Monday 1 November 2010

From Twitter 11-01-2010

RT @planetf1: #cockapoo pup left #southampton area - if you know anyone interested please RT/pass on
definately noticing some improved coverage from @ThreeUKLatest - can now phone to check shopping list from supermarket! hope home/work soon
wondering if #khweeteur experimental supports mentions/dms -- wouldnt start here but #witter can be tempremental #n900
@davenice my idea of hell. When you know more than agent. Happens very regularly! I have to call dell back about kbd. Will be fun am sure
@VijayAtDell thanks for getting back to me. Yes it's reported and I have some steps to follow. Will follow tonight, and DM in week if stuck
@VijayAtDell thanks for message. Note - no issues so far, just my success rate with helpdesks (other co's) nit great..hopefully will be fine
@ThreeUKLatest hey it's a step (the MBNL/Tmob 3G merge is a big boost)! Hoping home better next month too. I'll DM you my work pc again ;-)
legs stiff. just realised I last got up over 2 hrs ago to get a coffee. Not good.
Returning 2 my @skyhd problem from last wk (never got call bk) but speaking to nice lady on phone and all my issues sorted with hd, box &12m
@EmpireSteve and get a UK based agent in a cancellations other cross cell attempts (prob as noted in my account). got/asked for :-)
going home just so I can check paper family calendar b4 arranging last min work meeting netherlands Told family they need to use google cal!
@dougedey @sxa555 I of course meant CALENDAR. As in google calendar. Online and all that
door bell rang. Saw guyt had clipboard, and npower badge. Dispatched in record time "I don't buy at door" <5s
the american express automated business travel system is a huge PITA
Trying to find out what charges apply to a flight. get a "book" of utterly gobbledegook rules (uperrcase unintelligible). Arggh. Human time
@Hedgewytch I was pleased, think it was a record
@Brownie1871 am hoping they add me to the "don't bother" list
@Brownie1871 dummy? Clearly the writer of these rules & sw assumes everyone has a phd in airline ticketing
Fantastic. Business travel ppl can't even tell me what change/cancel charges apply to a basic tkt or if NO charges apply to a refundable one
what a joke. So one has to enter into a contract with rules that are unintelligible that even the experts can't decipher!
class at end of the call was "perhaps you could use google .... "!
So anyone know of #FLYBE "refundable" fares (class R) are 100% refunds or if there's a fee, and what about date/time changes?
@Brownie1871 this is a corporate system... and the ticket price is easy, it's the T&Cs that are hard.
and for those wondering, my article that got picked up? The #f1 @F1Badger meeting in London ... not really related?@santilli
Somehow puppies don't seem to understand I need to finish/send this email now (noisy!)
Easiest option -- move laptop top kitchen then they can run around in more quiet.
RT @planetf1: #cockapoo pup left #southampton area - if you know anyone interested please RT/pass on
RT @Tuesdaytweetup: Don't forget the next #tweetup is tomorrow - Tuesday 2nd Nov @ 6pm @ The Duke of Wellington, Bugle Street, Southampt ...
RT @Tuesdaytweetup: Coming by train on Tue? There's a free bus from station (Platform 1 side) to only 200m from the Duke of Wellington : ...
@OzoneVibe which stop do you get off at then on the bus? never figured where the stops really are.
@kayels thanks Kayleigh :-) #cockapoo #southampton
Lovely Moroccan lamb & cous cous tonight (not cooked by me) but seriously scrummy!
@engyles Eh? Sky don't do 3G do they? I'd try to avoid chargeable numbers ...
@Petronella Similar when I was stuck on stationary train last week. Guard had no idea but twitter told me reason! #Twitterismagic
@saltyF1 :-( shaking from the withdrawal symptoms?
@OzoneVibe yeah it's a good site -- I try to never call 0870 etc numbers - don't intend paying for customer service!
@engyles Another good one is -- tells you how to avoid incessant menus and speak to someone!
@OzoneVibe Am going to get the 1714 from CF so will be in ~1735 so fair bit after. You'd best get to the DOW and get me a beer!
@Si_Biggles @HelpforHeroes well not using the new-style RT. you can still "RT" old-style
@OzoneVibe you definately got it wrong. Why else did no-one else volunteer!
@OzoneVibe you're sampling all the beers? What commitment
@saltyF1 only 2 more races :-( next week should be rather interesting. Will be somewhat diff for me. Hardly going to the race ->
@saltyF1 but heading up to @F1Badger s meetup - a chance to watch with another 50 or so fans. A day out!
@sxa555 indeed!
@evoGage superbly good, and my OH isn't even here to eat it (working until 8!)
Just tried sons laptop on hdmi (mine conveniently has displayport ...) - very nice if you want windows7 on a 46" screen!
Got my mechanical optical switch - looks ugly and clunky. Reason enough to get a new amp?
@saltyF1 London (Haymarket) - details at . 4 of us travelled up from #southampton last time - a really good day out
@saltyF1 even though it's a bit of a trek. Quite like going to london when a) trains working b) doesn't involve work/business meetings !
@timbo_baggins oh really! didn't know that -- only thing lenovo is better at is build quality - was scared looking at keyboard connectors
@timbo_baggins of daughter's d*ll which stopped working., Little ribbon cable/cheap clip rather than proper connector!
@timbo_baggins hdmi has struggled to really deliver the integration. So maybe with 1.4 we get there - thinking sync, audio, 5.1 etc etc
@paulbackhouse Ok Paul. Have we met in person - prob not. Will see you tomorrow. And my work call I was going to be on whilst walking to stn
@paulbackhouse is canceled #win
@sxa555 The TV has one port marked dvi - not tried it
@saltyF1 I hope so. A few beers & meet some fellow #f1 addicts. Of course far less tweeting from me (lucky you lot)
One disadvantage with a super slim led panel & slimline mount - getting cables in without unmounting tv is nigh on impossible
@paulbackhouse there have been a fair few in the past
@paulbackhouse Well you may spot my n900 (keyboard) as I check into 4sq...
Miss class (love the image) herself. I could listen for ages -> RT @yvieburnett: Yes Rebeccas twitter is @becsferguson
@saltyF1 thanks :-) trying to talk in person, watch live timing, in camera, regular feed, and visit bar is tough enough without tweeting.
@saltyF1 actually major use of phone last time. Slightly antisocial perhaps, but audio was on bbc -- much prefer crofty/any on commentary
@paulbackhouse don't go on about mayors. Annoyed that @andypiper got IBM off me today, son has home. Think I may still have the gym!
@timbo_baggins You have a W500 and already talking refresh. Dream on for 5 years. only got mine due to T60p overheating issues
@timbo_baggins I did briefly think of behind/wall cabling but opted to skip - too much churn/new cables etc. They're exposed right now.
@timbo_baggins Going to maybe use some of this though once furniture sorted it's a really short distance
@saltyF1 join the majority!
@paulbackhouse so it's you that annoyingly does that!
@paulbackhouse I think he has mcd's in wcr. Not figure that out as he should be at *college*
@timbo_baggins justification for new amp -- would only need one hdmi cable instead of 2. Does't work does it!
@timbo_baggins I had a customer meeting in london a week or two ago. Since mostly discussion was seriously wondering about leaving
@timbo_baggins laptop at home. I had a few charts, but heck my phone has video/hdmi out. And could always have a usb key for backup
@saltyF1 so you thinking about it? It's a fair way/£££ for you though
@paulbackhouse and I bet "college library" isn't one of them...
@timbo_baggins I think my luck is running out after doing the TV & bluray. 70-300mm lens and kindle still on wish list
@timbo_baggins and with amp comes the required speakers. Kind-of decided to leave it until next year. I have an old 5.1 system
off to walk dog...
@timbo_baggins n900 can... Not sure about office app compat with odf or ppt. Should check
@timbo_baggins wifi smart though 3g roaming for email/twitter interesting
@OzoneVibe sounds good. So does 1015 ish (need to check) work? In about 1130 at guess @thevanquish
@OzoneVibe i want to make more effort to chat to other fans too before/after.. But am pretty flex on eat options.
Anyone else of my followers off to @f1badger meetup apart from @sxa555 @ozonevibe @empiresteve @thevanquish @honeybee85 ? Should be good #f1
@OzoneVibe @PeachyF1 @TommyB89 @mike_griffin_f1 @VirginRacing eek almost going to need name badges.. !
@OzoneVibe standing mingling socializing is arguably more fun than sat at table ... (Once eaten)
@rachelclarkef1 enjoy the race. Another time!
so @mike_griffin_f1 @OzoneVibe @PeachyF1 @TommyB89 @VirginRacing @planetf1 @sxa555 @ozonevibe @empiresteve @honeybee85 @thevanquish so far?
@amandagolding err. No. Working! Not there till 6!
@honeybee85 looks like we are going to arrive v. Early 12 ish. You? @f1badger @sxa555 @ozonevibe @empiresteve @thevanquish
If I have one single reason to change phone, it's to get a reliable twitter client.. grrr.
@OzoneVibe great - hadn't seen that list. thanks #
@F1Badger how many registered last time -- this is quite a few more?
@amandagolding And remind me who was the least sober last time?
@OzoneVibe on that point / to followers you can find fb etc links via my profile->blog, lhs
@honeybee85 At this rate it's going to be busy enough soon after 12! we'll tweet when we get there. will prob be eating by the looks
@OzoneVibe So what's the diff between "twitter" people and "fb" people. Wars begin?
It's not just my phone playing up - #tweetdeck is stil lmisbehaving. Keep having to restart to populate mentions properly (win7, stream)

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