
Not going to be able to watch #apprentice live... see you the other side...

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