Friday 5 November 2010

From Twitter 11-05-2010

@juwlz Now I've lost the context, Obviously too late
Was thinking the other team were going to loose from the edit, but thought Paloma was brewing to leave
@Soggous I've still not really got into buzz. I have it hooked up, just don't really buy into it (yet). Not so community like?
Def want to see it... RT @byronf1: Just watched Senna film. Makers said Ron Dennis cried for 10 minutes after he saw it in London.
@Walkerooo @jemclark The dominos website seems to work fine for me... may influence choice? !
Be a relief not to go anywhere tomorrow. save for the @F1Badger meeting up this sunday. looking forward to it
@PeachyF1 -> @mike_griffin_f1 @OzoneVibe @TommyB89 @VirginRacing @planetf1 @sxa555 @ozonevibe @empiresteve @honeybee85 @thevanquish
@PeachyF1 at least are coming. Probably more. Be good to meet everyone on sunday
@PeachyF1 There must be more -- but can't fit anyone else into a single tweet!
@SimonLR I keep feeling lastfm was a lost opportunity. doesn't really seem to have evolved? though still use for scrobbling
@SimonLR I like the sharing of music taste & getting "similar" music, but would prefer the sn aspects more int. with other sites (now)
@SimonLR spotify have facebook though the capability is no more than playlist sharing -- not the same
Ouch - A380 scare - Quantus ground planes
@etherealtype back in the UK? Saw your tweets. bit of a pain but I guess property/lawyers can make that happen :-(
I think my sleep pattern is screwd. was up at 4am yesterday. felt tired this eve but flying home (short), not got around to bed yet...
@honeybee85 just reading - need education -- I guess it's pretty much the biggest celebration of the year?
@etherealtype And last 2 races. No FP here - work.. though I'm off to London Sun for a #f1 race (not quite like being at track!) meetup
@etherealtype obv further/£ for u. Few of us heading up from soton... Fairly quick/cheap. *Will* be fun tho would save real £ for race!
@honeybee85 yeah i did read something about it being an excuse to go shopping. Sounds perfect for the women ;-)
Sleep time. Sadly no lie-in. Work and sky delivering @skyhd box tomorrow so staying in. Guess that means #xfactorhd but not #f1
@juwlz I normally do -- but for that particular tweet there was no link to conversation "in reply to". this one is fine.
@juwlz tweetups? a meetup of fellow tweeters known & unknown. we have 25-30 for our regular southampton ones @Tuesdaytweetup
@AddmannIW thanks. I guess their kit may be better than my tv/sky box #F1
@Sulman I sent it last night... #mybodyisatemple #tajmahal
@Walkerooo ok fair enough. I guess you know the pros/cons now.. don't tend to have pizza that much, though do quite enjoy the PH buffet
@Walkerooo in general prefer the dom bases -- and find the deep pan a little stotgy
@EwanMarshall thanks for the #FF
@sxa555 didnt realise it would be on skyhd upscaled, but good to know. #f1
@OzoneVibe We've made them occasionally. I guess once you get in practice. I feel like making some now. But work today (no fp either)
@MickyFin Still not convinced about the screwed in battery. I've always perceived that as an advantage against ip and regularly swap..
@OzoneVibe :-( will have to be recording. TBH I rarely have enough time FP-Quali to watch all. either highlights or perhaps 1 or 2 only #f1
@juwlz Not for the original tweet "@planetf1 OK, what are they all about then?" ? -- for me conv missing in TD and #newtwitter
feeling so tired after even a short flight yesterday. travel wimp...
@Soggous I've found a few ppl comment on my buzz, but find it disrupts the converation away from the actual source, like flickr comments?
@noelrooney ha. just got rotten headache and tired.
RT @petecooper: Disturbingly accurate smartphone comparison: (sfw, via @cartoonartist)
@vixisabel well i plead having to work at same time. But something about travel just makes me tired. At least end of week now
@vixisabel though another trip sun. But only london and for leisure. @F1badger meetup to watch brazil gp
@sxa555 box arrived early today so all set..
@sxa555 wondering how long it will take household to fill up new box with cr*p in hd...
@angryjedi @mike_griffin_f1 @icicle_halo_ thanks pete,mike, kelly for the #ff Back to you too!
@Anflaw @fradgepick thanks for the #FF #F1
@icicle_halo_ Oh I don't believe it. I know what I mean to write. absolutely honest. It didn't come out that way. really. I blame keyboard
listening to some more missy higgins this afternoon - very pleasant to work to...
@ThreeUKLatest is it poss to have a 3 SIM report the "actual" network name or id rather than "3" for all of O2/Orange/3 as v. confusing ->
@ThreeUKLatest when checking coverage and getting "no access" esp now that orange 2G roaming is being shutoff in selected locations
@ThreeUKLatest thanks. I can see showing as "3" did previously make happy, but not it's confusing. "why can't I connect to "3"
@ThreeUKLatest and I have an old SIM that still things O2 is a roaming partner...
@nnubeh ? Depends on what i guess
@iainduncani have you guys only just got back. Sounds like a good one.
went for a brief walk upstairs. came back 5 mins later and office is nearly pitch black. Gosh it's getting dark now
finally getting around to cooking dinner and sitting down. not even any #f1 yet -- too busy ...
@OzoneVibe yay #f1

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