Tuesday, 30 November 2010

From Twitter 11-30-2010

@Hedgewytch capacity given large crowd? Vary by network?
accuweather predicting 5mm snow tonight 38mm tomorrow 10mm wed 41mm friday #southampton then wet
@PeachyF1 @anotherproblem I think that's getting more common. same for me, son too. Occasional only skype audio/video, gtalk and twitter DM
RT @rickmans: Introducing Google Earth 6—the next generation of realism http://dlvr.it/9Q79X
@Hedgewytch it's probably congestion in the link between the cell site and the core network. Basically data overload due to # ppl not good
@Hedgewytch but I think all nets suffer from it from time to time in various locations. When I was at silverstone f1 I had no problem audio/
@Hedgewytch tv streaming, though others could barely post a tweet. Personally have most confidence in three's data network. ymmv
@mattnroberts she was brilliant on there and sheesh can she talk or what!
RT @countdowntof1: 103 days, 11 hours and 58 minutes until the Bahrain Grand Prix. #f1
@TinaHolmboe they've been crap since I started writing sw in early 90s... big beef of mine too
thought it might be at least slightly white outside, nope. No snow, not even dusty and barely any ice on screen. Today? #southampton
Don't understand accuweather. "hourly" is showing snow at various point. daily is showing snow=0mm ?
puppy ridicuously noisy this morning. ..
we have snow -- should be 0.01/10 really - barely perceptible #uksnow SO53 1/10
there's about 0.3mm of snow on the ground. So I guess major road problems, accidents and delays if previous exp is anything to go by.
getting really annoyed by a doc that uses ambiguous terms without a definition, and offers no author contact to gain clarification of intent
@emmastonier boarded wks ago, pilot said 1hr delay, Tho it was traffic/slots. He gave a long explanation of why they wanted ppl onboard
@emmastonier in case slots opened up, more chance of leaving earlier. Maybe same with snow - if gap in weather/allowed to leave?
RT @geraintwjones: It's snowing in Hursley. 1/10 and getting heavier. http://yfrog.com/0gjfxsj
@geraintwjones Yeah I think I'm heading onsite - email etc at home first, wait for school traffic to end
laptop battery run out after 2 hour. time to decide to carry on WFH or office. Think I may hit the office.
Hit some compat issues with an app on chrome (beta). Good reason to try firefox again (will I last >> 1 day?)
@Joyouscomms we had the tiniest bit. And few flakes around so21.
Snow continues but not settling #uksnow so21 3/10
@sxa555 i can try. Send good youtube link?
@Joyouscomms plenty falling now
@sxa555 ok will try later
@racheeroo01 I can't see much settling. don't expect much trouble but who really knows....
@bluemoonstar one of the founders. Who would that be. Interesting
@sxa555 are you on @threeuk. I struggle with cov this side of building in so21. 2g orangw switchoff?
Snow started again #uksnow SO21 1/10
@ThreeUK tbh it's a known bad area have disc. b4 SO21 2JN. My colleague @sxa555 is another side of the building & cov patchy so he may be ok
@ThreeUK think he's on 3 too. It's dodgy outside & rarely much inside. COuld really do with fix. Sadly all MBNL poor tmob/orange/3
@ThreeUK the sad/annoying thing is that realistically only vodafone/O2 work here - both cos have antenna on-site (2500-3000 ppl)
@sxa555 Just popped my old phone with 3 sim right near window and was able to get a 1bar *2G* connection or orange not off here @ThreeUK
@ThreeUK excuse me for being a bit blunt, but a note doesn't really help for now ;-) I guess you mean it may go into the "wish list" 4 covrg
@ThreeUK expect though in-building is tricky. maybe now with tmob/3 (+Orange)->MBNL maybe these gaps might be more viable to fill..
@ThreeUK still pers. think it's a shame UMA didn't take off - few handsets, only orange offer, but allowed SMS/calls routing over wifi.
@sxa555 @ThreeUK To elaborate more it's inbound SMS/voice. out of coverage forwarding to a 3rd party SIP solution may handle calls
@sxa555 @ThreeUK But SMS forwarding would also be needed - as an example a SMS-email gatewayhosted by 3. It's "contactability" via same #
@sxa555 @ThreeUK maybe some alternate intelligent innovative solutions needed for these scenarios other than just building coverage ?
Update - barely anything. No settling #uksnow SO21 1/10
@monkchips Have you visited the Hursley museum? There's a few interesting old pieces of equip there too
Close. Teddy (pup) managed to bite (!) into a can of coke in my half open laptop bag. PMissed laptop internals by a few cm...
RT @bperry: RT @stephanierieger: Refreshing article RT @MobileBehavior Information overload, the early years http://bit.ly/dM2Hq1
@eMilty isn't that normal though since previous contract would have included handset subsidy? Cost is >>> upfront fee?
@eMilty But if he took out say a 2 year contract on Phone X, and still in that period then that's what a "contract" is. Monthly fee is being
@eMilty used to subsidise phone. So regular contract termination fees/conditions would apply. ?
@eMilty he accepted though? Maybe worth approaching them if they misled/mis-sold? escalate/contact via twitter/exec office plea?
@eMilty If they told him incorrect information can you ask for the recording? escalate & ask that and they may back down?
@eMilty it's unfortunate if ppl get stuck in a pricey contract need to be careful what signing up for. I reckon best bet is as mentioned fig
@eMilty out if he was misled in any way & use this as ammunition to suggest he should be permitted swap. But not lawyer!
@kayels That's nice for you and good service from the provider - I know initial comments were harsh, but think a lot of ppl dont
@kayels really appreciate what the contract is and how it subsidizes the handset. Maybe telcos need to make this more clear
eating too late as usual. Never seems enough time in the day...
@eMilty aren't most iphones 2 yr contracts - at least for affordable monthly. How about buy outright and get sim only contract? may work out
@dsilverman quickest pragmatic afte annoyance! way out is for leader to "mute all" then each remaining person to "unmute". Been there...
@saltyF1 and I'll end up going to sleep too late. Need more hours. def. especially near christmas. extra social events to slot in!
@joyouscomms Saw your facebook fan page. So is Joy your sister?. Do rather enjoy watching apprentice but must be so tough for contestants.
@ItsCollaborate sorry can't make it. family birthday treat. have fun though. there's always the tweetup in a couple weeks
@perrins maybe just me but less code also may = less bugs. Abstract modeling->code add consistency then less worried ?
@perrins lots of power management related stuff for drivetrain. Expect lots for coomms/entertainment too
Looks like a 'please forward' chain letter. They could always do. But agree with sentiment
@RBGivesYouWings @sjg77 and the future success of the country certainy wont be down to #dailyfail readers. I hope. Please. Or we r doomed
@eMilty that's good - understand makes lots of sense, nice to have that option.
@Joyouscomms ah just got confused by the page. Are you coming to the tweetup btw?
@SRT40 all the good ones have brits! What are you watching?

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com

Monday, 29 November 2010

From Twitter 11-29-2010

@geraintwjones in which way were you affected. We had mention of snow but no sign now
@DJMorecambeF1 you followed first! was just catching up..
A little more time trying out #Vodafone for a change instead of three http://bit.ly/fJ1do1
Ok so Tues/Thu now http://bit.ly/eiAJmz @geraintwjones RT @SuperR0B: BBC now saying snow here Tues, Weds and Thurs... =(
If you've been seeing crashes on your SKY HD box (I have) this could be a good step forward - sw update http://bit.ly/gwvqyv
@SimonLR really? I can't remember seeing this much and use the browser all the time. Slow connection/image rich sites?
@SimonLR will look closely. always possible I've got used to it. Will pay close attention
@SimonLR I was rather surprised when facebook did -- and indeed went for XMPP. Very useful - client choice, interop etc
@AndyCDoyle fortunately I don't work there, but if I have to go for meeting, or social, always try to walk as much as poss in daytime.
@AndyCDoyle but if ppl hopping btw meetings etc guess not enough time.. walk certainly beats rush hour tube tho if time allows
Chilli. At least everyone driving sensibly. Well not to many around. Pretty frosty. Time for a workout
Sbow forcast here now again tue-thu #southampton
annoying studios. Heard about wuphf.com office spoof, wanted to watch vid. blocked. Despite fact a *clip* could gain more fans for the
format in any country. grrr.
Interesting £10 pcm option 4 european data roaming on @vodafoneuk http://bit.ly/fj82sd . Wish @ThreeUK had bundle option as better 3G in UK
@sax555 You can use an expensive sony wifi adapter in 370 - or just an external bridge (which I use currently. ->ethernet soon) @dougedey
@sax555 Why proprietary? Though have been experimenting http://cherrybyte.blogspot.com/2010/11/dlnawhat-mess.html tho mostly rant @dougedey
@dougedey I *have* an S370. I *do not* have any sony sw on my server. I can stream programs via DNLA.... @sxa555
finally escaped work (virtually speaking) - dinner on the go. So much for any home "jobs" I was meant to do...
daughter unwell with cold/throat. Now thinking there's a tinge of a sore throat starting. Hope it's just psychological
RT @SkyBlueStacey: ITS SNOWING ON TWITTER *  ❄     * ❄      *       *      ❄ .     *  ❄    * .  ❄    ❄        *        ❄ *  ❄     * ❄    ...
@GadgetPolly do you mostly get to stay with other ppl working on same project? Worst bit is the sat on own aspect of being away/work
@TashaDragonfly thanks.
@dougedey A secret, don't think I've even unpacked the manual! Manuals shouldn't be needed!
@dougedey @sxa555 so what are you trying to do. I can try something out (no promises when) if it helps
@dougedey so this "app" I assume is simply a DLNA server?
@sxa555 I think it's superb value. I didn't have bluray anyway, and had the audio sync issue for dvd, so was worth 99 anyway
@sxa555 The streaming isn't perfect - but iplayer, demand five, lovefilm are very good. Remote is tacky BDP-S370
@sxa555 inclined to agree on bluray though my internet not fast enough yet, and needed to be able to play old dvd content anyway,
@sxa555 and for the price, I mean why not..
@dougedey have playon /pms/ servioo/ tversity/ tvmobili/ samsung share /twonky /windows media - not enuf time 4 results yet
@sxa555 #youview is coming 2011, and google tv.. so it will all just get more complicated for a while....
@sxa555 Developments seem manic at the mo. I was holding back then just gave up...
@vixisabel Oh now that is funny. Bet you thought you had a good deal there.
@vixisabel what subject/age do you teach?
son currently deciding whether to blast his HTC hero with a 2.2 rom....
@EwanMarshall wouldn't say an expert -- haven't used them all, just talk plenty about them! worked on telecom sw prods for number of years
@EwanMarshall If you want something cheap/good value to get started - Orange San francisco is getting rave reviews £110 or less
@EwanMarshall camera is naff, but otherwise it's a really nice phone - I tried out a friends
@EwanMarshall http://bit.ly/aamZZh http://bit.ly/er7uhN - google/hotukdeals search, may get quidco cashback or more
@EwanMarshall could get orange sanfran get unlocked (free codes it seems) and get s/thing like a @ThreeUK PAYG http://bit.ly/fUZ3BG £10 pm
@EwanMarshall for higher end I'd probably go for HTC Desire HD (no front camera) or Sansung Galaxy S (no flash).
@EwanMarshall but you're prob in 25+ pcm territory
@EwanMarshall on contract you're probably talking 600-700 over 2 years. h/set outright varies. up to £400-£450 Try bestmobilecontracts site
@EwanMarshall depends on your usage. You will NEED a good data package. Even 500Mb is absolute min IMO. 1Gb+ better.
@EwanMarshall I'd decide on phone first. ... but cheapest is probably "giffgaff", though O2 data has a bad reputation for slow/unreliable
@EwanMarshall (giffgaff uses the O2 network, and is owned by same company - telefonica - spanish)
@EwanMarshall I'm not a big fan, but if total novice, and have the £££ the iphone 4 could be a good option for you...
@franzseabrook That appears to be the forecast. dusting I reckon.. not often much.
still trialling vodafone. Still think 3G coverage not a patch on 3, nor are tariffs - just a pain it's the only net with cover in home/work
@EwanMarshall Son has htc hero. Slow/old. Desire looks decent. Desire hd bigger screen. But you will Pay a fair £ over 24m (25 or 30 pm?).
:-( think sore throat may be starting here. @lightboxstudios
Have a funny feeling @xplane0202 will soon be either a) jumping with joy c) in dispair over complexity c) screaming at bricked phone. Which?

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com

Sunday, 28 November 2010

From Twitter 11-28-2010

@OzoneVibe Ah that explains it. Nice/warm central heating here! @amandagolding @AdamManning @epredator @Joyouscomms
@F1Gossip no. My excuse is no snow...a good idea if we do get snow though! #f1snowman
@F1Gossip Frickin Colder (Niki Lauda) - an indulgence? Stirling Frost? #f1snowman
Watching race of champions (nations cup), but not really getting in to it. scaletrix? Picture quality is pretty poor too btw (Sky motors tv)
@Brusuth @LauraLeslie23 looks lovely there, though am sure in practice it's a PITA. Kind of thing you want for one day only!
@victoriarusso denial, sarcasm?
Ok it's already 10am, but no snow, not even ice/frost it appears
@JoC00per So that was a recommendation to read them ;-)
@etherealtype good time to take lots of pretty pics thogh - still nothing this side!
@_MissAnnie_ that's a pain, though less so that buying something only to have the model replaced by something better few weeks later!
Teddy out in winchester http://twitpic.com/3b15jc
Teddy out in winchester http://yfrog.com/4258cwj
Teddy out in winchester http://pi.pe/-grdquk
Teddy wrapped up a bit warmer http://twitpic.com/3b16xv
Teddy wrapped up a bit warmer http://yfrog.com/jal7m0j
Teddy wrapped up a bit warmer http://pi.pe/-9flabj
Having lovely walk around xmas market at winchester cathedral
Back from a lovely afternoon out in Winchester, even if a little chilly. Minimal tweeting/photos - dogs were quite enough!
@EmpireSteve Oh dear - using a plugin on the #n900 - is set to post to various services, but should be only once
@EmpireSteve dest I have is "email" (to myself, for reference) only got once, so think h/set only posted x1, so backend issue @pixelpipe ?
@Lipstedo Ah that's nice. He is very cuddle, though also a handful at times. He enjoyed his first walk out!
@perrins Cockapoo (Cocker Spaniel/Poodle cross). F2. Mum was our own bitch, stud lives at home in bath. We sold 3 other pups all lovely!
@amanjon thanks. He certainly attracted lots of attention - perfect for attracting the ladies as my OH kept reminding me.
@ItsCollaborate The name "teddy" is very apt
@Welshracer Ah so cruel. He's not an antique, only 12 weeks vintage ;-)
@EmpireSteve So what did you see multiple of. More than one copy per service, or just multiple tweets to diff services @pixelpipe
@EmpireSteve If just multiple tweets to twitter for same photo then I'll look at reconfiguring the end services ->just one tweet
@EmpireSteve Ok thanks for clarifying... I'll probably try to disable tweeting from twitpic/yfrog and just do pixelpipe.
@pixelpipe Any ideas. have pipes to yfrog/twitpic/twitter. users see 3 tweets. cant disable in twicpic/yfrog. Whats best practice. use one?
Apologies if everyone got Teddy-spammed earlier. Maybe my auto-posting to multiple services went a little OTT. Some refinement perhaps.
@kazb711 Yep definate babe-magnet material!
@f1_lou I'm so glad I didn't look at that when I was out in the cold earlier!
@saltyF1 didn't think it was too bad around here (was in winchester), definately very cold, but not artic snow/ice
Had a "west conrwall pasty co." pasty for first time in ages for lunch today. Seriously yummy/steak meat. very good and warming
balls - my 2.5Tb server (ok, some mirroring) as 5Gb free. ooops. #badplanning
@vixisabel Looks like it's since I started using pixelpipe - set to post to twitter/twitpic/yfrong/facebook/flickr/foursquare/ovi/tumblr
@j_m_photography yahoo/youtube/blog/yahoo/picassa - Ok a new toy. Maybe a little OTT! Think some refinement needed
@vixisabel @j_m_photography yahoo/youtube/blog/yahoo/picassa - Ok a new toy. Maybe a little OTT! Think some refinement needed
@j_m_photography Fortunately I do have 2 slots in server free so could do that, though I have some DVD images I should be able to cleanup
@j_m_photography When I sync/lightroom I keep one copy on local HDD (auto backup), main goes to a WHS server with duplication, and
@j_m_photography have online backup that runs every 12 hours to the "cloud" offsite . Also ad-hoc external USB backups
@j_m_photography but then only an amateur so volumes not too bad!
@sxa555 Nope, not backup (see last tweets). I guess it was an experiment. like my fav photos on flickr, close friends on facebook
@sxa555 blog for personal focus, and should use *one other* service I think for public sharing.
Looks like Teddy needs to sign up to facebook .... http://yfrog.com/3wrwjvp
Blasted #wit5er has broken its config for about 6th time in 24 hours? Crudy #fail. Grrr
Not a boyband fan #xfactor
Also not a bieber fan! #xfactor
Boy bands and bieber. Oh help. Come back wagner al is forgiven #xfactor
@paulcarrett think every perf on #xfactor should be live. End of
@@sxa555 @katebevan we want live like contestants
a@EmmaGx ok now
@racheeroo01 his perf was great last night tho love rebecca. esp #2
@Middle8 assume so
@TopGearBabe thought she did a good judging job tho. #xfactor
Not a favourite but good the singing is live #xfactor
No complaints from simon #xfactor
Dizzy camera #xfactor
Actually that grew on me. #xfactor
Lewis enjoyed that then.#xfactor
@OzoneVibe @LauraLeslie23 def ++ for live
Rebecca matt thru #xfactor good
And cher. Good top 3 #xfactor
Best top 4 good #xfactor
Katie? #xfactor
@GreatButton 9 lives and all that. Cant say she didnt try #xfactor
@mike_griffin_f1 either he wont or will force public if last i assume. #xfactor
@SarahBolwell i meant... Matt delighted if wagner goes. #xfactor
Not heard marys song before. Who did original. Sounds like sinatra #xfactor
@ananyah afraid so. Good but single style #xfactor
Respect luis. Wow. #xfactor
Cheryl. No need to get stressed. #xfactor
Normal service is resumed #xfactor
Good show next week tho will be missing and watching sun eve #xfactor
Twitter client is being pathetic on me. Self combusted again
@SarahBolwell no he doesnt get on with wagner is seems. he was quite vocal on xtra factor 2 weeks ago
Smart move from those callers on extrafactor but blew it not singing! #xfactor
@littlecough thanks. thats what she does best. not for me but think she'll do ok
@ozonevibe @xplane0202 been there too. The auto fade during a call is v. Useful too
Interesting comment from d. Hasslehof. American idol is too slick..
Nicole s wants cher to do some rapping on a track.. Maybe #xfactor
@amandagolding did I answer? Been busy on twitter tonight. Yep, wcr. The walk around st catherines & in to the city is *lovely*
@amandagolding today though we got the extra Sunday free park/ride from st catherines - useful for xmas shopping
watching a little "race of champions" before bed, but still not really clicking for me.
if any #f1 tweeps haven't seen the india trck layout -- http://on.fb.me/gqVRwt
this is bad. Anyone listen to the "race of champions" song before the race. AWFUL. Please I want to listen to some wagner #f1 #xfactor
This is truly truly *terrible* http://bit.ly/eMxJi6 #f1
@lookingspiffy @The_Lap_Times I sat transfixed hardly believing anything so tacky could be broadcast. The pompoms didn't help either #f1
@lookingspiffy @The_Lap_Times I know, the lyrics were just out of this world
just watched KOV/kata bin it in #roc
@KataHyde @H_Kovalainen Ouch - just seen the ROC crash. Quite dramatic. Hope the bruises don't last too long.
@saltyF1 Obviously an even you'd need good ear muffs for (the theme song that is not the cars)! #roc
@saltyF1 It does look more like a good fun live event than something that comes across as well on TV? Did you watch this years? #roc
I have a horrible feeling this will spin in my head all night. AARGGGH RT @The_Lap_Times: @lookingspiffy @planetf1 Stop It *grabs hammer*
Oh that's cool - watching a cameraman being circled by terry grant doing doughnuts on roc

Tweets copied by twittinesis.com

Saturday, 27 November 2010

From Twitter 11-27-2010

@amandagolding I keep thinking about that, then deciding it could be a bad move...
@EmmaGx I've had that happen on occasion in past though now dog starts barking - maybe that persuades them to at least try not get found out
@amandagolding do it before next tweetup and you'll get plenty of honest feedback (probably more honest as night goes on?)
Just set "Race of Champions live" - 6pm "motors tv" (sky) #f1
@EmmaGx A large lion/tiger might send them running away quick tho!
@etherealtype moved into new place now then? Sitting amongst boxes. ipod/tv/phone etc unpacked, little else? #FF
@etherealtype It doesn't seem to be able to make it over the channel to southampton - yet!
@MiaF1Design It's on Motors TV 6pm if you have sky (assuming its in my pkg!)
@EmmaGx I always prefer to have couriers/deliv services that have a local depot. Many do within 3 miles tho not all
@amandagolding nothing much until mon pm/tue I'd heard?
ANyone suggest new pair of GYM headphones. must be secure/sweat resistant. Had 3 sets of http://amzn.to/gkWHtk only last 1+ years :-(
oh well good whilst it lasted, my co-operative "points" award has been decimated - revised awards on mortgages etc :-(
@jon_read I have some CX300s which I use for general listening, but need something with more support & sweat resistant for gym. U use there?
@jon_read I find mine won't stay in well enough for workout, so need something with a band. Clipping cable helps remove force but not enough
@jon_read I've not explicitly tried the 300s just because I save them for proper music listening, but they don't stay that well even normal
@etherealtype that;s fine, feel free to keep it. still no sniff of snow, minor frost gone. cloudy but bright
Another TV recommendation for #apprentice lovers - BBC1 HD 9pm SUNDAY - biog of Trump
Consequence of going to #waitrose. Olive bread balsamic vinegar/olive oil dip. Herb salad. Olives. Yummy.
@jon_read I think I have some other earpieces in loft - will have to try.. still unsure what to do. Have old pair that just about works 4now
@EmpireSteve Actually I think it should be interesting. Used to quite like the US apprentice, though the editing of recent
@EmpireSteve series has focussed more on the "big brother" aspects than the task contents. UK version better!
@Shelley__Lee Where do you normally watch #apprentice then? The trump program is on regular bbc too... (iplayer/proxy ?)
Taxi-ing, gym, shopping done. out for local dog walk next
Thinking of heading up to winchester to take our 12week puppy out to socialise more. lots of aahh I expect!
@vodafoneuk Any trouble around SO53 2LG (waitrose+shops)- 3G was non-existent & 2G dubious ->no signal inside. Any upgrade planned?
@lauracowen gaiandb is very cool. Even had my nokia N900 phone running as a node! #bcsoton
@Chl0w I usually dip in at least once in am/pm for a few mins over a coffee & lunch, but try to stay away most of working day!
that walk was cold. Fingers just starting to move again.
@paulbackhouse @racheeroo01 I thought you were talking about the new airport scanners which have the same effect!
@lookatbowen good isn't it. Buttons a bit wacky, good when gps/camera/3g calls work #nitdroid #N900
@lookatbowen compare it to meego which is awful in performance - all down to the video acceleration #nitdroid #N900
@amandagolding Just checked out accuweather and no sign of any snow for next week, tho overnight still showing on bbc? #southampton
wondering whether to see Harry Potter in IMAX - more £££ but not so bad on orange wednesday - anyone gone to an imax showing?
@amanjon It's the time of year to avoid supermarkets+shops at weekends! I need to get more organized with online shop
@amanjon otherwise it will be a typical last minute job!
@amandagolding I saw inception on the imax screen in Southampton - superb, really did add an extra dimension to the film
grr -- dealing with one of the home PCs reporting a failing disk. typical.
won't be watching Race of Champions today/tomorrow live so sssshhhh. let's just talk #xfactor instead. ok!
@EmpireSteve family commitments.. hopefully get to watch later!
RT @BeckyFerguson23: RT @Heathx86: Look wat I've just seen in asda @BeckyFerguson23http://twitpic.com/3a4e1s
@amanjon NO NO NO that is so wrong. you cannot be serious!
@amanjon faith is restored.Love rebecca. Think cher great performer. Matt good 1dir not my thing. Katie interesting but not enough. #Xfactor
Thinking should really vote tonight. Cant have wagner still in #xfactor
Looking forward to 2 performances each on #xfactor in an hour. Well except for w.
@leilani_izzard no sign. Col tho. Going to brave few hours out socializing our 12wk old puppy in winchester tomorrow and check xmas mkt
Out wandering today confirmed generally @vodafoneuk 3g not as good as @threeuk 65%? but more uniform inc. 2g. Ymmv
Anyone know if (small) dogs are allowed on the #winchester park and ride?
@amandagolding personally. Straight! But ok to mull one as long as have harder stuff on standby!
@interestedb why watch?
At least we get wagner over and done with #xfactor
What the hell am i doing here. Good lyrics #xfactor
I dont belong here. Wagner #xfactor
@ananyah actually thought it was a very memorable and appropriate ad... Doesnt happen often
Prefer the original. Good song #xfactor
@mike_griffin_f1 there'll be more later prob. Good per. Liked it tho not mad over it #xfactor
@OzoneVibe it dawned on me too. Sigh. Sky+ at least results are sun... I assume #xfactor
@OzoneVibe am away next week too. In hotel/bros daughter christening...
Very appropriate. Good show. Cher. #Xfactor
Cheryls done a vettel 'thats what i'm talking about' #xfactor
@OzoneVibe poor girl. Thats off.
Mm. Enjoyed rebeccas perf. Sweet and would buy album but cher looking good for round 1 imo #xfactor
God katie performance though dont think voice strong enough #xfactor
ouch @ananyah
@oldmanuk i just thought it was a very appropriate young dynamic performance. Cher is my fav singer but do think cher could do well #xfactor
I love this song. Classic. But wagner is making it painfull #xfactor
not a fan of marys perf. Great 1980 pretenders song tho #xfactor
That wii ad looks rubbish. So outclassed now by kinect #xfactor
@kkir @Kkirgirl thats what got me about it. Sounded shouty #xfactor
@Kateroon spot on. #Xfactor
So nice to see rebecca smiling more. Really enjoyed. #Xfactor
@sebastiangiraud does it matter?
Kates perf seemed too pleading/desperate to me... Not quite clicking #xfactor
@SuzShoes all her songs appear to have that theme.... #Xfactor
@laura_marieee @DaveMyers1 more leona than alexandra
Now thats what i'm talking about. Spot on matt #xfactor. Best
@Kateroon liked matt?
Matt best of night. Rebecca song #2 and thought cher cool. So same top 3 for me again #xfactor
So will lewis hamilton be watching #xfactor tomorrow !
wagner/katie@? Mary? #xfactor
@AdamManning @amandagolding @ozonevibe have kinect thinking of getting that dance game. Scary!
i thought she did well even if not my personal fav. Who do you favour? @aaronjamesf1
@davemyers1 @xplane0202 virgin media i guess
@epredator @adammanning @amandagolding @ozonevibe prob has an alcohol requirement for optimum entertainment value
gets busy though @Kateroon
usual issues with #n900 twitter clients sigh
RT @BreakingNews: Latest from Karachi: Plane crash into residential area sparks huge blaze; several buildings hit - Sky News http://bit ...
@LauraLeslie23 nada in south

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Friday, 26 November 2010

From Twitter 11-26-2010

@lesanto wondered why anyone would have £80k lying around if not stolen/tax fraud etc. But looks like it was genuine. But seriously I
@lesanto dislike having any cash around (like more then £30 for the pub!) - don't have the money anyway!
wish I knew how to find out what Windows 3D/video apps were holding things open "cannot enable X" when trying to switch graphics (ati/intel)
@inbedlam yep, vlc/wm all stopped, browsers too. I can log off/on, but there's clearly something using it and non-obvious what
@inbedlam really bugs me when I dock and want to display code/diagrams across 2 screens
@inbedlam No joy. closed down all apps, started killing anything non-critical, couldn't identify offending process. Grrr. (yes aero w7)
@inbedlam Get annoyed when user-facing errors don't give user way to actually understand/address issue .
@inbedlam I prefer linux (partly as I understand/know it better) but then a) power mgmt on my video card is rubbish b) dynamic switching x
@inbedlam I go through phases of linux on laptop. With latest m/c I couldnt get suspend/resume, 3d gfx & decent battery life co-existing :-(
@inbedlam I have an R600 based chip & with the "radeon" driver in 10.04 (6 months ago) power management was very poor.
@inbedlam 1/2 the life of windows (in part with the intel/ati switching). proprietary fglx had excellent PM but suspend/resume unreliable
@inbedlam similar in fedora 13...
@inbedlam yep, been using linux since '96 ('nix since 86) and PM (and previously wifi, though ok now) bane of existance
@inbedlam other issue is that a) some apps needed not supported b) implementation of some apps poor (dev not understanding platform s/times)
@inbedlam sure later. At least now I don't have to work on my own HDD scsi driver to work on wierd MCA hw
RT @skyGuardiansun: Six cruise #Ships due in port together in #Southampton:For first time in decades #Southampton will wit #United-Kingd ...
@Sulman indeed, same as during boat show.
Teenage boys rescued after seven weeks at sea http://t.co/7U6kHvQ via @Digg
@chl0w that's quite a statement from her. Guess no being modest eh? though I detect an element of sarcasm and provocation...
@martinpacker cutepdf ? #PDF #Notes #Linux http://bit.ly/aRBdPj - I've used it at home before
@kasumiastra though maybe the real question is why you needed printed tickets in first place rather than email/sms etc?
RT @Sara_Kim: There's a broken down train at Winchester so I'd avoid travel through there at the moment if you can. All the trains are s ...
@Chl0w my first reaction was big-headed, but on reading the stream I did realise that - and I think in fact more of the tweets have a
@Chl0w humerous and sarcastic element to them too
Can't log back in to work im.. if anyone wants to get in touch ping me here!
take back that last comment - DNS glitches
Think I've cracked a problem that's stumped me since yesterday.. Testing out, if addressed time to stop!
just one thing not right. Ok time to leave it. 95% there. ...nearly met today's goal.
@thecheekycritic we had a dead rat under some heating grilles in office. I thought it was a gas leak, but it was rotting flesh....
Looking forward to #theevent - may as well let sky+ buffer 15 mins then I get to skip ads!
@kasumiastra I'm sure it will come. So old fashioned. Though text/email not really secure enough by themselves yet.
@kasumiastra need encryption/wallet/multiplatform..@fradgepick #FF
@fradgepick Oops - caught you on last tweet. Anyway thanks for #FF
@EmpireSteve thanks for the #ff steve -- mine will def be later at best!
@inbedlam I seem to remember some rather strange *nix versions and c/pm m/pm in school, pets etc.
@inbedlam First "nice" *nix environment I used was solaris - we had about 500 sun workstations at uni @1987 - very nice.
@AvrilF1 Thanks for the #FF
@Chl0w getting back into twitter? been fairly quiet?
@amandagolding @neicey @EmpireSteve Sorry can't make it this time. Son's birthday. Another time. will be there week sat tho
Recorded QI this week! @BBC_TopGear - Clarkson,dave mitchell and a topic of health and safety. This surely will be EPIC!
@doclorraine If that's #southampton #twitterpubcrawl there's a lot of tweetup activity at the mo! Obviously the place to be,,
RT @mathewi: it's anecdotal, but it doesn't sound like morale at LinkedIn is very good, according to this Quora thread: http://is.gd/hPJKG
@icicle_halo_ @leilani_izzard Nothing here btw winchester/southampton - looks like some light flurries, but Tues b4 anything possibly more
@AndyCDoyle I opted to skip 3D. What I would say is get as big a screen as you can - I have 46 in loving room and still seems small
@AndyCDoyle OH reckons we should have gone one up (55?) but loads a ££. Next time...
Yes may be a better option. good point RT @EmpireSteve: @planetf1 Though there is an extra dose on Saturday at 22:15 with QI XL :-)
@inbedlam Not used solaris for years, some apollo/hp at uni, then AIX and lots of AIX , and then linux. Use z/OS too (m/frame) s/times..
@AndyCDoyle You're joking! I reckongit's speeding up.
@AndyCDoyle Oops. anyway, just replaced my 32" CRT about 1 month ago. Went for Samsung 46" led-backlit panel (no 3d tho) + sony bluray
@AndyCDoyle getting sony/samsung mix is good as you get to use both manuf's internet services, though may be superceeded by google next yr
@AndyCDoyle remember if you have a surround amp there's latency in HD panels - amp needs a delay, or source device, else lipsync issues poss
@AvrilF1 WFH today so not cold, headed out to gym and in #southampton area the sun was georgous (no time to enjoy it though)
@AndyCDoyle there's def going to be improvements in 3D. Amoled could be v.interesting, low power, vivid, though hows panel life currently?
@AndyCDoyle Definately thinking big is good. Wonder if next one will be 55, 65,75...
@AndyCDoyle I preferred 3D on plasma when I looked a number of weeks back, though retention/power/heat pushed me to straight lcd/led
@amandagolding @hedgehogtastic As the bbc reported ;-) -- http://bbc.in/aSb9Yz
@AndyCDoyle Before amoled we *may* see more full-led-backlit, local dimming screens - in minority now (LG has one)
@saltyF1 Singing? What is the performance? Maybe crash as so popular - rivaling take that ?
@leilani_izzard are you local then? We don't usually get much.. exc last year. Maybe a little thin layer, can't imagine much
@AndyCDoyle Sound like a good deal - I would really think about the size though. 40 isnt that big. depends on room etc of course
did anyone bother with any #amazon #blackfriday UK deals. I only checked a few times, seemed rather tedious/time wasting?
@MorganF1 It's a US thing - was when sales on around thanksgiving and supposedly the day retails got back into the black (not red)
@Nickyhants #BlackFriday #USGuys Yep didn't really see much
@lookingspiffy That was my impression too - mostly mediocre offers and little availability.
@lookingspiffy So are you making the christmas tweetup?
@VeedubGeezer I've heard a few have got caught up in the whole thing.. not me. I guess having work has been one reason!
@vixisabel I should have done a wish list and sent it to amazon! But yep same feeling #blackfriday
time for #theevent
@MarkF1 enjoy it, I didn't have the patience
@Chl0w must admit I took a second look - and have followed will see.
@Chl0w lots of #f1 this year! Do you get to watch live? There's always great conv. going on during/around the races
@f1_emma you've not seen them? Really good - definately recommend the other two.
@Sandanista thanks for the #FF
@f1_emma I'm up for "gangs of new york" this weekend (18, violent I think) - deCaprio,diaz, day-lewis, good reviews. 2002. Should be good
#theevent is definately right up my street. Enjoying it!
@f1_emma Oh and on opposite end of spectrum watched "up" this week - once you get past the crying (well not quite) it's really good...
@vixisabel Did you see gadget show this week where suzi had wallpaper printed with a giant cat photo! Maybe ...
@vixisabel How about a canvas? Or a perspex print?
@vixisabel photobook?
Starting watching a 90min film about financial crisis. Errr. change of mind. something lighter for a fri evening thank you!
@barrywebber I know some people aren't convinced but it's in the flashforward/V vein. suits me. hope it's not canned though.
@vixisabel Of course I've never done a canvas or book. They've been on the todo list for years!

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Thursday, 25 November 2010

From Twitter 11-25-2010

enjoyed apprentice, so Christopher was just too nice.. so next time you have a meeting is it 9am or 1pm then
@FreshPlastic Do you have "cell broadcast" turned on - options probably somewhere in messaging menu.
@barrywebber I thought it would be Jamie, but I can see why AS fired him - too nice..
@ChelleC79 I copied some recent notes to my blog - more at http://bit.ly/hiWrxo
realised one issue tonight when I went to watch apprentice. New sky hd plays tv preview when looking at guide. Grr dont want to know!
@ChelleC79 3 are good (best) for prices/speeds & 3G coverage. My only beef is office+home coverage is poor. only voda reaches of all nets
@ChelleC79 and voda offer the least attractive pricing of any Can get 2-3Gb of data on 3 unrestrited for same price as 0.5 restricted voda
@ChelleC79 we have less land mass but mobile generally cheap. Can get lots textx/few gb data, ie on 3 10-15 ukp pcm (no subsidy)
@oldmanuk yes, thanks. Am aware of that - most times I want it, just not when a program I'm recording is still on!
@sxa555 I didn't see the results. ended up on mute and held a cushion in front of Top Right of screen whilst navigating! #F1
@honeybee85 am guessing it involves f1 ?
How did that happen. 0130. Ooops. Sleep time.
@TashaDragonfly do you know about the uksnow # -- http://bit.ly/gD5JAQ - are you in north-east? Nothing around south?
I think my cricket loving friends are getting me back for #f1 and #xfactor...
woah. snow forecast in #southampton Thu,sat,sun,mon,tue,thu,fri though seems light snow/rain mostly
just rea on council website that I live in a "flood zone 1" area. Not that there's been anything I'm aware of in 20 yrs
@TashaDragonfly oohh sounds too cold up there. relatively we're in the tropical zone down here (not today!)
@paulbackhouse yep had a look in env site, seems mostly about planning new develop/risk assessment not a big real risk?
anyone seen any new mobile masts around knightwood/chandlers ford? 3 cov. supposed to improve 1/12. Expect it's adjustment of existing sites
@paulbackhouse ah ok I see, you mean even the top of a mountain would be FZ1?
RT @OzoneVibe: RT @icicle_halo_: Photo: The frontpage of today’s Irish Daily Star. Say no more. http://tumblr.com/xk9rofso4 <<< ...
sat in car waiting for ice to melt. Only time for one tweet. Front heated screen (smug)....
ice may not have delayed my trip to work (much) but 2 queues from traffic lights within 250m of house did!
@minxymoggy I've used it, but it's a poor UI, and more importantly generally the nets dont update any more...
@timbo_baggins I could always use the transporter ;-)
Ouch http://bit.ly/fApoFB -> "Service Temporarily Unavailable" - @VodafoneUK
@timbo_baggins No, but we do have this new fangled thing called the internet which means I could work at home!
@vodafoneuk Your "2345" payg topup line is going silent on option 3 (freebies). selected free web/textx wks ago. Can't verify online?
great. Slow network is now delaying what I need to do by ~1 hour. Always things to slow one down. Grrr
Oh great. My network problems seem to be specific to my laptop not another m/c on same subnet. Grrr! Sounds like driver problems.
Grr. something up with laptop. network speeds all over place 150-200 k one minute, 12 Mbps next. confused.
@VodafoneUK yes web worked a little afterwards, a bit glitchy first thing. The IVR was also misbehaving. And online balance All ok now
@VodafoneUK thanks, trying a payg with web/text freebie to check out service/data before any commitment
@jamesfarrier though of course not last winter.. I can't imagine we'll see much #uksnow
RT @VisitHampshire: RT @hantsconnect: Highways teams getting ready to salt Hampshire's Priority 1 routes 7pm tonight: http://tinyurl.com ...
@honeybee85 snow? Oh! Nothing down here so far.
@breagrant wasn't there going to be a protest about the TSA full body scan machines vs pat-down ? Not causing delays?
Day.1 trying out vodafone vs 3. Very positive (except price) *for my area*
No ice/snow outside but its brrrrr. #Southampton
@riveerrrrssss really. Wfh tomorrow though rest of family out to work/school/college
@neicey shouldn't have gone for such a physical job....
@neicey it was sarcasm :-)
@kayels nothing as good as iplayer... Demand five actually works ok on internet enabled sony bluray/tvs.. V. Useful
What is a tuesday #tweetup - check out here http://bit.ly/ezghex then come along!
RT @Tuesdaytweetup: #TwistmasTweetup : Sat 11th Dec, Slug & Lettuce, Above Bar, Soton - 17:30 till late! Plz let me know if attending. P ...
RT @GregoryHainesF1: #F1 I agree 100 percent with what Petrov says: http://www.gpupdate.net/en/f1-news/248551/petrov-disappointed-with-a ...
@OzoneVibe well it's starting to look like that just before christmas... help! #tweetup #tweetup
Surround speaker cables patched after pup decided they were dinner ... wondering what's next....
@SarahAnnGreen @kayels If demandfive broken how about http://bit.ly/haoPw6 ? (not sure if it uses same stream)
@amandagolding All fine afaik. We just have one now. Manic a few mins ago, now flaked out! gets "proper" walk this w/end (2 wks after vacci)
@minxymoggy I prefer chrome (in part due to extensions I use), or firefox, but actually IE9 is remarkably decent , massive step forward
@amandagolding woken up as dughter arrived home, jumping around onto sofa -> table-> floor. Mor epeaceful when he was asleep!
@icicle_halo_ Umm. so many cables/stuff around. At least the new TV is firmly out of reach on the wall...
@minxymoggy IEx ... They're all competing in terms of html/graphics accelerationwin some loose some.
@icicle_halo_ Little monkey. just found him destroying a packet of polos left around by kids. Ok could be worse...
@ItsCollaborate socks is def favourite even for mum too (2.5)
@Sulman when I first heard it I didnt like it, but grown on me. hardly a classic, but a jolly pop song.
@Sulman I fell asleep on a flight to canada listening to kelly clarkson "breakaway" on repeat. To this day I struggle to stop it coming back
@Sulman into my head! wierd...
RT @patricknorton: Why Drive Extender is being killed, Paul Thurrott's excellent writeup: http://bit.ly/eCyghP (thx to @jmwallace74 !)
@patricknorton Bottom line, MS just removed WHS's key feature. It is now a total irrelevance and major microsoft #fail
@minxymoggy have you tried FF4? I still prefer chrome though.

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Wednesday, 24 November 2010

From Twitter 11-24-2010

@skyhd posted Q to avforums http://bit.ly/fCIobd - its not problem, just want to learn. Are sky forums up http://bit.ly/eJL7fS blank 4 me
1:1 pixel mapping and @skyhd -- further info http://bit.ly/fahUh4 . looks like broadcast issues/restrictions masked by default oversampling
@rockmelt One thing I *really* miss from standard chrome is sync across browsers (as I use several). Will this resurface?
looks cold out there. I can see my solid frozen widscreen. In this weather so grateful for a heated front screen :-)
@eric_andersen yep - it's standard, and what the corporate IT guys want. Blackberry, nokia offer same support. expect coming in android?
@thecheekycritic what is it? What do you use?
@eric_andersen I can just imagine the "tabloid" news stories now "facebook kills you" ....
Ah good idea. Never watched all! RT @habibiF1: going through serious #F1 withdrawal symptoms. Now watching Race edits on http://formula1.com
@IamLewis4real hope you stick it out on here - really interesting to read the direct/honest comments rather than only the PR filtered stuff!
weather forcast on news now. not sure I need to watch "rather cold" would probably suffice
can diaspora even beging to challenge facebooks dominance? Or just be a niche player? http://bit.ly/gqV77a
Noticed @rockmelt browser has updated today (if friend + use facebook feel free to ping for invite). Now chrome 7. Needed.
@DotNetWill the fact evey tools/sw has it's own updater is the real #fail to me. More like ubuntu would be my way (repos, plat. standards)
fantastic! had a meeting clash. was trying to figure out how to escape from one to go to a more interesting one. Not needed!
My Top 3 Weekly #lastfm artists: Rihanna (17), Alicia Keys (7) & Colbie Caillat (3) #music http://bit.ly/aC2d2Q
Had a great (and unusual) day so far avoiding office/laptop and talking/learning about lots of really useful topics. like!
Unbelievable! RT @engadget: Windows Home Server 'Vail' drops drive extender support, MS suggests you buy bigger HDDs http://engt.co/dEjmVt
@timbo_baggins @pcpro Can't believe they did this. It was the big selling point of WHS. Have added to blog http://bit.ly/etlD8U #whs #fail
@timbo_baggins Def - 100% agree. Major #microsoft #fail - effectively they've just totally killed #whs dead #vail @EmpireSteve @xplane0202
@timbo_baggins @EmpireSteve Just at point too where I thought - hey a MS server works well. so stable. crazy for the target mkt (now 0)
Microsoft Connect bug thread on removing Drive Extender from Home Server: http://bit.ly/fallHn #VailFail
Kuwait bans DSLRs, leaves Micro Four Thirds question hanging in the air -- Engadget http://t.co/Vxwg93K via @Digg
@SarahAnnGreen The problem with all these new devices is the sheer volume of content available. We recently got a... http://post.ly/1F59u
Cooking sauteed sweet potato and salmon tea. Late again. Apprentice delayed no doubt...
Switched to a @vodafoneuk sim in my #n900. May credit later. Getting wound up at dodgy coverage work/home on 3 tho voda data bit pricy
@ChelleC79 nope not here.
Yep no chance of watching #apprentice live tonight

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Tuesday, 23 November 2010

From Twitter 11-23-2010

@EmpireSteve congrats! Sounded like a long process. Was that mostly downloading or is update slow?
@Walkerooo @j_m_photography computers. Love em hate em. My morning was wasted with a 'simple' update...
@EmLah oh no you won't !
@stevephotog @Walkerooo ah stubborn. Yep. Something my daughter has inherited from be. Bleeding annoying at times but its a reflection!
Time for some shuteye. Tomorrow is going to be an effective work day.
Attempted to stream divx using dnla on samung tv. Not great. No ff/rw. Sony bravia internet much better.
@etherealtype my fav service now is pixelpipe. Use it for photos from phone. Like that it can send to blog flickr twitpic yfrog etc
Oh no we didn't... ... ok @EmLah this could go on and on ;-) Have fun! Sorry it's that time of year. Already have a local panto booked :-)
@honeybee85 Never save the time.. have thought about getting a kindle. another gadget ;-) Not so good for sand/water though
@sxa555 In terms of picture etc & general ease of use/quality am delighted with the samsung, the internet stuff isn't bad and is pretty
@sxa555 but despite the blander look the sony bravia internet easily surprasses it in ease/reliability of use.
@sxa555 Very smart move to get different brand bluray player for diversification - the Sony BDP-S370 is a wicked *entry* blueray/streamer
Presumably any apps that don't use https -- RT @ruskin147: http://bbc.in/dYetJf. Here's the full demo of the smartphone hack...
@Sara_Kim as well as changing password, worth going to settings->connections and disallowing other apps you've permitted..
RT @bobbyllew: Yay for the the racing green team and Yay for the BBC, electric car report without 1 snidey comment. http://bbc.in/e9uLb1
One single extension @opera really needs to be viable (for me) is @lastpass - extension is more useful than any browser feature!
@stevelitchfield indeed, when I saw it I went uhuh ok, so thats nothing new -- but many wouldn't know, and of course mobile will move around
@stevelitchfield real issue is the apps and that they need to be using encryption
Dont agree with all but checkout photo near end -- RT @allaboutmeego: The Smartphone's Place in the Mobile Spectrum http://dlvr.it/91LWD
@etherealtype either a) too much, plastic cant handle and bursts b) sharp things rips, all fall out. Svae for lightweight tasks. get tough!
@richardbarley Given volumes assume not, but maemo/meego would be so nice (does Qt help platform indep./s60 too or not good enough yet?)
@etherealtype now getting worried what you're putting in those bags ;-) next you'll say you're bundling into the back of the car.. <runs>
note to dogs. just because I put a piece of toast on, doesn't mean it's your dinner!
@etherealtype Ah! No need to be worried then. best of luck. bet you're looking forward to getting it done
Ouch, just had a reasonable (though negative) comment censored on @waitrose 's uk facebook pg rather than reply. not good PR, Disappointed
@EmpireSteve @waitose I was sharing my thought about these kinds of competitions on brand image, for a brand I trust @waitroseuk
RT @BBCBreaking: Next year's #royalwedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton will take place at Westminster Abbey on Friday 29th ...
So Fri 29th April could be a public holiday :-)
@angryjedi lucky! Maybe you can share parties?
@interestedb In the interests of merging another thread "Oh no it doesn't" (check timeline and you'll see!)
reasonable work morning, time to think about lunch, soon...
@oldmanuk Only that I thought the barely available game didn't suit with my brand perception. that was it. no response, just deleted.
@oldmanuk only a very minor comment really - it's lack of response/censorship that really frustrates Maybe why twitter I prefer..
@EmpireSteve by it's @waitroseuk not @waitrose for the official twitter presence
get frustrated when I report bugs I keep hitting, many release go past, no attempt to get more info. grrrr.
just written a long detailed email, email client not responding. IT HAD BETTER NOT CRASH.
@sxa555 your reply reference is dangling again!
@katebevan @sxa555 if there's one thing I can't stand it's those not able to take criticism. Should respond and/or not comment. Moving ->
@katebevan @sxa555 topic may be relevant, and sure should screen obsenities, or those aiming to disrupt repeatedly.
@katebevan @sxa555 Some of us are strange enough to think that critical feedback helps to improve product and lead to a vibrant community
@katebevan I take it you've seen http://bit.ly/hYkoF6 -- just seemed somewhat relevant...
looking out of window it's starting to get rather dark, and not even 1630 ... winter. tut.
"please dial the meeting number". NO THAT IS NOT WHAT YOU MEANT. "please dial the meeting number after the beep otherwise it wont work!"
just had a little play with DLNA streaming. What a total shambles http://bit.ly/gi3BKZ
@lookatbowen I've watched some divx movies sure, but usability for music/transcoding/navigation mostly
@lookatbowen simple task "play music on tv", even with hw all sorted is proving rather problematic.
big difference in #xfactor artists presence on facebook as opposed to twitter. there it's clearly a mass PR stunt, her potentially genuine
well cher and rebecca at least? #xfactor
just cooking dinner. Where does all the time go
funny that whilst fancy samsung tv/sony bluray struggle with DLNA transcode/playback/nav, my N900 built-in app is perfect...
@OzoneVibe ha ha. well some went in my salad today. as at most weekends I bought some fresh stuff - and it was fresh thyme (for lamb roast)!
noticing watching @TheGadgetShow on @skyhd with 1:1 mapping on 1080p that video doesn't quite fill screen, tho OSG do, & varies during show?
I had assumed if I was watching an HD source (@skyhd ) that forcing 1:1 should be spot on. but seems edge of tv pic is unstable
picture border varies, ad pre-roll information, sometimes green "data" signals down left/base. Assume it's outside protected area on @skyhd
will prob end up setting samsung 6 series led to 16:9
@fraggle35 I think part of the issue is the actual broadcast picture -- on @TheGadgetShow the onscreen graphics were correct, but the video
@fraggle35 was slightly blank at top/sides. I can only assume it's normal as these areas would usually be expanded. Hadn't expected with HD?
@skyhd 1080i

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Monday, 22 November 2010

From Twitter 11-22-2010

@honeybee85 Nearly went to see HP on Friday but too tird at end/week. Loved the books, will prob go see s/time
@MichaelxHell Ouch. 1 hr sleep = not nice.
@Pinkgineer cool! Good show? I have applied for tkts (uk) b4, but never got any .. #TopGear
slight snow forcast here (#southampton) next Sunday. Below 1/freezing Wed-Sat but just -1 overnight, 4-6 in day
@honeybee85 if you enjoy kids films, try "up" - watched it at home last night. Lovely.
@MichaelxHell When I was a student I did on occasion buy caffeine tablets. For the 1st time this year I bought a pack (caffeine/sugar)
@MichaelxHell *only* for my 2am-10pm day out at silverstone/f1 -- but even then it wasn't 1 hr. Good luck. Red bull?
Right my irish colleagues. The money's in the post. remember to send the Guinness ;-) Seriously lets hope this gets sorted
@stephfarnsworth @vixisabel @MorganF1 @interestedb "cute" has turned into "yob" this morning try to wind up mum.. Grr. argby-bargy going on
@MiaF1Design I guess at least you're all geared up for it though ? - in terms of transport etc. As we get occasionally it tends to disrupt
@MichaelxHell Set phone to vibrate (electric shock option?) and arrange for twitterati to ping you every few mins to keep awake?
@MiaF1Design ok so that theory out of the window. Maybe you're just better and chilling out and don't whinge so much then?
RT @filos: Today is a big day. Phase two of Twimbow beta will start in a few hours, stay tuned.
@rachelclarke :-( hopefully change makes u feel better... #fb
Swearing at my windows laptop this morning. registry/inconsistency/drivers/runtime library issues/.net error. I hate windows sometiems #fail
@honeybee85 did you read the books BTW. They're a great read. Used to be a staple for holidays. Only time I tend to read novels :-(
@motorracinghosp It's lack of a complete install/packaging/update approach that bugs the **** out of me (like rpm/installp/smp-e etc) #fail
@motorracinghosp @interestedb the dogs sleep/rest lots too, but the pups is a bit of a pain to mum at times. settling more though
RT @Triton1: DB2 10 for z/OS is launched - Am I bothered?
RT @nessie111: RT @AngryBritain: Average adult complains for eight minutes and 45 seconds a day. Amateurs ... http://bit.ly/cfGayn
I'm actually surprised we only moan for less than 9 minutes a day. Sometimes it feels like more. windows! groan @nessie111 @angrybritain
See that last angry quote - @riveerrrrssss - wonder if windows users whinge more than mac or linux users? ;-)
with all the blocking of google tv in US by major networks, is there an anti trust concern? Or outdated orgs throwing toys out of pram?
RT @noelrooney: "When playboys ruled the world" is still available on ITV Player at itv.com, brilliant #jameshunt #barrysheene http://b ...
"In my day when the race was done we went off and chased girls. Now they go and say thanks to Vodafone."(S.Moss) #f1 http://bit.ly/aavDAO
@leinir as ever the truth is more complex. All the platforms have their issues.... be it stability, dev support, openness,power management..
@riveerrrrssss yes it's not just the base OS, it's vendors/OEMs/developers that work in that environment too (probably *more* so) #Vista
So the campaign to support wagner continues - like the rage to stop an #xfactor num.1 last year. It's getting boring. Just don't watch.
@EmpireSteve I do struggle with the old mentality.Current behaviour just drives more piracy and zero income
@sxa555 Thanks to @noelrooney for spotting it -- the show is still on itvplayer #f1 Shame not on bbc iplayer as that works properly
@EmpireSteve I doubt it's most. I never have - though new kit now does streaming from some services anyway. Block->copy
@noelrooney something to aspire to? Must try to watch later #f1
just had one of those apprentice "choose a pm" moments. several ppl volunteered. Oops. opened my mouth too much. Now got more work to do...
High I/O is the bane of my laptop's existance.
@haikus You beat me - 7 Sep 2007
@david_hay yep definately, but out of reach at the moment
@IamNii_Teiko yep - in the US - blocking the flash plugin version ...
Ah! turned back on pup for 30s. had gone onto bed-climbed onto chair, and had nicked (his) food off table... ARRGh
watching http://www.itv.com/itvplayer/video/?Filter=190125 "when playboys ruled the world" #f1 #nowplaying
now thinking about that last tweet wondering what spam I'll get :-(
@OzoneVibe it would be very creepy if it was. Out with the ouji board
@amanjon hope so. forgot to record it. @noelrooney reminded me it was on itv player. crap video quality though
grr forgot it was itv. guess there's at least a little content inbetween the adverts
@OzoneVibe save until the withdrawal pains really hit! #f1 #nowplaying
hadn't seen clip of hunt punching a marshall before ... #f1
won't say too much... lots not seen yet. oops. #f1
@EmpireSteve fairly light, some racing action, but enjoying it
some great one-liners in that program. recommend ... #f1
Wonder if #itv have any plans to increase web streaming quality of #itvplayer. No breakups but quality is very poor IMO
Have checked amazon a few times today for the #blackfriday deals, but bored - appear for instant it seems.
@AdamManning @Stewzer with trainers ? ;-)
About 1 in 3 tweets in my timeline are iOS related (and no i dont even use it)
@EmpireSteve purely an observation not whinge.
@mike_griffin_f1 @interestedb quite like lovefilm for movies. Dvd/bluray in post for quality but can also stream and v. Current
@Alexandra_1608 there should be a health warning with that. Seriously. Extra strength sunglasses needed
@EmpireSteve did you think i hadnt had my 8 mins today!

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Sunday, 21 November 2010

From Twitter 11-21-2010

@honeybee85 good first day? Accost any punters and force them to sign?
@Sandanista I thought sandra was a pharmacist before politics..
@johnhood works well on the current bravia devices (I have on bluray). prefer to samsung but hoping itv/40d follow
@SlyRenard heard lots complain about spoliers but if read the books first then.. makes no diff
@vixisabel That is actually rather nasty #MailOnline
@Petronella Sometimes they just go on too long. could have been grateful... #trailersarepartoftheexperience
@Hands0n at uni i lived on a 13th floor for a year (owens park manchester). Must look up that film!
@Vemsteroo @DevilInACCup sounds like our dog. She is very patient before giving up. Balls socks....
@nnubeh that flavour doesn.t appeal. Sounds like an xmas present for those you want to un-friend..
family day with the parents.... dinner smelling very nice!
@thecheekycritic not a rat I hope!
@AdamManning I would have thought you'd follow the lions so that when they attacked someone you could offer your services ;-)
Have lost google sync since using #rockmelt. Think I'll go back.
Best sunday roast of year. Lamb/shallots/cider/thyme. Re cabbage. Roast pots/carrots. Brocolli. Mint/redcurrent+port jelly gravy. Superb!
Teddy the pup off out for a walk http://twitpic.com/38w984 #Dog
Teddy the pup off out for a walk http://yfrog.com/f58rpluj #Dog
Teddy the pup off out for a walk http://pi.pe/-dhfrkx #Dog
@stephfarnsworth one of 4 born to our bitch. 11 wks. Cockapoo. Other pups gone to new homes but we are keeping him...
Pretty muddy dog walk today. All nearly slipped a few times round the woods...
@MorganF1 bumped into some other dog owners who called him a teddy bear...
@vixisabel well not exactly a walk. More a carry. Walk is next weekend
me too. Hopefully soon. Lovefilm not bad too
@interestedb Hi, had to open when I got home, came down as strange filetype. But he clearly wants a muddy walk. now! ;-)
bit scary http://youtu.be/u14tBwO5QVQ
@sxa555 Simple, iphone user approach. Why get something for free when you can pay for it ;-) #38
@interestedb ah! yes ours can smell the dinner a mile off - I think our dog can hear the sound of an oven door/packet from other side house
appears to be family movie time. "up"?
@PeachyF1 @AvrilF1 Ah should be a pleasant interlude before #xfactor (somehow jobs got missed this w/end!)
@stevephotog our daughter used to whine at walking until we did disney. walked miles and never complained after that!
Enjoyed watching "up". Lovely sunday afternoon fun. Rather sad in places too, but definately an engaging story
@mike_griffin_f1 Definately recommend, am sure you'll enjoy it. Managed to avoid the tears (just about) ;-). Funny too.
#xfactor time
Seeing matt again def a great perf last night #xfactor
Shouts in the room of 'please wagner please' #xfactor
Wagner/katie? #Xfactor
Omg katie thru #xfactor good for her
Good rebecca thru #xfactor
Paigr in bot? #Xfactor
What wagner through. Cher in bot 2. Crazy! #Xfactor. Cher has to go thru
superb cher performance #xfactor
Phew #xfactor
Got worried there. Amazed wagner didnt go and that cher was in bot 2. Shes doing good.. #Xfactor
Matt had something to say in xtrafactor. Wagner... Icy. #xfactor
strong opinions on xtrafactor. Much better show #xfactor. Vicki wasnt liked was she..
@sxa555 i didnt though i didnt really get him. #Xfactor
@sxa555 not exactly sure of meaning of comment. Ddn;t see him in the song though

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Saturday, 20 November 2010

From Twitter 11-20-2010

Enjoyed #theevent - hoping this one doesn't get canned....
Gosh, rather late now, ended up watching @sarahbeeny tackling her massive house renovation- that's a big place, then skipped thru #cin
@sxa555 I see you have it now - yes fcamera for HDR etc - interesting project
@Walkerooo Happy birthday Amy - have a fun day!
3am. Bother #sleepfail
Now this is especially nerdy for any photographers out there http://bit.ly/ax5Kll
Even comes in nikon and canon versions !
@ericube I can think of a few ppl that it would make a fun gift for! not seen them before. shows the price markup I guess
Perfect for annoying someone too -- just get the "wrong" brand. @jonchoo @ericube
@AndyCDoyle I would hope that's the writers idea of a fun joke -- kind of thing I'd enjoy to sneak in. hoping so!
RT @bobbyllew: @svmitche I can't tell you how hard I tried to get more ladies in my car. Jo Brand and Doon Mackichan are both passenger ...
@bobbyllew wondering about that first sentence taken out of context ;-)
@AMIAFAD @shellk1984 this time of year I start to think very carefully about shopping.... have to hit supermarket, food for relatives. aargh
@AMIAFAD @shellk1984 thinking waitrose more civilized/quiet than asda/sains/testcos if wallet can stand it. (son staff discount in 1 wk :-)
@pj_kent It looks like a bit of a laugh!
@vixisabel not at mo, but it could come in useful at some point. I guess a lens is a perfect shape for this! Just dont confused with real 1
@AMIAFAD @shellk1984 SOn's been working part time (outside college) in waitrose, so after 3mths, discount :-) [1 wk to go]
@AMIAFAD @shellk1984 lots of xmas foog/gifts in john lewis/waitrose & always pleasant to shop there
@vixisabel Always struggle with present choices though... I suppose I'll do the typical male thing and go on 22-24 dec.
@vixisabel It's always amazing the male/female split in town on those last few days. entirely male dominated.
may have to sneak an extra double espresso shot to make it through this morning. Yawn.
RT @RubberGoat: This is a very interesting website about the Group Lotus/Team Lotus debacle: http://www.saveteamlotus.com/
@vixisabel you are joking! @EmpireSteve
@EmpireSteve @vixisabel same here. not even started a list yet. s'spose I should try to be earlier esp. for home deliv
I still have some #rockmelt invites if any regular followers want one (but must have facebook - rockmelt depends on it) http://bit.ly/al9xVt
@amandagolding similar. parents visiting after lunch. But have to do gym session first, then shop/cleaning to fit in whats left!
@amandagolding gym has to take priority. Esp if there's beer and curry later . oops
time for exercise :-)
@amandagolding good choice. Less guilt later!
time to get some yummy waitrose food
@ericube still waiting for #rockmelt to give me the option.... will send asap
@cholled Will be interested what you think. It's mostly "decoration" around browser, not convinced it's much more than extensions #rockmelt
wonders if going to #waitrose in a hoody is unacceptable. will feel very under-dressed :-)
@sxa555 yep.put parents off from last weekend! They enjoy #f1 but talk all over tv progs. Lets see how #xfactor goes...
@RachaelEdwards chandlers ford. Had a lovely wander around. Relaxing though my wallet was under pressure and thats even being carefull
sit down and coffe at last. shopping in waitrose is so civilized though.
@welp y
@sxa555 i have, think it might have broken when auth changed. I never found it practical
@geraintwjones just peer pressure !
curry with parents tonight & xfactor prob followed by f1 review . wonder how much talking. not much tweeting that's for certain!
@amandagolding @lastmanstood wonders how many people would buy the i-ron just because it's their religion!
@amandagolding @lastmanstood And if you haven't seen this commentary on user perception -- http://bit.ly/d5Kl9U
@etherealtype @DigitalDiablo It's the one "ryhme" or whatever it's called that I still remember and sometimes find myself still saying!
looking forward to #xfactor and what @REALCHERLLOYDX 's twist is. Thought could be watching delayed again
As weeks go on I still *love* rebeccas singing, and matt is great, but cher is the most interesting. gearing up to deserve win? #xfactor
I'd still want to buy rebeccas#'s album and love the sophisticated styling #xfactor
@sxa555 more convinced of that each week. Agree
Family xmas meal booked. nearly getting to watch #xfactor. sneaking a tweet as had to use pc at table to check menus!
@sxa555 Absolutely agree about relevant. its the obvious choice -- cher should win... and I'll go off and buy rebeccas album! #xfactor
Favourite so far tonight... Cher #xfactor
Rebecca per.. Not so special this week #xfactor
Watching delayed. Worried. Wagner must be any mo #xfactor
Impressed by marys performance #xfactor
Those dancers with wagner were testing the colour gamut there.
Cheryl/wagner ouch #xfactor
Is it just me or does katie always do grovelly songs. Help? #Xfactor
@f1_emma @timbo_baggins @morganf1 @noelrooney aarrgh. Painful. Truly . Cher for me. #Xfactor
Katie still trying hard #xfactor
katie/wagner bot 2 ? #Xfactor
@macie_sherwood respect she tries but is very desperate. Does ok but not up top. Your fav?
@macie_sherwood mary. Good for right songs but dont think top 3. Do you mean rebecca. Gr8 not so good tonight but my fav
@macie_sherwood think cher is arguably most interesting
@xplane0202 years.
Am i an an alternate reality. All the guests on xtrafactor are spreading wagner love. Chemical in the water? #Xfactor

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Friday, 19 November 2010

From Twitter 11-19-2010

@Jodie_kemp (oops) -- here -> http://bit.ly/bpiS2d
@pseudonymuk spot on. This is what bugs me. ship/forget. minimal bug fixes mostly/no effort to keep current
@pseudonymuk not apple fan though they do. android v. fragmented. nokia saying they will for symbian moving forward?
@LauraLeslie23 sounds like you're in for an uncomfortable night
@LauraLeslie23 for some reason the phrase slap and dash came to mind. quick reaction needed to get into pids to cover your position ;-)
@LauraLeslie23 in same situation again you could ask "what would keeley do?" (get rid in no time prob)
I have a few #rockmelt invites if anyone wants one (must be be fb friend though) -
@pseudonymuk yep - i gave up jan, but currently on maemo. meego a way off so next dev prob android. (do run port on n900 too)
@JoaoPOPrtsG hope you understand but want to offer to regular collaborators first for few hours. good luck,
going to watch ep.5 of #theevent before bed now that tea etc done. late night after that school event.
@nnubeh aarrgh. family tech support. can be worst kind...
@anotherproblem bbc worldwide does commercial stuff - think dvds etc. presume it's them?
@nnubeh who worse? Just because you don't have one? but then she'd never need to call. supposedly...
RT @billynewport: Angry Birds spotlights Android fragmentation - CNET News: http://news.cnet.com/8301-30685_3-20023199-264.html?tag=twitter
@nnubeh indeed they all can be switched off and on...
@nnubeh happy birthday! Have a good un... work or leisure today?
Bother @skyhd box has hung for 4th time in about 2 weeks (since new). Assuming it's bugs in the new anytime+ software. others seeing? #fb
@nnubeh good move to skip work for birthday. Have fun! catch you at the tweetup in dec
@skyhd are there known issues with skyhd not responding to buts/rc amstrad SYSF26.28.06/4F3105/ - think hitting sw bugs?
@skyhd ok can see there's a thread at http://bit.ly/9Yt7EW - hopefully you guys can give us an update
de dem de de "updating system software" ..... #skyhd
Oh *** great. Apply the latest skyhd sw update, now getting slight lip-sync issues on sky news.
1 #rockmelt invite open. (for regular collaborators + must use facebook). Anyone?
Any students fancy entering a mainframe competition - prizes on offer! See http://bit.ly/9t5hIf #zseries #ibm #competition
@sxa555 2.2
@biogoo could be worse I guess, but it is very annoying. All I'd like to see is more transparency in acknowledgement of known issues
RT @Dan_Martin: The UK spends more per person online than anywhere else in the world #GEW #BBB // and EU spends more than North America
RT @BorkowskiPR: Why the new #NissanLEAF will rule the road...BBC given exclusive access - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-11791755
retreated from dining table to study - 2.5 hrs not too bad for battery. Sometimes get more, but must have been working :-)
Always slightly embarrassed working through some rather-too-old email..
I liked a YouTube video -- An Introduction to IBM InfoSphere Master Data Management Server http://youtu.be/IC17e0HAQg8?a
I've subscribed to IBMinfosphere's channel on YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/user/IBMinfosphere?feature=autoshare
@mike_griffin_f1 UK=tabloid press, more sophisticated tv (though sky news going downhill) US=sophisticated press, tabloid tv ? true ?
Oh my good friends, thanks for #ff -you got there 1st today! @Sandanista @fradgepick @EmpireSteve @amanjon @nnubeh - more after finish work
don't think my parents are too happy - their landline was faulty on 13th, has been reported and seems to still be down. Oh dear.
@paulbackhouse :-) well they're about to loose broadband too (ukonline) & email address. think there's some recommendations needed
final bit of BS expertise being applied to end of year assessment. Need to get this sent now so i can worry about real work ;-)
@SarahAnnGreen stalker ;-)
@SarahAnnGreen seriously I was wondering if ping was an irrelevance. Since I don't have an iphone (but do have old ipod) most of my music
@SarahAnnGreen activity is on last fm http://www.lastfm.com/user/planetf1 - I tend to scrobble from all devices.
@SarahAnnGreen The thing that worries me about is that ping is so itunes focussed, and I never buy music fom there, rank there or use iphone
@SarahAnnGreen so the value of data is low. Put music on server, often via DNLA - stream to joggler/tv/bluray/phone etc
@SarahAnnGreen even lastfm isn't perfect, but I do scrobble from ipad & when at work including spotify, so best reflection
@SarahAnnGreen I guess you're the one on the right? http://bit.ly/cVG6U2 ;-) at least in concept...
WRONG. using a tool with a spell check. For Uk English it marks "optimize" as incorrect. NO YOU ARE WRONG. either -se or -ze is acceptable
this dictionary is rubbish. "enablement" missing too. again in OED.
@Soggous -ize is from greek -ise from french. neither american? -ize is older also and more regarded as "traditional" ie main form in OED
@Soggous but then I did sciences/maths etc not languages!
@SarahAnnGreen no I'm getting scared
@Soggous I think my reason for using -ize was more because everyone else/teachers used -ise . A mild form of rebellion.
@Soggous I work for an american company, so any formal/external docs target US english anyway.. but there's a lot in US english that dates
@Soggous back to old english - medieval times etc, and retains same spelling/meaning where local british has moved on. interesting.
RT @nico_rosberg: Pirellis-similar to bridge same big understeer. Exit rear more nervous difficult to drive. Also big degradation so exc ...
New touch screen technology http://youtu.be/9IG3LfYqk4A
I liked a YouTube video -- Ice touchscreen http://youtu.be/9IG3LfYqk4A?a
@EmmaGx notice you're using witter still. I do sometimes but suffer from it's reliability.. #khweeteur is looking better but incomplete..
@EmmaGx the one hard people use ;-)
@EmmaGx And there's two packages - a regular khweeteur and experimental one (higher version). Little to loose so am using latter (0.0.50?)
@EmmaGx I still get it hang/fail to update/throw errors fairly regularly. have been on cusp of switching to android, but issues there too
@EmmaGx #tweetdeck on android is very nice. Wish we could have that on #maemo . Also tried #meego. Don't. too early.
I'm going to spread out some detailed #ff over the evening
Firstly special #ff since these guys have their birthdays this week @Walkerooo @nnubeh
Some special #ff for a couple of #f1 addicts excluding @mike_griffin_f1 as he's too good at quizzes and beat myself, @sxa555 @honeybee85 !
Some good local #ff friends in the #southampton area @OzoneVibe @paulbackhouse @EmpireSteve
#ff fun to chat with @etherealtype even if disagree with the team! and @EwanMarshall for random tech exchanges #f1
#ff @EmmaGx @ericube @AndyBold for mobile/tech chats
#ff for going on about healthy eating and running @vixisabel , and having a war of words @Soggous
#ff cleaning advice this week from @sarahgb @shellk1984 @anotherproblem @icicle_halo_ @incapete unhelpful from @lookatbowen @timbo_baggins
And if you have hours to chat especially about british TV @SuzShoes (though special mention again to @sxa555 in this category) #ff
@honeybee85 I was thinking when they announced prize for lowest points .... still amazed by mike's knowledge
@rachelclarkef1 classic! I have this image of a chariot with square wheels! Oh dear... that won't be very fast. <cracks up>
Right another #f1 one @rachelclarkef1 for just making me crack up. #ff
had note back from orange about by coverage enquiry at work. They blame "vegetation". Hope they're not referring to those who work there ;-)
This is why I prefer twitter replies to email -- this email goes on and on with disclaimers, waffle, irrelevant info made from a template
whilst a twitter reply was immediate/concise/helpful/accurate. twitter wins on all counts.
@OzoneVibe hottubs & Margarita time then...
right work done, SN session nearly done. Off for a dog walk then cooking time...
@GreatButton Oh when are JB/LH on? #f1 #childreninneed
Was going to say no #f1 this w/end, but at least there's the season catchup 13:00 Sat bbc1
@SamMillarF1 tah
RT @TheFifthDriver: Don't forget it's Children In Need today & Lewis & Jenson will be on the appeal show tonight at 7.20pm. Dig deep for ...
wish work email didn't have subject lines about things being "hot" esp from female name. nearly discarded as spam!...
shows how quickly we have to process info these days - litterally quick recognition in milliseconds - spam or not -> action.
@OzoneVibe thought for a minute you were going to admit to a proper hottub. In which case it would be party at dave's !
@OzoneVibe some friends have a proper hottub, but it's rarely open (or they don't want us!) - very expensive to run.
@etherealtype probably chicken pad thai. sounds yummy. Planning to make enchilladas here.
not even had time to watch any #childreninneed yet inc. #f1. had to pop to shop. Dinner now in oven at last.
@GreatButton @vixisabel "life related" ok then... that would be random bable then ;-) #FF #F1
@GreatButton oops sorry - added in error. but thanks for timing. Hope it was good. will watch recording later!
@vixisabel it's quite fun going theme related on the #FF - "straight" is too boring ...
@vixisabel actually if anything I found it quicker! guess I'm a whizz at BS s/times but there's usually insight in there s/where . ;-) #FF
so no time for #theevent yet. sitting down and watching TV still on the horizon ...
How is #childreninneed going? interesting segments?
got *really* fed up with mobile coverage when out walking. had to make 2 calls but coverage *stinks*. the new three mast 15/12 better fix it
tempted to experiment with vodafone PAYG for a month so I can make a decision come dec.
@honeybee85 Enjoy getting up for work tomorrow ;-) Hope the job works out even if not f1
feeling out of the loop on #cin - have promised to watch theevent first then catching up...
@honeybee85 how early a start. presumably not 6am (seling so more like 9?)
@honeybee85 not so bad then. enjoy. now.. off to finally watch some tv..

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