Monday 27 September 2010

From Twitter 09-27-2010

@tomacintosh ok, yep fair comment, though since timeline is pretty rapid anyway guess it hasn't bothered me so far.
@RachaelEdwards well the RBR receptionist apparently flew out with some spare parts to Singapore....
@Amy_Walker not good, but there's always the friday tweetup & new car on saturday :-)
@Amy_Walker I'm sure your twitter friends will help ...
sleep time for me. cheeky peek at work email - not too bad, and some answers I neede so hoping for effective day tomorrow (later!)
puppies being more mobile and causing a few issues. Heading to gym/work but wonder if I'll be back once wife heads to work...
@ThreeUKLatest Hi - I tried to comment on a blog posts today a few times, but both firefox & chrome return a blank page. Is there a fault?
use dual monitors on work laptop at home shows how poor my analogue monitor out is compared to DVI. Sadly home doc stn doesn't have DVI :-(
I really want to use 2 independent screens on 2 seperate windows (7) boxes to access a single desktop on one of the boxes. ideas?
think I need some kind of virtual screen driver which works over IP...
@adrianh Could be worse - stuck in place with a) no signal b) just GPRS not edge - so at least you're on 3/4 1 #edge #sucks
@opensourcerer Am on O2 but would recommend @bebroadband (same network, telefonica, just diff T&Cs /££/limits now) . Only go LLU tho #opal
@ThreeUKLatest i realise they're moderated -- the issue was after I hit SUBMIT I got a blank page back rather than "your comment submitted"
@ThreeUKLatest or similar, so wasn't sure if there was a tech issue. If not you may have dups...
headache coming back :-(
@saltyF1 thanks quick fix applied - nasal spray added to the mix too... Adding some energy drink & back to the work...
@saltyF1 No, I'm working, I'm not on the spirit (yet?) ... ;-)
anyone else regularly getting https timeout errors with google chrome. using dev+w7 x64 and it's so annoying...
@xplane0202 yes I did, I just wrote the wrong thing. This is on #chrome beta though have dev on linux - and this also fails
PC a) - single screen, applications PC b) single screen . Would like apps running on a) to display spanned on a+b
@jon_read so would need to have a "virtual" display driver in a) that actually displays on b) -- ie a thinks it's now dual monitor
@angryjedi To use both screens for some work where I don't have right cables for direct hw connectivity to 2nd monitor
@jon_read VNC/RDP will let me view screen from another pc, synergy will share keyboard. Virtual driver would address diff use case
@angryjedi would require new dock or hdmi-dvi convertor and dvi switcher
@angryjedi was just musing as to something that could be useful, but can't see any decent implementations. limits & ££
decision time. Lunchtime. not feeling 100%. Do I tackle gym (result being I either a) feel great b) feel much worse) or skip for today?
thinking skipping gym. head+nose+.bit wobbly -- bite to eat. work. cook. chills/jobs . spooks. bed/early gym...
#digg seems a bit broken for me -- cannot submit a story. so see - reported personal info leak from ACS law
finally a new security code from #santander arrives in post. Why did it take about 2 weeks . not too impressed with them #fail
interesting new service from ford dealer - they fit a data logger for a week to analyse/report on your driving style . idea -> save fuel !
@oldmanuk snail mail. £30 for privilige though. Ah quick google found it -> "Ford econo Check"
@oldmanuk my letter/web is also suggesting you get £15 off BP ultimate & £15 off servicing so could be nearly cost neutral..
@oldmanuk I like the idea of focusing on user behaviour/education to improve energy consumption but can imagine what I'd get told!
@oldmanuk Could have a competition too "Accelerations exceeding 0.5 g (gravitation g = 9.81 m/sec²) are considered as hard accelerations. "
@bebroadband np, even though I'm on your O2 cousin. That may change of course when the 4 letter F word happens ;-)
@bebroadband it involved big green things
@bebroadband another competitive clue - Toy Story character
@bebroadband Buzz Lightyear "to infinity and beyond" ... got it?
wondering if it's just us that has a habit of exceeding our fornightly collected recycling wheelie bin's capacity regularly?
@Soggous pretty sure ours won't collect a second. I should ask them since I pay a fortune in council tax (band G) so surely 2 bins is fair!
@Soggous or maybe if I was less careful with recycling and just put in the regular bin ... but that's hardly the intent..
sneezing's started :-(
@bebroadband did you figure it out or shall I put you out of your misery!
getting confused in some docs over overloading (IMO) of the terms "state" and "status" ..
RT @Hands0n: Cellumap Independent (people power = true) coverage maps #android @vodafoneuk @threeuklatest @o2 @tmob ...
@Hands0n @ThreeUKLatest Like the idea of this though need to have both good and bad reports/lots of data
trouble brewing - possibly out of paracetemol & energy drink supplies. Either go to bed or venture to corner shop in warm clothes... :-(
made it to get supplies, cooked dinner, definately nee a "reboot" tonight. cold/headache will be gone tomorrow. Definately. Really ....
RT @BBC_Hampshire: Ferry sailings cut to save fuel: An Isle of Wight ferry firm cuts the number of crossings it makes in the winter d... ...
RT @katiecouric: Just had lunch at a kinda fancy chinese restaurant. Egg drop soup, garlic shrimp and giant cockroach crawling across th ...
I no longer feel like a chinese tonight thanks to @katiecouric
@AndyCDoyle that's been the case via tweetdeck for an age. I assumed it was in API but haven't checked
@AndyCDoyle ha ha nice one to get interest? Go on then
@SimonLR I'd assume writes to nand get balanced across cells, but not checked, nor what the lifetime is? #NITDroid
@scientist_no_1 can't wait either. 6th Oct . can you catch on iplayer?
@SimonLR but surely the nand does wear levelling so there is a logical-physical mapping meaning it's not same cells each time #NITDroid
@scientist_no_1 there's always the UK proxy option too!
in desperation attaching cold symptoms with a total excess of pepsi max...
@SimonLR true but then it's not that diffferent to any other writes to nand - email, sms, etc? #NITDroid
@Laney_Scott ok the new harry potter film
@Laney_Scott harry potter & the deathly hallows pt 1
@Laney_Scott I'll have to get the rest of the family to look. Reminds me of "scene it" ..
son very happy @ThreeUKLatest use DPD for courier - we have a depot within walking distance, so if out, no problem #win
@sxa555 it was the only one the local tesco had on offer. Too stingy to pay full price...
@Hands0n can be very variable of course, even in a single postcode. one end of our 50m road=3-4 bars. Drops to 0 at my driveway but a start
@Hands0n gps on #n900 not too bad at juice sucking. Keep meaning to log gps+cell+sig info and map...
@sxa555 efforts to zap the lurgi. Spooks then sleep.
@tomacintosh always good when expectations exceeded. Amazon always achieve on supersaver too it seems. So feel good. Customer management
Using #khweeteur but noticing similar scrolling lag to #witter . Sounds like #qt issues?

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