Sunday 14 November 2010

From Twitter 11-14-2010

it's very much goodbye music. <virtual tear> #f1
what's this track? is it take that? #f1 (non boy band expert)
Another very emotional montage. It's just one after another. they can do it.
Anyone remember A1GP - I started watching that to fill in the winter gap, but never had the buzz. Need to find another sport I think
@honeybee85 YES YES you're right. I followed them
RT @AlistairGriffin: This is my song playing on the F1 coverage. Just Drive – download it for free at – please.. ...
@honeybee85 Found jakes tweet - as you say, it was a new track from @AlistairGriffin
@zw426p Got it thanks. #f1
@GreatButton So it was @AlistairGriffin
@draml it even made me sub to sky sports...
hit "status update limit exceeded" due to excessive #f1 tweets! back when this posts ...
@etherealtype how do you know you're close to limit. I had thought it was v.large
@peteralevy did seem like that could have benn case at time
Our 10 week old pup "teddy" has joined me watching the #f1 forum. very warm and cuddly #f1
@lauracowen how about an RJ45.. or better wifi !
@PeachyF1 So what was the final score then. Just as well you weren't at the race or you'd both be smelling of roses!
Good interview from petrov -- wanted to prove it's about being a good driver not just money. #f1
@etherealtype - looks like they do have per-1/2 hour limits. 1000 per day not clear on the smaller limit
@support Hi hit a status update limit today. What is the semi-hourly limit currently just for status updates/retweets?
@PeachyF1 can probably sleep after forum until xfactor results.. #cantaffordchampagne
@Welshracer @CroftyF1 And hopefully available on the bbc1 HD feed! Loved the commentary all season - brilliant. (still wow'd by chandhok too
RT @TomRaftery: Sandia labs: nuclear fusion as a form of energy is one step closer! / via @TheCostOfEnergy @SabrinaDent
RT @TomRaftery: Sandia labs: nuclear fusion as a form of energy is one step closer! / via @TheCostOfEnergy
@SabersKunk Tyres that can't last the race (for good pace) #f1 = here's hoping #f1 #pirelli
I presume RBR had webber 2010 WDC t-shirts atthe ready too ;-) #f1
@SabersKunk they need to be safe enough, but fall off in performance #f1 #pirelli
loving the party pictures from rbr on bbc #f1
@honeybee85 a useless souvineer? maybe other teams did same, but think RBR are more party-ish?
next year really should have a party for the f1 end of season! Feel like a party now, though cooking dinner is on agenda...
Hope next year's championship goes to the end #f1
Definately! RT @etherealtype: Think it would be fun to be in Abu Dhabi tonight! #F1
@honeybee85 A virtual party isn't quite the same :-( though last weeks atmosphere was great. looking forward to more of those next yr #f1
"I think next year should be even better" - Martin Brundle f1 forum. I sure hope so, can't wait ! #f1
It's @AlistairGriffin 's excellent new track playing again for the end of the amazing #f1 coverage
sad face :-( been fun. buzzing @evoGage @dinkyrach @laura_marieee @50ftwoman #F1Forum #F1
@jakehumphreyf1 @5LiveF1 Spectacular coverage this year. Hope you all enjoy some time with family and friends and look forward to next year!
@BSenna oh is that where he came from. I thought there was something about the name/voice
4.5 hours of pleasure #f1
it's now all very quiet... wheres the party?
watching a little mtv hd. cook soon!
@PaddockHillBendtrue, though the tv coverage really did seem to infuse the atmosphere from abu dhabi into the living room
@thecheekycritic it's bound to happen. they are all by definition very competitive
@thecheekycritic Really? I thought it was a FANTASTIC season. Those two are quieter/less big-mouthed sure but to have 5 drivers
@thecheekycritic fighting for the drievrs championship right up to 2nd to last race was phenomenol
still buzzing from the #f1 without a drop of anything. shows what a great job beeb did and what a good event it was to share with other fans
@PeachyF1 On my way :-)
@Sofia epic - good work to use.
@dinkyrach or virtual hi-five. yep back for next season, normal nerdy-geeky-tech waffle may temporarily replace f1 :-(
@jakehumphreyf1 one word (courtesy of @sofia) "epic"
@hunni_h it does, but it's also the production - "simple" things like choice of music, the cuts in the montages, the familiarity/rapport #f1
feel like giving up cooking dinner and going to book tickets for next year...
@thecheekycritic i see it in part though as the overall package. it isn't just the ontrack action. That may be purer but it's not true in
@thecheekycritic many things any more is it?
@thecheekycritic it's no longer pure sport, it's business ...
@sxa555 its not what you have its how you use it as they say... in this case cf bbc cov on phone vs itv f1 cov on 65" screen. I know which
@thecheekycritic I guess you have a lot of rallying over there? Not something I've ever really got into.
Yum. lovely gammon dinner.
@thecheekycritic so what's there to rant about in the #F1 off-season then. Christmas probably! Tho chilling out with friends=good
@PaddockHillBend So where you at the @F1Badger event last week then. Hi! (retrospectively). sorry didn't get a chance to say hello then
@sebastiangiraud Now that is dedication. straight in with the app purchase! ipad/pod?
Just downloading @AlistairGriffin s "drive" track used in the #f1 ending credits today
#f1 withdrawal -- listening to "drive" b4 #xfactor
track's too short... :-( going to look out for @AlistairGriffin s album though
Family sat down with dogs to watch #xfactor
We saw you #xfactor
So they are miming #xfactor
Boys must be having a tough time with the dancers #xfactor
@xplane0202 too long!
@sxa555 i still dont use lists much. All followed. (Busy). Prob not most efficiient
@TheFable indeed so. Just seemed more obvious than usual. They dont get long to practice #xfactor
Proof you dont need to win #xfactor #jls
Paige/wagner in bot. 2 .... Or will katie get it again #xfactor
@aaronjamesf1 think just one.. #Xfactor
@BellaCombs just enjoy it! Ok its not #f1 but a bit of fun.
@OzoneVibe @sxa555 ok feeling priviliged!
@Lipstedo withdrawal symptoms #f1
@sebastiangiraud no apple ipad@here. Do they do android version yet?
@OzoneVibe they have had more practice!
@Si_Biggles how about adding a filter. Do try to use #tag...
@sebastiangiraud getting grief here from other side f sofa that couldnt get tickets. Ouch
All the safe ones then #xfactor
That is the top 4 #xfactor
Wagner! #xfactor
Looks like goodbye to katie #xfactor
@OzoneVibe not a huge fan. Some tracks tho
@sebastiangiraud yep manic day
@sxa555 me neither. She had enough saves right through so will be out. Not getting the votes. But why is wagner! #Xfactor
Surprise from simon #xfactor
So still reckon katie
Woah. Katie must have a record in saves. No boos though. #Xfactor
@sxa555 i still struggle with some of his performance characteristics.. Tho is talented. #Xfactor
Love it aiden. What next for you 'have a beer'. Good one aiden #xfactor
@sxa555 thats strong from you. Surprised too
Just for the record. *Not* watching #iamaceleb (yet...)
@vixisabel did enjoy 71 deg.n. Different and v.challenging.
@vixisabel that statement sounds like a public safety announcement!

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